AstraZeneca admits its Covid vaccine can cause rare side effect in court documents for first time

AstraZeneca admits its Covid vaccine can cause rare side effect in court documents for first time

the Oxford astroica vaccine has been
rightly Hil as a miracle and for many
millions it worked just as intended but
for a rare few the vaccine has proved to
be a killer the government medicines
regulator has linked 81 deaths in the UK
to thrombocytopenia and thrombosis TTS
for short it basically causes both clots
and bleeding this week the telegraph
obtained documents which revealed
astroica had admitted for the first time
in legal proceedings that its ja can in
very rare cases trigger TTS its
admission of the side effect in court
documents could yet lead to payouts for
those affected and the government has
pledged to underwrite the bills among
those fighting for fair compensation is
47-year-old Jamie Scott the father of
two Jaimie suffered a permanent brain
injury 10 days after having the jab in
April 2021 we should point out astroica
is denying the legal claim being brought
under the consumer protection act head
to the telegraph to read the full

#AstraZeneca has admitted for the first time in court documents that its #Covid vaccine can cause a rare side effect, in an apparent about-turn that could pave the way for a multi-million pound legal payout.

The pharmaceutical giant is being sued in a class action over claims that its #vaccine, developed with the University of Oxford, caused death and serious injury in dozens of cases.

Lawyers argue that the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine is “defective” and that its efficacy has been “vastly overstated” – claims AstraZeneca strongly denies.

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  1. Anyone i know who has lasting effects..they all got different brand vaxs. My hubby was military since 17. He was 1 of the 1st in our state to be pulled in the lottery. He has 3 separate heart issues now, never had before it and might need surgery. My Pfizer taker friend has had 2 surgeries already. Another fam member got a different brand and now has diagnosed heart issues too. Sue them all.

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