Riots break out at US universities as rival groups throw fireworks & attack each other with poles

Riots break out at US universities as rival groups throw fireworks & attack each other with poles

riots have broken out at the University
of California in Los Angeles between Pro
Palestinian and pro-israeli groups with
fireworks being thrown and rival
protesters fighting on
campus shocking footage showed
protesters armed with with sticks and
poles attacking barricades made by Pro
groups LA mayor Karen bass has slammed
the violence at UCLA branding it
abhorent and
inexcusable on Wednesday UCLA canceled
all of its classes for the day following
the clashes
overnight it comes a day after police in
riot gear stormed a building at New York
City’s Columbia University where
hundreds of pro Palestinian protesters
had barricaded themselves in
cops remain on campus at the college’s
request a day after around 300 arrests
were made at Columbia and at City
College of New York as riots continued
for another night
for weeks students at dozens of us
campuses have grown used to seeing
armies of tents outside their places of
study sometimes barricades or protesters
themselves have physically prevented
students from accessing classes and
lectures protests against the unrest in
the Middle East started at Colombia on
April 18th but have since spread
Nationwide with more than 25 campuses
affected more than 1,000 people have
been arrested to date with protesters
showing no signs of backing down
while much of the unrest has been
centered on the east and west coasts
arrests have taken place on campuses
from Minnesota to
Florida so what is behind the latest
wave of unrest across us colleges the
biggest since the anti-vietnam war
protests of the 1960s and70s
tensions have been high on campuses
since October 7th last year when Hamas
terrorists killed some 12200 people
after storming an Israeli music festival
and attacking nearby towns
this triggered a major retaliation from
Israel reports of anti-Semitic acts on
us college campuses have soar since
October 7th sparking debates about
freedom of speech at America’s Elite
institutions our college campuses cannot
be used to call for the extermination of
any group some of the terminologies that
were used were just really harmful and
Despicable that’s not who we are as a
country you can you can’t call for Peace
by using violence that’s not acceptable
and I believe it’s imperative that we
continue to
coordinate uh with uh our presidents
we’re going to respect their right to
determine when they want a police
involvement and when they ask us we’re
going to carry out the necessary
exercises to do with a minimum amount of
force uh to not in any way harm faculty
of students or uh the law enforcement
many pro Palestinian groups have called
peacefully on colleges to cut all ties
with companies seen as supporting
Israel’s military in Gaza but a number
of Jewish students have reported feeling
unsafe on campus with classes being
canceled Across
America Colombia saw a major escalation
in unrest in mid April after the
college’s president Manu shafik
testified in Congress about charges
there was anti-Semitism on her campus
she later wrote a letter calling for the
removal of a protester encampment
organized by Pro Palestinian groups and
more than 100 were
arrested speaking on Wednesday shaik hit
out at the DraStic escalation of
protests which she said had pushed the
university to the
brink she added that eight days of
negotiations with academic leaders who
had joined the protests had led
nowhere the protests have mushroomed
into a national issue just just 6 months
out from November’s presidential
election on Tuesday President Biden
condemned the student-led occupation of
Colombia’s Hamilton Hall ahead of the
raid a White House Press spokesperson
said President Biden respects the right
to free expression the protests must be
peaceful and
lawful they added forcibly taking over
buildings is not peaceful it is wrong
and hate speech and hate symbols have no
place in
America no president has Spen more
forcefully uh about combating
anti-Semitism than this President we’ve
been very clear on that uh Americans
have the right to peacefully protest
they have the right to peacefully
protest as long as it’s within the law
and that it’s peaceful uh forceful
forcibly taking over uh building is not
peaceful it’s just not students have the
right to feel safe they have the right
to learn they have to write the right to
do this without disruption and they have
a right to feel safe on campus as I just
said they have a right to attend their
commencement without feeling uh feeling
unsafe and what we’re seeing is a small
percentage of students uh that’s what
we’re seeing they should not be able to
disturb or disrupt the academic
experience that students have his most
likely Challenger come November former
president Donald Trump has also spoken
out about the protests at Colombia and
colleges speaking outside Court where he
is currently on trial over alleged hush
money payments the Republican front
runner claimed the paid agitators were
part of the
unrest to every College president I say
remove the encampments immediately
Vanquish the radicals and take back our
campuses for all of the normal students
who want a safe place from which to
learn but when you see that video of
raging lunatics and Hamas sympathizers
at Colombia and other colleges no but
when you look at it simp I say where did
these people come from I don’t know
people like that I mean I deal a lot of
people where do they come from but they
don’t no it’s a whole big hoax going on
but it’s a it’s a shame and Biden should
speak out he should speak out he should
say something because nobody knows where
he is he’s definitely against Israel
under no circumstances should we bring
thousands of refugees from Hamas control
terrorist epicenters like Gaza to
America we just can’t do it you know we
we also have to run our country it’s
nice to be nice it’s nice to be good we
got to run our country our country is in
trouble our country might not survive
I’ll tell you what if we don’t win this
election I don’t think our country is
going to survive I will say it and I’ve
never said that publicly I don’t think
but I felt it for a long
time parallels have been drawn between
the most recent unrest and previous
Nationwide student action in 1968
against the Vietnam
Wall the latest upsurge in violence also
so comes just days before the
anniversary of the Kent State shooting
in 1970 when four students were shot
dead by the Ohio National Guard
following anti-war
protests for now the unrest shows no
signs of slowing down with smaller
protests springing up on more and more
campuses on
Wednesday police have cleared much of
the encampment at Colombia but further
marches have taken
place for the latest news and updates go
to the

HARROWING video shows pro-Palestine protesters using hammers to smash their way through Columbia University buildings, leaving destruction in their paths.

Hundreds of protesters were arrested in New York City last night as fierce demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas War rage on across college campuses nationwide.

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  1. While the American press was saying that Jewish students were afraid of going to school, Jewish students were attacking the protesters with punches, kicks, tear gas spray and fireworks.

  2. These students support indirectly hamas , hizbulla , houthis , jamai islamic terrorist groups , iran , china in the name of freedom & rights but they silence on blasphemy law , that gives death sentence or mob lynching for a word or head scarf.

  3. I want all my tax dollars for these spoiled jobless brats back…they all have grants and loans…real people with real lives don't have time for this

  4. Back in the day, protest gave rise to meaningful change and yes, some laws even broken in the process.
    Protests usually begin to occur when citizenry are no longer happy campers.

    April of 1977, a group of around 100 people with many kinds of disabilities staged a month-long sit-in as part of a national protest. The protesters demanded that the federal government honor their civil rights. They felt they had waited too long for the access they were legally entitled. They were right.

  5. Pro-Palestinian protesters belong to these 3 groups: 1. Socialist/Marixsts, 2. Jihadists, 3. Anti-semites. All horrible people. They don't know anything about Israel or Palestine. Call in the cops.

  6. Protesting in USA creates zero change anyhow. The lowest that be will whatever they want. Hell citizens have burned down cities and nothing changed in USA.

  7. Why do the radical left embrace the evil death cult so easily?
    Sleepwalking sheeple, sleepwalking to their own deaths.
    Time to awaken sheeple, there's a reckoning coming.

  8. I don't think that our country is going to survive unless we get new leadership, either. I've also thought that for a long time.

  9. S5upid Mayour provides spaceman reason for protesters !!!
    Deport All these Palestinian protesters immediately , the Earlier the better for the universities and the country !!!
    Also Charge the Financers of this protest !!!!

  10. Send them back to their HOME countries, those in serious study, would not have time for this type of violent protest. I hope the police take video recordings of these events, so those involved can be removed from higher educational study and make way for the many who do not have the opportunity of a valued education and the life chances it can bring. I am saddened to see this happening on any university campus. 02 05 2024 UK

  11. So, we have a bunch of people, (students, provocateurs, non taxpayers and perhaps non citizens?), creating chaos under the guise of “freedom”? It doesn’t work for me! Take your Middle East hysteria, get on a boat or plane and go make it better if you think you can? We are here in the United States to assimilate and be one people period! Pack up your religious fundamentalism (that my forebears came to this country to escape), and leave!

  12. Theee student's are so brainwashed that they don't know what they are doing..never ever back up muslim community, just look at the situation non mslm's in lebanon Afghanistan, Yemen or Iran or any other country ruled by peaceful ideology, you would be begging to fly back!, you people have no idea of what ideology you guys are supporting..
    Just look at Europe and US they are already fell for this community's victim card..

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