Who knew British girls can look pretty? All it takes is 3 buckets of paint

Who knew British girls can look pretty? All it takes is 3 buckets of paint

by Cubelock

  1. Bruh also they wear the sluttiest clothes with ton of makeup. I had a friend who came from UK to Prague recently and she was wearing this tight short dress with pink/yellow color. Literally clothes the cheap prostitutes wear in those countries.

  2. Why? Barry is drunk when he leaves the pub and wouldn’t notice the difference.

  3. She is really cute… before putting on any make up, afterwards she looks like she is about to give mer her prices for sexual acts (also ugly as hell).

  4. The end is literally just a different type of Engliah girl. Most of my class looked like that.

  5. Sad once she hits 28 she will be obese and have 4 kids from 4 different fathers.

  6. This comment section is easily the worst I’ve seen here, and that says something lmfao. Please all you fat fucks, post pics of yourselves here before you judge other people. She’s objectively pretty, and you ugly fucks calling here a whore. Genuinely, spend less time watching porn and go outside. Who knows, maybe yall meet some immigrants and stop being literal ultra nationalits.

  7. When I was in England the first time they told us the Vikings took all the pretty women back to Sweden and that’s why things are the way they are.

  8. After cleaning off her make up, she went from max 5/10 to minimum 8/10. Then back to 5 when she put it on again

  9. i love that this is just as incomprehensible to you continental types as berndeutsch or occitan is to me

  10. A little nitpicky but it bothers me that she obviously has pale skin with pink undertones but the foundation is darker with yellow undertones

  11. As an afro alsacian, even with my blonde extensions i cannot look that scandinavian.

  12. Cuter without a ton of make UP.
    No one IS perfect , so perfect faces scares me

  13. She looks British the whole time.

    You can generally spot British people.

  14. She looked better the less makeup she had on. Why do people paint themselves orange? Sure you might look like a literal vampire, but who cares? Own it.

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