Ukraine’s ‘Harry Potter castle’ set ablaze by Russian missile strike in Odesa

Ukraine’s ‘Harry Potter castle’ set ablaze by Russian missile strike in Odesa

Да давай
нут подали тоже да
Здорово тестерна она с водой
я оце все бачу чила чула і переді мною
був зби збита ракета і я це все почула
це прямо переді мною було двері всі
відчинилися скло тряслось дуже сильно і
потім ми побачили ось це і до цього ми
ще хотілосяди піти гуляти але слава богу
нас тут на даний момент не було
for about0 all over Ukraine but in
a children and Women
приві привітайся притайся
сім’ю шипилу
показати зверніть увагу Анастасія 14го
шановні пані та панове їх
високоповажності президент України
Володимир Зеленський та генеральний
секретар НАТО
НС вчасна підтримка нашої армії сьогодні
позитиву в цьому пункті Я поки що не
бачу поставки є вони пішли потрішки
пішли треба цей процес
пришвидшити і третій пункт
найголовніше одне питання коли є гроші
це дуже важливо і ми ще раз вдячні нашим
партнерам але для нас дуже важливо що за
ці гроші ми
отримуємо тут є у нас
дійсно очікуєми позитив Я думаю ми
будемо отримувати це постачання Слава
Богу що після скликання нашої ради Ми
отримали відповіді що
в процесі не буде пауз в цьому щодо
додаткових систем pпетрит ми працюємо
тут поки що немає такої потужної
конкретики яку ми очікуємо від партнерів
є перші кроки Ми сьогодні обговорювали з
з генсеком а також де ми бачимо Ми з
нашого боку працюємо і аналітично ми
розуміємо в яких державах що є є
відповідні длоги ми працюємо над
системами pтріот Я думаю як тільки вони
будуть в Україні чого в Україні Чого всі
очікують Я думаю ми ми з вами будемо це
відчувати російська армія зараз
намагається використати на свою користь
ситуацію коли ми очікуємо постачання від
партнерів передусім від Сполучених
Штатів Америки саме тому оператив у
постачанні буквально означає
стабілізацію фронту артилерія 155 калібр
далекобійна зброя та протиповітряна
оборона передусім системи петріо це те
що є у партнерів і те що має зараз
працювати тут в Україні для знищення
російських терористичних амбіцій
російська армія готується до подальших
наступальних дій питання до
вас на що Україна заслуговує
Other All are looking into What more
They can do and I expect New
soonor They
now ouribil is these ancements are
turned into Real deliveries physical
deliveries of weapons and amun as soon
as possible and this logistic Work the
practical implementation of of Delivery
of of ammunition and weapons to Ukraine
is is is
By the USP found in Europe is
responsible for that effort I’m regular
Contact with him and he is very much
aware of the urgency

Footage released by State Emergency Services of Ukraine shows firefighters battling a blaze at an educational institution in the Ukrainian Black Sea port of Odesa after it was struck by a Russian missile on Monday (April 29) leaving four dead and 28 injured.

Regional governor Oleh Kiper, writing on the Telegram messaging app, said four of the injured were in serious condition and receiving urgent treatment.

He said the injured included two children and a pregnant woman.

Ukrainian navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk, in a posting on a military Telegram channel, said the strike was conducted by an Iskander-M ballistic missile with a cluster warhead. These missiles are harder to intercept.

Public broadcaster Suspilne said the roof of the building, described as a law academy, had been nearly destroyed.

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  1. You can tell Harry Potter lived there. Magical spells stopped missiles from doing any blast damage to the structure and just burnt the wooden roof leaving the frames intact and not a broken window in sight.

  2. Russians are attacking Ukrainian weapons depots and army barracks while Zelenskyy is attacking residential buildings with anti-aircraft missiles with long expired shelf life. Zelenskyy already hit Poland, Romania (a jet and a chopper were downed, 8 servicemen killed), Moldova, Belarus, numerous residential buildings and at least 4 children’s playgrounds inside Ukraine with these missiles. In this case in Odessa specific shrapnel from Zelenskyy anti-aircraft missile was found on the spot. Western missiles which are sent there are also with either expired shelf life or very close to expiration date. It’s mindboggling how many buildings were hit and civilians killed (including two hapless Polish farmers) with this ongoing criminal lunacy of Zelenskyy regime . The chance of downing Russian missile is negligible in comparison with a risk of an accident with numerous civilian casualties. To give weapons to this war criminal Zelenskyy is like giving matches and gasoline to a serial compulsive arsonist.

  3. The New York Times reported that in 8 days the Russians recaptured 12 settlements and more than 55 square kilometers of land… Ukrainians proudly flee to Lviv, and the Russians shamefully advance… The main thing is that Zelensky has limited the human rights of all Ukrainians – now it’s his personal slaves

  4. Based on the remains of the missile's destructive elements, it can be identified that the Law Academy in Odessa was hit by a NATO missile from the Buk air defense system.

    But Zelensky’s telethon will never talk about this…

  5. ⚡ Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of April 30, 2024)

    ▫ Units of the West group of troops inflicted losses on Ukrainian troops of up to 90 military personnel, three vehicles and a 155-mm M777 howitzer made in the United States in one day.

    ▫ Units of the “Southern” group of troops inflicted fire on the Ukrainian troops and amounted to up to 440 military personnel, two tanks, an armored combat vehicle, two cars, a 155-mm M198 howitzer made in the USA, a 122-mm D-30 howitzer and an electronic reconnaissance station.

    ▫ Units of the Center group of troops defeated up to 145 military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, three US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, two cars, a US-made 155-mm M109 “Paladin” self-propelled artillery mount and a US-made 105-mm M101 light howitzer.

    ▫ Units of the Vostok group of troops caused losses to the Armed Forces of Ukraine up to 100 military personnel, two pickup trucks and two 155-mm M777 howitzers made in the USA.

    ▫ Units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on clusters of manpower of the Ukrainian Armed Forces brigade with losses of over 20 Ukrainian military personnel.

    ▫ Operational-tactical aviation and missile forces of the Russian Federation hit a hangar for the assembly of light-engine attack unmanned aircraft, two warehouses for military-technical equipment, as well as manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 108 districts.

    ▫ Air defense systems shot down ten Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, six ATACMS operational-tactical missiles made in the USA and two Hammer guided bombs made in France within 24 hours.

    📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 593 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 23,619 unmanned aerial vehicles, 509 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,888 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,275 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 9,216 field artillery guns and mortars, and also 21,396 units of special military vehicles.

  6. I sincerely congratulate the Ukrainians on their new juicy laws! Ukraine is the crown of democracy and freedom:

    – forced alienation of any property for the needs of the state,

    – introduction of a curfew,

    – restriction of movement of citizens,

    – search at any time without documents,

    – prohibition of peaceful assemblies, rallies, processions, demonstrations and other events,

    – prohibition on choosing a place of stay or place of residence,

    – prohibition for citizens registered with military or special authorities to change their place of residence or stay without proper permission,

    – establishing a military tax for individuals and legal entities.

  7. Great one our dear duchess 🙏❤️🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 to take such a dangerous journey 🙏 and showing empathy which will be well appreciated by Ukraine 🇺🇦 at this sad time 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it’s so sad 😞 god bless you 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭✌️✌️✌️✌️😭😭😭😭😭😭

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