Russia says it’s ready to review “serious” peace proposals with Ukraine

Russia says it’s ready to review “serious” peace proposals with Ukraine

то Россия всегда была и остаётся открытой к политико дипломатическому урегулированию украинского кризиса с учётом современных реалий с учётом российских озабоченной в сфере безопасности для всеобъемлющего устойчивого и справедливого урегулирования кризиса должны быть устранены его первопричины Запад должен перестать накачивать всу вооружениями Киевский режим должен прекратить боевые действия Украина должна вернуться к истокам своей собственной государственности нейтральному вне блоко Россия готова рассмотреть действительно серьёзные предложения которые будут основаны на реалиях на учёте наших интересов в сфере безопасности А язык шантажа угроз неприемлем для нас есть

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday that Russia is “ready to review truly serious proposals based on realities and our security interests” amid its ongoing war with Ukraine.

“Russia has always been — and remains open — for diplomatic settlement of the Ukraine crisis,” Zakharova said, specifying that certain conditions must be met, such as the ending of Western military aid and Kyiv’s military “activities.”

“The language of blackmail and threats is not acceptable for us,” Zakharova added.

Russia’s comments come one day after U.K. Foreign Minister David Cameron pledged an annual £3 billion in military aid to Ukraine for “as long as it takes.” Cameron also said Ukrainians should be able to use British weapons in whatever way they please, as they were “illegally invaded” by Russia.

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  1. Russia 🇷🇺 flag is red white and blue. USA 🇺🇸 is red white and blue. We should be working together but dark spirits rule Earth for now.

  2. Any agreement with Ru$$ia is not worth the paper it's written on. The only thing Ru$$ia understands his force. Ukraine is speaking the only language they understand. We just need to keep helping Ukraine speak 🤠👍

  3. We hold Chinese 🇨🇳 Xi Jinping accountable for the damages caused by the Russian invasion
    because of his "no limits" support for Putin.

  4. Attacking in an act of war and then saying we do not listen to the language of intimidation are quite contradictory. Hypocrisy personified. Pathetic.

  5. If only we had reason to believe Putin is sincere.
    I suspect he delay things so that his puppet can be installed – game over 😈
    I hope that I am wrong.

  6. Western Ukrainians want an independent democracy away from Soviet Union communism. 2014 Russian "mercenaries" illegally took over Donbas and Crimea without any delegations.

  7. Just because of small aid that was passed…😂😂😂😂🙄🙄🙄🙄

    Imagine if Ukraine kept their Nukes…Eggxactly.

  8. Any 'peace' with territorial concessions given to Russia is equivalent to a Ukranian defeat. No treaties with Putin or his imbecile MOD unless they offer to leave and return to a status-quo ante-bellum.

  9. If Europe foot their soldiers, this war ends in a week..or Russia behaves like a big brother and ends the war with a peace treaty which suits both countries.

  10. "Russia" no longer exists as a nation, and there is no one in charge of the terrorists named "Russia" in that region of the world to negotiate with. Any claim about a peace proposal is not "serious".

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