Universities hanging Palestinian flag is ‘despicable’, says New York mayor

Universities hanging Palestinian flag is ‘despicable’, says New York mayor

that’s our flag
folks don’t take over our buildings and
put another flag up that may be fine to
other people but it’s not to me my uncle
died defending this country and these
men and women put their lives on the
line and it’s despicable that schools
will allow another country flag to fly
in our
country so blame me for being proud to
be an American and I thank commissioner
DY for putting that flag back up we’re
not surrendering our way of life to
anyone there are people that we have
been watching in
organizations that are not part of the
campus we’ve been very clear there are
individuals and organizations that are
not students we seeing a shift in
tactics that are being used destruction
of property destructions of cameras and
so so many other things we saw
paraphernalia and pamphlets about
disruptions there’s a series of things
that the intelligent division has
brought to make a determination that
there’s an influence going on right now
now we know that people rather us
putting a night neat little bow but that
is not the way law enforcement operate
and we’re not going to release any
information that is too sensitive to
release at this time we know there are
outside individuals that have been
influencing of this issue

Eric Adams, the New York mayor, has said universities that allow Palestinian flags to be hung on campus are “despicable”.

At a press conference, in the wake of 300 arrests at Columbia University on Tuesday night, Mr Adams showed a video of officers dispersing the demonstrators, which ended with an American flag being restored.

“That’s our flag, folks. Don’t take over our buildings and put another flag up,” he said.

“It’s despicable that schools will allow another country’s flag to fly in our county so blame me for being proud to be an American… We’re not surrendering our way of life to anyone.”

Mr Adams said officers were still “processing” those detained to determine which were students and which were outside agitators.

He described how some had thrown bottles and garbage cans at officers, who showed great “discipline” in not bringing the situation to a “peaceful conclusion”.

Read more here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2024/05/01/columbia-protests-latest-news-police-arrests-gaza-israel/

#NewYork #Columbia #palestine

  1. Finally someone of power and representative of a western country telling it it how it should be dealt with….all foreigners and immigrants should respect our values and freedom of choice, look at the back lash if we even suggest something like not wearing masks or hajibs ect it’s got to be a higher priority of our society and government to stand and put in place laws that protect us from this kind of nonsense from the outside world we are all in this together for a better future

  2. 🌟… "To be or not to be an accomplice of a criminal who is preparing the final solution against a people persecuted and starved before everyone' s eyes to legitimately defend his right to exist on his land and the infamous dispossession of the little portion of the land that remains, denounced throughout the world by billions of consciences with uncorrupted morals, that is the moral question facing every conscience in this world today". … ? ? ?

  3. Well there goes that fool's career. How many people in NY hang flags from other countries? How many people in NYC COME from other countries? How many from the US in general descend from people who come from other countries, everyone not Native American. Hanging any symbols of HAMAS is despicable, or any terrorist group. People have a right to want the genocide of Palestinians stopped. My family ALL do we're from NY 3rd and 4th generation.

  4. Universitys hanging the Israeli flag are depicable.
    The international Criminal Court is about to sign a arrest warrant against the PM the defense Minister and the chief of defense for war crimes.

    I don't hang up a russian flag either.

  5. Remember what happened in Tiananmen square in 1989 or in HK few years back??? Hahaha.. hahaha.. hahaha.. Someone said, what a beautiful sight to behold!! Hahaha.. hahaha.. hahaha..

  6. More than 140 countries recognize Palestinian state as an independent country and endorse its full membership in UN!! Why the West against this despite saying they support 2-state solusion all the time???

  7. It would be interesting to know the results of a sociological study on the topic "how the recent actions of pro-Palestinian activists have influenced the growth of hatred towards Palestine and Palestinians in American society"

  8. The same outside influencers that were the infiltrators of Jan. 6. Yes, there were patriots peacefully protesting, however, these same haters of America agitated at the capital and Americans peacefully protesting walking through the capital have been treated horrable while the agitators walked free.

  9. and the New York Mayor? .. don't forget that the mayor of New York is in favor of mass illegal immigration, including illegal immigration of Antsemitic Arabs who support terrorists

  10. I would have thought that the Mayor understood racism and apartheid as well as genocide are more important than his ego. Disgusting for a Mayor to object to a flag while not objecting to genocide.

  11. The mayor is a joke. he supported migrants coming here waving their flags. He even gave them sanctuary. Now that it makes him look bad, now he wants to condemn "diversity and the cultures that makes America great". Karma came back to bite the democrats. It must suck to be a palestinian in America. To see your tax dollars going to kill your families and friends.

  12. The elephant in the room of course is that US has aided and is complicit in a gen 0 cide in Gaza. But just like Is ra el, the US is gaslighting the peace protestors as "radicalised" by ter ror ists. How dare they want peace right?

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