Vladimir Putin the leader of Russia was
forced to concede to all of Ukraine’s
demands the seizure of billions of
dollars worth of ammunition and weapons
provided to Ukraine by the Kremlin
coincided with the military action
staged by the Ukrainian Army the
Ukrainian Triumph has already been
announced with this operation planned by
the Ukrainian Army after a 2-year Hiatus
Vladimir Putin finally decided to meet
with volodimir zalinsky the president of
Ukraine after realizing he was going to
to lose the war the ceasefire was
achieved as a result of the Diplomatic
efforts Russia and Ukraine have been at
War for over 2 years and the level of
brutality in the conflict is rising
daily throughout this conflict Vladimir
Putin’s plans have failed
miserably the Russian Leader’s goal was
to establish a new Administration in
Kiev and finish occupying Ukrainian
territory within 5 weeks Putin however
began to take Ukrainian land on February
2 4th 2022 and the war dragged on for
far longer than expected when events did
not unfold according to his plans for
almost 2 years Russian forces have
maintained a presence in Ukrainian
territory the Russian Administration has
also started to feel the negative
impacts of the war both the Russian
population and the Russian military are
feeling the effects of the unstable
economy Russian forces engaged in the
conflict in Ukraine started to face
issues obtaining ammunition and weaponry
as the economy worsened and sanctions
were tightened do you believe Putin’s
decision to concede is a true surrender
or could there be a strategic move
this just in case you forgot this is the
same reason why the alliance with Russia
was severed by Wagner’s Army the Russian
defense minister Sergey Shu and chief of
general staff Valerie gasimov declared
that restrictions would be imposed on
the Wagner Army due to the unmet needs
of the Russian army 2 Days Later the
decision was made to stop sending guns
and ammunition to the Wagner Army
because Sergey sha found it annoying
that the Russian government was taking
care of the Wagner soldiers salaries and
other necessities he determined that the
funds that were going to the Wagner
soldiers would instead go to the Russian
army as a result Wagner’s Army and
Russia’s relationship had ended deck
chin troops engaged in combat on
Ukrainian soil also frequently face
challenges in this area
because of a severe shortage of supplies
and ammunition chin forces stationed in
the luhansk region opted to disarm in
January of last year for 2 years chin
soldiers have been fighting on Ukrainian
soil after being forcibly transported
there by chch’s President Rams and
kadirov despite this Russian commanders
and troops who are participating in the
fight on Ukrainian soil maintain the
opinion that chin forces are of lower
quality cin and Russian soldiers who are
stationed at the same command post are
subjected to discrimination on the basis
of their socioeconomic class our ability
to get this information was made
possible by the explanations that were
supplied by the leader of the Chen
himself exactly 2 months after he made
this declaration in January of the
previous year the same chin leader and
his forces began a major
Insurrection how will the seizure of
Russian military cargo by Ukraine change
the Dynamics of power in the region
this occurred exactly 2 months
thereafter the chin Commander stated
that Russian soldiers were given the
majority of the food and ammunition that
was transported to the headquarters of
the Russian army while they were only
given pieces of the food and ammo there
due to acute food shortages the chin
Commander expressed his dissatisfaction
in a statement by stating that his
forces were only permitted to consume
one meal per day and that they were not
provided with ammunition or any other
supplies consequently the scorn that
Russian leaders have for chin forces
that are engaged in fighting on
Ukrainian territory has been
exposed everyone was taken a back when
video footage showing chin forces
engaging in combat without camouflage
was shared on social media sites not too
long ago even in the early months of the
conflict the Russian government provided
the chin Fighters with weapons and
camouflage to help them conceal
themselves on the other hand they are
being compelled to battle without the
use of camouflage nowadays
the most significant issue is brought
about by the fact that chin soldiers do
not have access to Medical Care stone
that is just stunning when members of
the chin military become ill the Russian
government refuses to give them with the
medication they required to ensure their
recovery as a result of Russia’s lack of
food supplies for its troops
participating in the battle in Ukraine
chin leader Rams and kadirov has not
taken any action despite the fact that
he has received several complaints on
the treatment of chin soldiers who are
serving with Russian forces in Russia’s
headquarters in reaction to the Russian
soldiers that staged a rebellion on
Ukrainian soil Vladimir Putin the
president of Russia raised the white
flag today what do you think motivated
Putin to meet with zalinsky after
refusing for so long these are just a
few examples of the many events that
have taken place over the course of the
previous few months a large military
cargo was planned by Putin for Russian
troops stationed in this perizia and
areas this was done in an effort to put
down the Rebellion that had been started
by Russian soldiers and to prevent them
from rebelling further in spite of this
the Ukrainian Army seizure of this
military shipment was the Catalyst that
led to the demise of the Russian army as
a consequence of this coup Russian
President Vladimir Putin endeavored to
restore relations with Ukraine in an
effort to put a stop to 2 years of
degradation despite the fact that the
Ukrainian Army launched laed an
offensive in March occupation forces
that are stationed in the zapar isia and
miltiple districts continue to face
opposition from the Ukrainian
military the Russian forces which are
already lacking in supplies and
ammunition are unable to defend
themselves against the assault that is
being launched by the Ukrainian Army a
major military Convoy was planned by
Vladimir Putin in order to provide
support to the Russian forces that were
stationed in the zapar isia and malpal
regions this was done in an effort to
preserve the
districts a military shipment was
scheduled to depart from the town of
Arman in Crimea and make its way to the
kersen region from there it was supposed
to travel to the zapar isia and mple
regions next from the kerson region to
the Crimean Peninsula Russian Freight
tracks traveled without any problems to
reach their
destination however the Ukrainian Army
launched an assault on trucks that were
transporting weapons and ammunition up
to 80 km before they reached the zapia
region can Russia actually recover from
the negative impacts of this war on its
economy and
Military it was the Ukrainian
intelligence Service as well as
insurgents from Crimea who had informed
the Ukrainian Army about the supply of
ammunition Alexander cers Sky the newly
appointed head of general staff of
Ukraine was successful in seizing all of
the Russian weaponry and ammunition
during a dangerous
operation his goal was to put a stop to
the transportation of supp supplies
across the country the Ukrainian Army
made the decisive step in the conflict
when they took control of a Supply
Convoy that had been supplying the
Russian forces with armaments for a
period of 6 months after it had been
captured that was the moment when
everything started due to the fact that
the Ukrainian Army seized weaponry and
ammunition that Vladimir Putin had sent
to Ukraine Russia has a lot of things on
its list as a result of the fact that
this military cargo was prepared at
Putin’s request and according to routes
determined by Putin Russian government
officials particularly generals working
in the Russian armed services applied a
tremendous amount of pressure on Putin
the Russian generals have now come to
the realization that their nation is on
the approach of facing defeat in the
fight that is taking place in Ukraine
high-ranking Russian military leaders
such as general Valerie gasimov have
shown their support for Vladimir Putin
gasimov has pushed Putin to bring an end
to the conflict with
Ukraine however Russian President
Vladimir Putin gave in to the demands of
the Ukrainian government and agreed to
all of their
terms he also expressed his intention to
hold peace negotiations with the country
within the next 2 years as a consequence
of Peace treaties that were signed by
both Russia and Ukraine the conflict
between the two countries has come to an
end how significant do you think the end
of the alliance between Russia and
Wagner’s Army is for the outcome of the
a definitive answer to the question of
whether or not Vladimir Putin will
fulfill all of Ukraine’s demands is
unknown to anyone in a nutshell Vladimir
Putin will have ensured his own Fate by
agreeing to these terms whenever they
implemented it should come as no
surprise that the circumstances
surrounding Ukrainian president
volodimir zalinski are crystal clear in
the first condition that Ukrainian
president volodimir zalinski has imposed
the return of Crimean territory to
Ukraine is a pre
requisite it is common knowledge that
the Russian military had invaded and
taken control of the Crimean peninsula
in the year
2014 it was Vladimir Putin’s invasion of
Ukraine in 2014 that brought these lands
which should have been under Ukrainian
Authority Under Russian
control immediately following the
illegal staging of a referendum in
Crimea Vladimir Putin made the
announcement that he had annexed the
altogether on the other hand almost no
one acknowledges Russia’s choice to
acquire the
territory neither Europe nor the United
States acknowledges that Russia is
currently present in
Crimea nevertheless Russia maintains
authority over Crimea at the present
time Crimean Todds and ukrainians make
up the vast majority of the population
throughout the region in spite of this a
significant number of Russian citizens
began to relocate to Crimea following
the invasion in the year
2014 for exactly 10 years Putin has been
responsible for the relocation of
Russian citizens in
Crimea over the course of the last 10
years Vladimir Putin has been conducting
an assimilation effort in Crimea with
the intention of increasing the number
of Russians living there what are your
thoughts on the discrimination and
challenges faced by the chin troops in
Ukraine the efforts of Putin to restify
the Crimean population are being
thwarted by Pro Ukrainian resistance
groups in the region below deir ly the
president of Ukraine has stated on
multiple occasions that the Crimean
Peninsula will be regained once the
conflict between Russia and Ukraine is
resolved zalinsky is able to assert this
with such a high degree of assurance
because of the pro Ukrainian opposition
groups that are located in
Crimea despite the fact that the
peninsula has been under Russian
protection for 10 years the people of
Crimea recognize the legitimacy of the
government run by Ukraine it is for this
reason that the majority of of crimeans
will be filled with ecstatic Joy if
Ukrainian president zinski is able to
restore control of the
peninsula as a second step Vladimir
Putin is obligated to provide financial
compensation to the families of
Ukrainian servicemen and women who have
lost their lives in the comat in Ukraine
the president of Ukraine vomir zalinski
has specifically requested that this be
done the Ukrainian government is
demanding that the Kremlin provide
considerable sums of money to the
families of Ukrainian soldiers who sadly
lost their lives in the fighting this
demand is being pursued by the Ukrainian
government additionally Russia is
required to pay a considerable sum in
order to assist in the Reconstruction of
the areas in Ukraine that have been
harmed it is common knowledge that the
operations of the Russian army have
rendered a great number of Ukrainian
cities physically inaccessible at the
present time using long-range missiles
and unmanned combat planes Russian
forces have dropped bombs on Ukrainian
cities utterly breaking the laws of war
that govern the conduct of war the lack
of medical care for chin soldiers is
this a sign of Russia’s declining
resources or a deliberate neglect
millions of people in Ukraine were
forced to leave their homes as a direct
consequence of these attacks rebuilding
efforts will be undertaken by the
Ukrainian government in cities that have
been reduced to
ruins on the other hand it is
anticipated that Russia will be
responsible for paying for the de
velopment of these
cities according to the fourth demand of
Ukraine all generals and commanders who
are responsible for war crimes that were
committed on Ukrainian soil must be
exposed to the possibility of
prosecution individuals who held command
positions and were part of the Wagner
Army are listed in this it is common
knowledge that the Russian military has
repeatedly committed war crimes on
Ukrainian soil since the conflict began
in order to ensure that those
responsible for these War crimes are
brought to Justice the international
criminal court hopes to accomplish this
goal General Serge surkin of the Russian
Armed Forces is at the top of the list
of individuals who ought to be condemned
an overwhelming majority of people feel
that General Sergey surkin who serves in
the Russian military is a criminal his
name has been brought up in order to
bring attention to the fact that General
surkin has a history of committing war
crimes while serving in Syria General
surkin was proposed for the position of
chief of the Russian army by Vladimir
Putin the leader of Russia he began
conducting out attacks against Ukrainian
cities on the second day of his
appointment which was against the second
day of his
appointment surkin who never faltered in
his commitment to committing war crimes
employed long-range esconder missiles to
launch attacks against a number of
Ukrainian cities and energy sites do you
think the Russian Public’s
dissatisfaction with the war could lead
to internal political changes in
Russia there is a demand being made by
the present Administration in Ukraine
for the trial of Russian army generals
who are accused of committing war
crimes reports indicate that Vladimir
Putin the president of Russia is willing
to accept these parameters according to
individuals close to the
Kremlin these terms are being discussed
in several
reports however there is also the
possibility that peace will be
substituted by a ceasefire to be
implemented because they believe that
Vladimir Putin will reject such demands
as being too harsh for Russia government
officials in Russia are campaigning for
a truce with Ukraine rather than peace
rather than peace Dimitri Medvedev who
formerly held the position of President
of Russia and currently serves as the
deputy head of Russia’s internal
Security Council is one of the
individuals in question the fact that
Medvedev has previously served as both
the Prime Minister and the head of state
demonstrates that he is hostile to the
establishment of peace with Ukraine
in spite of this medev is demanding a
temporary ceasefire and he has already
stated that they are willing to engage
in a ceasefire process with Ukraine that
will last for 2 weeks the Ukrainian
authorities on the other hand have not
been particularly enthusiastic about the
ceasefire how come mainly due to the
fact that the Ukrainian leadership is
aware that Russia will take advantage of
this period of respit to reorganize and
covertly deliver armaments to Ukraine
zalinski the leader of the Ukrainian
government is of the opinion that the
suggestion for this ceasefire was not
made out of genuine intentions but
rather with something else in mind how
feasible is it that Russia will actually
meet all of Ukraine’s demands including
Crimea this conflict which has been
going on for more than 2 years has had a
significant impact on both of the
parties involved the Russian people are
asking that Vladimir Putin put a stop to
the hostilities with Ukraine as a result
of the unpleasant effects that the war
has had on Russian Society throughout
the first few months of the war the
Russian people were completely unaware
of the unpleasant sides of the
conflict on the other hand the economic
impact of the war in conjunction with
the sanctions and embargos imposed by
the West has gradually shattered
Russia’s economy the rate of inflation
in Russia has surged in tandem with the
harm that has been done to the economy
of the country the fact that Russians
were unable to purchase the items they
desired and that their purchasing power
had decreased was one of the factors
that contributed to their increased
level of Rage sanctions not only had a
significant impact on Western Nations
and the United States but they also
caused Western firms to begin
withdrawing from Russia which made it
much more difficult for the Russian
people to acquire the Commodities they
required numerous items have made their
way onto the black market as a
consequence of price hikes in a variety
of commodity categories including food
technology from this perspective it
would not be surprising if Russia and
Ukraine reached a ceasefire or peace
Accord in the month of December the
supply of Russian military men that
Vladimir Putin has used up has been
depleted the Russian military has taken
strong action in reaction to the
indifference of the Kremlin leadership
which has been waiting for weeks for
shipments of supplies and
ammunition the Russian forces have been
waiting for these
shipments what kind of precedent does it
set if Russia pays reparations for the
destruction caused in
Ukraine Russia has begun an allout
withdrawal from Ukrainian territory with
10,000 men who are on the fence about
taking any further risks in this foolish
Endeavor to invade Russian
territory the aftermath of the attempted
coup was brought to the attention of the
Kremlin Administration before it had the
opportunity to recover from the shock of
the riots that occurred at the
headquarters the outcome was a
terrifying nightmare following a period
of more than 2 years of War the Russian
army has completely lost faith in the
Kremlin Palace as a result of the events
that have occurred during the current
phase of the conflict you may recall
that on February 24th 2022 Russian
President Vladimir Putin made a number
of commitments in conjunction with his
declaration that he had made the
decision to invade Ukrainian territory
in an unjust manner the Russian
Commander made a pledge that the
Ukrainian region would be occupied in a
matter of months without causing any
harm to Russian soldiers and that
Russia’s borders would be totally
protected from the impacts of this fight
following the statement the Russian
Armed Forces which are known for their
proactive nature immediately began an
intensive offensive since they believed
in the commitments received the Russian
Armed Forces on the other hand have been
living through a nightmare ever since
they invaded Ukrainian land in an
illegal manner their failure to predict
the indirect intervention of the western
block countries led by the United States
was a notable failure on their part the
Ukrainian Army has demonstrated
remarkable self-defense for more than 2
years and with the heavy military and
financial support from Western Nations
which believe that the victory of
Ukraine’s complete Independence is the
top priority for the prosperity of the
modern world they have been able to
exert a great deal more pressure on the
battlefield on a daily
basis do you believe that high ranking
Russian military officials will actually
face trial for alleged war crimes due to
the fact that there Army was out of date
the Russian military was forced to rely
on ammunition and weapon stockpiles from
the Soviet era rather than the
sophisticated Weaponry that the
Ukrainian Army
possessed unfortunately this resulted in
the deaths of nearly 450,000 Russian
soldiers the entire thing was a result
of a process that went wrong terrorist
Vladimir Putin however has learned a
lesson that he will never forget as a
result of recent events the Russian army
is no longer able to use even in this
storage as the Russian forces on the
bachet and solidar fronts wait for the
ammunition firearms and supplies that
they have been seeking for weeks to be
started their patience is becoming thin
in a joint position paper that was given
to the administration of the Kremlin the
central offices of bachmat and solidar
issued a warning that they would
withdraw their support if the caros that
they were seeking were not organized
within a week infuriated by this status
report that sounded like an ultimatum
Vlad adir Putin the ruler of Russia
decided to utilize a method that was
quite crude in order to punish the
soldiers who had the audacity to refuse
to comply with his orders Putin’s
terrifying instruction which instructed
the Russian forces stationed in these
two headquarters to March against
bachmid as a single Brigade was the
factor that ultimately determined the
fate of the battle while the Russian
forces were waiting for supplies and
ammunition they grew outraged by the
Absurd Mission order that had been given
to them it didn’t take long for Russian
troops to flee their base of operations
after they started the Rebellion by
posting images of themselves on social
media chanting anti-putin
slogans how effective can a two-e
ceasefire be in resolving the conflict
between Russia and
Ukraine the riots immediately expanded
to the offices that were close to the
Kremlin and despite the best efforts of
the officials responsible for the
Kremlin they were unable to Plate The
Soldiers the administration of the
Kremlin on the other hand was confronted
With A New Nightmare when it awoke in
the early morning hours to reports from
the border this was due to the fact that
they had failed to anticipate the coming
danger via their undivided concentration
on the chaotic
headquarters there are tens of thousands
of Russian soldiers who are seeking to
exit Ukraine and return to Russia and
border patrol Personnel are confused by
this large number of
individuals following his orders that no
military should return to Russia’s
boundaries the Russian Tyrant made the
announcement that law enforcement
officials at border crossings now have
Authority this was in response to his
orders against returning
soldiers even though this task order was
in place the situation became even more
complicated when law enforcement
agencies attempted to take punitive
actions against Russian soldiers that
were rebelling against the government
the Russian Armed Forces which were in
the thousands were able to cross the
border without being stopped by law
enforcement who were rendered immobile
after a certain point in time after the
brawl which lasted until lunchtime
eventually came to a stop the Russian
soldiers who had agreed to return to
their stations at the request of the
commanders of the rioting headquarters
relayed signals to the Kremlin hinting
that a probable coup attempt might have
attempted similar reports about Rebels
started coming in from Russian
headquarters on the backward fronts
which led War analysts to make a
comparable conclusion in the past couple
weeks considering the strong resistance
for from Ukrainian Fighters might the
West’s involvement have been
underestimated by Russia from the start
as a result of suffering huge fatalities
and failing to make any significant
progress over the course of the previous
2 years the Russian military is
fervently hoping that the conflict would
eventually come to an
end however the Russian Tyrant who is
concerned about the future of his
country which has been in existence for
24 years is making increasingly foolish
decisions on a daily basis in order to
keep this war going despite the fact
that there are apparent hurdles on the
other hand knowledgeable individuals are
in agreement that these rushed acts are
analogous to the final Tremors of a
dictatorship that is on the verge of
collapsing the fact that every
totalitarian dictatorship in the history
of the globe was finally ousted by a
popular Uprising or an attempted CA is
something that they take into
consideration according to political
commentators Vladimir Putin the
president of Russia is gradually but
surely headed in the same direction as
these despots whom he moreover holds in
high favor during his 24 years in power
Vladimir Putin has been an antagonist to
a number of different groups in Russia
these groups include the Russian people
whom he has denied even the most
fundamental Democratic rights the
Russian military which he has severely
sanctioned and imprisoned in Ukraine
without proper training and the Russian
Parliament to which he has seated all
authority which is now despised both
domestically and
internationally it is anticipated by
political observers that Vladimir Putin
will completely step down from his
position by the end of the year bringing
with him the possibility of a new global
war as well as other catastrophes as a
consequence of his continuous
expansionist and aggressive
actions with the reported High casualty
rates how much longer can Russian troops
sustain their morale and combat
Effectiveness with Putin out of the
scene experts believe that the Ukrainian
military will will achieve complete
Independence sooner than was previously
anticipated and that the global tensions
that have been causing problems will
disappear according to political experts
Russia will be able to overcome its
domestic political problems and regain
its lost influence on the international
stage if the incoming president is more
democratic peaceful and reformist than
Putin and if he or she Begins the long
and difficult process of solving the
political military and economic crisis
that Putin sparked if the this occurs
then Russia will be able to regain its
lost influence on the international
stage Vladimir Putin the dictator of
Russia will pay a severe price for his
expansionist and aggressive policies as
well as the authoritarian management
style he implemented in the country
after more than two years of fighting
during which he began saying that it
would be one in a few months Putin’s
aspirations of generating money off of
Ukrainian territory were dashed and he
also lost the throne that he had been
striving to secure for the past 24 years
this was all due to Putin’s disregard
for the interests of his country as a
result of these words the attention of
the entire world switched to the
forthcoming events in the domestic
politics do you see the possibility of a
coup within the Russian military as a
real threat to Putin’s regime

  1. There will never be peace with the present Kremlin government. When they are removed and Russia moves towards democracy, there will be the start of lasting peace. Until then peace talks mean nothing

  2. Hell no he will not accept it because he will do something else. and say that it was ukraine fault so he can try again to go to war with nato or ukranie.

  3. That shows where the warriors and men forces are from in the old Soviet Union, Ukrainians soldiers have a hart of a lion fearless warriors , Putin realizes this Ukraine unstoppable force was going straight to catch his head , I’m USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ and I’m with Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

  4. Putin says something but does thre opposite & besides that it is written in revelation what Gog & Magog's role of the end times thus Russia will eventually regroup his forces.

  5. Assuming this report is true, a cease fire does NOT mean Putin is saying it's the end of the war. He could rearm & hit Ukraine all over again!😑😑😑

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