Germany blasted for ‘leaking British military secrets to Russia’ after top brass phone bungle

Germany blasted for ‘leaking British military secrets to Russia’ after top brass phone bungle

The leak is disappointing I wouldn’t say I’m necessarily shocked um you know when you’re involved in in a big conflict uh with a great many nations parties involved regrettably you are occasionally going to get leaks like this it doesn’t make it uh any better but but the likelihood is increased as

Always there’ll be there’ll be other things going on that were unsighted about quite quite appropriately but based on what we understand um what are the concerns well the concerns firstly are around uh British national deployments um that may or may not be taking place on the ground in in Ukraine

Uh and it is not for another Nation to talk about those compromise th those so so that is that is concerning and that’ll be a matter for Britain and Germany to discuss I think much at a much broader level uh I think NATO Nations need to be

Very very careful because all the way through NATO as an alliance has been working a close type rope to support Ukraine to the maximum degree possible without uh triggering uh disproportionate responses from President Putin and my judgment is that the NATO have done that very well

But this sort of leak uh no matter what the truth of what’s gone on what’s really happening on the ground plays right into President Putin’s hands and of course it comes only a week after president macron uh moted the idea that it is not inconceivable that uh NATO

Nations might put troops onto the ground uh in Ukraine which is discounted by other nations um but it all feeds into President Putin and his uh regime are very very smart at using the information domain and and this this gives ammunition to President Putin you know one of the things that um

President Putin and the Russians hate is being made to look incompetent um think back to their attack on Salsbury then noock attack on Salsbury you know that when the British investigation happened the the the the Russians were made to look genuinely incompetent that’s embarrassing whenever you the Russians are hit the Crimea

Bridge is hit it makes the Russians look incompetent and Putin really really doesn’t like that it compromises His image of strength but but it kind of works both ways you know when when NATO Nations appear to demonstrate uh poor trade craft uh that is that that again gives

Ammunition to President Putin but it’s not good it is not good for for the NATO alliance it’s not good for Germany as as a nation that we know are looking to increase their their defense spending that is that is in our Collective interest that Germany do that um but but

It doesn’t look good when this s of what appears to be a very amateurish um mistake gets made and I I reiterate once again we we don’t know for certain what what’s gone on behind the scenes and there’s always with these things there’s more than meets the eye but based on

What we know it does look it looks like an amateurish uh security leak I mean it’s down you know very much down to um the German government the German um Ministry of of Defense um I mean what often happens with these security leaks is that I would expect there to be a full

Investigation at one level that’s a national investigation by the Germans I think because this has a international uh flavor to it the United Kingdom will be interested in the results of that investigation as indeed will NATO and you conduct these investigations to try to ensure they don’t happen again learn

The lessons and critically you know other nations including the United Kingdom should be cautious of uh throwing stones because all nations are vulnerable to this sort of human error this sort of leak uh and I would hope very much if there is an investigation in Germany that the lessons of it are

Shared widely across the NATO alliance so all nations uh can can learn from it I mean at the most extreme version um uh the some kind of sanction could could be taken taken against uh him but but yeah I mean that’s clear a German matter I can’t speculate on the likelihood or

Otherwise of that being the case going into you know now entering the third year of the war the mood feels very different um the on the ground found uh at a tactical level low-level tactical level for the first time really since very early in the war the

Russians just seem to have the the advantage you know they they’ve taken out via the ukrainians uh gave that terrain up uh the the kind of tactical moves are coming from the Russians and that that is of course a cause for concern for the for the

Ukrainians um but but but it’s it’s not all about that elsewhere the ukrainians still are are doing really impressive things they continue to place the Russian Black Sea Fleet at Jeopardy um they’re mounting a very impressive Maritime campaign they’re continuing to strike deep into into Russia so elsewhere the the ukrainians are doing

Well but as down on the ground the ukrainians appeared have seeded a bit of an advantage what what comes next is difficult because we’re still still paying the price or the ukrainians are paying the price for NATO Nations frankly Dilly dallying through last winter so so too too long was spent

Discussing do we provide tanks don’t we provide tanks do we provide f-16s don’t we provide f-16s and and we’re still paying the paying the price for that um so you know president zalinski has been much more measured than last year about what his intentions are um but they’ve got to

Do something through through this uh through this spring and summer to to retake some kind of initiative back off the Russians exactly what that’s going to look like I think T time will tell so on the election as you say I mean it’s not really an election at all

It’s a sham process um so I think we can be pretty clear about the outcome of that can I conceive the situation when where NATO forces are involved directly in Ukraine I mean never say ne never it is not completely inconceivable I think it is highly unlikely um I think that because the

Reality is Ukraine are not a NATO member um and so Article 5 does does not apply um and I I I mean I think I think just NATO as an alliance would be very very cautious of going that step and I I wonder what the publics of NATO nations would would

Feel about that so I wouldn’t say it’s absolutely inconceivable but I think it’s highly unlikely uh that NATO forces would be formally committed you know discreet advice trading support you that that sort of thing on kind of Undeclared basis and I I have no inside knowledge

About what they are or are not doing but that sort of thing would not be you know is not unusual but but formal troops on the ground not inconceivable uh and indeed I I think there’s an argument for keeping Putin guessing a little bit in that

Regard but but I think it’s it’s highly unlikely

GERMANY has been dubbed Nato’s weakest link after an embarrassing intelligence leak which saw British military secrets splashed across Russian state TV.

Berlin’s reluctance to send vital kit to Zelensky’s forces along with its “appalling Nato security breach” should see “heads roll”, a security analyst has warned.

Read more:
How Germany has become Nato’s ‘weak link’ against Putin after ‘Brit troops in Ukraine’ leak & dragging heels over arms

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  1. The ONLY way this could POSSIBLY play into Putin's hands is IF the west wants to continue to allow him to have his way! Just say, YES WE HAVE SOME TROOPS AND IF YOU DONT GET OUT WE ARE GONNA SEND IN MORE!

  2. This is why the EU army is a ridiculous idea. We're not even supposed to be in the EU and yet we are getting dragged into the stupid backstabbing games played in the EU.

  3. HA HA HA This leak was done on purpose. Germany was always reluctant to start a direct war with Russia. Don't believe in a second that German top military guys (you ever hear of famous German military discipline) will carelessly chat for 40min on unsecured tel.lines about the EU plans to collectively attack Russia & will send to the corrupted, demoralized Ukrainian army their top secret weapons. It will be sold immediately on the black market & eventually fall in the hands of Russians.

  4. Man U tried EVERYTHING to drag the west and stupid Americans to fight in Ukraine. No luck. They DID took ALL Ukraine's GOLD the moment they got there. Russians were there for EVER and they left it when they left Kiev. It's easy to see who is what now.

  5. تمام پدیده های مادی و معنوی مخلوقات در تحت کنترول و تصرفیت کامل خالق نظام آفرینش (آلله ج) قرار دارند. بنابرین بمب اتم و یاهر چیزی دیگر به مشیت (اجازه وخواست) آلله متعال ساخته شده اند و همچنین با مشیت (اجازه وخواست) آلله متعال مورد استفاده قرار خواهند گرفت وبس

    All things (materials, intellects, spiritualities) are under the decisive dominion and control of ALLAH The Almighty alone. Thus, nothing can take place without the permission of ALLAH, such as man inventing the atomic bomb or setting one off.

    اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

    ……. قُلْ إِنَّ الْأَمْرَ كُلَّهُ لِلَّـهِ ۗ……… ﴿آل عمران: ١٥٤﴾3:154

    بگو (ای محمد): در حقیقت امر«(سررشته‌ی) همه امور (در عالم هستی) تنها در ید قدرت آلله است .»

    Say you (O Muhammad SAW): "Indeed the affair (and all affairs) belongs wholly to ALLAH." ….3:154

    آپ فرما دیجئے (اے رسول): "بے شک سارے اختیارات اللہ کے لئے مکمل طور پر تعلق رکھتا ہے."


    …………. وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ قَدْ أَحَاطَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عِلْمًا ‎﴿الطلاق: ١٢﴾65:12

    ‏و اینکه علم الله به همه چیز احاطه دارد!

    And that ALLAH surrounds (comprehends) all things in (His) Knowledge.65:12

    اور یہ کہ اللہ نے ہر چیز کا (علمی) احاطہ کر رکھا ہے۔


    وَمَا تَشَاءُونَ إِلَّا أَن يَشَاءَ اللَّـهُ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ كَانَ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمًا ﴿الانسان-٣٠﴾.76:30

    و شما (بشر) هیچ چیز را نمی‌خواهید مگر اینکه آلله بخواهد، خداوند دانا و حکیم بوده و هست!

    But you cannot will, unless ALLAH wills. Verily, ALLAH is Ever All-Knowing, All-Wise.76:30

    اور تم نہیں چاہتے ہو مگر وہی جو آلله چاہتا ہے بےشک اللہ بڑا جاننے والا، بڑا حکمت والا ہے


    لا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیم

    هیچ تغیر و تحول کمی و کیفی در تمام پدیده های کاینات رخ نمی دهد مگر به اجازه الله

    No quantitative or qualitative changes occur in all the phenomena of the universe except by the permission of ALLAH

    کائنات کے تمام مظاہر میں کوئی مقداری یا معیاری (کوالٹیٹو) تبدیلیاں نہیں آتیں سوائے اللہ کی اجازت کے۔


    اللَّـهُ خَالِقُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ ۖ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَكِيلٌ ﴿الزمر-٦٢﴾39:62 لَّهُ مَقَالِيدُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۗ وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِآيَاتِ اللَّـهِ أُولَـٰئِكَ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ ﴿الزمر-٦٣﴾39:63

    آلله متعال آفریننده تمام چیزهاست و او بر تمام چیزها کارساز است.// کلیدهای آسمانها و زمین از آن اوست. کسانی که آیات آلله را باور نمی‌دارند ایشان زیانکاران اند

    ALLAH Almighty is the Creator of all things, and He is the Wakil (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardi-an, etc.) over all things.39:62 To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. And those who disbelieve in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) of ALLAH, such are they who will be the losers.39:63

    اللہ تعالی ہی ہر شے کا خالق ہے اور وہی ہر چیز کی کارساز کرنے والا ہے // زمین و آسمان کی تمام کنجیاں اسی کے پاس ہیں اور جن لوگوں نے اس کی آیتوں کا انکار کیا وہی خسارہ میں رہنے والے ہیں

  6. NATO are fighting Russia it clarified what NATO were trying to hide. Now Russia can publically defend its country Russia as is his duty. He has no NATO backing yet but maybe ??. NATO are longing for ww3 along with America who are well known warmongers and weaponizing for war.

  7. It’s no secret that it’s inevitable that NATO and allies will soon be in a military conflict with Russia so I don’t understand why everybody is being critical of Germany. Let’s just all get over it and say that action taken in the future will ensure no further leaks (I’m not saying Trump won’t leak security matters which he probably will) and once again the alliance can get back on track.

  8. Sham election in Russia?
    Putin has an 80% approval rating by western polling. Someone with an 80% approval rating does not need to put his political opponents in prison or kill them, nor kill journalists, nor anyone else. The main stream media always call him a dictator. How is someone with an 80% approval rating a dictator or need a sham election? The Democrats think Biden can win with less than a 40% approval rating. So where are the elections not adding up? Not Russia.

  9. Germany and France are "birds of a feather", you can´t trust their actual governments. Germany the government is a flop and in France one cannot rely on the majority of the population.

  10. When the monarchy stops auctioning information on our armed forces and the government stops brutalising them we can take issue with a foreign government doing anything remotely similar. If this country gave a rats arse about its soldiers we would be a republic right now…

  11. British soldiers have been their for ages.

    Legacy media clearly doesn't watch the same YT channels everyone else is watching such as Funker530.

  12. GRU has much stronger intelligence than the Western world, the West CIA, etc. Westerners rely on technology while Russia relies on the people on the field, they are doing espionage on the old fashioned way. The director of the CIA admitted that when Obama was the president.

  13. Why did he say “doesn’t matter what the truth is it plays into putins hand” if our tax’s are funding a war and our army is there think the public should decide if it matters 😂

  14. Jesus Christ..We had an Excellent relations with Russia..Germany had five or six Consulates in Russia including the embassy in Moscow..I Love Russia I lived in Moscow for About two years i learned Russian language and culture..Russia is an wonderfull Country..and I have a lot Russian Friends..We are more than Friends..I was treated very well during my I just hate Listening to such News.. people Must understand that Russians are awosome they are friendly they are loyale and very Generous !!!..and I Will never change my point of view or betrayed them..!!! от души мои друзья !!!

  15. Вчера у моей жены и дочери отрезали голову русские окупанты. И вот моя история. Только пожалуйста прочитайте до конца.: Доброго вечора. Мене звуть Арсен, я родом із України. Все, що пишуть кремліботи путлера або агенти кремля – це неправда. Я живу на вулиці Степана Банденри будинок 29. Щодня нас обстрілюють російські оккупанти. Але ми тримаємося тому, що у нас у підвалі є польські військові, які захищають нас від цих окупантів. Щовечора я приношу Нашим польським захисникам свою доньку для тимчасової втіхи, щоб моя дочка спала з польськими солдатами, а моя дружина працює з американськими найманцями. Моя дружина каже що американці в плані втіх та задоволень краще ніж німецькі найманці. Я сам щоночі підробляю чистильником туалету для арабських найманців, які живуть у нас у Києві. Наш український народ обов'язково здобуде повну перемогу над росією. Ми Українці народ сміливий відважний і відстаємо нашу перемогу над путіним. Перемога буде за нами. Ще я за нетрадиційну сексуальну орієнтацію. У нас в Україні усі чоловіки за ЛГБТ співтовариство. У нас усі чоловіки особи з нетрадиційною сексуальною орієнтацією, а всі жінки активно вступають у зв'язок із арабськими найманцями. Всі наші діти дуже люблять працювати за їжу, люблять спати коли у ліжку знаходиться найманець з будь-якої країни світу. Ми любимо витрачати гроші на спа салони та салони за доглядом за шкірою. Це все тому, що наші доблесні наймані військові зі США дуже люблять гладку шкіру. Ми обов'язково переможемо у цій війні, бо ми Українці доблесний народ. Перемога буде за нами. Слава Україні, героям слава. Нехай Україна буде символом дикої рослини під назвою Елда. Вона росте лише на свободі. Тому Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна.а – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна.🙏🇺🇦🇺🇸🙏 🇺🇸🇺🇦🙏🇺🇸🇺🇦🙏🇺🇸🇺🇦🙏🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸🙏

  16. Get out of Ukraine while you can. Cut the BS admit you lost and go home. Just think, no UK no US, no France, No Germany, no Poland, no Canada. Ukraine corruption could facilitate a few more weapons & ammo just let Ukraine fight for themselves. But wait, the CIA meddling, of course.

  17. NATO propaganda is trying to distort what is happening in its favor. It's not Russia listening to the NATO military, it's the NATO military discussing how to destroy a civilian bridge in Russia. Several civilians have already died from the attacks on the Crimean bridge. imagine that someone will publish a dialogue of the Russian military, who are discussing how many missiles are needed before destroying the London Bridge or the golden bridge in the United States.

  18. British and America's troops there 😂 and ad UK civilian think it's playing with fire that the people don't want another war sick to death of wars especially being at war in Afghanistan and Iraq and African missions covert operations spending to much on war and not eny at home

  19. 😂😂😂 Stupid UK playing the real part. What secret does the British has at all worthy of perusing. Rishi should know that England dont have any clout in the military domain. You are just jokers.

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