Return of The King! Cheerful King Charles Visits Cancer Centre in First Official Return to Duties 👑

Return of The King! Cheerful King Charles Visits Cancer Centre in First Official Return to Duties 👑

to come
through so your majesty this is Sally Co
Sally’s in charge of our tented lung
health check screening program where
we’re trying to diagnose cancers earlier
and the more cancers we diagnos earlier
the more patients we can cure s

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  1. Британски народ не заслужује никакво поштовање , јер уважава Камиуилу. Зна се кроз векове шта је та монархија по свету радила са робовима . После злодела и искоришћавања туђих ресурса, не заслужују клањање .

  2. Your Majesty, Like a cancer patient I'm deeply touch with Your visiting Cancer Centre where you show cariing for cancer bateling persons. I'm crying know…Thank you so much. I'm Australian citizens but unfotenatly I'm so poor that I have no money even for returing to my second Homeland to settle down in some Cancer Home to have proper and better medical care. This od my vrste wish. To return to Australia or England and die in peace. I'm praying for Your full recovery and full recovery od dear Princess Chathrine. Please, exept my humble obeincences and the best wishes. With deep respect, Tatjana Brozina 🇭🇷🇭🇲

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