Putin doesn’t care how many he kills in Ukraine ‘meat grinder’ – if he wins West will be next

Putin doesn’t care how many he kills in Ukraine ‘meat grinder’ – if he wins West will be next

I think we need to use that leadership
at this incredibly difficult time during
the uh War where as you rightly say uh
Putin has put his he doesn’t care how
many people he murders he doesn’t care
how many people go through this meat
grinder of a front line um he will just
carry on sending them because he’s not
accountable in any kind of recognizable
Democratic way and we’ve got to help our
Ukrainian friends defend themselves and
that is why I think us both sending them
another half a billion on top of our
already record size thing all this extra
kit and then saying to the rest of NATO
we’re going to increase our budget now
to two and a half% of GDP which is what
we want to set as the new NATO minimum
spend and that’s what we’re going to be
saying to Nato uh come the 75th
Anniversary I think in that way we can
lead again and make sure that Ukraine
gets what it needs to win this war Grant
you and I follow obviously follow events
in Ukraine really closely but to some
who isn’t following it that closely I
mean it sounds like an awful lot of
money and now it sounds like more money
on top of an awful lot of money what can
you actually point to you know how has
British Aid made a difference on the
battlefield it matters here and it
matters here because if Putin were to
win that war he wouldn’t stop in Ukraine
he’d carry on he’s talked about other
areas that he thinks should be part of
Greater Russia basically the old Soviet
Union that would affect us other
autocratic leaders around the world
would look at this and go well the West
can be be and you just have to carry on
for a couple of years and we all give in
so what does that mean in Taiwan for
example and the chips that are made
there and the way that affects our
economy so the connection back to anyone
watching this is is direct this three
billion I understand that it’s going to
continue how long will that pledge yeah
so that that was the other thing we
announced last week and I’m really you
mentioned actually because it was almost
lost in the flurry of we’re going to
spend two and a half% of our GDP on on
uh on defense and what have you but we
also said we will now MX the 3 billion
we spent every single year at least to
the end of the decade I mean I’m I’m not
making a prediction about the length of
the war because who knows but that’s
another six five six years and we’ll do
three billion a year every single year
and I wanted to do that because when I
speak to president zalinski it it’s
really important he knows that we’re in
this for the long term and this isn’t
just you know that otherwise a living
hand to mouth with us we want them to
know that Britain is there and he will
say uh as zinski has said to me you know
without Britain they just don’t know
where they would have been without our
leadership but Britain has said and
you’ve said as long as it takes Britain
stands with Ukraine as long as it takes
but you must have some sense you know
how long it might take is this a Forever
War well look it’s not right now um it
was frozen on the front line as you
rightly say uh Russia has been moving
West not particularly fast but they’ve
been making gains that’s absolutely
short took far too long to get the money
through to through Congress and frankly
everybody needs to step up I don’t you
know I don’t think if you are even if
you’re a European nation now um but
you’re not a member of NATO maybe it’s
time to think about it right because you
know as actually’s recently recently
happened with um Sweden Finland joining
it’s you know you can’t really be
neutral in a world in which an autocrat
is prepared to just go and see his
neighbors’s land how can you stay
neutral in that situation and I think
everybody needs to be contributing
everybody needs to be getting on board
on this continent let alone America I
mean they don’t live on this continent
you it’s great they come and help but
it’s also our responsibility which is
why as say 2 and a half% is there anyone
you’d single out anyone you think needs
to be doing more well anyone who’s not
currently frankly a member of NATO but
enjoys NATO’s protection uh you know I
think it it is time for people to think
about given a tyrant you know once again
we’ve seen this before in history moving
West I think it’s time to to to kind of
stop and and review and just quickly on
that um I know Ana wants to come in but
there is a risk that uh with elections
in America you know there could be a
change of administration and it’s
uncertain where Donald Trump to become
president how he would or whether he
would support Ukraine indeed he said he
could end the war in a day and that his
plan is to effectively make keeve
capitulate in that scenario are you
confident that that the rest of NATO or
rather the rest of the UK Ukraine
Alliance the contact group can uh
continue to support Ukraine America I
mean first of I was talking to the the
NATO Secretary General last week
Stenberg about this in in Poland and he
rightly points out I I agree that
actually a he’s dealt with and we all
have actually a trump presidency before
and uh you know NATO still goes and all
the rest of it but actually more to the
point um in that very delicate vote in
the uh in Congress it really hinged on
the speaker Mike Johnson uh supporting
the vote going through and then the more
what you call radical I suppose
Republicans not going after speaker
Johnson as a result of him doing that
and Trump was very interesting in this
he specifically went out of his way to
support Mike Johnson the Republican
speaker now he could have gone the
opposite way and I think it’s
conceivable if he had done that the
package may have had trouble passing
Trump didn’t do that so most think with
these things judge people on their on
their actions rather than their words
and I think that’s really true Trump you
think Trump’s changed his mind on you I
don’t know whether it’s changed mind but
it’s as I said before if you think about
America’s interests um even if you took
the view that some of the most you know
uh call them extreme commentators in
America might or politicians of of
Europe doesn’t matter we’re not wor even
if you took that view and I don’t think
many people think that but even if you
did if you’re America you still care
about what China and happens in in China
and Taiwan and Chip manufacturing and
all these other things and as I said
before the single message you’d send to
autocrats everywhere if the West said
you can’t just walk into your neighbor
and take it over as Putin’s done with
Ukraine and then we go well actually
there sort of a bit of a tension deficit
over a couple of years and we’re sort of
Bor of it so you can now if you did that
then America’s own power would be
directly uh hit by that and Trump would
recognize that as much as the next
person I think he he does I think
bringing back US policies to Ukraine’s
front line I’d love to ask the Americans
have signaled they’re uncomfortable with
longrange strikes actually into Russian
territory but last week Britain’s chief
of Defense uh Admiral Tony Rakin said
that Britain supports these attacks
would you be able to sort of clarify the
UK’s position on this well look first of
all uh I’m obviously not going to get
into sort of uh tactics and and those
sort of things other than to say two
things first we’ve always been quite
forward leaning on all of this and uh
you’ve seen how um given that Putin
walked into uh Crimea and just took it
in 2014 and there was no military
fightback you’ve seen how our brave
Ukrainian friends have been opening up
the Black Sea in fact the Russian Black
Sea Fleet no longer sails in the Black
Sea and certainly doesn’t sail its own
liberty in the in the Black Sea uh
because ukrainians who don’t have a Navy
have managed to make it inoperable for
Putin’s Navy so Britain has always been
supportive of the whole of Ukraine uh
being you know back under Ukrainian
control secondly in terms of Ukraine’s
own tactics and how they prosecute the
war we can’t realistically have a
position where everyone accepts
Ukrainian critical National
infrastructure like power stations and
what have you being blasted to bits and
they go but Ukraine you can’t you can’t
tell you can’t attack the uh
infrastructure of the country who are
attacking you we won’t let you do I mean
that would be ridiculous but it is a
decision those things are a decision
decision for Ukraine we are not Direct
combatives in this in this war and we
will never be because this is not a NATO
country Ukraine so they don’t come under
Article 5 protection and that will have
to be a question for Ukraine themselves
on um I’d like to ask about Russia’s
reach into NATO countries and I I want
to ask you specifically about GPS
jamming now you remember I was lucky or
perhaps unlucky enough to be on your
famous our famous uh trip together yeah
when we were flying back and that
aircraft was jammed in eastern Poland
we’ve since at the sun done an
investigation which reveals the extent
of this I mean thousands of Civilian
flights are getting jammed uh almost on
a daily basis and just last week there
were two finair aircraft that turned
back on their way to Estonia because of
the jamming affecting their navigation
systems that has prompted leaders in the
Baltic states to warn of a looming air
disaster how serious is this and what’s
being done yeah well look on one level
completely irresponsible to be jamming
those GPS signals and you know we were
flying uh you know via south of CLR I
think and uh uh we experienced jams for
about I think 20 25 minutes but actually
I mean I’m a pilot myself and I was
chatting to the pilots about it just
there was no by the way absolutely no
drama about it at all as a pilot you
know there are many other ways that you
can navigate in aircraft uh and uh
including talking to air traffic control
but also time-based navigation systems
which are not GPS so it’s perfectly
usually perfectly safe to fly but in
congested Skies GPS is an important part
of that and I think we are seeing a
world in which GPS both jamming and and
spoofing so aircraft being shown whether
they’re not and that sort of thing has
become increasingly uh critical first of
all usle condemn people doing that again
Putin just knows basically no end to his
own evil is is my view but but as the
British military in particular we’re
developing systems which use things like
precise navigational time pnt in order
to um use systems which don’t require
GPS satellites from space to tell you
where you are and do you think it’s
feasible that civilian aircraft might
need to and they already do to an extent
so even on the aircraft we were on uh
actually they have systems on there
which were able to tell us where we were
based on what time did you take off and
what altitude you at and all those types
of things those systems are becoming
more and more precise all the time and I
can confirm actually that defense
research and development is is at The
Cutting Edge of of doing even more with
this and I I imagine that in years to
come probably all airra will have many
alternative versions of navigation for
exactly this reason but how irr
responsible to block GPS uh knowing that
you’re blocking civilian Airlines

IF Russia wins in Ukraine, it won’t just be the West that is next, the UK’s Defence Secretary has warned.

Grant Shapps told The Sun’s brand new World at War show that a defeat for Kyiv tells the growing axis of evil between Russia, China, Iran that the “West can be beaten”.

Read more:
Vlad doesn’t care how many die in Ukraine meat grinder – and if he wins it won’t just be West that is next, warns Shapps

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  1. Not requiring the Ukrainian government to ante up the 500,000 troops they need for their army is irresponsible?! Ukraine needs to get boots on the ground! Absolutely ridiculous talk by everyone about giving military aid to a country not willing to provide the “manpower” they have to have in order to advance against the Russians!!

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  3. Our little mad man only cares about Trump. He will fail as he always does, but if he were to win, you dont realize how stupid and irrational we can be. Look at MAGA congress people; Q belivers, antivaxers, conspiracy theories from Putin, are all supported by our genious statesmen and greats like Moscow-Marge. Trump equals the end of US leadership or rationality.

  4. Let me get this straight, we buy their oil, send them billions of dollars which they use to get and build weapons to murder innocent men, women and CHILDREN. Weird. Who's guilty.

  5. The west next!…with what exactly. Russia is done. He will be judged in time from his failure to help the submariners on board Kursk to the thousands killed in various special military operations together with corruption.

  6. The West do not care how many they kill this is what they want. Its a land & asset grabbing free for all.
    The warmongers are encouraging war, spreading paranoia & disinformation.

  7. they say NATO tanks are already in Moscow, but there is a nuance)) they are waiting for Rishi Sunak on an elephant…) why did you get the idea about the axis of evil? maybe you are the axis of evil.. maybe Britain had colonies? maybe NATO invaded other countries…your prime minister admitted this…

  8. Hey western media can you tell how many NATO advisors have been killed in Ukraine because there are many reports of that you can't hide, west is anyway being replaced by immigrants.

  9. The EU should have put their economies on war footage on Feb 2022. You can't fight an economy on war footage if you are not yourself on war footage or you'll eventually inevitably run out of ammo and equipment.

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