Surrounded On 3 Sides, More Towns & Positions Fall – Ukraine War Map Analysis & News Update

get our Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and I promise that this video is going to be a bit shorter because this sickness has really got me but right at the beginning we’re going to look at some maps we’re going to look at some geolocated footage and some strikes we’re going to talk about the international criminal courts this mix up with Israel and Hamas as well we need to talk about f-16s and other fighter aircraft and airfields as well now the first thing I want to speak about is this strike in Odessa so we’ll have a look on the map of where Odessa is right down in here I believe one of if not the most important area for this war it would be absolutely change the entire Horizon of this war if Russia was able to seize ground in here for economic as well as military points and we do know Russia has had a lot of strikes into here of recent now one of which has badly damaged or destroyed this beautiful building here people call the Hogwarts Castle now again with all of these strikes the information campaigns everything goes just ballistic of what it was and due to every side being called out before there’s just no trust in believing what is what anymore so of course one side will say that this was a terror attack against a residential building the other side will say either it was housing military and or it was air defense that then went into into this building here both of which we have seen examples of before either way this building has been badly damaged and all destroyed and we do know that there are a number of people killed in this including civilians so again it’s never a good thing but let’s just have a look at the maps straight off the bat as there is some interesting and large changes relative so this is Ukraine the center the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 and the purple since 2014 Green on this map indicating territory where Russia has been and Ukraine has either pushed them out or Russia has withdrawn and blue being that same but within two weeks so where I want to come down first is this island in the hon region now what we can see on the M map is this control has then been taken back to gry zone for the majority of this now as well I was waiting on seeing maybe some gated footage some FL some flag planting in here we haven’t actually seen anything yet to confirm this movement but we do know multiple sources from different sides of the aisle are reporting on this but we have seen a decrease in control there we’re seeing no change in robotany but then we’ll come let’s actually go into AV Diva first as this is the most crucial changes so we’ll bring up this so we can see the movements of today and as you can see large movements here on of Russia expanding their control around Oar and Nova kovi and Kik as well closing up this gap between these two now we spoke about the other day that likely there was already a withdrawal of soldiers from here otherwise there would be potential for getting surrounded and we know that that has happened in other areas and rumors that it has been happening in this area as well but these are large changes as Russia does move down both the train line and this major road here of course this road leads all the way to poov and is a major hub for movement of goods and Logistics in and out of this area as we’ve spoken about if there is a push further down into here the ability to then have a southernly or Northerly push and bypass some defensive works is possible that could be what is being seek to do here other than moving through the open ground in these areas out from seifa but these are major changes and major expanses of this front line so let’s have a look on surk and see where this is lining up or not now again showing incredibly similar of this movement out to the Northeast as well as this movement and closing up around the keramic front so situation north of Diva Russian army made significant advances West and Northwest of oet in the direction of the rail away and this less than a kilometer from this locality on the other hand map Corrections were made at the eastern part of Oar where Ukrainian Army still has presence over the garages and some higher buildings at the micro District of the locality so just in here so just right in this area here that it has had a correction saying that we know now Ukraine is still there south of it Russian Ukrainian forces are clashing at the trench Line West of civo uh while far Northwest Russian troops managed to to full control the southern part of kmic and capture the high position that overlooks navon noi which is now Under full Rush control the big Ukrainian Trend system at the center is surrounded from three sides now so systems in here so it will be interesting to see what this looks like tomorrow at least over the next couple of days and we could see that this then close up here would this prove this idea that this is going to get cut off very quickly for the ground lines of communications not being able to revive then Logistics out into this front because of the expansion of this that said everything can move very quickly on these Maps so hold off don’t count your chickens before they hatch but that is interesting to look at what is happening here now we just move down to the South cren hoap this area is just where we know this map is just not keeping up that the Deep State M mod map here it’s just not showing what we know to be in here we know there is Russian presence in here we know that there is Russian armored movements into here but it does show this control out into the east of an expansion of control by the Russians as well today of course these areas are important because this is since 2014 there are trench systems and defensive Works being lost here that have been held now for over a decade so we will look at some footage here as well so this is the map update we have from suriak today now no major changes on his map but what it does show is this movement here near the industrial Zone but see this Red Line This is showing where and we’ll watch the video in a second where these house tanks ble mobiles whatever you want to call them have moved in and out of CR Riva now these have had incredible success call them dumb whatever you want to call them either way we do know that these are being successful both moving dropping off troops and moving back out of these heavily mined heavily defended and heavily artillery areas at the front l so situation west of Don City recent video footage shows new Russian tank attack inside CR ARA tanks reach the limits of the refactory plants that the plant in here and landed troops there later retreating to the original positions the streets of here and here are completely taken and the result of the industrial area from this axis begun so now there’ll be a assault on this region so let’s have a look at this footage here and I’ll bring this map up on the side so you can see where this is then moving so you can just see the amount of fire and artillery towards these as well as firing from the vehicles themselves this is the industrial area that we’re looking uh at there you can see the tanks firing so as well artillery coming back at and targeting as these vehicles move through we’re just going to skip forward just a little bit here as we can see how heavy the bombardment becomes and you can also talk about the success of these vehicles yes it may look stupid but at the end of the day if it’s working it is working we know that these have the shell over them packed full of things like electronic warfare equipment and it provides just some extra security from charges so moving through and then we can see out into this builtup then industrial Zone the vehicles it’s hard to see with just the amount of smoke and dust in the air but it is in this industrial Zone you can see this Smoke Stack uh just here you’ll see it on the right one second right there so if we go back to here this is this location here to give you an idea and then you can see these vehicles have it’s said to have cond conducted a drop off of Russian troops to continue the assault into here and would be dropping logistical Supply as well and then you can see these vehicles then moving back out of cren hka as well so again you can’t underestimate the success these are actually then having yes likely some were destroyed in this but at a war like this you’re going to have losses and this is a tactic that is obviously working and we’re seeing these vehicles turn up on other front lines as well and it is having success on this front so that is very interesting to see what is happening here now we’re just going to move out to the north actually to look at another change on this map there’s no changes in bmud shown on this map but I believe yes we do have one then for suriak and Shas ofar here now Shas is incredibly important as if this was captured and The High Ground here could open up into constantina and kator and of course support down to the South this taking of this toret front line of course we we seeing this o advancement but this will be an incredibly critical area but Russia has had some failures here situation on the east of chia after three weeks of combats russan Army failed to consolidate control over the first houses of canal micro District where were uh which were retaken by Ukrainian Army so been pushed out of if we have a look just in this District here no change shown on the Mad map because they never showed that anything was taken there but we come up into the northeast of the country now different like I know Bild the German um news was saying as well that there is a massing of 20 to 40,000 Russian troops up in this area for a hary of advancement up in the north of the country but we do see that there is more Grand now may down at kislia and this is now for at least 3 or 4 days in a row we have this Russian advancement out through kka as well sur’s not showing this advancement here but he did show one yesterday and he did show more down near Tova but this isn’t being shown on this map as well but this area I think is some way to absolutely keep your eye on Ukraine obviously think the same because they’re putting a lot of assets and a lot of troops up into this area and as well over the past couple of weeks has been evacuating civilians from Frontline areas in the arive O blast as well now what we will just look at while we’re actually up here is a new Airfield that is being built up in here so let’s have a zoom back out so we can see this is in the belgrad oblast of course this is hariv this is sui that there is a new Airfield being built here now what we need to look at is this is just at this time when the photograph was taken just an open bloody field which now it is looking like this you can see that the this is being built up here this was on I believe March the 5th that this Photograph was taken now people have pointed out that this was a civilian infrastructure airport being built but others have pointed out yeah do you really think that if the Russian military didn’t need to use it then they couldn’t then overtake and use it and people have also pointed out by taking the size of this I’ve said that this is 1,800 M long you don’t make airports that long for bloody sesers and whatever this could accommodate your large ill 76 type planes and could this all line up into what we get what we potentially may see that North group push into hariv and sui or or is all of this a bit of a ruse to draw troops away from where Russia is having success and Ukraine is already having Manpower issues I don’t know I’ll let that up to you guys to decide but we have one more Map update for you down in the Oro front here in roboty now there are different footages coming out different maps showing so many changes down here but let’s just have a look at this today situations up front Russian army made new advances West bondy taking control over a series of trenches and new parts of the locality and Now controls half it as a result Ukrainian Army retreated from the most of its positions inside the botney so if we look at where this road is running see where it turns down to the West Northwest here that it is saying that there is advancement all the way up into here of the Russian forces again the map’s just show so different in here I don’t know what to believe I’ve seen some gated footage that people doubted saying this was older footage here again eventually we will know exactly what is happening here but just for now take take it with a grain of salt now I want to talk about f16s now we do know that Ukraine is desperately waiting for f-16s to come into the country and me as well as a lot of others I think that these have actually been built up too much for the change that I think the f-16s will have I think potentially is not going to be where they built up to be but I guess then we will see so let’s have a look at this now this is AI voiced but talking about where these f-16s will be placed in Ukraine this is going to be a problem we’re seeing Russia have a lot more success with these uh long range missile attacks and where are these planes actually going to go it’s very difficult to hide a 2 km runway for this it is necessary to properly prepare the place of their base their location since the these are colossal funds if we are talking for example about the excavation of various underground hiding places BK so talking about digging bunkers that would be incredibly expensive this also takes time therefore other various methods are currently being developed as to exactly how it will be possible to place it where it will be possible to place it of course we understand that it will be a scattered use on different types of air strips airfields where it will be difficult to detect the enemy for this a different set of methods will be used in order to mislead the enemy and at the same time to use them effectively I would not like to broadcast now exactly how this will be done however of course there is already a certain number of studies thoughts how it will be possible to safely Place 16 aircraft in Ukraine so that they can quickly perform their tasks and protect our airace so interestingly they’re saying 16 but also saying that these are going to be scattered across different runways and I’m sure that Russian satellites are and Chinese satellites we know China China are providing a lot of uh that imagery to Russia as well are looking for what air strips are being built up being reinforced or new pavement put down but we need to look at this as well because this is coming out from Business Insider speaking that the US has purchased 81 Soviet era planes from Kazakhstan of course historic Ally of Russia Kazakhstan was in the Soviet Union these planes can be used for spare parts or as decoys in Conflict regions the K post reported and I believe most likely that these planes will not be airworthy just for the price that they were sold at and most likely will be used as either target practice for the US or uh Ukraine like on the ground or as they say their decoys Kazakhstan which is upgrading its air fleet auctioned off 117 Soviet year figh and P aircraft including mid 31 Mig 27 mig29 Su 24 from 70s and 80s for uh cost of a billion kazakhstani ten for 2.2 million USD each plane $2,000 so anything of worth I’m guessing will be absolutely stripped out of one of those for 20 grand bloody we could put some money together between us all and just [ __ ] around sitting in it playing out our bloody Top Gun uh fantasies anyway that is likely I think what those are going to be used for where these Fighters are going to go well we know that up near Neo there has been strikes successfully against Ukrainian Mig 29s against the Airfield there maybe out in the west but then it limits their use a lot for time and fuel everything out into the country so we are unsure of this but we do have some interesting footage here that I haven’t seen before I’ve said to be a Russian x101 cruise missile here of course these are subsonic being chased by a Ukrainian airto a missile we can hear the sonic boom that is it there whether that caught up or not we are unsure of what happened there but a very interesting footage to have a look at so just yesterday I spoke about the United Nations and the IC and I mentioned that in some areas where they wanted charge they just don’t have any jurisdiction of course they don’t have their own police or military so they can’t really do anything nor do they have really the balls to go against the US and you know its allies well today some of this is coming out and is causing a massive stir so diplomats from the G7 industrialized nations have urged officials at the IC not to announce war crimes charges against Israel or Hamas officials admid concerns that such a mood could disrupt the chances of a breakthrough in ceasefire talks something I will mention is the IC did Issue a rest warant for Putin and Maria bovo marovo Bova uh as well but asked about the prospects of IC Warr White House spokesman um Kang J and Pierre has said we’ve been really clear about the ISC investigation we don’t support it we don’t believe that they have the jurisdiction so undermining here if you don’t have the jurisdiction well how does that apply one and not the other us politicians spoke out with the Republican uh Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson saying such a lawless action by the IC would directly undermine US National Security interests if unchallenged by the Biden Administration the ICC could create an assume unprecedented power to issue arrest warrant against American political leaders American diplomats and American military personnel they by endangering our country’s Sovereign Authority Democratic senator John fedman warned it would be a fatal blow to the judicial and moral scene of the ISC to pursue this path against Israel so I applied one area not others and this is my take of all these laws of war laws of armed conflict warrants whatever is if the UN is going to be what the UN was originally set up for as well as the IC investigations or arrests or charges or whatever they can’t be pick and choose when you want or when you don’t want depending on the powerful Nation or your jurisdiction and I think this is just further proving that it’s either going to if they do do this it’s going to undermine the whole system because the US and Israel and other countries are going to go whatever and in turn that will undermine the legitimacy of any warrants put out or charges against say Russian officials which aing Defender speaks about here now you can say as well which countries recognize this you can see America Russia say Ukraine and as well Israel have signed but not yet have ratified where Australia and Canada whatever have signed and ratified but he says here regarding New York Times article that I posted ear I guarantee if the ICC does does decide to issue an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin n hu and other Israeli officials it will cause some major issues for the organization and most countries in Europe as well as the US and countries linked to the US will not consider the warrant as valid this is one of the worst ideas the ISC could ever have and would likely backfire terrible terribly making countries individual individuals possibly question their other warrants for actual war criminals like Vladimir Putin it also makes you really think why leaders like like bashal alassad or kimun haven’t had arrest warrants issued for them so very interesting here we’ve spoken about the U the ICC and what legitimacy as well as actual jurisdiction Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day sorry this one was whatever I’m just I’m not well look out yourselves I’ll see you soon bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well, Today we talk about the Russia’s winter offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. If NATO were truly worried that Russia would attack Europe after it has finished with Ukraine a massive mobilisation would have taken place, NATO has done no such thing. They understand that this is basically a civil war between Russia and Ukraine.

  2. Seems like the globalist military complex has sucked all it can from Ukraine.

    So sad that Ukraine is being used by the West. How things never change

  3. Hey mate have you tried fenbendazole for your disease? It could be worth a shot.. It has promising clinical data and anecdotal stories.. 👌

  4. When the ICC sentences citizens of other countries it is supported by the USA, but not when they are issued against US leaders, or US Allies!
    Different Strokes, for Diffefent Folks !
    My God, the Hypocrisy never Ends! 😱😭!

  5. The US believes the ICC has no jurisdiction, and yet the US can impose sanctions and (worse still) secondary sanctions…no wonder people see the rules based international order as a farce

  6. Ukrainian army is depleted most brigades on the front lines are down to 30 % capabilities .No ammunition and reserves, some brigades refuse to listen to high command and withdraw when things get tougher.
    The new aid by US and EU /around 120 bil/ is mainly spend to re arm the donor nations with small promise for Ukraine to receive F16 and around 2 million shells by 2025 /which is impossible target due to shortages in chemicals and cotton/.
    In end of may the current term of Zelynsky will be over which will lead to no government in Ukraine which will leads to in fighting between Poroshenko and Zaluzni on one side against Zelynsky and Bodanov will be very interesting to see the outcome .What ever happens is likely Putin will not recognize the new care taker government of Ukraine which can leads to bigger expansion of Russian forces in Ukraine.
    The other issue is obviously all the laws for mobilization and military power in Ukraine anyone who wants to 'win' the majority of Ukrainian population will try to restrict and annual the current laws .

  7. Odesa is Russian. Always was. They literally built it there. Catherine the great built it. Why would they wantonly destroy their own Russian historical buildings?I think this was some kind of a mistake though.

  8. did he just say if they indict Israel that is what undermines the system? so in his mind just the slightest bit of fairness is the problem. evil

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