When there’s fowl play in your dream job #Mandy #iPlayer

how many times must I tell you not to
bring your ladder in here this is a
professional nail salon not whatever
sort of place you should keep a very
long ladder my little babies my meil
ticket out of here what do you mean
think I might have found my true call-
in-law I love being eye up it’s just me
the birds and God up there what I worry
about you you don’t even wear safety
equipment oh safety equipments for
snowflakes slower snowflex and the
so-called professionals but slip and die
a slip and die we’ve all got to go
sometime why not not go what’s falling
off a ladder without a harness and an
accident that was easily preventable I
think that’s Mandy how dare you no
Mandy I think that is bird on
your shoulder yeah it will be closer to
the birds aren I oh go home Mandy you
are hygiene Hazard this is a three star
establishment I’ll go another

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