Georgia: Protesters hit by police water cannons after passing of ‘Russian inspired’ bill | BBC News

police in Georgia have used water cannon
and tear gas to disperse people rallying
in the capital tii against the
controversial foreign influence bill
which is seen as being Russian inspired
legislation targeting media freedoms and
civil liberties the country’s interior
Ministry said that protesters confronted
law enforcers forcing them to use
special means the Georgian government
plans to adopt the bill despite the
protests and warnings from the EU that
it could derail the country’s
integration into the European Union the
BBC’s Ryan Dimitri sent this report from
toi after more than two weeks of
peaceful protests Georgian police used
water cannons to disperse the
demonstrators in central DUI Riot police
moved in to clear the Main Avenue
outside Parliament this announcement and
warning from the police for testers to
disperse their RI police have already
used water cannons and pepper spray uh
urging to push these protesters out of
the Main Avenue but as we can see
they’re booing they’re not planning to
anywhere Russians Russians they chant in
reference to the government the
government which introduced a repressive
law opposed by the protesters
the government says they will push
through this law they say that they push
it but they don’t know that our Georgian
people’s would rather die than be the
slaves of Russians we will die for
Georgia and we will never be the slaves
Russians as police used more Force the
crowd became more
defiant because they believe their
government is acting in Russia’s
these protests were sparked by a
controversial bill that targets civil
society and is seen as a threat to
democracy on Monday the country’s
governing party organized a mass rally
in support of the bill its leadership
accused the west and Civil Society
organizations of attempting a revolution
and pledged to adopt the bill to defend
sovereignty Georg is a candidate country
to join the European Union this long
awaited status was granted just a few
months ago but since the introduction of
this bill both Brussels and Washington
warned that its adoption would derail
the country from the
EU the ongoing crisis is now more than
the fight against the undesired law it
has become the struggle for Georgia’s
European future rahan Demitri BBC newsi
well let’s speak now to Tintin japid
who’s an analyst at Eurasia group also a
native Georgian welcome to BBC News um
tenan when you look at these scenes do
you get a sense the government kind of
underestimated the response to this new
law it’s very good to be talking to you
and thank you very much for having me
back well not only did they
underestimate the response to their
decision to reintroduce what had already
been proven as a deeply controversial
Bill last year but the timing of this
move is rather peculiar and frankly one
could argue also illogical in a way this
is critically close to the October
elections where the Georgian Dream has
been hoping to secure a landslide win so
the ruling party is growing visibly
concerned now because people are not
going home they’re Relentless and the
rallies continue and this is something
that the government did not see coming
it really caught them by surprise indeed
the protesters have included a former
government Minister from the pro-russian
Georgia Georgian Dream party does it
suggest that the government has perhaps
gone too far and is losing
support it’s a little bit too early to
tell precisely how this will actually
play out for the Georgian Dream in terms
of the elections but what we can say
with some certainty at this point is
that those who were previously on the
fence not quite in the George and dreams
camp but also decisively against the
return of of the United national
movement the main opposition party that
was once founded by Mel sakash they’re
now in a bit of a limbo so it’s not just
about the draft law you see but also the
Georgian dreams founder B venish speech
on Monday night that really was very
problematic for many many Georgians
where he very openly promised to punish
his so-called as he said criminal
political Rivals after the October
election this is a sign I believe that
the Georgian Dream is going much further
than anyone could have anticipated and
much faster by the way than even their
opponents could have predicted at this
point okay Tenon jeer there will have to
leave it thank you very much for joining

Riot police in Georgia have fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse crowds protesting against a bill seen by some to be targeting media freedoms.

Under the “foreign agent” bill, independent media that receive more than 20% of their funding from foreign donors would have to register as organisations “bearing the interests of a foreign power”.

Protesters have spent days clashing with police on the streets of Georgia’s capital Tbilisi, with some demonstrators throwing eggs and bottles at police in retaliation of what has been called a “Russian inspired” bill.

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  1. Rom 3:23
    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    Rom 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death;

    Psalms 9:17
    The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

    Acts 8:37
    And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Rom 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    Corinthians 15:3-4
    For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

  2. The Free Armenians stand with Georgia! 🇦🇲🇬🇪 Կեցցէ՛ Վրաստանը։ 🇦🇲🇬🇪Գաումա՛րջոս Սաքարթուե՛լոս։ 🇦🇲🇬🇪 გაუმარჯოს საქართველოს! 🇦🇲🇬🇪 Long live Georgia! 🇦🇲🇬🇪 Да здравствует Грузия! 🇦🇲🇬🇪 Хай живе Грузія! 🇦🇲🇬🇪 ¡Viva Georgia! 🇦🇲🇬🇪 Es lebe Georgien! 🇦🇲🇬🇪 Ζήτω η Γεωργία! 🇦🇲🇬🇪 زنده باد گرجستان 🇦🇲🇬🇪

  3. Видимо молодняк грузинский не хочет уважать американские законы об ИНАГЕНТАХ который действует в США . Или есть что скрывать от кого деньги получают за демонстрации .

  4. People in Georgia don’t know what they’re getting into with this bill. It will destroy their country; they won’t be able to stop foreign interference, just like in America. The USA can’t get rid of Israel!

  5. silly Neocons mad triggered by RT and supposed russian "election interfierance"
    also Neocons demand to spread their NGO's and interfere with other's elections.

  6. Western nations and specifically the USA would not tolerate the blatant interference in their affairs that the western powers constantly effect in nations far from their borders. They do this through the subterfuge of NGOs, non-governmental organisations. These organisations such as the National Endowment for Democracy were carved out from the CIA and MI6 to provide cover as cut-outs to bring down governments the western powers see as adversaries.

  7. Western non-governmental organisations, funded by the U.S. State Department have been working toward this situation blatantly interfering in the political affairs of another nation, something the western nations would not tolerate for a second.

  8. აუცილებლად მივიღებთ გამჭირვალობის კანონს, უცხო ქვეყნის აგენტებმა, ყურადღების გადასატანად რომ ვეღარ არიონ, რაც ეხლა ხდება.
    ყველაფერი კარგად იქნება.

  9. Georgians and Russians have great shared History:

    1. Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti became part of the Russian Empire in 1801 AD.

    2. Kingdom of Imereti became part of the Russian Empire in 1810 AD.

    3. Principality of Guria became part of the Russian Empire in 1829 AD.

    4. Principality of Svaneti became part of the Russian Empire in 1857 AD.

    5. Principality of Abkhazia became part of the Russian Empire in 1864 AD.

    6. Principality of Mingrelia became part of the Russian Empire in 1867 AD.

    Georgians in the Russian tsarist army and in the government are a topic for special study. In total, during the existence of the Russian Empire, there were a few thousand generals in the Russian army, of which 380 generals were Georgians by nationality. In addition to generals, a similar percentage is observed among officers. As for ordinary soldiers of Georgian origin, by the beginning of the twentieth century there were tens of thousands of them, with a total number of 5 million soldiers in the tsarist army. In the 21st century, in Russia, there are 190 indigenous ethnic groups. In the Russian Empire, there were more indigenous ethnic groups, but only 4 of them were in the highest government. The generals and governors of the provinces of the Russian Empire were 4 main nationalities: Russians (also Ukrainians and Belarusians), Germans, Georgians and Armenians.

    More than 200 local ethnic groups lived in the Russian Empire (which existed from 1721 to 1917). The Russian Empire was ruled by princely families. The total number of such promoted lineages in the empire was 235. Of these, 139 were from other ethnic groups, and 96 were Georgian princely lineages – They were from the Georgian former independent 6 states (Kartl-Kakheti, Imereti, Guria, Samegrelo, Svaneti and Abkhazia). This means that 40% of the princely families of the Russian Empire were of Georgian origin.

    The Russian Empire had 380 Georgian generals from 1698 to 1917. In 1917, the transitional government had 21 Georgian generals and the Soviet Union had 126 Georgian generals. This Georgian generalship helped the Russian Empire in hundreds of battles, as well as thousands of Georgian officers and hundreds of thousands of Georgian ordinary soldiers, privates. The Russian Empire was saved from Napoleon by the Georgian general Peter Bagration (whom Napoleon called the most worthy opponent among the Russian generals of that time). For this merit, the Russian emperor erected a monument to Bagration in the Borodino Valley.

    Stalin and Beria were also among the 126 Georgian generals of the Soviet Union, who created Russia's space program, the atomic bomb, atomic energy (granted the Soviet Union complete energy-independence), made all 15 republics of the Soviet Union fully industrialized, ended the hunger strike that had been taking place in every 10 years in most of the territory of Russia and the Soviet Union in general. They created a military, scientific, economic base, the strongest intelligence and special services, such as the KGB, and turned the Soviet Union into a superpower, which was one of the rulers of the bipolar world together with the USA, and Russia and the Russian nation still enjoy their power today. The Russians were saved along with the other 124 Georgian generals from Hitler's invasion and enslavement (more than 300 thousand Georgian privates also died in the WW2).

    Every fifth person from Georgia was conscripted to the front of the Second World War – 700 thousand Georgians out of 3.5 million inhabitants of the Soviet Republic of Georgia. About every second did not return home. 300,000 Georgian fighters fell in battle while defending their homeland.

    In total, during the existence of the USSR (1922-1991), the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 12,777 people (for military, scientific, entrepreneurial and sports special merits). 95 women were awarded the title. A total of 1038 ethnically Georgian citizens of the Soviet Union received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. This means that every tenth hero in the Soviet Union was an ethnic Georgian. Georgians received the title of hero 5 times more often than representatives of other Soviet ethnic groups.

    The Soviet Union was a Georgian-Russian empire. The Soviet Union was founded by four cities: Moscow, the capital of the Veliko-Russians, Minsk, the capital of the Belarusians, Kiev, the capital of the Malo-Russians, and Tbilisi, the capital of the Georgians. At the same time, all the main foundations of the Soviet Union were built by the Georgian elite that created this superpower. "The single individual, who played the biggest role in creating the military-industrial complex in Russia was a Georgian man Sergo Orjonikidze (Grigory Konstantinovich Ordzhonikidze), who was the people's Commissar of heavy industries in the 1930's. He was apparently a brilliant manager and he played absolutely key role in organizing of the creation of the military-industrial complex of Russia." – Alexander Mercouris Sergo Orjonikidze became a symbol of the industrialization carried out in the territory of the Soviet Union in general, that is why hundreds of towns, villages and districts were named after him throughout the Soviet Union. and 12 districts, villages and towns in Georgia.

    P.S. Probably, Peter I, the founder of the Russian Empire, was Bagration, since he was the son of Prince Erekle I Bagration of Kartli and Queen of Russia Natalia Naryshkina (if genetic research is carried out, everything will be clarified in the end).

    Peter I was the last tsar and first emperor of Russia, a giant and a genius. He occupied the royal throne in 1682, at the age of 10. The name of the young king is associated with the implementation of large-scale reforms in Russia and the expansion of the territories of the Russian kingdom.

    In 1721, Peter I became the first emperor of the Russian Empire. He abolished the Russian kingdom and announced the creation of a new superpower – the Russian Empire on November 2, 1721. He was interested in studying science and studying Western European achievements and implementing them in his country. After a one-year trip to Western Europe, he introduced European customs and lifestyle to Russia, and the era of great reforms, reconstruction and enlightenment began in Russia.

  10. Georgia is only adopting this "bill to save it's sovereignty" because it's current "leadership" is being bent over by Putin's Russia!
    Russia will only use their neighbors as proxies for their own militaristic efforts. It's a sick regime, poisoning everyone and everything around them.

  11. I wonder who paid the Georgian politicians to pass such a Russian-style law that's so against the public's wishes and so against the best interests of Georgia? I suspect there's a whole bunch of Georgian politicians who belong in prison for the next ten years.

  12. Georgia United States? Ok just kidding. But USA news needs to get better. Because I’m USA and don’t understand this our education is trash. I have to research what’s happening. Thank you BBC for world news. If it wasnt for the accent I wouldn’t know any better. You can’t tell just by looking at people. We have protest over here too. I hope you guys get everything you’re asking for. Seems serious. So sorry.

  13. Why do Georgia police help Russians? At the minimum, the police should remain passive and don't use any water cannons or pepper spray. They should just stand there peacefully. That is the minimum rebellion they could do.

  14. Keep fighting, Georgia! Do not bend to the pressure from these puppets who are receiving money from the West. They dont want people to know where their masters are from so they are barking , of course. They are aslo too shy to mention that their masters have similar foreign agent laws since long time ago. Only Georgians are not allowed to have it because they are meant to be puppets and proxies. Independence is only for big guys, Georgia cannot afford it anyways.

  15. Protests according to the United States and Europe: students in the United States: absurd! antisemitism!
    Georgia: fight for freedom and democracy!

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