Our 'good friend' Thomas spills the beans in an hour long interview. Lots of new and insightful information about the guy and how close he really was to buying Inter. Also discussed how everything went to shit after being placed on Interpol's list.


by mladz82

  1. We would do good, to not mention his name ever again. At this point, we are nothing more than cheap publicity to him, each time he mentions Inter.

  2. People that buy into his bullshit are the same people that get scammed with amazon gift cards.

  3. People who are screaming at blocking content because you have a preconceived notion of the person… whats the point? Who cares if the guy has a mouthpiece to vent? It’s Reddit, not the UN.

    You need not click on the link.

    I listened and liked to hear the opposing viewpoint. I disagreed with the guy, but still, it was good to get a fuller picture just coming from a legal POV. I learned a little about another country’s justice system and liability net regarding Board of Directors and their legal responsibilities, and I also thought he had some good ideas about monetizing international fan support. I think someone should sue the fcuk out of him and his cronies, even after listening.

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