Gaza: Israel PM says Rafah attack will go ahead ‘with or without’ truce deal | BBC News

Hamas leaders are considering a new
Middle East ceasefire proposal from
Israel the deal includes a 40-day truce
in return for the release of some
hostages it would also allow for
displaced families to return to Northern
Gaza it’s reported to involve new
wording on restoring calm to Gaza that’s
designed to satisfy hamas’s demand for a
permanent ceasefire a source close to
the talks told the BBC the new proposal
from Israel is significantly different
from previous offers the US Secretary of
State Anthony blink called this deal
extraordinarily generous that view
echoed by the UK’s foreign secretary
Cameron all the pressure in the world
and all the eyes of the world should be
on them today saying take that deal it
will bring about this stop in the
fighting that we all want to see so
badly according to Israel 133 hostages
are still being held by Hamas and Gaza
at least 30 of them are presumed dead
mediators from Egypt Qatar and the US
have been attempting for weeks to broker
a deal to bring another pause in the
fighting now One Source has told the BBC
they are cautiously optimistic about the
prospects of this deal being accepted in
a development though Israel’s prime
minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that
Israel will carry out an offensive
against Hamas and Rafa regardless of
whether or not is fire deal has been
reached well as those negotiations take
place fighting continues in Gaza we’ve
seen smoke rising over the center of the
strip earlier today as airr hit the
territory the health Ministry said there
had been a further 47 deaths in the last
day it says more than
34,500 people have died since the
conflict began almost 7 months ago
following the Hamas attack on Israel on
October the 7th our Middle East
correspondent yanell is in Jerusalem
this Hamas delegation that was in Cairo
meeting Egyptian and katri mediators uh
left late yesterday and we understand
that they’re now in consultations uh
with the top Hamas leadership um Arab
media suggesting that they will get back
to the mediators um by the end of
tomorrow with their response to the
latest deal that’s on the table now uh
feeding into all of that we do have
these new comments by uh the Israeli
Prime Minister on the one hand he’s
reiterating what he’s said now for many
weeks that uh Israel is still determined
to go into Rafa in the very south of the
Gaza Strip to eliminate Mass battalions
there uh that they’ll do that with or
without a new hostage deal but obviously
the timing here is of the essence this
is a very sensitive moment um and there
are fears that you know anything could
Scupper um a new deal at this point are
you we’re just seeing pictures there of
Benjamin Netanyahu the war cabinet
continues to meet of course how much
domestic disagreement is there and
disagreement within the cabinet about
what should happen with
Rafa I mean within the overall cabinet
of of the coalition government led by Mr
net yahu you do have some really deep
divisions now and um those on the far
right have really been saying that
Israel needs to prioritize going into
Rafa um in order to win this war um one
uh farri right Minister bezel smrd said
the government had no right to exist uh
if it didn’t prioritize that and then in
response we had Benny Gans who’s a
member of the war cabin is more of a
Centrist um coming back uh saying that
the government had no right to exist if
it blocked a hostage deal uh so you can
see there is that Dynamic going on the
latest comments by Mr Netanyahu do
appear to put him more on the side of
his far-right ministers but he’s also
going to be under a lot more
International pressure in the coming
hours as we’re expecting the US
Secretary of State Anthony blinken uh to
come to meet Israeli leaders uh the US
and others have really been uh pushing
for a new deal at this point that would
bring home um Israeli hostages and in
exchange um have a sort of six day uh
six week ceasefire uh in the Gaza Strip
um and we’ve had you know various uh
Western leaders coming out saying that
this is something that that is positive
um Arab ministers supporting that as
well Yan we’ve already heard from Mr
blinkin who said that the US has not yet
seen a plan that gives us confidence
that civilians can be effectively
protected in Rafa how would you judge
the US influence on Benjamin Netanyahu
at the moment and their
leverage well the US position is very
much that uh really because of the
number of people in Rafa down along the
Egyptian border that have been displaced
by the fighting something like 1.4
million people crammed into a very small
area that means that no uh ground
offensive can really take place um
effectively there it’s going to be
impossible to move that many people
um in a way that you know Israel can go
in with the force that it wants to to go
after what it says of four Hamas
battalions that are still based in that
City it’s the one part of the Gaza Strip
where there has not been a full ground
offensive up to now um but it’s really
not clear just how much uh leverage the
US has over Israel of course we know
that on the international Stage IT
consistently uh Shields Israel uh that
it is a major donor has just recently
approved approved billions more dollars
in military aid for Israel um but you
know Israel has consistently made clear
that when it comes to issues of its own
security um it will very much take
advice uh from the Americans we know
that there have meetings been taken
place um to try to discuss alternatives
to a full ground Invasion o of Rafa with
Israeli and US officials but in the end
Israel says it makes its own decisions
you Le now there

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel will launch an invasion of the southern Gaza city of Rafah regardless of truce talks with Hamas.

The Hamas delegation are considering a new Gaza truce and hostage release proposal from Israel.

But at a meeting of hostages’ relatives, Mr Netanyahu said he would invade “with or without” a deal.

The US has issued renewed warnings against a Rafah invasion, where more than a million displaced people are sheltering.

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  1. He is such a pig. He proposes this bs deal,just to show his nation that he is trying to get hostages,then immediately says something else. Obviously then Hamas doesn't agree to deal,why would they? If Israel still going to keep killing them? Then he says look hamas doesn't agree to deal. He doesn't want hostages. He is a genocide maniac

  2. The western butchers of Palestine. How do they know there are 4 Hamaz battalions. Do they concoct this as they go along. Lies, Lies and more Lies.

  3. Israel does Star wars -> The empire did nothing wrong and brought order to the galaxy. The death star had the right to defend itself as Alderaan had tunnels under the surface. Han Solo, Luke and Leia were terrorists responsible for the death of many innocent storm troopers. The Sith emperor was democratically elected so had the right to deal with the jedi. Criticism of the Empire is clearly anti-imperial by people who just hate clones. The younglings were human shields.

  4. Rom 3:23
    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    Rom 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death;

    Psalms 9:17
    The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

    Acts 8:37
    And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Rom 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    Corinthians 15:3-4
    For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.


  5. Blinken is a total fool. Hard conditions for 40 days of ceasefire, still cutting off food supply for over 2 millions of civilians, and then the genocide goes on. Extremely generous 😖

  6. The only state that has helped the Palestinians is the State of Israel, which takes tax money from its people and gives it to the Palestinians and gives them free gas, electricity, water, and medicine. The Palestinian people live better than the people of the region, but unfortunately the Hamas movement, supported by Iran, takes that money and buys weapons with it, and builds tunnels under Hospitals to kill innocent people. from
    The Israeli people, and the Hamas movement kidnapped the innocent people of Israel and is the one who started the war. The Israeli government is defending itself in order to free the kidnapped people and is trying to solve the problem peacefully, but the obstacle in all the peace talks proposed by Israel is the Hamas movement, which is an obstacle in them and refuses because it does not want peace and does not want The Palestinian people can live in peace because it is a terrorist movement that is accustomed to shedding blood on orders from Iran, and despite this, the State of Israel continues to provide aid to the Palestinian people.

  7. We're not going to see any prisoners exchange soon and probably never.

    Nut&Yahoo is using them as prosecution shield. If he ends this war, he will go to jail.

    Nut&Yahoo delusion is going to bring down the regime with him. Zionists dropped their mask, and the world knows who they really are!

  8. ( Not sure how much Leverage the US has ? ) simply if the USA says that Israel will get NO funding or weapons and that everything that they were giving to Israel will now be given to Palastine then you would see very fast a lasting truce

  9. For all the sensitive souls who don't understand because this is a conflict on the other side of the world with nothing to do with us:

    Hamas has a chance to release any hostages before the inevitable attack, and if they actually cared they'd release them for their own safety.

  10. Hammas is the problem here. There is no place for terrorist organizations anymore.They attacked Israel first. I am sure Isreal is getting tired of terrorist events affecting their country and their people. What did we do after Sept.11th? We didn't sit back and take it. We answered. As Isreal did. We all know that the two countries that terrorists didn't mess with in the past was Isreal and UK. They were always the first passengers off of hijacked planes. I dont know Isreal's military intelligence on targets and such. Or why they are targeting what they are. But we all know that terrorists blend in with civilians, as it was in Vietnam. Isreal is responding to Hammas killing/kidnapping their people. Are they doing it legally according to international policy and guidlines? I can't say as I do not know them. But I do believe the world has had their fill of terrorists and dictators. Perhaps the terrorists should think before they start taking lives. Had they not attacked Isreal, we wouldn't be here right now!! All life is precious! But I dont think we can blame Isreal for protecting and standing up for their people. Hammas took hostages including children!! Did they really think Isreal would sit back and allow that? No country would. Isreal wants their people back and Hammas irradicated. Like I said, i think the world is tired of terrorists and their senseless killing. That area has been fighting for hundreds of years over land , politics, religion, wealth etc. What is the answer for a region that has known nothing but fighting, war, and complete separation from each other? Do you know? Because I don't. That region is always volatile.

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