‘Extremely disturbing’ Hainault sword rampage shows knife epidemic is back, says Sun’s Crime Editor

‘Extremely disturbing’ Hainault sword rampage shows knife epidemic is back, says Sun’s Crime Editor

knife crime in the London area has gone
up by 20% over the last 12 months this
morning we have seen the most horrific
example of knife crime that you could
possibly imagine a man in a large silver
van crashed into a house close to Hano
Tube Station in East London just before
7:00 this morning commuters were going
to work school children were in the area
there were four people seriously injured
and tragically a 13-year-old boy has
lost his life details are still very
sketchy but two of those injured are
police officers and it’s my
understanding that one of those officers
is very seriously wounded uh with a
significant what the police describe as
significant injuries uh and I understand
there is a danger that that particular
officer could lose his
hand uh this is obviously a shocking
incident we’re used to Terrible Things
occurring um there is no as of yet there
is no clear motivation that’s um emerged
uh it’s been reported locally that this
man who nobody seems to know may have
been arrested or come into contact with
police yesterday at some point I stress
that that is unconfirmed but there was a
suggestion that he was uh uh possessing
knives and then was released uh by
police as of yet that has not been
confirmed and the iopc uh um we’re not
aware that they’ve received any referral
from the Met so so things are still
sketchy uh what is certain is that from
locals is that this 36y old man has been
arrested in a mustard top having crashed
into the house he got out of the van
with a large samurai sword uh there are
videos emerged which are on social media
and they show this man carrying this
hideous weapon um he’s attacked people
apparently in the street it’s reported
that the house he crashed into a couple
of the occupants there may have been
injured um as of yet things are still as
I say unclear but a picture is beginning
to emerge of a man who was clearly
deranged in possession of a samurai
sword attacking people close to a tube
station at 7:00 this morning while
people were just going about their
ordinary business
off to work uh he is reported to have
said do you believe in God before
attacking people um does this indicate
some kind of psychosis uh is it a
paranoid schizophrenic we don’t know uh
what the police have said is that is not
terrorist related uh but they seem to
have um no clear indication of a
potential motive ambulances arrived on
the scene police were called there was
was some kind of Chase uh the officers
gave Chase showed incredible bravery um
he clambered onto some garages at top of
garages nearby uh the police were
yelling at neighbors uh to get away to
close their Windows close their doors
not to come out uh he appears to have
been sprayed at one point with a pepper
spray uh and then run off uh he was
eventually restrained um with tasers uh
which um fire 50,000 volts um sometimes
if someone’s got thick clothing they
don’t work in this occasion uh they’ve
been used the tasers to bring him under
control uh he’s now in custody he will
no doubt be examined by a doctor to see
uh if he’s mentally fit to be
interviewed uh but again I go back to
what I started by saying this is yet
another example of knife crime in the
streets of the capital and as we go into
elections tomorrow uh with mayor khah
seeking another term of office uh it is
perhaps worth considering this 20% rise
in knife crime we’re getting back to
near prepandemic
levels so you is it a weapon is it the
person some people may say but for
someone to be wielding a samurai sword
on the streets is extremely disturbing
our thoughts of course remain with the
family and friends of the 14-year-old
boy who very sadly died here this
morning we will be there to provide
every possible support to them and ens
sure we get them the answers they
need we’re also thinking of the two
members of the public who were injured
as well as Brave officers who were
stabbed during this incident the
36-year-old man arrested at the scene is
currently in hospital having suffered
injuries when his van collided with the
building he has been arrested on
suspicion of murder at this time time
given his injuries we have been unable
to interview him we know there is
speculation about his background
including police contact with him and
despite urgent and extensive checks
today we have found no trace of a prior
incident involving him so far but we
will of course continue to make those
inquiries as a matter of urgency we’re
trying to understand exactly what
happened and why this was and is a fast
moving and complex incident an
investigation and it will take us some
time to establish the facts this will be
our priority in the coming
days with the suspect in custody we are
satisfied there is no threat to the
wider Community but this is an incident
which is clearly shocked everyone and
over the coming days you will see a
significant police presence in this area
and will be remaining here increasing
our patrols and ensuring the community
are safe and supported please speak to
offices we are really Keen to speak to
anyone who witnessed this incident or
has relevant information and would ask
that they come forward as soon as
possible we are turning our Focus to The
Wider community and in particular how
the incident has impacted young people
we’ve set up a team of local officers
specifically to respond to local
concerns and finally I would like to
take this opportunity to ask people to
think very carefully about what they
post on social media there are some
graphic images circulating online and
people should consider the impact of
those on the families and those most
closely affected by this incident thank
you this attack is uh devastating and
appalling I’m sure I speak on behalf of
the entire city when I say our thoughts
and prayers are with this young child uh
this young child and his family uh what
I do know is that the police and
Emergency Services responded very
quickly to the for members of the public
the police and other Emergency Services
were well aware this was a dangerous man
with a sword they ran towards him not
thinking about their own safety to
protect other members of the uh public
in addition to this child losing his uh
life two members of the public have been
injured they both taken to hospital two
police officers have been very seriously
uh injured are in surgery uh now it
shows dangers our police officers face
every day and can I thank them as well
for their bravery
yeah what do you think of the police
officers actions well I know from
speaking to the commissioner and other
members of the Met Police Service that
they were well aware this was a
dangerous man they were aware he had a
big uh sword they were concerned about
the safety of members of the uh public
they were aware they’re risking their
own personal safety and it breaks my
heart not only that this child has lost
his life but two members of our
Emergency Services have risked their own
safety uh to make sure others weren’t
injured as consequence of this man’s
actions and I think it demonstrates to
all of us the everyday bravery of police
officers in London and indeed across the

A 14-YEAR-old boy has been killed in a horror sword attack after a man allegedly went on a rampage, injuring four others.

The tragic death of the schoolboy comes after five people including two police officers were knifed in a terrifying frenzy.

Cops this afternoon said the alleged knifeman had been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Met Police said they could find no trace of a prior incident.

Petrifying videos from witnesses near Hainault Tube Station, east London, show a man, 36, clutching the huge blade and prowling the streets as people “shrieked” in horror.

Other onlookers have claimed the boy was knifed while walking in his school uniform.

Read more:


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#hainault #knife #knifecrime

  1. I wonder how many times he announced how dangerous he was and was ignored. This is the usual pattern. The idiots will always find another object. Ban the idiots, instead of leaving them free to cause further harm to us. If the authorities are saying the issues are complex, they have stuffed up. The police on site were courageous.

  2. He was shouting do you believe in god and then stabbed a 14 year old, why are officials not calling it a religious motivated terrorist attack? Perhaps he wasnt a brown Muslim dude thats why.

  3. Who is selling these swords and machettes? In a country where people wont be able to buy a cigarette,but can buy such killing weapons is a joke,absolute joke….

  4. A taser is not the weapon to use against a sword! Mike Sullivan is right, tasers are too easily defeated even by heavy clothing. Although the officers were lucky in this case, armed officers should have intervened straight away. Why there even are armed police officers in the first place is anyone's guess if they won't show up in a case like this one.

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