Gaza : la CIJ rejette la demande du Nicaragua contre l’Allemagne

it noted that the military
operation conducted by Israel following
the attacks of 7 October 2023 had
resulted and I quote a large number of
deaths and injuries the court remains
deeply concerned about the catastrophic
living conditions of the Palestinians in
the Gaza Strip in particular in view of
the prolonged and widespread deprivation
of food and other basic necessities to
which they have been
subjected and in the cas of the um the
proceedings we will continue to uh
refute them in
total I can tell you already now that we
will continue to do everything we can to
promote a solution of the conflict in
Gaza we remain committed to the release
of hostages to a ceasefire to the
alleviation of the immense suffering of
the civilians in Gaza and the prospect
of a two-state
solution the Nicaraguan legal team say
they’re disappointed the court didn’t
issue formal emergency measures against
Germany but have taken note that the
German government has decided to
reinstate funding to hona the United
Nations Palestinian agency which was one
of their requests they also have
described as absurd recent media
speculation that it was the Russian
government that influenced them to take
this case in the first place Shona
Murray Euro News the ha

Le Nicaragua avait demandé à la plus haute juridiction de l’ONU d’ordonner à l’Allemagne d’interrompre l’aide militaire à Israël.


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