Police clear pro-Palestinian protesters from Columbia University • FRANCE 24 English

Police clear pro-Palestinian protesters from Columbia University • FRANCE 24 English

on you the occupation of Hamilton Hall
lasted less than a day for weeks New
York City’s Columbia University has been
a hot spot for pro Palestinian protests
but when students barricaded themselves
inside an academic building it was a
step too far for
authorities under shouts from protesters
outside NYPD officers in riot gear
entered via a ramp to a first floor
window they cleared the size and
arrested dozens of protesters from
inside and outside restraining them with
zip tie handcuffs and loading them onto
buses Columbia’s president has asked the
NYPD to stay on
campus we have word from the University
that the police will remain on campus
until May 17th so at least until the
rest of this semester and possibly
further we will see lasting implications
from the events that are happening
tonight should not
interfere the NYPD claimed a significant
number of protesters were not students
or faculty
members we are seeing professional
external actors getting involved in
these protests including in the
occupation of a university building
these people are not Columbia students
they are not affiliated with the
university and they are working to
escalate the situation the university
spokesperson has accused the protesters
of creating a threatening and unsafe
environment for Jewish students free the
students free the students the aim of
the protests is to show solidarity with
gazin and to call for a ceasefire but
they’re also intended to put pressure on
University authorities activists accuse
the University of being complicit in
genocide as the administration rejects
demands to divest from companies linked
to Israel threats of arrest or
suspension from University have not
deterred urge the protesters they’re
vowing to continue their action

The pro-Palestinian demonstration that paralyzed Columbia University ended in dramatic fashion, with police carrying riot shields bursting into a building that protesters took over the previous night and making dozens of arrests. On the other side of the country, clashes broke out early Wednesday between dueling groups at the University of California, Los Angeles.
#Columbia #Gaza #protests

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