Meghan’s avoiding UK so she doesn’t get BOOED – going to Nigeria instead shows what she thinks of us

Meghan’s avoiding UK so she doesn’t get BOOED – going to Nigeria instead shows what she thinks of us

the relationship’s very difficult isn’t it within that family and I think uh yes it would be a lot easier if Megan weren’t there is that a moment for Harry and William to kind of you know be the big boys and just put all the all the stuff to one side that probably tells you what you need to know about Megan’s thoughts about the UK and um what a terrible time she had when she was here hello I’m Matt Wilkinson Royal editor of the Sun and welcome to to our show Royal exclusive today we will be discussing the Return of the King it was great to see him back the return of the prodical son but does anyone want to see him back and everything in between to delve into all this and more is itv’s Royal editor Chris ship hello Chris welcome nice to be here thank you very much it feels weird calling you Chris ship because I know you were shippers Shippy Shippy shippers yeah anything is we’ll keep it professional no nicknames yes matth um now positive week this week we were both at uh the hospital where we saw the Return of the King we’ve been waiting for this for a while I mean we’ve both seen the king about the last couple of years particularly after the coronation we were both there what did it feel like for you was it was it good to see him back they did feel like there was something different didn’t I mean I kind of feel feel like we we seen quite a lot of the king in in recent weeks Bucking Palace has been careful to make sure he’s still being seen to be doing work remember that video of him meeting Ry sunak and all the rest of it but we haven’t actually seen him doing any work kind of outside Palace W and of course that this was a big event because it was the first um public one I don’t know what you thought but I kind of thought he he looked a bit different particularly I thought when he was meeting the patients it was I mean the story for me was cancer patient meets cancer patients and you could kind of feel that that kind of understanding I think they all I mean I spoke to one of the patients afterwards who met him they all had a kind of connection didn’t they that that clearly uh he he wouldn’t have had before even though he’s been you know working and helping cancer Charities for many years it’s a different um different way of being a monarch that’s why I was when I was watching the king um in the hospital because he was much more touchy feing we’d haven’t really seen that you know the late Queen was obviously wonderful and she had you know so many attributes but she wasn’t as touchy feely as as King Charles he really bonded with these cancer patients as you say they had conversations didn’t they they talked about their um their their their care and their treatment and the King opened up a bit about his treatment are we seeing um are we seeing the king Excel are we seeing a kind of new style of of of being a king I think we are a little bit it’s it’s kind of like an augmentation of where we were before a lot of people said to me you know just after excession oh my goodness you know here’s the king and he’s like touching everyone’s hands and going up for everybody because we were used to a uh you know the late Queen who didn’t do that she got out of the car you know she had that sort of Mystique around her she didn’t go up to crowds and start hugging them uh in the way that sometimes happens with with Charles and Camila but yes I I think there was definitely something different and and as you rightly pointed out when he he kind of grabbed hold of their hands um not in a sort of formal way but he grabbed hold of the patient hands at the end as if to say good luck I hope you’re you know I hope you’re going to get through this you know we’re all in this battle together and interestingly there was one moment when he was walking down a a corridor with his Entourage I say Entourage mostly it’s other Medics and know all the media behind him that swoop along in a big group isn’t it but uh and they stopped to chat to someone who was clearly having surgery he had a surgical gown on uh there was some medical staff around him and he said I appreciate what you’re doing uh we’re all in this together he said what he meant by I appreciate what you’re doing was thanks for sharing your cancer diagnosis and showing that you can for some people you can go back to work even though you’re still having cancer treatment and I think that’s the thing to remember it’s not over for the king you know I think some people might think oh he’s better now that’s it but he’s not he’s still got cancer and he’s still having cancer treatment uh and yet his doctors have allowed him to come back out and see members of the public again well the the the palace are actually at pains to say that going back to work is not the right thing to do for everybody who has cancer but the King has chosen you know has chosen to do it because he wants to be seen um but I thought it was interesting that he did actually say that he was as you pointed out there he’s still having treatment he spoke to one of the patients and said well I’ve got treatment this afternoon yeah yeah exactly I mean that’s the kind of detail you never get out of the palace like when is he having his treatment that they they never tell you that kind of thing you know we are presuming he’s been having chemotherapy we don’t know if he’s still having it now and he was coming back in the early days of the uh the cancer diagnosis he was spending time in sanding and wasn’t he then coming back on a Tuesday or Wednesday to have his treatment or he’d be at High Grove and then come back for the Tuesday or Wednesday as well and this happened on a Tuesday and he said to the patient yes I’ve got my treatment um this afternoon and everyone clearly was listening out for those little conversations that he was having we ended up having to subtitle it all because you could barely hear it and we listened to it about 96,000 times just to get the right words but a couple of those that stood out was you know he would sit down and ask people how they are but in turn they’d ask him how are you H you know his stock response was I’m I’m okay thank you or I’m doing okay we we also heard him say um it’s a shock isn’t it when they tell you and and clearly he had that shock uh back in at the beginning of the year in what late January early February after his prate operation then he got told that they’d they’d found the cancer I don’t wish to sound a siant okay you know we can’t get accused of the press of of of being overly kind to the RO family but I’m really impressed personally by the king I I was concerned um when you know when he was crowned would would is would his Reign be um you know defined by the r with Harry would he be compared to his mother would it and then when he had these these illnesses um would it be uh you know would would it be characterized by a struggle with councel or maybe finishing too early um are you impressed with how the king and the palace have have dealt with his cancer diagnosis and his and his comeback him personally as well the king are are you are you impressed with with what he’s doing God there’s there’s a lot in there isn’t there because it’s like summing up the last 18 months um I think the transition was really smooth and I think his his Reign started with a lot of people having sympathy for him because he just lost his mother who was this you know very very well respected figure not just in this country but around the world but they transition was very smooth and I kind of feel like now and he don’t really want to be in this position necessarily but people feel very sorry for him he was just getting into his stride as you know as Monarch after a year and a bit and then hit first with the prostate and then the uh and then the cancer diagnosis so I think there’s a lot of sympathy for him out there at the moment and they can see that he’s still trying to sort of crack on and we know you know we’ve heard from Palace uh people inside the palace he’s very frustrated he’s been very frustrated that he can’t get out and do things cuz the thing he likes about his job the most is meeting people is hearing about what’s right and what’s wrong and how he might be able to make a difference he’s a man you know absolutely consumed with the with the um with the ambition to make a difference uh and I think he’s felt very frustrated being stuck behind Palace walls yes he’s done the red boxes yes he’s met the Prime Minister yes he can do the odd audience here and there but there’s nothing quite like what we saw the other day was was getting out and meeting patients uh and fittingly they chose a a Cancer Treatment Center to do it this could be the making of him you know this could Define his legacy really or Define you know the rest of his Reign this um successfully you know we don’t know specifically how the treatment you know they say it’s positive so we can’t really delve into whether it’s been successful or whatever but you know this this this this is a real kind of for me it’s like a change of path um you know you could say goodbye to all the the stress and the traumas that have happened with the family relationships and stuff like that and really go down a a more positive path through his legacy I think people are seeing him I in a new light and change is always difficult and we were goodness me we were used to having a queen for 70 years you know like as old as I am and she even outdated you know predated me she was indestructable and then we all suddenly had a king that possibly was a and people thought was a bit too outspoken or they didn’t necessarily agree with some of his ideas on this that or the other and unlike um his mother we kind of know what he thinks about the environment and climate change and and historic buildings and traditional crafts and all those things that he’s been speaking about all these years where his mother was a kind of blank canvas and you could sort of whoever you were in this country you could paint your own canvas to to suit you that’s that’s who the the queen was and one of her strengths but I think I think this is a moment for him and actually I think it’s been amazing uh in terms of her her public profile for Camila as well because she’s kind of been battling on over these past few months on her own she did Commonwealth day service on her own she did that M Thursday service at Worcester Cathedral on her own and I mean who would who would have thought this 30 years ago she’s kind of single-handedly been keeping the Royal show on the road particularly with all the um you know health issues we’ve had going on at Kensington Palace with William and Kate don’t go anywhere because there is so much more coming up in the rest of the show here’s the taste well William and Kate put them up in one of their spare rooms highly unlikely I think we’d all agree you kind of think he would see his dad wouldn’t you given everything that’s going on they got booed um a lot of people said on Twitter No you’re making it up you know you Royal correspondence at you know fabricating the story absolutely not what do you think we can expect from the king um the rest of the summer or the rest of the spring and summer is there any big events that you’re looking forward to seeing him or is there any concerns that you have well interestingly the only thing we know for sure that he’s going to do is the incoming State visit of the emperor and Empress of Japan that’s the only thing they’ve confirmed and everything else is still TBC to be signed off by his doctors that said I think it’s don’t you don’t you think he’s pretty much going to turn up at Royal aska and he’s pretty much going to go to his own birthday parade trooping the color you can’t really have trooping the color um the birthday parade for the Monarch when the Monarch’s not there now will they have to make changes like he might not be able to go on a horse he might just do it from the balcony but whatever way he will take part in trooping the color I’m absolutely sure of it um so I think those big events he will go to um Royal Ascot as well he’s got a love of horses is not as well known as his mother’s was but of course all of her horses are now his and they had that win last year at Ascot as well so I think he’ll probably go there as well and then it’s all about what can he do you know what what is going not just about meeting the public because again when you have cancer it’s all about the your lower levels of immunity when you have chemotherapy but also just about are we going to you know is there a risk we’re going to push him too hard given that he’s having this treatment still we must remember that he’s still having treatment he’s still got cancer he’s not out of the woods um and everyone’s wishing him well but um it’s a very uncertain time when you get cancer at age 75 so it’s interesting you say that because there was an event this week at buckinham Palace where the queen met um lots of people that have been working to to kind of prevent sexual violence a campaign that we know that she’s been working on for for DEC amazingly well with and she uh well she said a comment to one of the charity workers there she said that you know she the king had actually was thrilled to be back um but that she um had to kind of you know um kind of hold him back a little bit you know there is a case the king as you say he must be frustrated and he must be looking at trooping he must be looking at Ascot D-Day but there say there must be people in the palace kind of saying hang on we’ve only got one king um we need to properly plan cancer isn’t over and you know let’s just take one step at a time you’ve got to recalibrate the whole program really do you remember when actually I think it was um you guys at the Sun who put on a party for the king for his 70th birthday I remember being outside there um he was I think he was carrying a bag with like a 70 balloon in it as well and I said is that you know 70 now are you going to slow down and he said something along the lines of well there might be a little bit of slowing down and Camila next to him says absolutely no chance at all because um that’s who he is he’s a workaholic you know he’s the guy that gets involved in the in the colors of the paint on the wall at dy’s house you know they won’t choose the paint until he signed it off that’s just one of his homes and I just think he’s he’s a man who likes to get involved in the granular detail of everything and that’s going to be the biggest problem for his doctors is holding him back especially now that he can go and and see members of the public as well I mean like youve got the Windsor Horse Show uh this weekend that was always a private visit for for the lake queen as well but I mean it’s highly likely that he’s going to turn up at that as well one thing that might be in his diary but we we we’re not sure yet we’re waiting to find out next week is obviously the Duke of Sussex Prince Harry he coming back he’s made it clear he’s he’s returning to the UK for for a couple of days why is he coming Chris why why is he coming back this week he’s he’s not a working Royal um we we why is he here so there’s a big event at St Paul’s Cathedral which is to Mark the 10th anniversary of the invictor games I think anyone who’s ever been you’ve been to them I’ve been to three or four of them uh they are phenomenally successful uccessful they do amazing things for for military veterans but also those that are still serving who are either mentally or physically sick and wounded um and it’s been running for 10 years the first one was in London and then there was one in Florida and we’ve had what Toronto where he first introduced Megan to the world I remember being there as she walked into that um into that Court um in Nathan Phillips Square in in Toronto and we’ve had Sydney uh D was the most recent one you went to that I I didn’t get to it but um so he’s coming back to Mark the 10th anniversary of the Invictus games now I’m a big fan of Invictus I think it’s absolutely phenomenal it’s an amazing thing um and there’s a service at in Paul’s Cathedral where a lot of the veterans will be the people that have helped him on this his journey Harry’s going to be there as well he’s going to give a reading at St Paul’s Cathedral Megan’s not coming with him so no Duchess of Sussex um so a couple of things there while he’s here is he gonna see his bad this is the thing we’re not going to be reporting on we’re not really going to be talking about the Invictus game ceremony we’re all going to be asking is he meeting his father is he meeting his brother his brother yeah uh and I mean last time and I think it did strike everyone it told it told you everything you needed to know about William Harry’s relationship he rushed over here to to see the King after he announced his cancer diagnosis now we all thought he was rushing over within 12 hours of the announcement he might have found out he probably did find out three or four days before us but anyway he came pretty much on the day or day after of the um cancer announcement was here for 24 36 hours did not see his brother and you would have thought that the two brothers whatever their difference is would have been able to get together and say dad’s just told the world he’s got cancer you’ve come all the way over from California to see him let’s go and have a chat about how we can put our own difficulties to one side did they no they didn’t so I think that’s the other big question is uh now we’ve had this and since then obviously Kate um in that video saying that she is also being for cancer is that a moment for Harry and William to kind of you know be the big boys and just put all the all the stuff to one side and say look shall we just get together for everyone’s sake and have a chat well they’re going to be busy so we we’re told the king and William are going to be busy next week There’s a couple of jobs but we we need to wait and find out are they going to be too busy to meet Harry because Harry’s got going to have a a bundle of jobs on next yeah and he’s not here for a a a long period of time is he he’s only here for a couple of days and he’s off to Nigeria where incidentally Megan is going to Nigeria we’ve been told but she’s not at the St Paul’s Cathedral service well I haven’t been able to work out yet and it might come out in due course is whether Megan’s going to be in the UK at all because I’d imagine she’d have to could fly via London to get to Nigeria um so they’re telling us that no she’s not going to be at simpul Cathedral but they’re not saying anything to us when we say well is she going to be in the UK at all and then you get like silence back from them uh so that remains to be seen But if she’s here I mean for example where do they stay they don’t have Frogmore Cottage anymore they’ve given that back to the crown estate Will William and Cape put them up in one of their spare rooms highly unlikely I think we’d all agree but I think the key point is I’m sure the king will make time for him apparently last time when he came over the king did have to sort of rearrange his plans he was going off to sandre he had to sort of delay his helicopter movements and all the rest of it to see Harry even though it was only for about half an hour but at least they did get to see each other last time my understanding was obviously the king had been having a lot of treatment and so he couldn’t be surrounded by uh lots of strangers or someone that flies 5,000 miles on a on a crowded airplane from another country you know so the doctors were like well you you can’t spend all this time with the King they don’t have the excuse this time I mean they can say that he’s got a busy diary but they kind of given how many members of the public you met the other day or even outside um you know the crowds although they’re normally people who live on the Windsor estate aren’t they but the crowds outside the Easter Service he met all of them so they they can’t say that about Harry so clearly his doctors are happy that his immunity is much better now than it was and you do I mean I was one of the cancer patients I was speaking to at the hospital the other day saying you know it does you do have this sort of dip when you just first have your Chemo when your immunity is very low you can’t see anybody and then you know you get better again so it depends again we don’t know the detail of the king’s treatment it depends whether Harry’s visit coincides with an up or down on the on on the king’s uh risk level but you kind of think he would see his dad wouldn’t you given everything that’s going on I mean you remember that interview that Harry did with um I think it was ABC News um at the Invictus event on the ski slopes in Canada and he said let my diary will bring me back to the UK or through the UK clearly he was referring to this at the time and he would would see his father yeah I mean I I think people would I think I think Sun readers particularly would like Harry to kind of reconcile with his family but I think they would like maybe expect Harry to apologize or do some kind of you know the difficulty is if you remember last time that they went to simp Paul’s Cathedral which was for the Queen the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee they got booed um a lot of people said on Twitter No you’re making it up you know you Royal correspondents are you know fabricating the story absolutely not we heard the booze for them we also heard the booze for Boris Johnson at the time as well who was highly unpopular over party gate and stuff we should be clear there were also people cheering for them but there were definitely booze that’s imp Paul’s Cathedral so going back there I can I can see why Megan may not wish to accompany Harry for that well that’s what I was going to ask why isn’t Megan coming cuz I know it’s Archie’s birthday two or 3 days before she used that excuse for the coronation that she couldn’t come so maybe she’s having a big birthday party but as you point out she is going to Nigeria Nigeria yeah exactly and kind of that probably tells you what you need to know about Megan’s thoughts about the UK and um what a terrible time she had when she was here so yeah I mean I I have said this before that I think she might get booed but I think that if she does come over I think the popularity of the pair of them has has gone so far south since they’ve gone to America before they went to America I think people were very sympathetic the more they’ve heard their story people have gradually switched off but it it’s easier maybe then for Harry to go see his father not maybe his brother but go see his father if Megan isn’t here would that be accurate yeah I mean I I mean the relationship is very difficult isn’t it within that family and I think uh yes it would be a lot easier if Megan weren’t there but you know it is still the king’s daughter-in-law you you and they still have two children who were the king’s grandchildren so you would you would kind of hope that they could still see each other I mean wouldn’t it be nice if they did actually bring the kids and they all went to see Granddad um because that would really give him a boost um as much as we said the hospital the other day I think gave him a massive boost and um funny enough the the um the Lord leftenant of um London who the guy who welcomes the King when he gets out the car um saken he was telling me that um that he had cancer in 2016 and you you get highs and lows uh psychological highs and psychological lows he said with cancer and that visit the other day would have given the king a real boost a real high which really helps with your treatment I kind of would have thought just imagine if Harry and Megan came over with the with the grandchildren he got to see them or one of them for the very first time so that would be quite something I yeah take away you know take away the news that we wrri and stuff like that just on a on a family situation you would like them to be friends and like them to see his his grandchildren you say probably have a huge boost absolutely I think you’re right totally someone who’s got cancer and you know we don’t know his diagnosis we don’t know the severity of it but having cancer is a very uncertain moment in anyone’s life and I think that would give him a massive boost yeah I think just just my point of view is that possibly without a home without somewhere to stay Megan feels that maybe she can’t this just my view that maybe she feels she want to take a kids and put them in a hotel again you say these things like this dad’s got enough spare rooms you know he’s got clarence’s house he’s got Buckingham Palace if he’s at sandream it’s definitely big enough for a couple of guests there’s high growth anywhere that he is there’ll be a big enough room to accommodate Megan Harry and the kids so let’s um well you know look forward to Harry we will wait and see if Megan transfers on the way but they’re going to Nigeria we don’t know much about this Nigeria trip no just a defense official isn’t it or Defense Minister in Nigeria has confirmed it it’s it’s about looking at the legacy of um of the Invictus games why why Nigeria absolutely no idea really um but it’s a commonwealth country as we all know um and uh yes but I just think it’s really interesting that the Megan is able to join Harry for that Invictus bits of his of his little tour but not the London bit so the I read in um I think I think it was Us magazine I think it was a headline or was headline on line saying that this was a royal tour it’s not a royal tour is it Chris I don’t well I don’t think I mean Harry Megan going anywhere can’t really be class as a royal tour when you’ve left the royal family and no longer working members um you could call it the the the monito couples tour or something like that it’s just like when they went recently for the Bob Marley film they went to um to the Caribbean and no that wasn’t a royal tour that was as a visit by by Harry Megan but of course I I’m sure that headline Royal tour might appear somewhere uh when they are pictured in in Nigeria you mentioned about the um uh why they’re going there um and I was in dorf and at one stage at the Invictus games in dorf um a gentleman appeared next to Harry for the wheelchair basketball and so we turned to rw’s team and we said who we need to know who’s this man and they said well that’s the defense minister of Nigeria he’ actually flown over um specifically to give him a personal invitation possibly where it came from but he wanted to sit next to him I think it was after Megan after Harry had made his opening speech where he said that Megan was 43% Nigerian he’d heard that he’d come over to meet meet Harry so I’m assuming that’s where it that’s where it all started yeah and also fascinating for Megan to get you know go back to a a country where you know she’s got some Heritage and it’s going to be really interesting to see what events they do thus far we’ve been told nothing about the visit other than the fact that it is happening and she is going to she’s going to be there so it could from that point of view be be be really interesting for for Megan to go back to a country um you know through her um mother’s Heritage and and and find out more about Nigeria but like I said Nigeria is one of the countries like Canada Australia New Zealand I think Denmark Netherlands that have all had quite big competitors as part of the as part of the Invictus games and um it’s not you know it’s it’s about servicemen and women serving in whatever capacity whether they’ve been injured on tour at home on duty at home or or whether they’ve been injured somewhere abroad so again I I I’m I’m a huge fan of the Invictus games I think it’s done amazing things for for some very brave men men and women um and uh clearly Nigeria’s um got got a big visit on its hands yeah I mean the the visit to Nigeria specifically itself they’ve been on Royal tours before we’ve we’ve seen them in Australia we’ve seen them in in South Africa but they’ve had their you know they’re not allowed to use their HR titles they’re not allowed to kind of use their royal title tools to to to make money but we know that they’re Harry and Megan and they’re you know a dut Juke and and Duchess what do you think if any the pitfalls that they could struggle with when they’re in Nigeria it’s a commonwealth country yeah people are already calling it a royal tour um do you have any worries that this this this could this could blow up badly or do they need to be advised in a certain way I mean Nigeria’s Got Its Own challenges in terms of its own Safety and Security in certain parts of the country and I’m sure they’re they they’re not going to go to the most dangerous areas um put it that way I think it will be I think the Nigerians will do everything they can to make this a really successful tour and you know kind of put put Nigeria on the map and we must remember that as much as Megan in this country is a bit of a Marite character people love her or people really don’t love her um she is likely to be seen very very differently um you know uh in Africa and in a in in a country where she does have some um some Heritage so I would have thought actually that she will be she will get you know a huge numbers of crowds coming out to see her because she’s a figure on the global stage and she’s coming to to their country and they’ll want to put on the a red carpet almost as red as the one they might put on for for a king or a queen well that might be the problem that they they do for a red carpet out for for king queen that that’s what I’m concerned about that um that you know they they’ve left the raw family and going on a tour to a commonwealth country people might start thinking they’re representing the Raw you know if I was in Harry Megan’s office and I was planning this this tour or this trip to Nigeria I would kind of have a look at what William and Cate did in the Caribbean and not do any of it and and try and actually you know just do it a bit differently because of of course what they don’t want is what that accusation I know this wasn’t William and Kate’s intention but you know that accusation that there was you know the these these white former Colonial Masters coming to see the uh people in the colonies that’s definitely uh something that they want to uh avoid for a whole host of reasons so I think if I if I was planning the tour I would um think very carefully about the the Optics of it and you just remember that stuff in in the Caribbean even even the stuff that was really unfair like the picture through the through the fence when actually that was just a moment because he rushed over to see some kids it wasn’t that the fact someone put a fence up to keep William and Kate segregated from the locals because 10 seconds later they were doing U um you know handshakes in the street it was just a particular moment uh and that picture misrepresented the tour but was part of the problems when it comes to Optics well 100% we were there and it seemed it seemed completely normal they had a fence there that had been there for decades just around a football pitch and they decided to go over say hi lovely pictures but it wasn’t until the reaction outside of of the bubble the reporters and everybody that was there there was kind of yeah nobody on either side of Defense minded the defense was there it’s just that that you know people were watching the the the football match match um it was rahee Sterling there wasn’t it and um and you know he also was saying hello to people through the fence as well he’s from Jamaica but like I said there was so many issues on that tour then we go to the Land Rover and dressed in your sort of you know Colonial attire Because the actual Jamaican Defense Force had asked William and Kate to do that because the late Queen did it all those years ago and they did it where someone in the palace should have gone I tell you what these are different times we don’t really do that kind of thing anymore it just doesn’t doesn’t look right in fact many people would argue it never was right yeah well these are the pitfalls that are you know we’ll have to wait and see what happens in I would have thought you know but but again you know Megan’s mom is black her father’s white therefore immediately I think it would be easier for them in in a country like um like Nigeria hopefully we’ll get some more details at some stages hope and one thing we might see Megan over here for is uh the big fans obviously of the Invictus games she has attended many of them you’ve seen her there at the games you might be Birmingham yeah what did they do if it’s in Birmingham so we we just we were told the other day weren’t we the Invictus games the the final two for I can’t remember what year 2027 oh it’s every two years isn’t it so it’s going to be 2027 27 um uh in Victor’s games is going to be in drum roll Birmingham or Washington DC so it’s either going to be in the UK or America um if it’s in the UK I mean again you’ve got all the same problems coming back unless this family is able to resolve all those differences um between now and and the invictor game so the 2014 one the first one William uh Charles and Camila K can attend I think she had morning sickness with with Charlotte I think right but um they all attended and they were there at the opening ceremony I’m going to ask you the Latin word for the morning sickness it’s going to cause all sorts of Ms of diplomatic problems if it is held in Birmingham going over well again you’re going to rerun all those um all the problems that we’ve got kind of next week which is just one small what an hour long service it’s in Paul’s Cathedral but you’re going to run that over a whole seven days um Harry coming here will Megan come here will she not will she bring the kids will they see King Will William go will he not will the king go lots of issues we know in the royal game two years is a long time anything could a lot could have changed by then yeah they could all be best mates by then you know so exactly and finally this week um we’ve seen some photographs from the Wales yes so it was their 13th wedding anniversary yes um we had a picture um of I think it was taken it was behind the scenes we never taken in 2011 wasn’t it and and and one from their sort of photograph album presumably it’s quite a big album compared to most people’s um and that was an unseen photograph um this HKS back to a happier time I was speaking to other reporters reporting at the time and they were saying this was almost like a golden era when William and Katherine got married it kind of like just transports you back to a to a time when everyone was a little bit happier celebrating peaceful then wasn’t it compared to how it is now I mean we 2011 and 2012 the run up to the London and Olympics um there was a kind of Warm Glow around the whole country William and Kate just got married the whole eyes of the world were on uh the queen in 2012 had her forget now which one was it the 60th golden jubilee um and uh everything was was just pretty special wasn’t it it’s nice to be reminded sometimes that there are happy times but people are friendly and together yeah and actually you know William and Harry were still good mates then he was the best man and it was that kind of sort of perfect wedding actually was looking at some of the pictures of it the other day and of um their their engagement interview as well and you know uh you often get criticized on social media did you call her Kate or Katherine uh while I watched the engagement interview and the whole way through it uh William calls his wife to be Kate so um but also known as Katherine also known as the Princess of Wales well I criticized in the YouTube comments on this show for calling her Kate right and I try to call her Catherine but the sub editor on the sun it it has to be shorts to fit into the headlines so it’s Kate um but the other picture when she’s when she becomes Queen you going to call her Queen Kate or Queen Catherine I don’t know it’s difficult cuz I sometimes call Camila Camila as Queen Camila the queen and then the late Queen it gets very confusing it does get a bit confusing and actually you know like we used to call Prince Philip Philip and he was the he was the consort so um um Dr the third of Charles I now just call I don’t do the third I just call him King Charles the king or King Charles yeah yeah but actually does fun enough when you’re writing or or or broadcasting it does now f a bit all just to call him Charles yeah and you kind of do like we’d never have said Elizabeth for for the late Queen so um yeah things do move on and things change but I mean we we’ve all kind of accepted and that’s one of the one of the greatest um achievements I think um of this uh relatively new Reign is that everyone’s kind of accepted this queen consort um and you know it wasn’t that long ago in fact it was only in on the weekend of her sort of um accession day her platinum anniversary that the late Queen said that she would like Camila to be known as Queen consult when the time comes looking back I think the queen knew then that the time was indeed coming and that was something that she had to set up to ensure a smooth transition well she went from um you know she about a huge transition she’s now Queen she’s now on Queen console um and then the final photograph is uh princess Charlotte yes just one name Charlotte Charlotte we just call her Charlotte yeah um they now these these pictures now a little bit of pressure from Kensington Palace um it’s just dropped for us as we’re filming but we believe it was it was taken by the Princess of Wales herself a couple of days ago in Windsor again just just like they did uh with Lou a couple of days ago and I’m sure they will do with um George when he’s got his birthday coming up so Louis’s birthday is on George’s day isn’t it Charlotte is today as we’re recording and um uh Prince George’s is coming up soon so yes uh a really nice picture um they say it was taken by Kate uh and after all the Mother’s Day furor about her photos shopping and she admitted that she did that of course uh I think they just have to be sure now that yes it was in the last few days it was in windo it was taken by Kate and didn’t they say when the Louis picture came out it is unedited it did yeah so didn’t say that today but they they they did for for Louis one well I think we should just you know the sun’s taken a certain stance where we kind of said to about the Princess of Wales let’s just you know she edited that picture she was under pressure it was a lovely picture let’s just let’s just give her a bit of a break and and enjoy these photographs s you know we enjoy their lives let’s and actually actually just looking at that photograph on the on one of your front pages from a few days ago that must have been what Saturday was it that paper was the was the the new picture of the king and queen which was they said was released in advance of the coronation the anniversary of which is coming up of course um but it’s I thought it was a really nice picture they just do look really happy together don’t they um and um that was that again the these pictures are I think are really you know really special and uh and we got another one today of Princess Charlotte excellent well Chris Shippy shippers whatever you want to call you um you’ve been a star thanks for coming on that’s all we got time we’ve covered a lot I think we’ve covered everything that’s happened that could possibly happened in the last week while we’ve been chatting so thanks very much for coming along you enjoy yourself loved it yeah thank you very much for will you come back if you’ll invite me um if um if if no one watches then you might actually think well I might have an in back so I’ll definitely have in back thanks for appreciate it well thank you for watching as we were just saying we went through a lot of information there so I hope you enjoyed yourself and found it informative we would like to hear your comments we’d read your comments so please comment below and if you like this content and you want more then please click subscribe thanks very much for watching

Prince Harry, 39, is set to make the transatlantic trip to the UK in a few days time for the Invictus Games Foundation’s 10th Anniversary without wife Meg by his side.

The Duke of Sussex will attend the Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral on Wednesday, May 8, the foundation confirmed.

Meghan, 42, has opted to stay in the couple’s £12million Montecito mansion in sunny California with their kids Archie and Lilibet over fears about a “hostile reception”.

And royal correspondent Chris Ship has now told The Sun’s Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson that Meghan is terrified of being booed at St Paul’s for the SECOND time.

Watch as Matt and Chris discuss the week’s Royal news including King Charles recent public appearance, Prince Harry and William’s feud and Meghan and Harry’s Nigeria trip.

Read more:

00:00 Return of the King
05:00 How has the King performed in his role so far?
12:00 Prince Harry is returning to the UK next week. Why?
20:50 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s trip to Nigeria.
30:00 Palace release new Wales’ family pictures

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  1. Do the tabloids not recognise that they are responsible for Meghan’s behaviour she probably terrified for her safety. Based on the how she has been abused in print and the trolls. Accept responsibility for feeding Meghan to the wolves.and move on.

  2. Meghan is calling this their first offical tour….as if they are representing the Crown, while her supporters call for death to the heir apparent and his wife. Meghan is touring a third world corrupt country ahead of Prince William who is to go later in the year. It is about time the Royal Family stopped their using royal titles to issue death threats through their supporters. Read what the Sussex Squad call for…Using an English county's name, a Dukedom to issue death threats. Enough is enough, this makes the Monarchy look weak, out of control.

  3. As long as Meghan is doing well and she is achieving and living a successful and happy life, she will experience disapproval, hatred, bitterness and harassment from the toxic British tabloids like the sun..

  4. You said you’d covered everything. What about what the Princess Royal was up to and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh? If I’ve missed coverage of the Duchess’s visit to the Ukraine, apologies – if not, it’s far braver and more important than anything Harry and Meghan do! It was a real royal visit!

  5. Meghan being 43% Nigerian…. Hmmm I think not. If she’s 43%, that means her mum is 86% Nigerian. How can her mum be 86% genetically from Nigerian ethnic tribes?

  6. The official visit to Nigeria will of course also be used in their Netflix documentary. They have a free holiday and it will be a two-way visit. Nigeria also receives a lot of publicity as a holiday destination.

  7. I am dumbfounded that Megan Markle is getting away with absolutely trying to torch The Royal Family she shows zero respect while claiming she is educated ,how about educating oneself regarding good manners ,respect loyalty her behaviour is appalling!I

  8. As a Royal Correspondent, Chris Ship is being incredibly silly going along with MeAgains lies that she is 43% Nigerian. That must make her 57% Bonkers. Like what Harry thinks The First Amendment is ! 😂

  9. US already has their own Warrior Games. Invictus needs to remain overseas in UK. Invictus needs to FIRE Harry IMMEDIATELY ‼️My vote is for Mike Tindall to replace Harry.❤️

  10. The rift is not within the family. It's only Meghan and Harry who have disrespected the Royal Family and made it very difficult for the Royal Family. They were continuously bashing the Royal Family all while Prince Philip and the Queen were on their death beds. They are disgusting, self-centred people. Prince Harry and Meghan need to apologize to the Royal Family but that's never going to happen. The King thinks it would be a bad move to take their titles away but he will never sort this until he does. The King needs to make it clear to them both that they are not working Royals and need to stop acting like they are. They are both grifters.

  11. 😊Mr. Ship, if memory serves the Palace issued a statement that once she had become the Princess of Wales she would be referred to as Princess Catherine and was dropping the “Kate”. So what William called her 14 years ago is totally irrelevant and not an excuse for you to not show her the respect she now is entitled to. Show her the respect she deserves.

  12. Meghan is a coward. She did not support Harry with his book spare nor on his interviews and he returns to UK alone. When will Harry wake up. She only uses him for certain events. When will Harry find the time to find out how narcissism operates. How come the RF do not try and help Harry. He has been trapped by coercive control.

  13. William won’t speak to Harry because of all the crud aimed at King Charles & Princess Catherine, the lies and disrespect they showed to the late Queen!! H&M are odious!

  14. Wake up! There is NO chance of a meeting with William and Harry Harry has burnt, demolished destroyed any bridges. You make me furious, 'the boys might get together' not a chance. Leave the Prince and Princess of Wales alone they have enough stress without the traitor sticking his beak in. You commentators obviously DONT read the comments on your'se and other channels the British public have NO desire to see either Harry or Meghan and as for the 'children' they are the bargaining chip for the Sussesses holding them ransomed and not allowing the King to see them. They have been invited by him previously and there is always an excuse why they cant make it. Despicable pair.
    WHAT A SMART ARSE COMMENT 'Dont do what Catherine and William did in Jamaica' Your show just lost me

  15. Didn,t harry do enough to the queen?
    Now he,s at it with his father!@!
    Charles is a pathetic wimp.
    Can,t wait for William to take over. Harry needs to be DISOWNED! Simple as that!

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