Coral turns white and dies due to record ocean heat. #Shorts #Coral #BBCNews

the ocean is really really hot and it’s
having devastating effects when Coral
gets too hot it gets stressed and turns
white known as bleaching it might look
pretty but it means the coral is ill and
decaying and now for the fourth time
there’s been a global Mass bleaching
according to the US National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration that’s bad
news cuz Coral sustains sea life fishing
and on top of that creates trillions of
dollars of Revenue every year we’ve
known climate change has been heating up
the ocean for a while cuz the gas is
emitted when we burn oil coal and gas
are absorbed by the water and last year
the coast of Florida was as warm as a
hot tub El Nino a natural climate event
was part of the reason for such warm
otions too now we’re seeing the global
damage it’s causing researchers say
they’re angry that it’s allowed to
happen and the coral can recover from
bleaching but it needs several years

  1. So we worried coral is getting too hot because we can make a trillion dollars a year off it? The most ignorant argument I've heard using climate change as the cause.

  2. The coast of Florida was NOT as warm as a hot tub. It was reported globally one time and never spoken about again because it was one weather station in extremely shallow water that was registering air temperature, not water temperature.
    You can't sell your program by lying all of the time.

  3. These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh. Ezekiel 47:8‭-‬9

  4. Rising sea levels should lower the temperature at that depth . Are we certain it's warmer courents and not pollution?
    Florida in August is always a hot tub … at 30ft.

  5. When scientists put there names to false and misleading information they should have their qualifications rescinded.
    NOAA has been found to have tailored research to suit a Agenda .
    A reputable and respected organisation no more

  6. Coral goes through cycles just like everything, stop with the the climate alarmist posts.
    On a totally unrelated topic, my dog woke up this morning panting for the first time that I can remember… irrefutable evidence of total global and universe warming….. if only there was a tax that could be applied to cool the planet down…. 100 degrees C should be enough.

  7. Bluish camera compared to real camera with correct calibration.
    Global warming and Global Freezing are natural phenomenons. Humans have just sped up the warming which means freezing will come sooner as well.

    Ice that in the ocean won’t raise sea level because it’s already in there taking up space but the ice on land will increase it.

    We won’t have enough fuel to stay warm for next ice age. We need fusion technology fast.

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