London sword attack – Attacker ‘rammed pedestrian before killing boy & severing cop’s hand’

London sword attack – Attacker ‘rammed pedestrian before killing boy & severing cop’s hand’

the first sign that anything had
happened in this close-nit community in
heo in Northeast London was at 10 to 7
yesterday morning when neighbors
reported hearing desperate and blood
curdling screams from L close behind me
it transpired that a man driving a van
had come Round the Corner at heavy speed
crashed into pestan before crashing into
a house neighbors said that they went to
go and check on the man who had crashed
but he got out carrying a twoot
ornamental sword which he then used to
attack a school boy 14 years old leaving
hisb home to head for his day at school
neighbors described seeing the young boy
sitting in a 6ot pool of blood as he lay
on the floor while officers and police
who arrived just 12 minutes after they
were first called at 6:54 a.m.
desperately tried to revive him sadly
there was nothing they could do um when
I left the house I locked up and as soon
as I turned over he approached me and he
was asking if he was basically saying
where are we what’s the address once I
had told the address
he sort of moved closer towards me he
put his foot on my foot so I couldn’t
back off and then that’s when he like
Drew out the sword and it was it was it
was arms length it was honestly
petrifying um I just I just ran once we
called the police as soon as I put the
phone down when I looked up I saw the my
neighbor the young boy coming out of his
house to go to school so at first that
my instinct was to to just shout and
wave at him which is what me and um
another neighbor did but because he had
just put his headphones on I don’t think
he heard either of us and yeah and then
it was sort it was sort of a moment
where we just went from shouting to just
just blankness you know just felt empty
cuz someone’s life just got taken right
in front of us so the man who was 36
then fled with the sword still in hand
down towards a garden area with some
garages where he climbed a top them
still with a rabble of police officers
in Pursuit it was at that point officers
shouted at residents on the nearby
thurow Gardens to lock their doors to
make sure the man who had earlier issued
crazy shouts of do you believe in God
could not get through their back doors
drop the
sword he’s goinging people’s Gardens man
lock your
doors everyone lock your doors
the man charged along the Garden area
and it’s understood from talking to
neighbors and locals on thorlo Gardens
he may have tried to climb over
somebody’s gate to get onto their garage
where he was then met with a wall of
police officers who shot him with two
50,000 volt tasers in footage captured
by a doorbell camera
obedi guys are OB
please first address the incident at
around 11:00 a.m. yesterday where they
said that many people five people in
fact including two police officers have
been injured in the rampage this morning
we learned that some of the injuries to
those cops are very serious indeed one
of them Mark roley said almost had her
hand cut off and he said it was a
testament to how police run towards
danger instead of running away we were
on the ground in 12 minutes and um he
was detained after 22 minutes obviously
some of the first contacts led to
officers being very severely injured
what can you tell us about the extent of
the injur I mean we talk don’t we people
say sort of officers run towards danger
what you’ve actually seen on some of the
videos that are out sort of around
social media and on news sites such as
your own you actually see what that
really looks like you’ve got officers
running towards someone who’s wear who’s
waving a sword um I went to the hospital
yesterday and to see the officers and
their families um I saw the inspector
whose hands badly damaged um I saw him
before the operation and he was in good
spirits I think that was partly the
morphine to be honest but he’s got sort
of a lot of patching up to be done on
his hand um really serious injuries
there and I was talking to the um family
and colleagues of the um uh of the
officer woman officer who’s really badly
damaged arm really seriously damaged and
then the surgeon spent sort of many many
hours sort of basically putting her arm
back together it’s take be a long
journey of recovery newspaper said of
the female officer it was close to her
actually losing her hand are you able to
confirm that that’s not a million miles
away I mean it’s it’s really
horrifically serious injuries it’s
understood another one of the injured is
at least one of the residents on land
close who attempted to assist the driver
believing that what they had witnessed
was a straightforward motor vehicle
accident after he was arrested Locs on
thurlo road said The Police Wrapped the
man in a black protective sheet in order
to restrain him however he continued
resisting until he was eventually
bundled into the back of a police band
by as many as six or seven police
officers who all surged towards the
threet the man this morning is still
being kept under guard at a local
hospital his injuries are still too
severe for him to be interviewed he has
been officially arrested but not yet
charged behind me in L close around a
dozen police officers including
forensics teams and sniffer doogs are
still scouting the area for any evidence
there may be in the immediate aftermath
of the incident yesterday morning there
was a range of medical equipment and a
chair that could be seen in the street
where some of the injured were treated
on the scene by paramedics the suspect’s
van which was left here until around
11:30 last night has now been removed
footage posted on social media showed it
being towed away it’s unclear where that
van is being taken however you would
think it would make quite a considerable
part of the evidence in this case as
police investigate exactly what has gone
on I’m secretary um aing scenes on the
Streets of London yesterday but scenes
of absolute heroism from our police can
I get a reaction to that yes well look
uh the terrible loss of life
particularly of a child is is is always
uh awful uh but the police acted swiftly
uh responded quickly and the officers
displayed huge bravery in confronting uh
an armed person on the Streets of London
I’ve had an update from the commissioner
of the Met police uh on those officers
who were injured and I I have so much
admiration for their decisiveness and
their courage uh in light of what has
happened what is it how is it that
someone can roam the streets of London
with a blade of of that size cam Bok
this morning said that there’s you’re
looking at further restrictions on S
sale of Swords is that me well we’ve
we’ve we’ve already put a whole range of
legislation in place there’s more coming
through in the criminal justice bill
with regard to weapons particularly uh
zombie knives of course it is already
illegal uh to carry uh a bladed weapon
like that uh on the streets um but as I
say the the response from the police was
incredibly Swift um but the you know the
tragedy is heartbreaking sadik Khan uh
mayor of London um said critics of said
critics that saying that maachi KH was
out of control in London had been
watching too much
wire look I’ve publicly been critical of
what I believe to be a failure of the
mayor to take violent crime in London
seriously enough I think comments like
that uh betray an unwillingness to be
really honest about the increase in
knife crime uh in London across the
whole of the country it is trended
downwards but London it has increased by
something region of uh 20 % this is
something that I’ve raised with him
directly and hearing those comments uh
as I say in my mind reinforce the fact
that he has not focusing on the things
that he as mayor of London as the police
and crime commissioner for London should
be concentrating on

THIS is the moment a sword-wielding maniac ploughed a van into a pedestrian before allegedly going on a rampage killing a 14-year-old.

Five people including two police officers were knifed in the terrifying frenzy, with a female cop almost losing her hand while battling to stop the attacker.

The schoolboy victim has been named locally as Daniel Anjorin.

Police chased the attacker through gardens before he was floored by three 50,000-volt Taser bolts.

A 36-year-old man was later arrested on suspicion of murder. The suspect was last night under guard in hospital.

Video shows the moment he was injured when he crashed his Ford van into a house before the carnage in Hainault, North East London.

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#hainault #knifecrime #sword

  1. GB News and Talk TV and Fox News in America were the first ones to cover this story and had full on 3 or 4 hour segments on it, the second the perpetrator was described as a white english male in his late 30's early 40's all coverage from these networks subsided and they dropped this story and continued with their usual political stories. They were hoping it was a muslim person so they can futher their agenda and continue their fear mongering. This really goes to show how utterly disgusting these networks operate that they care more about the narrative instead of the innocent 14 year old child that lost his life. My condolences to the family, this is heartbreaking.

  2. If this was a black man he would be shot to the ground. But they was very light with this guy, like it or not race has everything to do with everything. now he's gonna be classed as mentally unstable . Sick world we live in . RIP YOUNG LAD❤😢

  3. My first comment on here keeps disappearing…..

    Rowley's main comments aren't about the poor boy who lost his life, but about how brave his officers are…………….Too late for the police to start showing "heroism"!!!

  4. If the attacker has mental issues, then it's a whole new ball game. In the U.S. if a person is under a physiatrist's care, he cannot be charged with a crime. Not even murder. We had a lady who destroyed windows and glass doors and locked herself in a hotel room. Destroying everything in the room as well. She was taken to jail, then released and back on the streets within 48 hours. And she was not liable for damages or property loss. And no charges against her. She was off her meds. And that was that. Unbelievable. But true. It is, what it is…!!! Peace.

  5. Strange how quickly glossed over and hardly mentioned that he was shouting do you believe in god to people.

  6. Sadiq Khan not only needs to leave, he needs to be held accountable. What were you idiiots, whatever race creed or colour, thinking??? Its come up and bitten your arses. I am an Army Veteran from East London, I know live in Yorkshire, thank goodness. My family still live in London so GET A GRIP and oust Khan ( the London dictator ). No more police, no more protection, far more taxes, far more punishments for daring to drive in and around the City. Are you in London simly stupid??

  7. Sinbad the sailor came over on a boat 🛶
    Sinbad the sailor had a sword under his coat 🗡
    Sinbad the sailor hid behind a bush 🌳
    Sinbad the sailor jumped out in such a rush 🏃‍♂️
    Sinbad the sailor swung the sword with all his might 💪
    Sinbad the sailor then fled in to the night 🌙

  8. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. So here we have a so called "random" attack, but it is growing more suspected as there has been "random" attacks in the UK USA and Australia, all seemingly out of the blue, even after the chinese govement issued pilots helmets with self destruction buttons and the release of a update of there "Neuro strike" weapons in full development. So as seen as there has been a connetion between chinese inteligence and criminal activity, there has to be a clear possibility that "room 10" (chinese inteligence economic warfair unit) may be passing neuro weapons to the criminal elements in certain nations

  9. I find it strange that the female police officer is more concerned about talking on her radio than actually dealing with the criminal.

  10. for the young kids life alone country needs capital punishment brought back , this dude will get 3 meals a day , a young innocent kid robbed of life , its just so wrong

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