Moment huge earthquake strikes captured on cameras across Taiwan

Moment huge earthquake strikes captured on cameras across Taiwan

Taiwan’s strongest earthquake in 25 years has killed seven and injured at least 700, the moment it started has been captured on video across the country.

The quake, given a magnitude of 7.2 by Taiwan’s earthquake monitoring agency and 7.4 by the US, caused buildings to collapse and landslides on the island.

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#Taiwan #Earthquake #NaturalDisaster #News

  1. Don’t worry too much.
    Major earthquakes in Taiwan occur roughly every 25 years. The 921 earthquake in 1999 was the biggest earthquake I’ve ever experienced. The epicenter was in Nantou, and the quake was so powerful that it caused the ground to arch up to the height of two stories. The second floor became the first floor, and the first floor was buried underground like a basement.
    After 25 years, the Hualien earthquake occurred, but based on time estimates, it might be another 25 years before we encounter another earthquake over magnitude 7. After the release of energy, Taiwan is actually safer.

  2. I'm born in America but i'm half chinese/latina. I moved to Taiwan and it's been ten years. I felt little earthquake during those Years. But this was the first strongest earthquake i felt, luckily i'm unharmed. But others ain't so lucky and It's so heartwarming to have support from other countries!! ❤❤❤

  3. Seismic coefficient, also known as earthquake-resistant coefficient, refers to the horizontal acceleration coefficient in earthquake zones. It is the estimated maximum ground acceleration value (G: gravitational acceleration) that may occur in a region during an earthquake. 0.25G to 0.4G is considered a strong earthquake of magnitude 6, while above 0.4G is a major earthquake of magnitude 7.
    After the 921 Great Earthquake in Taiwan in 1999, the government made nationwide amendments to the "Earthquake-resistant Design Code for Buildings" and the "Concrete Structure Design Code". The "design seismic force" regulations were changed from "moderate earthquake zone" to "strong earthquake zone" for all areas except Taipei and Kaohsiung. The design seismic force was also adjusted from 0.23G to 0.33G. Since 2003, all buildings with building permits issued by the Taiwanese government can withstand a magnitude 6 strong earthquake.
    Since 2006, for buildings with building permits issued after 2006, excellent construction companies have deliberately improve the earthquake resistance coefficient to 0.4G, which means that their buildings can withstand a magnitude 7 earthquake.
    In addition, the use of steel is a basic element of earthquake resistance. The steel used in high-rise buildings constructed in Taiwan in recent decades is new steel, and no processed scrap steel is used to ensure earthquake resistance.

  4. The amount of footage from different angles we have when things like this happen now is insane. Before we would have to dig deep to find new perspectives, now we're getting compilations packed in a 1 minute video.

  5. I was in Taiwan, it was a beautiful experience to me but the highways and Hualien is soo hilly, I prayed hard that no earthquake happened during my travel there but 4 months later this happened

  6. قال الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام : " اللهم إني أعوذ بك من زوال نعمتك وتحوِّل عافيتك وفجاءة نقمتك وجميع سخطك" . رواه مسلم

  7. А мужика в бассейне могло бы просто вынести потоком воды вместе с ограждением )

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