Israel would cease to exist as we know it with ‘flawed’ two-state solution, claims expert

Israel would cease to exist as we know it with ‘flawed’ two-state solution, claims expert

right now with regard to the military landscape as it pertains to the Gaza Strip there are two divisions of the Israel Defense Forces that are currently primed and ready to move into RFA as soon as the approval of the Israeli government is given to the military operation there those two divisions are the 162nd Division and the 98 division the 162nd Division was operating inside Central Gaza that’s an enormous enormous division the 98th division was operating primarily of late inside Kanan Yunis the 98th division is a story division now in Israel it is the Commando division of the Israeli Defense Forces and it is headed by a legendary Battlefield Commander by the name of Brigadier General Dan gold Force who was the formerly the deputy commander of the Israeli Navy Commandos and those are the two divisions that are primed to move forward as I said but they’re primed to move forward with a couple of distinctions and differences the first one is that the 162nd Division has already evacuated about a million gazans from Gaza City so it has the experience of how to do that under its belt and as you know one of the main challenges of the IDF moving forward inside Rafa has has been this constant concern about them being able to do so while avoiding undue civilian casualties by way of harm befalling those gazin who were moved South towards the area of Rafa who were previously located in the North of Israel while the IDF in the north of Gaza rather while the IDF operated inside Northern Gaza now the 162nd Division has got experience moving popul ations therefore and there are some changes that it will make for example there will now be checkpoints that are erected as the gazans who are in the area of wrapup are moved out of that area so that they’re spared any harm befalling them but in the past when the 162nd Division moved civilians from Gaza City South it did so without any checkpoints and so you had Hamas moving among the civilian population there for surviving now there will be these checkpoints that are erected to check these civilians as they moved from the area of fighting in Rafa to a safe Zone inside the Gaza Strip adjacent Coast there and in that way there will be an avoidance of the infiltration of Kamas Fighters and ultimately the The Escape of Kamas fighters from the area so there will probably be two weeks of the evacuation of the population around the area of RAF it’s very important to note that that evacuation will precede any major operation inside of Rafa by the Israel Defense Forces it’s also important to note that the fact that the idea has to move This 1.2 million strong members of Gaza the gazan population that is a direct consequence of the humanity and the humanitarian Creed of the Israel Defense Forces because were Israel seeking to commit genocide as people have falsely expressed it is doing we would not have to deal with 1.2 million gazin who have been displaced in order to keep them out of Harm’s Way immiserated certainly but immiserated because of the October 7th attack launched by Hamas against Israel so it’s going to be intense fighting in ROK this is not going to be small skirmishes this will look like a war it will feel like a war it will very likely Engage The Air power of the Israeli Air Force it certainly will Engage The Power Firepower of the Israeli artillery and of course the Israeli infantry and the Israeli Special Forces but it comes with a series of difficult dilemmas that may start to play out in real time depending on how close to the Kamas leadership the IDF is able to camp for example will Kamas leadership will the leadership of Hamas seek to stop that offensive by the IDF perhaps by executing hostages it’s not something that people want to think about out loud but it’s something that absolutely has to be considered and how will the Israel Defense Forces and the Israeli government respond if that does turn out to be the case we’ve recently seen the release of surviving hostages inside the Gaza Strip on video we’ve seen them released by Hamas for their propaganda aims those have been very jarring to the Israeli home friend although I can tell you the overarching result of those videos has been not to deter Israel from moving forward inside the Gaza Strip but rather to encourage the Israeli people behind the idea that our hostages are still alive and therefore must be rescued and released from the clutches of Hamas so one of the reasons that you’re seeing this feverish effort for a deal to be done other than the obvious is that this major operation by the Israel Defense Forces is going to be in the area of Raa which is the city that is adjacent to the rapak crossing the rapak crossing of course abats the Sinai Peninsula which is Sovereign Egyptian territory Egypt has a very very deep concern behind the idea that the gazan population will be moved from the area of Rafa into the Sinai Peninsula which is something that the egyp s want to avoid and as a consequence of that they are now leveraging as much pressure as they’re able to on Hamas in order to see the hostages released now the stages of the hostage release are quite complex and very complicated Israel in a previous round was seeking to have 40 hostages released it’s now reduced that number to 33 Hamas wants to see aerial surveillance stopped by the Israelis for eight hours per day 10 hours per day on days when hostages are released But ultimately what I think people need to realize and understand is that sinoa wants one thing above all he wants to see an end to the war he will take such an outcome as a victory he will propagandize it as a victory falsely so and he will Express by way of that that jihadism has survived it can survive any Onslaught by any enemy certainly any Western enemy certainly the Zionist enemy as he would term it and without him receiving assurances that a release of the hostages will result in an end of hostilities it’s unlikely that we’re going to see them released by way of a deal much more likely there will have to be some sort of military resolution to this crisis what that resolution will look like precisely is is unknown obviously there’s one other for point that is important for your viewers to note last week amas actually said that they would bring about a cessation to hostilities from their side if that cessation was connected to the bringing about of a two-state solution now I have always thought two-state solution as commonly understood is a deleterious policy to the state of Israel it’s a nonsensical policy still born and flawed at the point of conception and really is something that should be consigned to the dpin of history in terms of a policy position now if anybody disagrees with that idea they’re welcome to do so but keep in mind the following if Hamas is endorsing the two-state solution which it just did last week everybody can be cleared about the fact that the two-state solution would bring about the end of the states of Israel as we know it hence Kam’s Readiness to enter into such a bargain

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  1. They signed an agreement that when they went to Palestine after WWII that they would live under Palestinian laws and work side by side, but they now murder their hosts after stealing their homes, land and possessions… not what right minded people would do! Their grandparents would be disgusted with them and their genocide.

  2. How do you distinguish Hamas militants from the civilians?
    Also, you don't explain why a two state solution (that, to my knowledge, was not achieved because of the opposition of Hamas) would be a threat to Israel.

  3. 12most WANTED Netanyahu and Biden and Rishi sunak and Emmanuel macron and Antony albanese and Justin Trudeau and Anthony Blinken and Olaf Scholz and Donald Trump and ben gvri and w bush and Elon musk and

  4. God gave the land from the river Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates forever to Israel. None of the land belongs to the Palestine people. NO TWO State solution needed for God is not in agreement for splitting up the land.

  5. Sadly Hamas& the other terrorists are meth heads,slav addiction,China's dope to weaken society for invasion,the recruiting……, see history of meth China's chemical plant makes the ingredients smuggled in since the 70 s& Nation wide,Putin gives it to his guys Hitler used it to

  6. Masses of people have left their countries of origins to seek a better life elsewhere, fleeing wars, persecution, famine, etc. Cultures have been decimated but then flourish elsewhere. This is nothing new. Where are the filthy mega rich fellow muslim nations, why are they nof at least offering sanctuary to those in need ? Is Islam that disengenuous ? The state of Israel is tiny in comparison to the massive territories of fellow muslims. Israel asks for so little. Islam is a religion of greed, hypocrisy and revenge apparently ?

  7. ❤‍🔥✞𓆪My friends, I want you to remember the message I preached and that you believed and trusted. YOU WILL BE SAVED BY THIS MESSAGE if you hold firmly to it. But if you don't, your faith was all for nothing. I told you the most important part of the message exactly as it was told to me. This part is: -` 🚨 ⏰ ´- CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS, AS THE SCRIPTURES SAY. HE WAS BURIED, AND THREE DAYS LATER HE WAS RAISED TO LIFE, AS THE SCRIPTURES SAY. -~1 CO 15:1-4 CEV

  8. May Allah bless you all. It was an honor taking part in this session with my teachers, Shaykh Abdullah and Shaykh Omar. May Allah accept from them, the Yaqeen team and all of us.

  9. Negara dlm kategori termakmur di Dunia..ISRAEL. dan kategori negara melarat di dunia HAMAS. Makanan saja harus menyamar jd warga sipil dpt bantuan mkanan dr palestina. atau PBB .PERSENJATAAN NYA SM DGN IRAN LIMBA PIPA PARALON.. Belum menembak sdh meleleh

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