Aerial footage shows scale of flooding in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul

Aerial footage shows scale of flooding in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul

Footage shows a flooded area in Rio Grande do Sul state after heavy rains have caused massive destruction in the region. Torrential downpours in the southern Brazilian state have killed dozens of people, with more than 70 still missing, as record-breaking floods devastated cities and forced thousands to leave their homes
Brazil: 37 killed and dozens missing in worst floods in 80 years

  1. lo avete inquinato per bene in questi anni il pianeta ora il pianeta deve curarsi e pianta danni senza sosta ben vi sta usate meno macchine e inquinate meno

  2. I'm a Brazilian and from the region, first people should know that almost 90% of Brazil is florest and green. We do have regulation to protect the nature… and WE DO. In the other hand Europe and USA… have nothing. And need us as a big farm. So no opion is ok when you are ignorant about the reality of this people. Search first the information. And don't spread the lies. This is tragic and a fatality. No devastation in this areas AT ALL… AT ALL… what a disgrace you blame without know. Half of my state in under water because the region FORMATION. VALES AND RIVERS. last flood like this was in 1940, and WAS NOT AS BAD AS THIS is ATIPICAL.

  3. I'm Brazilian and just passing by to remember: it's not just in Brazil that catastrophes are happening, this year there was an earthquake in Japan, Tornado in the United States, floods in Kenya, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia. So don't say that it's just here in Brazil, and I hope that no arrogant Christian comes here and says that Brazil is paying.

  4. I live in São Paulo and what I'm following the news is that the rain hit a very large area of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and the waters are currently invading the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre.

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