UN Security Council for first time passes resolution calling for ‘immediate’ Gaza ceasefire

UN Security Council for first time passes resolution calling for ‘immediate’ Gaza ceasefire

In the last hour at the United Nations security Council a vote has passed calling for a ceasefire in Gaza it’s the first time such a vote has passed since the October the 7th attack on Israel by Hamas a significant moment then at the United Nations Let’s cross straight

There Jessica L mazaria is our correspondent at the UN she’s standing by for us now Jessica tell us a bit about what what’s happened today particularly about the uh us decision to abstain here and not to veto well the United States ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas

Greenfield explained her decision or the United States decision to abstain on this ceasefire resolution saying uh that uh it she wasn’t entirely happy with all of the language in the resolution particularly because it didn’t uh condemn the October 7th attacks and she berated Russia and China for she said uh

Still uh not having condemned those attacks uh however it is a huge deal that the United States allowed this resolution to pass it’s the first time that the security Council uh agrees and adopts a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza this resolution calls for a ceasefire during the Ramadan

Period and then the language in it which was modified at the uh in the final stages upon a request from the United States uh to call also for a lasting ceasefire ultimately originally the language said it was calling uh for a sustainable permanent ceasefire the United States objected to that and

Changed that word permanent to Lasting but still we have a strong uh short direct resolution coming out of the UN Security Council and there was a big round of applause applause in the Council chamber after this resolution passed as you say Jessica a significant moment indeed I don’t know if there’s

Been any reaction yet I’m thinking particularly perhaps of Israeli reaction right well we haven’t heard the Israeli Ambassador speak yet but we’re going to hear some strong words coming from him right before pardon me right before the vote uh Israel uh was said to have been putting pressure on the United

States with Netanyahu reportedly telling the us that he was going to cancel uh the visit of his delegation to DC if the US did not veto this resolution the US did not and we expect to hear the Israeli Ambassador uh complain about this resolution and say that it gives of

Green light to Hamas to continue committing atrocities and uh Express his discontent

The UN Security Council on Monday demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, its first demand to halt fighting in the Palestinian enclave. The US abstained from voting on the resolution, which also demanded the release of all hostages taken captive during the October 7 Hamas attack but did not link that demand to the ceasefire during Ramadan.
#Gaza #UN #ceasefire

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  1. If further terrorist atrocities are committed in other countries in the future, the blame should fall squarely on the UN and they should then be held accountable for their stupidity

  2. All that need first to realice the the isrealies hostages all of them so simple, but if the hostiges were amaricans ,we know the amswer ,most of the security cancel are against isreal so what do they care for few isrealies

  3. Come On! A ceasefire is an accord between belligerents. A ceasefire is "You stop fightnig, I stop fighting".
    It is NOT stopping an offensive unilaterally.

    Until the Hamas accepts liberating hostages, no true ceasefire is feasible.

  4. Monkey see monkey do.
    USA killed 1 mil Iraqis in their war .
    Isreal feels nothing about potentially killing millions of innocent Palestinian civilians.
    The world have no good governance.
    The big bully the small….
    I can’t wait for BRICS to rise.

  5. A ceasefire also known as a truce or armistice!

    An actor may not always intend for a ceasefire to advance the peaceful resolution of a conflict, but instead give the actor an upper hand in the conflict (for example, by re-arming and repositioning forces or attacking an unsuspecting adversary), which creates bargaining problems that may make ceasefires less likely to be implemented and less likely to be durable if implemented!

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