What’s in the latest Israel-Hamas cease-fire proposals? | DW News

What’s in the latest Israel-Hamas cease-fire proposals? | DW News

Israel has reopened the arz Border Crossing into Northern Gaza it’s the only Crossing into the north of the territory but it was closed following hamas’s October 7th Terror attacks Aid agencies had been calling for its reopening for months to allow them to deliver desperately needed food and medicine to hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk of famine for more on that let’s bring in our correspondent Rebecca ritters in Jerusalem Rebecca how how much of an impact will the opening of the Aras Crossing have on the humanitarian situation in Gaza well first I just want to clarify that this isn’t really a reopening yes Ares uh was open obviously until October 7 and it was closed subsequently but it was never a Goods Crossing it was always a pedestrian Crossing and now it is being used because obviously because of the infrastructure that was there and that has been now rebuilt around that area to allow for trucks to cross through so just not to conf use anybody that is this is a reopening of um a Goods Crossing um now of course in terms of what benefit it will have of course every bit of Aid Terry that gets through into the besieged Gaza Strip is making a difference will help every sack of rice every box of medical supplies but this opening of areas is by no means a silver bullet certainly its location uh in the north of the strip will uh get around some of the logistical issues that are faced by humanitarian workers trying to distribute that Aid on the other side it will be able to go straight into the north of the strip which is facing some of the worst conditions in the Gaza Strip um but you know we’re seeing yesterday we saw 30 trucks pass through that’s a drop in the ocean really and we’ll just have to see how many continue uh now it was pretty symbolically opened on the day that um Secretary of State Anthony blinkin was visiting because the US have been putting a lot of pressure on Israel to ensure that more humanitarian Aid crossed through and we’ll have to see just how much can contines to cross through Aras though of course it’s being hailed by blinken and by humanitarian organizations as you know very positive sign but we have seen a drop in the amount of trucks that that passed through in the last couple of days according to un figures yesterday uh we saw 130 or thereabouts crossed through not clear whether that includes those 30 going through uh the Aras Crossing I don’t believe that does include those those trucks but from a few days ago we were seeing many more so whether or not Aras is going to have a major impact remains to be seen and of course the UN warning that disease and famine are increasing inside the strip okay so that’s more that’s on the humanitarian situation in Gaza what about the ongoing ceasefire talks Rebecca between Israel and Hamas has there been any movement there well these talks are at a very precarious very um important phase this there has been an Israeli counter proposal that has been sent off off and is now sitting on the desks of Hamas leaders who are mulling it over we’re hearing that Yahya Sina the military leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip is likely to reject this uh counter proposal of course this is all coming from reports slight from speculation and and from from leaked uh you know sources but this is not likely to end the talks we’re hearing it is probable that that that the Hamas leaders will come back with some changes that want to see to this deal now the deal that is on the table looks like it will include something around a 40-day cessation of hostilities um and that somewhere in the number of 33 somewhere between 20 and 33 hostages will be released in a phased uh phased period and that will be in exchange for a number many more Palestinian prisoners now that the sticking point remains that Hamas demanding a complete end to hostilities they want to see a permanent ceasefire or at least the Pathway to a permanent ceasefire and that is something that Israel say that they cannot uh get behind so you know we could very well see that this stale stalemate that we’ve been seeing over the last several months will remain but we are expecting to hear a word from Hamas as early as today Rebecca thank you that was our correspondent Rebecca ritters in Jerusalem

Israel has opened the Erez border crossing into northern Gaza. The Erez Crossing is the only crossing into the north of the territory. It was closed following Hamas’ October 7 terror attacks. Aid agencies had been calling for its re-opening for months to allow them to deliver desperately needed food and medicine to hundreds-of-thousands of civilians at risk of famine.

Cease-fire talks are still underway in Cairo, Egypt. We spoke to our correspondent Rebecca Ritters in Jerusalem on Israel’s counterproposal for a hostage deal, involving a 40-day pause in hostilities, and Hamas’ likely response.

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  1. So either Hamas talks for Palestinians or not. But why so many want Israel to declare ceasefire, while Hamas still wants fight on and keep firing rockets, not to mentioning that they still hold hostages.

  2. German support for Israel has nothing to do with a guilt complex over the Holocaust.
    This is pure hypocrisy.

    Even in the mid-1970s, Germany under Chancellor Helmut Schmidt had a much more objective stance on the Palestinian question.

    Germany is pursuing the following strategy.

    The German economic system is mercantilist and thus heavily dependent on export markets.

    That is why Germany relies on cheap energy from Russia and large export markets such as China.

    Nevertheless, due to its role in the Cold War, Germany is still riddled with American NGOs that have a strong influence on the media and politics.

    It is therefore in Germany's core interest to continue to obtain cheap energy from Russia, which it also gets indirectly, and to keep China as its most important trading partner for exporting its goods.

    And because of these contradictions, Germany is pursuing this totally crazy, hypocritical pro-Israel policy because it sees this as an opportunity to serve American interests without destroying its economic system.

  3. First: Release the thousands of Palestinians who are held in Israeli prisons without charge.
    Second: Arrest netanyahu
    Third: Agree to facilitate the creation of a viable Palestinian state.

  4. Everyone uses the weapons at their disposal. While Israel has one of the largest military powers, the USA, as its vassal, it is logical that hostages remain Hamas' most powerful weapon.

  5. Are the protestors being allowed to drive the truck thru? Seems, well, like they would be begging to do that.
    We have no business involved in any war in the Middle East, heck, I don't even think we should have embassies there… We don't hear about the Middle East targeting Brazil…wonder why that is?

  6. Gaza should have been flooded with food by now. Israel withdrew most of their troops weeks ago. Shameful that the media doesn’t Demand to go inside. Instead they breathlessly report on minor violence at the moral protests Against the atrocity. Absurdity.

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