Russia’s Deadly Ballistic Missile Attack On Odesa; Iskander-M With Cluster Warhead Flattens School

Russia’s Deadly Ballistic Missile Attack On Odesa; Iskander-M With Cluster Warhead Flattens School

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Russia attacked Ukraine’s Black Sea port city of Odesa with Iskander-M ballistic missiles. An educational institution was targeted in the attack that killed at least 4 people and left 32 others, including children, injured. Ukraine’s Navy said that the missile carried a cluster warhead making it harder to intercept. The building seen burning in videos is called ‘Harry Potter Castle’ by Odesa residents. It is the residence of prominent former MP Serhiy Kivalov, who was also wounded in the strike. Watch for more details.


#russiaukraineconflict #odesa #harrypottercastle #blacksea #port #city #ballisticmissile #iskander #moscow #Kremlin #vladimirputin #kyiv #volodymyrzelensky #russiaukrainewar #cluster #warhead

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  1. The mayor of Odessa seems oblivious to the fact that the Kvyv Banderite government shelled the Donbas civilian areas from 2014 to date killing over 14,000 civilians with no military targets around.
    NATO promised him his side would win "whatever it took".

  2. You guys are really sick celebrating cluster bomb attack on a school!! civillians and children killed and you think that its good to make shitty comments! putins nazi regime is evil but you are worse!

  3. Он рассказывает как они убивают свой народ?? Интересно его посадят или просто не станут брать живым???

  4. This castle 100% for shure bee used by the 🇺🇦 military command or intell..there for been target by 🇷🇺…remember..🇷🇺 does'nt target buildings needless…for shure

  5. Ukrainians better wake up to the fact that their country is at war with a superpower, Russia. And that no place and city in Ukraine is safe from any missile attack. All the smart Ukrainians, they have already left the country for real safety.

  6. It is amazing how comments where Ukraine is exposed for killing 14000 innocent Russian speakers are missing.
    Amongst those 14000 there were kids, too. So, why is this man complaining?

  7. Who is going for a walk in the port that is bombed every single day? Also this castle is hit by AA debris and wasn't the actual target. There were many other cases some of them shot on video where the Ukrainians positioned their air defence units in very uncompetent manner so they hit their own buildings.

  8. Who in their right mind refuse Peace and Neutrality between two superpowers? Actually Russia was kind enough to give Ukraine a dignified way out of United States trap by repeatedly offering Ukraine Peace and Neutrality. In fact Russia could had made Ukraine to submit to its Will after EiroMaidan coup d'etat when Ukraine didn't have western weapons. Ukraine is a socially sick country and zelensky his morally bankrupt

  9. Смешно, с тех, кто считает, что это Русские причастны)) Уже подтверждено, что в тот промежуток времени, не было запусков ракет, а тем более таких слабых, от настоящей Русской ракеты там бы одни руины остались до самого фундамента, а там даже окна целы))) Умора, цирк и испанский стыд.. Критического мышления, похоже у Украинцев теперь уже ноль осталось, да и в целом своих мозгов, чтобы думать самим…

  10. Slow arms deliveries seem to be an excuse for poorly trained NATO forces of Ukranistan. Many frontline Russian troops are reporting that Ukr are returning fire at normal rates seen through the conflict. Could be just another smokescreen or campaign to mount support for more sanctions, aid/cash/weapons, geopolitical support .etc

  11. So Harry Potter was killed in this shelling??……. BULLSHIT. you're a bunch of liars, hypocrites and tryin to wash dwarf's zeliskins face, you show a burned buiding, but no victims….. actually none, there's no blood in the scene, when it's a fact in all this kind of attacks, two years ago when Special Military Operation began, murderer ukranian generals order to hit Donetsk City in the middle of downtown with a Tochka U missile, then were killed 22 civilians on street and going into a bank and other shops and local business….. 22 people murdered with a HUGE rocket, the scen was horrific, people crying to their wifes, husbands and children, all killed as a military target…. all were civilians, so your media shows what zieliskin gov wants…. the truth in a half, the same thing was made in the same sense for european union leadership and british first minister when the "Bucha's Case", the E.U. press and local ukranian press and You made a fake new because zelieskin hold Boris Johnson, Ursula Von Der Liar and olaf sholz hands to visit Bucha many days after "Bucha's masacre", all of them had the chance of smell the "dead bodies" from the "victims". Was funny to see Ursula's twisted face and boris and olaf too….. the dwarf's zeleskin made a montage with fresh people alive and stinky smell on cam…. but everybody in the west belive that bulshit…. just fake news like this…. one "concerned" mayor from odesa playing a poor role on cam too…..

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