Is Georgia the next Ukraine?

could this European country be the next
Ukraine Russia already occupies 20% of
Georgia’s territory which it invaded in
2008 and now tens of thousands of
Georgians are protesting against their
pro-russian government just like
ukrainians did 10 years ago when the
then president rejected a popular EU
deal and chose to get closer to Russia
today’s protests in Georgia are over a
draft law that’s very similar to one
Russia uses to crush political
opposition it would require media
companies to declare themselves as being
under foreign influence if more than a
fifth of their funds come from other
countries the law could stop Georgia
joining the EU something nearly 80% of
Georgians say they want according to
recent polling the Georgian prime
minister insists his country will still
be able to join the EU in 2030 but EU
leaders say the law if it passes will be
a problem

Thousands of Georgians are protesting against a new draft law that mirrors one Russia uses to crush political opposition. #Russia #Georgia #EuropeNews #WorldNews #GeorgiaProtests



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