Russia Shows Off Semenivka Capture’s ‘Winning Shot’; Ukraine’s ‘Last Line Of Defence Decimated’

Russia Shows Off Semenivka Capture’s ‘Winning Shot’; Ukraine’s ‘Last Line Of Defence Decimated’

In a dramatic turn of events, the Russian army has released a compelling video showcasing what they dub their “winning shot” in the Donbas region’s Semenivka. The footage, captured by a camera mounted on Russia’s FPV drone, reveals a striking blow against Ukrainian positions, shrouded under camouflage nets. With claims of repelling ten counterattacks and eliminating over 370 Ukrainian soldiers, Russia’s offensive has dealt a severe blow to Ukraine’s defense. As tensions escalate, Ukrainian President Zelensky issues a fervent call for support from allies. The conflict intensifies, leaving the world on edge. Click to find out more.

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  1. Putin is undoubtedly the man of the of the century. He's liberated the world from US oppression. He's given freedom to the oppressed Arab world, to Francophone Africa, to freedom from dollar monopoly, freedom from NATO oppression, he's shown sanctions by the West are meaningless, he's freed North Korea from oppression by the West. He's championing BRICS. Hail Vladimir Putin.

  2. Zelensky is a fool. He is a fool puppet. He's been listening to the west but not knowing he's been used only as a pawn. Now it's too late for him. VICTORY FOR RUSSIA! VICTORY BELONGS TO RUSSIA. VICTORY OVER EVIL NAZISM! VICTORY OVER THE WEST. URRAHHHHH! URRAHHHHH! LET'S GO RUSSIA. LET'S GO! KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING. KEEP IT GOING.

  3. In a normal war, with Ukraine paying its own cosr, Ukraine would have conceded after the counter offensive failure. But the proxy war has a money man behind it and so Zelinsky will continue the war as long as : 1. the USA keeps funding him. 2. His cannon fodder doesn't run out. 3. His military doesn't kill him. Who knows when this debacle ends.

  4. More that 600,000 amazing Ukrainians have been killed and 1.8 million have been severely injured by this senseless war created, funded and supported by the Anglo-Saxon, whose objective since the 18th century is the subjugation of the Slavs. In the past, the Slavs always unite to fight anyone that makes them kill one another or get involved in their civil war. Given the Slav's losses during the second World War while protecting the West, one would have thought that they had learned. Unfortunately, for the sake of money, the leadership of Ukraine have decided that the lives of their own people is worth nothing. Why can't they get the Anglo-Saxons to fight each other for American, Australian and Canadian's resources? Why are the Anglo-Saxons hell bent on stealing Slav's resources? It's a pity that the Ukrainians learnt nothing from the Anglo-Saxons expetions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria to mention a few. RUSSIA, BRICS and the Shanghai Economic order are the future that Ukraine ought to have been part of rather than old, tired EU that has no resources. Even Norway and the Nordic countries chose not to join the EU. What a pity?

  5. Putin wasn't very aggressive in fighting Zelensky at the beginning of the war. He was trying to force Zelensky not to join NATO and served Ukraine as a cushion for Russia, but he refused. Now, Putin has to beat him even harder and occupy more of the Ukrainian territory. In the end, Zelensky is getting what he deserves.

  6. Why are they letting Russia make a joke out of the west. Are they now. I ain’t laughing. When conscription starts no one else will be either.

  7. Russia is bleeding Ukraine and it's Western mercs while bleeding the West of Funds. You could say Russia turned the tables on the Western planners and is Weakening and exposing NATOEUSA. Global Colonialism. The Garden is weathering without the riches of the Jungle.

  8. OKULTIZAM I POLITIKA Stvara se nova država Hazara Jevreja koja će kontrolirati svijet i novi ‘PUT SVILE’ – EVO GDJE …
    Događaji na «arapskoj dugi», uključujući Libiju, Egipat Siriju i Palestinu pokazali su se povezanim sa događajima u Ukrajini – tj. planom stvaranja «Nove Velike Hazarije», koja bi se prostirala od Sueckog kanala do Pribaltika

    Do 2014. godine «ukrajinskim pitanjem» su se koristile SAD, Velika Britanija, Evropska unija, Vatikan i NATO, ali od te godine na geopolitičku pozornicu stupa novi «igrač» sa višestrukim (pomalo nedefiniranim) likom – Hazari – Jevreji i Izrael. Zapravo, aktivacija Izraela i Hazara ima dublji geopolitički razlog.

    Naime, događaji na «arapskoj dugi», uključujući Libiju, Egipat Siriju i Palestinu pokazali su se povezanim sa događajima u Ukrajini – tj. planom stvaranja «Nove Velike Hazarije», koja bi se prostirala od Sueckog kanala do Pribaltika i kontrolirala sve naftovode, gasovode i transportne puteve «novog velikog puta svile» koji ide iz Azije u Evropu, a to je značilo da se mora djelovati u Ukrajini. U hazarskim medijima od obojene revolucije u Kijevu 2014. godine traje kampanja za zauzimanje «Erec Ukrajine» (zemlje Izraela).Cilj im je pobiti određen broj Ukrajinaca jedan dio raseliti treba ih ostati oko 10do15miliona tako su Ukrajinci postali izumirajuća nacija ,cijeli politički vrh Ukrajine su Jevreji Hazari također ambasadorica Amerike u Ukrajini je Jevrejka Hazarka Viktorija Nuland i ona najviše gura rat protiv Rusije,Hazari Jevreji kontrolišu federalne rezerve tako imaju neogranićen pristup novcu štampaju dolara koliko im treba ,teza o Hazarima Jevrejima veže se za Artura Kestlera i njegovu knjigu "Trinaesto pleme "Sve se radi pod budnim okom Izraela i obavještajne službe Mossad i sekte Chabad Lubovich pitanje je dokle se može Rusija nositi sa tim ili su dio projekta???????

  9. Vive l'Ukraine, l'Ukraine vaincra la Russie de ce criminel de poutine…..amitiés à tous les ukrainiens et surtout courage aux sodas..Que Jésus Christ vous protège ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  10. This is a tall order for zelensky impossible by now to attain after three years in war with Russia. The 112 billion dollars in 2022 and the 300 million more of arms and tax payers money money aid supplement gone to waste. What can zelensky do with 62 billion dollars additional fund when the multi-billions had no effect earlier, but all losses in battlefields. In 2022 to early this year, western mainstream media had bombarded the world the narratives that Ukraine winning while Russia losing in great numbers and huge losses in equipment. Until the west realized that winning in the media platforms is entirely different in actual battlefield. No matter how the west covers with pallatives. Now the West is singing the different tune. Ukraine is near defeat,. The 62 billions may be enough, the promised F-16s to Ukraine are tired, old and substituted with vintage Soviet era combat aircrafts.

  11. No no we are with Russia 🇷🇺 100% Ukraine is corrupt and being nazi so Ukraine is the terrorists supporting a cause that benefits the west and collective west as they’re all corrupt in their dealings with Ukraine , so Ukrainian soldiers and proxy soldiers are dying so corruption can continue, what a laughable situation. Ukrainian troops, ……. RUN 🏃‍♀️

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