Aerials show scene of Hainault stabbing attack

Aerials show scene of Hainault stabbing attack

Aerial footage taken by Sky News showed a police cordon and blood on the ground at the scene of a stabbing attack in north-east London on Tuesday.
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A man wielding a sword attacked members of the public and two police officers in Hainault before being arrested, police said. The London Ambulance Service said emergency workers treated five people and took them to hospital. Police confirmed a 14-year-old boy has died as a result of his injuries.

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#Hainault #Stabbing #London

  1. He was seen earlier watching reruns of the subpostmasters enquiry and was so sickened with what he saw that he went on a rampage….police need to explore that line of investigation…public outrage at this injustice to subpostmasters now reaching fever pitch hatred

  2. Hainault was always a lovely safe place. This is shocking. So are the comments here. A young person has been killed. Likely the person who is responsible has been failed by the state of mental health services……..but yeah lets just kick of about the colour of peoples skin and what religion they follow.

  3. Do people just go to bed feeling fine one night and then wake the next morning with a sudden urge and start acting like this?? What is going on with this cat that would make him take the life of a 13 yo who’s never done anything to him??

  4. Does the general public not know which way to hold a phone when racording,so many hold it in the upright position instead of landscape mode and don't get the view they could.

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