Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt praise movie stunt performers. #Shorts #TheFallGuy #BBCNews

they’re actors too same Union and yet
they hide their face the better they are
at their job the more you you know you
they disappear in a way it ends with
this we’re flipping the script it seems
like it’s a real love letter to people
that haven’t maybe got the recognition
before that like deserve the recognition
because they are the ones being set on
fire and jumping out buildings
absolutely yeah no it’s strange for us I
think especially because they dress like
us they do the dangerous things for us
they take the hits they put themselves
In Harm’s Way for us they play our
characters as well I mean we’re not the
only ones that play our characters
Oscars for stumpman yes immediately now
why not before pretty crazy they risk
more than anyone their work is an art
form you know it’s when you understand
what they’re risking personally and
physically when you really get it it it
it it only deepens your appreciation for
what they do

  1. Those who are doing all the hard work are in the shadows so they can take all the credit. All the doubles in action movies should receive the same amount of everything.( publicity, money, gifts…)

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