Boy, 14, killed in sword attack in Hainault, police confirm

Boy, 14, killed in sword attack in Hainault, police confirm

you will be aware that a serious
incident occurred here at this location
this morning police and ambulance
services were called uh and deployed to
a number of
casualties it is with great sadness um
that I confirmed that one of those
injured in the incident a 13-year-old
boy has died from their injuries he was
taken to hospital after being stabbed
and sadly died a short while
after the events of this morning are
horrific and I cannot even begin to
imagine how those affected must be
feeling my thoughts are with the injured
their families and the wider Community
as we all begin to come to terms with
what has happened and try to understand
what has happened here a 36-year-old is
currently in custody he was tasered here
at the scene
and arrested 22 minutes after the first
call was made to police shortly before
7:00 a.m. this
morning I want to confirm at present
that we do not believe there is any
ongoing threat to the wider public and
we’re not seeking any other
persons the incident does not appear to
be linked to any Act of
terrorism we know now that during the
incident five people were injured three
members of the public and two of my
local officers who were responding to
the call
two of those members of the public
remain in
hospital um thankfully their injuries
are not believed to be
life-threatening the two met police
officers are also currently in hospital
with stab
wounds both require surgery and have
significant injuries but we believe at
this stage that they were not
life-threatening was the supect so we do
not believe this to be a targeted attack
and we are establishing the
circumstances at the moment okay thank
you question

A 14-year-old boy has died after a man wielding a #sword attacked five people in north-east #London.

Two police officers and two members of the public are in hospital after the attack.

The two officers received “significant”, but not life-threatening, injuries and will undergo surgery.

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  1. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. Matthew 12:43‭-‬45

  2. 😢I am so sorry for his family 😢14 yrs old , with his whole life ahead of him..taken away by trash!..When it comes to these sort of crimes i personally feel that capital punishment should be brought back!.

  3. I noticed the attacker has a beard.
    Name the " 36 year old."
    Multiple people are seriously injured, and a boy is killed, and it's not "a targeted attack"?
    I'm surprised comments are allowed.

  4. Excuse-moi d'exister, excuse mes sentiments
    Et si j'dis que j'suis heureux avec Sadiq Khan, je mens
    Excuse-moi d'exister, excuse mes sentiments
    Rends-London sa liberté, je te l'demande gentiment!
    🇩🇿🇲🇦💕friends with 🇬🇧

  5. Hainault last night had an incident of a man brandishing 2 knives police are denying this incident. Is this the same man who killed14 year old boy in Hainault this morning. Hope his parents sue the metropolitan police out of existence. Any other country would have shot him dead or incarcerated him before he caused carnage suppose they were still doing their health and safety assessments but they did up patrols in the area. Muppets

  6. This is insane there is knife crime thats gone nuts im from Aus the knife crime is increasing. They need to somehow stop broadcasting these knife attacks in a way its kind of spreading more knife crime because its promoting people to do this kind of stuff in a way !..

  7. WHY aren't police in U.K. Armed??????? Especially as this Country has become as bad as the 'wild west'… Police should be armed, so that they can protect themselves and/or to take 'out' a person / or persons who are murdering those who are in their way.
    My condolences to the parents of the 14yr old boy, who lost his life to that EVIL predator.

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