Baltimore Key Bridge collapse: the Dali ship’s movements in the lead up to the hit

Baltimore Key Bridge collapse: the Dali ship’s movements in the lead up to the hit

A bridge in the US city of Baltimore has snapped and collapsed after a ship collided with one of its support columns.
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Rescuers are searching the water for survivors and the state’s governor has declared a state of emergency. A video analysis shows the ships movements in the moments before the collision.

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#Baltimore #BaltimoreBridge #US

  1. America was blatantly, openly, cheerfully attacked today by China and their belived child Singapore. It can not and will not go unresponded to and it should not.
    There will be a response. The people far above Joe Biden will tell him that it must be responded to and let him make it sound like his idea.
    But this should be and will be responded to and very harshly as it should be.

  2. Why was the port anchor droppped? It's the ONLY reason the ship turned RIGHT INTO the pillar. Watch the video at 4x and it is an obvious deliberate turn right into it.

  3. Was the ship insured? Was the bridge insured? What was on that ship? Very shady stuff. Ships don't drift away then loose power all of a sudden.

  4. So they aimed it at the beam. Turned off power for their alibi; turned it back on to refine the aim while slamming on the gas to maximize damage. Russia and/or China is behind this.

  5. Youd think for something so catastrophic.. that thered be safety measures in place… or some sort of crash proof barrier around the structure or something…

  6. Well in regards to the anchor, with the looks of the anchor chain, the moment of the allision, the anchor was dropped lately. I hope the Bosun and the Chief Officer Survived 😟

  7. Why so much black smoke? Usually that means alot more fuel is being pushed. Usually poor combustion. Not the right fuel and air mix ratio. Is this not how this works on a ship too?

  8. Since there were no billowing oceanic waves present in the water that night, where did the force(s) come from to knock the ship off its initial trajectory towards the open waters and redirect it towards the bridge pillar?

  9. the big question is – why it veered to the right, towards the pylon) after power came back on and black smoke?… Did they go full power reverse (which could be correlated to the the black smoke) and then "prop-walk" effect caused it to swerve to right… Why did not they just let coast, seems it would have just cleared it…. waiting for NTSB to do their due diligence and what happened?…

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