Five key areas Russian forces have adapted ahead of expected summer offensive in Ukraine

Five key areas Russian forces have adapted ahead of expected summer offensive in Ukraine

on his telegram account Ukraine’s
commander-in-chief gave a sobering
assessment the situation had worsened he
said his forces under attack across the
front line the Russian military remains
tactically poor but it is proving
adaptable so what are they doing
differently right now what lessons has
Russia learned firstly is their use of
air power they’ve been quick to seize on
ke’s dwindling air defense Arsenal and
in battles like the one around chazar Su
25s have provided close air support to
Russian Infantry moscow’s also using
more standoff weapons including Glide
bombs this year alone they’ve dropped 3
and half thousand of them on Ukrainian
troops a 1600% increase on last year Mig
31 interceptors are also keeping
Ukraine’s Air Force at Bay these can
operate inside Russia launching
longrange r37 M missiles that can hit
Ukrainian Jets 125 mil
away Russia is also using more loitering
Munitions like the lanet the latest
version carries a 5 kilo thermobaric or
high explosive Warhead another change
seems to be the tempo of Russian
adaptation itself commanders are getting
quicker at implementing change they’ve
created two combined arms armies an
aviation Corp and 50 other military
units since the start of the war Russia
is now able to replace all its
Battlefield losses with its factories
producing a 100 main battle tanks a
month another area where Russia seems to
be adapting is the Black Sea for the
first time in months it launched caliber
cruise missiles from two kilo class
submarines UK says the Russian Navy has
improved its Port facility at Novar risk
400 kilm further east than sasto that’s
allowing Moscow to redeploy the Black
Sea Fleet and use it as a base for
missile frots and
submarines the Russians have also been
good at adjusting their electronic
warfare at the start of the war a
Russian Cyber attack crippled Ukraine’s
military Communications ke switched to
Elon musk’s starlink system which uses
thousands of low powerered satellites
Russian jamming equipment prove useless
at blocking it but here too they’ve
learned Russia now deploys lots of short
range Jammers instead including the RP
377 which it fits to Vehicles including
bmps and t80 tanks these don’t Target
the satellites but instead block the
starlink terminals they also Jam signals
to Ukrainian radios and supposedly the
radio link to fpv drones although their
effectiveness is questionable finally
not so much a lesson learned more a
confirmation for the Kremlin at least of
Russian Doctrine the UK says 415,000
Russian troops have been killed or
injured in Ukraine about 87% of its
total pre-war Personnel Vladimir Putin’s
increased the size of the military to
1.3 million Russia is accepting losses
that Ukrainian forces couldn’t sustain
and this focus on mass however costly
has brought gains the Russians have made
attrition work Ukraine of course is
countering many of these adaptations and
coming up with its own but Russia is
undoubtedly learning from past mistakes
and getting better at rectifying them
Ukraine now facing an Ever more cunning
foe Simon Newton forces
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Russian forces in Ukraine are continuing to make small territorial gains along the eastern front as Kyiv waits for new supplies of US military aid.

On his Telegram account, Ukraine’s commander-in-chief gave a sobering assessment, stating the situation had worsened and his forces were under attack across the frontline.

The Russian military remains tactically poor, but it is proving to be adaptable.


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  1. The white Western man and his false sense of superiority he never likes to give credit to his colonized population to those we feel inferior to himself for erroneously so never likes to give credit to them

  2. How is the Russian army tactically poor when they are winning? What is the use of your tactical 'superiority' when you are losing? Is this not being delusional and believing your own hype?

  3. This war will go on for years. Meanwhile Russia is using 40% of it's gdp on this war. Its desperate to win but win what? NATO can keep supplying Ukraine for years with very little impact on its members economy's and it will.

  4. AFU Southern Command HQ completely destroyed today by Iskander strike. Trying to find an objective reason an "average Joe" Ukrainian would give his life for this NATO project and I cannot fathom one…

  5. Empire of lies/liars indeed; "Russia has lost 415 000 troops" Same as Sadam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and Putin died some two years ago.
    You call this useless propaganda news?

  6. hmm militarys and nato experts told us a other story after the failed ukrain offensive

    now they tell us that the losses that we thought are not really that high

  7. I think we in NATO countries need to stop with the arrogance and admit we would be in one hell of a scrap if we got into a rumble with Russia. They are adaptable and tough. Their missile, rocket and EMW capabilities (and now drone tech) are top notch and the equal, if not better in some cases, than NATO equivalents. The sheer war footing economy to churn out machines and manpower alone is worrying. A sober realistic assessment and plan is necessary as if we do get drawn into this war, we might be in for a rude awakening, even with US involvement. Russians are not stupid; their scientists and engineers in particular.

  8. Why tf wasn't this video just going on about shovels and washing machines? Fell out of style or something? It shouldn't matter. Journalistic integrity must come first!!!!

  9. It makes no sense that Russia has lost 600,000 troops. Ukrainians say they can fire up to 10x as many shells every day. If Russia has lost 600,00 then Ukraine would have lost 6 million. More likely 1 million Ukrainians dead or severely wounded, 200,000 Russians.

  10. funny how RUF loses amount more in western news while Ukraine that has more than 1million men earlier in 2022 and waves on waves of mobilization, snatching men from the streets are desperately trying to get 500k soldiers to replace the 30k KIA are now forcing conscripted men to be deported by allies in Europe. Well, Truth is the first victim of every war…

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