Alexi Navalny’s widow calls on Russians to rise up against Putin on sham election day

Alexi Navalny’s widow calls on Russians to rise up against Putin on sham election day

Мы всё равно можем эти так называемые выборы использовать против него использовать для достижения наших с вами целей Как именно это сделать нам успел рассказать сам Алексей нам нужно использовать день выборов Чтобы показать что мы есть и нас много мы настоящие живые реальные люди и мы против Путина

Нужно прийти на участок в один день и в одно время 17 марта полдень Что делать дальше выбирать вам вы можете проголосовать за любого кандидата кроме Путина Вы можете испортить бюллетень вы можете написать на нём крупно Навальный это в любом случае не выборы Путин в любом случае не будет легитимным

Президентом ни для нас с вами ни для всего мира но в полдень 17 марта мы можем прийти и увидеть друг друга увидеть что нас много и мы сильные Здраствуйте Спасибо вам [музыка] большое СБО м боль хоро пого долгих лет дача приз вам всего самого дорого Доброго вам сейчас побывал на этом вашем

Вашем предприятии которое помидоры выращиваю слушайте супер супер таких нет больше сни поры Какие вкус Вы пробовали наш Посёлок какой красивый благодаря нашему при нам при Спасибо приезжайте Спасибо большое войне нене нене а [аплодисменты] Спасибо courage hum and know soad Sur Life ended in the way that it

Did I mean I think it Points to Two things firstly Nobody should be Under any illusions about The length Present pu will go to to silence his adversaries and indeed achieve his wider political objectives But I think it does also something else and that is You Know Putin is not invincible UM and

Inc Will Against You Know We This You Know Last The Wagner Group temporar turned on Putin All of these things Add Up to something and so Putin Might have silenced Naval had for Good But has has he silenced The Movement UM Hard to tell Нет я их просто

Подвинула а думаете все вот здесь вот так втыкать они перекроют так у хороши ро дела лагать ц Нет войне Нет войне Нет войне мы здесь власть мы здесь власть заключён свободу по заключён добры Проходите пожалуйста

Yulia Navalnaya, widow of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, called on Russians to join an election day protest at noon on March 17 and to vote against President Vladimir Putin or spoil their ballots.

In a YouTube video, Navalnaya said she had drawn hope from the huge crowds that turned out last week for the funeral of her husband, who died in an Arctic penal colony on Feb. 16, and who since then have submerged his grave in a sea of flowers.

She urged people to join the March 17 action that Navalny, Russia’s best known opposition figure, had called for shortly be died. His idea was that people could register a protest, without any risk of arrest, by all turning out en masse at the same time on election day in cities across the country.

– Contents of video –
00:00 – 01:02 – Navalny wife urges Russians to protest at elections
01:02 – 02:02 – Putin hugs and kisses voters – Text explainers over
02:02 – 02:11 – Expert comments about election corruption
02:11 – 02:46 – Navalny funeral recap with text explainer
02:46 – 03:52 – Expert on Navalny and Putin ‘losing support’
03:52 – 05:20 – Footage showing backlash and protests at Navalny funeral on Friday last week

Read related:
Paranoid Putin ‘ordered FSB to save him from full-scale Soviet Union-style revolt’ in wake of Navanly’s death

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  1. He’s only being nice to them for election ..he’s a creep he needs to go..the whole world is watching him .. and wants rid of him

  2. ถ้าเอามันเราก็เลือกปฏิบัติซื้อพวกรัสเซียที่อยู่ตามบ้านผู้ใหญ่ข้าราชการเห็นเนรเทศออกจากเมืองไทยทั้งหมดเลยคนรัสเซียจะสายนี้เท่านั้นที่ฉันจะรับเข้าทำงานด้วยเป็นคนใหม่พวกคุณไม่รู้จัก

  3. We will never see a braver couple than Alexey and Juliana. Pause for a moment and reflect upon their bravery. His name should never be forgotten. I feel sure that this could be the beginning of the end for Putin

  4. Putine en campagne encore veut prendre la place dictateur despote, Navalny Navalny est ds nos cœur !!! Notre Héros notre l homme t brave on va continuer le combat !!!

  5. 😮🥴🥴🫣🫣 putin si – a adus câțiva,,alegători" controlați până la piele care stau înte milițieni și KGB – iști ca într- un sandwich…👎👎👎👎👎 Criminalul mincinos, stupid , sociopat , stanilist , LAȘ, , IMPERIALIST ,iliberal etc.

  6. Не дождётесь Путин будет президентом всегда.после себя поставит приемника сильнее себя и умнее себя,а пятой колоне в России жить, по волчьи выть

  7. Навальная на поклон к Байдэну слетала,теперь точно за Путина. Голосовать пойду и всем советую

  8. It's all fear not love! They would Love to come to America and be free! Almost all Russians have never tasted freedom and if they did their Love for putin will fade. Its like the people of Russia are in a abusive relationship, they love him cause he takes care of them by a resemblance of a healthy community, but they have no idea how deep the cost is! He commits crimes against humanity to keep Russians under control like poison in water and food in small doses to keep the population Dumb, From their freedom gone to letting putin do whatever he wants to whom he wants! Literally! putin only got married so he could be elected into politics cause that was a good way for a Murder assassin phycopath to look normal next to a women and of course he dropped the act after being elected and has never left! It's disgusting and barbaric and I should just do a segment on this cause nobody else will and the comment section it's way to small to explain in detail!

  9. It seems Hillary Clinton's conspiracy of crimes and murders were all against Russians and globalist operatives trying to take over American! She is still trying to this day to fight just more on camera! Hillary's 50,000 deleted emails are on how to keep trump and globalist dictators away from American! We must join the fight and keep America's purse away from crazy power and control hungry , ect.. people! Use your imagination of the crazy stuff they could do to your life! Ban books! Ban abortions! Control your life! And SO Much More! Bend your reality to their liking. You'd better hope they don't like slavery, oh wait Yes they Do!!!

  10. It makes no difference who you vote for, Putin will be the president. And i find it interesting that half of Ukrainians (or all) do not support Navalny at all

  11. I hope the good people off Russia rise up on Election Day too get Putin out off power because it will be there only chance because he will have the election results rigged so that he wins again that is for sure.

  12. Very brave just like her hubby yes stand up for your country don’t let the murderer Putin win in the next election vote him out for a free Russia don’t let him brainwash you end the war😮😮😮😮😮

  13. Как быстро она из скорбящей старухи превратилась в молодуху в красном.Эт о на нее смерть Навального так омолаживающе повлияла?

  14. Cuối cuộc đời phát xít PuTin có được như ông NAVALNI không.?
    Không mà sẽ được người dân đưa đi treo cổ như nhà độc tài nước Ý Musumily cánh tay phải của phát xít Hitle
    Dịch sang tiếng anh pháp Đức Ukraina Nhật Hàn Nga Hoa 5:23

  15. I praise your true sacrifice not only your husband but now YOU. YULIA NAVALNAYA . All the voting people in the streets on election day shouting YOUR name. Then the people will decide.

  16. Русские виноваты в войне и заслуживают санкций, они убивают украинский народ… они не знают правды, потому что того, кто говорит правду в России, арестовывают, того, кто пытается сказать вам правду, заставляют замолчать. Но вы злодеи.

  17. Thousands should take to the streets all over Russia on the day voting is supposed to take place and show their disgust at the that tyrant Putin because he will rig the vote in his favour that is for sure and damage there voting papers so they cannot be used the more that turn out the better.

  18. Truly an irresponsible woman like her husband. Aleksei always preached to his followers to go to jail willingly by standing on the sidewalk barefaced with the cellphone and wait to be arrested. He said that they cannot put everyone into jail. He had an inability to understand that in a dictatorship his views were delusional:

    1. If the FSB cannot arrest you on the spot, the CCTV cameras have facial recognition which is ideal for a maskless face to be identified.

    2. Cellphones ping off radio towers letting the FSB know who the person is. Cellphones are e-diaries and keep a record of everyone you’ve ever communicated with. So everyone else not present at the ‘street performance’ is implicated too.

    3. Dictators do put everyone into jail. They have an unofficial death penalty which comes from staged accidents, fabricated health issues, sending people to the frontlines in a war, etc. This ensures that jails never overfill.

    4. The followers Aleksei lured into jail are not kept track of later on. So if people are raped and tortured, there is no help from his organization to get them out and/or pay for medical assistance. Some say that thousands are in jail if they are still alive.

    So again, Aleksei while anti-Putin was not a bright boy and quite reckless. Yulia still does not understand because she only hangs out with other like-minded Russian Liberals (who are not liberals by western standards). She’s (and the rest of Navalny Team) never worked on a factory floor or in a low paying office job in the democratic countries she’s visited/lives in so she has no comprehension as to how to live a democratic life. Instead she lives off of the donations made to her foundation. She lives better than the average American. She had designer gowns commissioned for herself, daughter and ACF/FBK (Navalny Team) members with a different set for each occasion. All ACF/FBK live very well and are often spotted in expensive restaurants and for a student, her daughter lives quite well. One ACF/FBK (Navalny Team) member located outside of Russia, even preached to people inside Russia to risk their lives putting ‘Dead Aleksei’s name’ on the voting ballot. Ridiculous as it won’t overthrow Putin and the person could be beaten and raped by the FSB.

    On Twitter: @Legion_Svoboda (English) and on YouTube @legionoffreedom (Russian) is the true Opposition. They are good Russians fighting inside Ukraine’s Army against Putin’s troops. They have done cross border raids into Russia along the border and they work with the Russian Resistance that doesn’t stand bareface on a sidewalk. They stop trains from getting to the Front that are carrying military supplies. Some hack Putin Government websites. The Russians fighting inside Ukraine’s Army have now taken control of some villages inside Russia along the border and banned voting in Putin’s elections. This is how you stop a dictator. Not going to jail as Yulia is demanding from the safety of her luxurious home in a democracy.

  19. presidential elections in Russia is the biggest joke I have ever heard in my life, it is as if we were talking about presidential elections in North Korea or Venezuela😂😂🤡🤡

  20. Who had decide to kill Alexei Navalny, can't be hidden. But he's trying to hide his guilt. Those who support him are complicit. 😖👎👎👎

  21. Minha Linda Senhora , ele acorrentou turturou e matou o Corpo do Seu Marido Mas O. Grande Espírito De Navaly Esse , ele não consegue matar , Aleluia Grande Espírito De Navaly 🙏

  22. I like the way people have poured green paint into the ballot boxes- if enough people had done this at every polling station, there would be international proof that the only ballot papers left in condition were those fraudulently loaded into boxes BEFORE voting started.

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