Cloud seeding involves manipulating clouds to help produce more rain. #Shorts #Dubai #BBCNews

Dubai and parts of the United Arab
Emirates have been hit by record
flooding this week There’s Been lots of
speculation that cloud seeding is to
blame but scientists say this is
misleading cloud seeding means
manipulating existing clouds to help
make it rain this can be done by
dropping salt or small particles into
clouds water vapor can then condense
more easily and turn into rain the UAE
has been doing it for years to help with
water shortages un confirmed reports
suggest cloud seeding did take place the
day before the floods but scientists say
that even if that was the case the
seeding would at best have had a minor
effect on the storm that hit the gulf
and we do know that ahead of the floods
computer models were already predicting
well over a Year’s worth of rain to fall
in 24 hours scientists also say This
Record rainfall is consistent with how
the climate is changing as the planet
gets warmer the air can hold more
moisture which can fuel storms and
increase the intensity of rain

  1. Cloud seeding has been a thing since 1946… you would think, rather believe some conspiracy people would look it up and READ about it.
    Stupidity is a disease

  2. These scientists work for the elite why would they tell you the truth, then why did he say if it did have an effect it would be minor 😂😂😂 these ppl really think we are stupid, it's happening all over the world not just the UAE, The only thing I've noticed bout this winter is all the rain we've been getting, then they tell us we've had warmest Jan Feb March on record 😂😂😂 I dunno bout you but its freezing where I live no warmth at all

  3. Why wouldn't they do this over deserts? Or places experiencing droughts? Why do it in a place that's about to experience a monsoon the next day?

  4. So computer models were already predicting "well over a year's worth of rain in 24 hours" but they still decided to cloud seed anyway just incase that wasn't enough rain?!? 🤔

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