This Leads To Disaster, We CAN’T Ignore This | BANNED Weapons – Ukraine War Map Analysis & News

get a Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and even better it is a Friday so I hope that you’ve got a fantastic weekend lined up get some rest have some fun have a beer however you choose to spend it now we have a lot to go over I know I say that every day but today we actually do have a lot and I’m going to add something in at the end of this video now I expect this video like a lot of mine will actually be restricted as some of the clips I’m going to use in the end YouTube didn’t like not because they show anything because I’m talking about chemical weapons with an expert and this is what we hear a lot about chemical weapons at the moment and I’m yet to see any of the mainstream typical media who have infinite budgets and 50 people on the roster actually speak to an expert on how do these weapons work how are they being employed what are they doing and what does the law actually say about this and they didn’t like that when I did this a few months ago so this video probably has three views one comment is down the toilet that is okay but so we’re going to talk about chemical weapons stay in length we’re going to look at a number of strikes against Russian and Ukrainian uh air defense systems as well as some other videos that have come out of suspected hits of course we’re going to have a look at the maps look over the maps sorry see where things are advancing or not we’re going to talk about the peace Summit in Switzerland at a five-star Lodge that Russia has not been invited to and we don’t know if China’s coming yet so it might just be a visist to hang out in the spa and we’re going to look at of course macron from France speak about French troops going into Ukraine and how you he sees this still on the table as a possibility as that stirred everything up before although we do know that France could still Supply a lot more Weapons Systems and everything into Ukraine before troops and is this just trying to get votes as his popularity does line so let’s speak about chemical weapons now at the end we’re going to have the large breakdown of this with my good friend Andrew who is a veteran very very experienced and has worked in this specific field now chemical weapons are they illegal yes does it matter that what we’re seeing used uh k51 rot control grenade no chloropicrin the active chemical in this is specifically outlined cannot use it now people will argue about that let you argue about it but any chemical being used any gas I think is a very very slippery slope that we don’t want to start going down now I will add as well and Andrew also adds this that yes it’s a riot agent but unless the area is tested immediately after we see this cloud of puff well we don’t actually really know what is is in that canister so you have all of this to look forward to after but the IC they should be the ones enforcing this and we have seen that the international criminal courts they have no jurisdiction in Russia of course they put out warrants for senior people including Putin and they’re not prepared obviously to investigate an American Ally Only this week we saw the US and the G7 of which they’re part of has warned the IC about investigations regarding Israel and president Netanyahu warning against the legitimacy and jurisdiction so we’ll look at this I know we reported on this I’m not sure we reported on on here or we did on the thing on telegram you come and join but saying we don’t support it uh we don’t believe that they have the jurisdiction uh such laws action undermine this interest unprecedented diplomats and a fatal blow to judicial and moral stand of the IC so if then the G seven the the West if you want to say America is saying that they don’t have the jurisdiction or legitimacy here well then why should other countries hold that to any jurisdictional legitimacy either so there’s a big play in this but Google today everyone in the last couple days has been talking about this us accuses Russia of chemical weapons Russia chemical weapons blah blah blah all of this we’ve seen this bloody everywhere and Kev Independant has quoted this article here talking about Chlor piin now this is like I said the active chemical in the k51 grenades was dropped is often used as herbicide it may be I’m not a farmer but it’s more of well maybe not more often used but chloropicrin is the chemical that is used in CS gas or tear gas I put here just like iaon for horses yes it may be jeal use but it’s also used in this as well chemical weapons banned on the 1997 chemical weapons convention CWC which Russia is signatory Ukraine is also a signatory a year later in 1998 I believe um use of chemicals is not isolated instant you’ll see dislodged from for fortified position so of course we know everywhere is fortified breaking it down with artillery with typical weapons is very hard it doesn’t flow in like chemicals gas so what is happening is these are being dropped gas is going in this is a less than lethal agent it causes a lot of irritation and then you’ll get that oh [ __ ] I’ve been hit with this a couple of times uh and then you run out and then lethal for will hit you so these articles have been everywhere but it is important that we need to point out we need to point out both Russia and Ukraine are signatories to their CWC and there’s evidence of both Russia and Ukraine using this now why is there not too much footage I’m about to show you some but I would say that troops are under very strict instruction not to let any footage of this happening go uh online and I’d say that the mods will Inc will definitely strive to keep it hidden but we do have some now one thing I will point out from the footage I see it does seem more systemic uh used by the Russians but there is still use and evidence used by Ukraine as well so we you’re actually going to see this footage later on if you watch the rest of the video but we can see this was posted from the Russians here a self-confessed one of Russian Pages saying they’re using the k51s I can’t show you this because it has a lot in it then we see the 10th Mountain Brigade from Ukraine they posted this on their social medias you can see here as it drops that that is clearly a k51 Soviet uh canister there and as it hits you can then see no explosion and then the smoke then pouring out of these and Then followed by troops then leaving the position we also have my friend pointed out and you’ll see this later as well an English-speaking Soldier here here showing ammunition and then on the desk are k50 ons so this is happening we know it’s happening but what I’m saying is none of this should be accepted it is a horrible thing it leads us down a very very bad path and the Human Rights Watch The IC all these countries regardless of where their political stance is should be calling it when they see it and is a horrible horrible thing now let’s have a look over some strikes so we do have a fair bit here now we do have some updated strikes as well from this Airbase which is down in crime that we did have rumors was hit by attacks from Ukraine but nothing came out of it well fabot radio has published these satellite images that show at least one s300 or S400 system we know there’s a big difference for Russia’s ability to replace those systems but that a launcher was either damaged or destroyed and this is down in cha and this happened on April the 30th and then all the systems were moved we see it’s pointing out systems here this is clouds so don’t this that’s a shadow and then we can see as it zooms in there is something smoking here and here again can’t really get good footage of what that is yesterday we then spoke about uh that Ukraine is looking to limit satellite imagery over Ukraine I wonder if that will be just Ukraine or the occupied territories of Ukraine as well that’ll be very interesting I don’t think that has any effect on Russia’s ability to Target things as they’ve got their own satellites China as their own I think it will just have a huge effect on the aan community which of course can help push narratives around now we spoke about the those attacks and people have spoken about these further saying this so this is from the uh former officer of the security service of Ukraine and now advisor to Ukrainian Parliament National Security uh so as we know the Russians are able to adapt in a very short period of time I think we have about two months to eliminate as many War objects as is possible before the Russians adapt and he was talking specifically about the attackin in that and this comes exactly what we spoke about yesterday from this that was published through the Congress that the escallop Precision artill R CL GPS as well initially had a 70% effect efficiency rate and in 6 weeks declined to 6% and now we don’t really hear anything about them so we know there is a quick adaption to this and what he’s saying is they need to strike them as soon as possible to have that effect now there has been a lot of air defense being hit that uh Russia has hit a Ukrainian rst Sam system in the hariv region we have this video here we can see these troops walking around here skip forward and we see this same area and a large strike on that there saying it’s destroyed two strikes saying it has destroyed then rst air defense we know air defense is incredibly incredibly necessary in this war for both Ukraine and Russia and Ukraine has a huge shortage of it now in the said to be the Cur Blas so up here in Russian territory a Ukrainian drone taking out a Russian book air defense system so you see this drone coming in here and then typical of our defense this big fireworks display and then we get a second angle here and as more Cooks off in this tree line around the forest and that system destroyed and then secondaries here as well then we have more footage yesterday from then Odessa we know that the Nova uh Nova posar Warehouse down here was Hit Logistics mailing but we don’t know exactly what was in those warehouses we know those warehouses were actually hit back in 2023 as well by Russia but we have more footage here showing the strikes you can see this has just started here and then we get a second strike large strike there said to be hit by I scaners of course ballistic missile with a large large payload on board of those so let’s talk about macron as we know macron French president said he’s not ruled out sending ground troops and he’s just come out with this today the Russians were able to no is just com out with this today if the Russians were to break through the front lines if there were a Ukrainian request which is not the case today we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question about would we send troops saying further absolutely as I said I’m not ruling anything out because we are facing someone who is not ruling anything out I have a clear strategic objective Russia cannot win in Ukraine now could Supply a lot more arms money to Ukraine yes if they talk about soldiers going in yes has NATO had any real support of this no not from what I’ve seen at all would these be Frontline troops third line troops rear Echelon troops we don’t know does this completely change the war absolutely if this happened I don’t think macron has any plans into this especially without NATO’s backing uh I think this is more a political game to try and get more support as other things if Russia wins in Ukraine there will be no security in Europe who can pretend that Russia will stop there what Security will be there for the other neighboring countries mova Romania Poland Lithuania and others well with the exception of mova security is NATO and the EU and that Russia has in my opinion not actually shown at least for Romania pole and Lithuania that they have the ability to actually go in do that like people say they won’t stop in po to go to Berlin looking at Russia now and what is happening in Ukraine do you actually think that Russia will be able to push through Romania or Poland or Lithuania NATO country and make it to Berlin it’s it’s unrealistic but we keep seeing this pushed because it is a way to Rally up more support mdova is different with the area of transnistria as well we spoken in length about this but what do you think do you think it’s a political thing from macron or or who has declining popularity or do you think that he is being legit now let’s talk about this Swiss peace conference and how it will definitely not involve Russia and may not involve China so we have some dates for this today and we’ll talk through some of this so has been held was going to be held on the 15th and 16th of June held at this bergenstock Resort this is a f-star resort in Lake lern in central Switzerland it would be beautiful 160 National delegations I will go as first delegation if you would like and go for a dip in the cold water Russia the aggressor in the ongoing war will not be invited says the Swiss government but at this stage we know the Swiss have said that Russia eventually needs to be here down here a peace process with Russia is not possible without Russia apologies misspoke Ukraine’s foreign minister Demetri koubo Justified the decision not to invite Russia in a comment for the foreign policy magazine saying our approach comes from reality and from the experience that we have gained between 20 20 uh 2014 and 2022 we had almost 200 RS of talks with Russia in different formats with Medias and bilaterally but nothing worked it ended up in large scale Invasion it’s because it was never actually found of where the happy medium was signed and of course breaking things as well but we know at some point there has to be a peace process regardless of where the front line ends there will be a peace process and it has to involve Russia at some point now continuing on from this uh and this is exactly what he actually said which we want to look at at what was actually said I know some people hate me reading through these things but it’s bloody important to get a real idea of what was actually said Switzerland is holding high level peace Conference next month your Russian counterart Sergey lvov described Switzerland as openly hostile what is the point of a peace Summit without the party that initiated the war now before we get into kar’s answer what I will say is Russia and many other has has criticized this Summit as being nothing more than a platform for Ukraine to ask for more weapons and support rather than a peace conference and that has been the criticism saying if Russia’s not there it’s a platform for Ukraine to talk about the 10-point peace plan which Russia is saying is not going to happen with what is happening here giving back all the territory and the front lines not showing that that may be realistic either that it’s just a platform for we need more to defeat Russia that’s going to step into Europe and Poland like macron is saying at some point but kabar says your point is valid if you address the the war that Russia launched against Ukraine with textbook diplomacy because all textbooks that we learned from tell you tell us that you need two parties to sit down and negotiate our approach comes from reality and from the experience that we gained between here and here which we’ve spoken about with these different talks but nothing worked it ended up in the large scale invasion of 2022 so we know that it doesn’t make sense to have Russia at the table if you cannot ensure that they act in good faith there are only two ways to bring Russia to a situation where it will AC in good faith the first one is Success on the battlefield and the second one is having a coalition of countries who share the same principles and the same approaches so this is why the summit does not intend to have Russia as a participant because the goal of the Summit is to unite countries who share principles and approaches that will build further actions on the second one of the Coalition of countries in L you can get North Korea Iran China poost of other countries as well which are not going to have that that flip I guess good luck and of course winning on the battlefield this is what we’re being told more and more and as the longer the war goes on the more that Russia and Ukraine dig in I think the less and less likely all out success for either Russia or Ukraine as far as moving the borders one way or the other is becoming less likely after that communication with Russia may take place and Russia can be part of the talks because you are right in the end you cannot put the war to an end without both parties so at the end acknowledging at some point both parties need to be there now China at this conference we know that China stands to benefit probably the most of any country from this war and from here we have you Andrew y Mark the head of the presidential office said China still hasn’t agreed to participate in the peace Summit we are constantly holding consultations at various levels with our partners we will do everything to ensure that China is present my opinion if Russia and China are not both not going to be there at two members of permanent Security Council at this meeting then it’s nothing more than a hand Shandy Aon and don’t worry about running the meter of CH if Russia’s not there whatever if China’s not there there when you speak about we need a coalition of countries blah blah blah you may as well just say well we’ve already got the Coalition of all the Western countries and Japan and Australia and whatever we need China we need to swing China because China is supplying support to Russia they have a lot to gain from this war that China they’re the real uh the real swing that could happen in support of this war now let’s look at what Dimitri pesov of course Kremlin spokesman has said we don’t we don’t understand what the kind of Milestone it is the peacock PRI conference what kind of conference can we talk about what kind of serious conference with serious expectations of some sort of results without the participation of Russia now this wasn’t said today this was said a couple of weeks ago this is completely impossible it is clear that some kind of initiative that is not focused on results but the results like Ukraine say is trying to bring people together and of course trying to get more support into Ukraine and this is what zalinski has said the peace is a global Summit these days together with Switzerland we have finalized the invitations to the summit the specific dates of the summit are this we understand that only Global power can force Russia to peace and that’s why we are working to attract as many participants as possible to The Summit in Switzerland and the corresponding communication we also have to understand that Putin will try and disrupt this work and our efforts by various manipulations and by the force of his terrorist strikes will try and weaken Ukraine’s position all the positions on the battlefield in diplomacy and the informational sphere uh must be equally strong now in order for us to exert pressure and bring our results closer I thank each and everyone in Ukraine I thank everyone who is fighting as he usually signs off my opinion if China and Russia aren’t there I think you’re pushing [ __ ] uphill personally China is absolutely critical in where this war goes how this war can be continued by Russia and what China has to benefit from the major Powers let’s just say nato and Russia having a war with them supplying China being them supplying very little weapons so they’ve got all their stocks zero soldiers it is very very beneficial for China what is happening here and don’t think that they’re not watching and seeing what is happening and seeing the West reaction to Russia also going into Ukraine well they’re not deploying troops maybe Taiwan maybe this maybe we’ll move up somewhere if Russia gets weakened maybe we’ll up north I don’t know I’m just speculating but China is where I think the war needs to be won on the Diplomatic front here as well now let’s have a look at the maps before I show you some footage and I will stop talking here we have Ukraine the center the capital of ke red areas areas occupied since 22 the purple since 200 excuse me and 14 here we have the dones ablast and will come down the front line where you’ve been wanting to have a look in this AER K make front of course just to the the northwest of adiva and you can see the change today doing what we said yesterday and closing up this Gap in here now what this is doing every time we see that this let’s step back every time we see that this Gap here gets closed up and up and up including doubt out to the west of Civ what we know is the risk of then cutting off this for the Counterattack is getting less and less and less to today now let’s have a measurement of this I was a bit short on that 800 M effectively this will have been cut off through here I don’t believe there’d be any Ukrainian troops left down in here and if they were getting out through here would be a bloody nightmare with the ground and how it sits here potentially I don’t know by tomorrow I believe we’ll see this cut off if not already here so this is expanding that control ballooning out and doing the opposite of what Iran or the commentators online said this will have a Counterattack and cut off and you’ll have all the Russians then stuck out in here again you need to continue never underestimate your enemy things go wrong when that starts to creep in which has been a constant in this entire War Russia underestimated Ukraine and NATO and support and we have underestimated Russia’s ability to maintain the economy and make bloody weapons and uh adapt and change on the battlefield anyway and and our experience should have shown that we’re idiots for thinking that now let’s have a look at where these maps are sitting so this is osney this dot down here this is kek and this is the place that I cannot pronounce so as you can see that it is showing that Russia has pushed a fair bit more north than this map is sh well at least it’s showing that it’s right across here and has cut all of this off so a few more tens of square kilm I would say that this is showing although which are very similar if this was cut off here and not just gra but situation northa Russian army made new advances between gmic and there where troops control 60% of the locality clash with Ukrainian Army taking place north and Northwest of oshar as well as we haven’t seen any change down here from sov we know Russia tried to push down the train line and Road here sorry the road here out to out towards so kill as well so interesting update of what we’re actually seeing then there now we have one more change on this map and it’s right up in the Northeast in here of then K Liva now we know is Russia has been making advancements out here and the north is where everyone is saying that things could start really going downhill sorry I just want to get that back up because of the Northern Group the amount of soldiers Russia has announced here and across from K belgrad somewhere in here would draw Ukrainian forces away thing is the risk of this happening has the same effect as well but in here Russia has made then ground again out into this other town of course kiska still comes out of here and let’s have a look nowah reports has then this map here today showing in similar area as just down to here but more cutting down through so if we see where see where this Reservoir Pond is here right here so up from more like here through either way we know maps are changing in the same general direction now on this map there’s no other movements that are happening I’ll just show you here so we saw that the other day nothing in Buck moot although we know the fighting is very very fierce in Bak mot then no change down in urani where we have seen over the past few days but suriak has an update in here as well saying that Russia has advanced in this region then again now one thing I did say yesterday was I said that mod deep state map was showing more Russian movement than uh it showed on suriak so this has in my opinion just caught up see where it’s coming out where this uh Creek bends around to the left same area as well as the same buildings here so syak is really just caught up to this advancing South rosani ever most warehouses part of the eastern shore of the river so trying to push back up through rosani and trying to get where Ukraine had pushed down on their spring offensive counteroffensive actions so let’s have a look over the claims of everything so the news of the Russian capture of perovskia is like the news of the complete Russian capture of nalo they make no sense and are only intended to add the idea of Ukrainian collapse in the donbass that some counts want to fence I’ll just show you where these areas are first and we’ll talk about it so where we’re looking at we going to come into this bki front nalo of course hasn’t formed but we do know there’s a Russian troop presence in here and then we come down have my livar outside of here then we have this parisia here now what this is trying to do is show that the front line has a complete collapse and it’s all falling apart which Russia is making ground there are areas collapsing has the front line fully collapse no a Frontline fully collapse regardless of what my titles and thumbnails will say will look like this over a week which this is just not going to do that although we do know with movements that it could move very very slow then very very quick we spoke about that with Ukraine’s offensive that that never happened but we could see that happen somewhere as well like with have divka you know meter by meter by meter weeks and months and years and then 20ks or 10ks in a couple of weeks is more accurate to speak of the acceleration and deterioration of the Ukrainian Armed Force regarding parisia the capture of no Myka allows a direct assault on the other locality from the East however it is possible that the Russian Force will continue to press somewhat harder from the south and north before an assault Alia has sheld the settlement heavily in recent days indicating that the situation on the front will soon become clear so what they’re saying is here is everyone is thinking that Russia is going to come in from the East seems the most clear from this map but could they want to come further down from the South as the artillery is hitting this location I’m not a general I don’t know I don’t have my finger on the pulse of a bloody General either so we will see exactly what is happening there but we do know that information campaigns will always take advantage of what they can like we saw the like we saw that Ukraine started making some ground down near you know Robert front or front the whole front lines collapsed I probably guilty of trying to do it myself cuz we’re on Bloody media we have to have our titles and thumbnails and [ __ ] say there else you get bloody nowhere but same as with this as well anyway Legends enjoy the next part of this video let me know what you think and I’ll speak to you very very soon thank you bye-bye oh have a great weekend we’ll start with um the reason and this really was the reason why I I spoke to you some time ago and said it’s probably worth a follow one is because of these claims and there are numerous claims on both sides about the use of chemical weapons and and people throwing weird things around about this isn’t a chemical weapon this is and what it all means so I thought it’d be good let’s just look at the scope of what is being claimed and it really is both sides accusing the other side of breaching the CWC and we’ll get into what is the CWC um what some of the definitions are who signed up to it uh in a similar way that we looked at the Ottawa treaty would do a bit of a cursory look at is there any evidence to suggest that chemical weapons are being used and then uh like we’ve done with all the other stuff we’ll just spit ball some ramifications and things like that opcw is the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons so they are um the owners per se of the CWC which is the chemical weapons convention this all came about because of World War I all the use of fos genene chlorine and all these other horrible chemicals they came up with this protocol and said hey look let’s let’s not allow this to be done in any future conflict fast forward to 1997 or the ’90s really and they did enough back and forward with enough countries that they came up with the CWC so that’s what exists today um the CWC uh is a convention for the prohibition and the of the development production and stockpiling as well as the use of chemical weapons and on the destruction of any existing chemical weapons it’s got a preamble 24 articles and three annexes uh according to opcw 193 states are committed and 100% of declared stockpiles by possessed states have been verifiably destroyed that’s the update as of the end of 2023 because am I correct saying that America destroyed the last their stock piles only last year I think so something like that uh Russia apparently claimed I think it was 2017 so there’s lots of who knows what’s going on um sense of plausible viability around yeah they just say well we it wasn’t us that used noock so because we don’t have chemical weapons yeah yeah yeah so what are you going to what are you going to argue about that one um so article 1B States never this is like the Ottawa treaty never under any circumstances to use chemical weapons black and white article five states that riot control agents of which we’ll Define shortly um cannot be used as a method of warfare so we’ll get into a little bit about what does that actually mean and all the rest of it now under this convention law enforcement use of riot control agents is okay so crowd control and things like that that’s your tear gases and all that sort of stuff now it’s important to note in one of the three annexes they have a clear list of different chemicals and and it’s it’s all your usual suspects VX sarin s tabin all this old school um hardcore chemical warfare agents um in Annex B schedule 3 there’s a list of toxic chemicals there’s four of them very specifically chloropicrin is stated and that’ll become important later when we get into uh why we’ve raised that opcw or the CWC defines a chemical weapon as a toxic chemical um blah blah blah so what does a toxic chemical mean toxic chemical is something that’s designed to to cause death temporary incapacitation or permanent harm to animals or humans um so it’s pretty clear right uh and riot control agents would definitely under this convention be classed as a toxic chemical therefore a chemical weapon yeah now both Russia and the Ukraine have signed up to the CWC they both signed uh in 1993 when it came out and they both ratified within a year or so of it coming into effect so entered into for in April of 1997 um Russia ratified or sorry they ascended in November of 97 and Ukraine ascended in October of 98 so signing up means you’re under no legal obligation to to um do anything but there’s a sort of obligation that you’re not going to do anything before ratification that’s going to affect the purpose of the treaty um and ratify means it’s a formal act where you consent to become Bound by the treaty upon its entry into Force so both Russia and Ukraine have signed and ascended so they’re both fully Bound by the CWC um now riot control agents are defined if you look on the OPC um W’s website um any chemical not listed in the schedule that can produce um rapidly in human sensory irritation or uh disabling physical effects which disappear within a short time following termin of exposure so it’s pretty clear what a right control agent is so just to Circle back article one of the CWC every party that signs up for this thing that’s ratified their commitment to this cannot use right control agents as a method of warfare it’s it’s black and white absolutely crystal clear where this all kicked off was um picking up reporting and there’ve been reporting over two years now since the invasion of the use of these in particular so this is the k51 RG stands for Riot grenade developed by the Soviets in the 70s been around forever um basically a pyrotechnic process starts burning inside the grenade builds up a lot of gas which is aerosolized um powder and it um blasts a hole through the bottom of the grenade and spits out very very hot uh aerosolized powder now apparently the k51s contain chloropicrin which is that one that we highlighted on the cwc’s list they’re designed for use in confined spaces up to 400 met so that’s a lot of volume of gas that they release um the CWC says chloropicrin is considered a lung damaging agent uh it’s in agriculture they use it to fumigate soil very powerful irritant similar characteristics to tear gas so chloropicrin the k51 would most certainly fall into the definition of right control agent um looking at some of these claims where it kicked off for me in terms of interest in where and how have these been used is um there were a lot of cases of these being reported in December just gone uh of k51s being deployed so tear gas isn’t a gas per se it’s it’s heated up aerosolized powder um it’s designed for short term Etc these are sort of the typical symptoms that you might see coughing involuntary closure of the eyes you know tear ducts um being activated all the rest of it so it’s very there’s a very distinct difference between that and involuntary twitching which is like a nerve agent style attack or um some of the other ones have very characteristic effects so tear gas is short term and and it’s pretty clear to see when it’s a a tear gas right control agent versus a a lethal nerve agent Etc well and anyone anyone who’s done CBR and training in the military knows exactly what it’s like to be hit with um with cs gas so when you do training in in the military is you’ll know bloody better than I you will get for your training for chemical warfare environments you will get taken into a tent with a small amount of Cs gas and to double check that all you you know how to purge your mask correctly and seal everything correctly and it is a very very weird sensation when you take your mask off It Gets In Your Eyes and in your lungs and whatever it’s a bloody horrible thing oh it’s the gift that keeps on giving it it does keep it can reignite bloody an hour on in your getting a hot shower too horrible stuff yeah so let’s um Circle right back and and I started to go down this Rabbit Hole of k51 use and there it’s heaps of it on both sides the earliest I found in the um time I had to do this research and there might be other examples around this time is video footage and you can see some of this is on RT um so a public network showing these crates of the k51 so this is right back when Russia had stationed forces prior to the full scale invasion in in 2015 um pretty clear example no I couldn’t really find anything of them being used um until you get to around 2022 excuse me and there are lots of examples through 2022 so this one uh clearly shows um Russians fixing a k51 to this drone um and there’s been a couple of examples where the ukrainians are like hey we’ve recovered Russian drones that were dropping k51 so this is back in 2022 there are other tweets and posts and telegram uh messages of um k51 is being used against the ukrainians by the Russians so you can see here that he’s going to fly his drone up he’s going to drop this um k51 into assuming this is a Ukrainian position he’s going to drop this into a bunker or or wherever they’re hiding at in a bombed out house um and the k51 releases enough gas causes the irritation assuming these guys don’t have gas masks and it’s going to force them to evacuate so it’s not lethal this is designed to force the evacuation uh and we’ll get into why you would use this on the battlefield yeah so watch there you can start to see now there wasn’t a an explosion there wasn’t any Flame or any fragmentation or blast effect that was um clearly observable but you can see this thick white smoke now is that obscuration smoke is it chloropicrin is it something else I don’t know there’s no way to tell uh unless you were to test the the area immediately after this there’s no real way that you can figure out what that is um but we will see uh I don’t know if it’s already passed but you do see the guys legging it to get away from that gas yeah um might be on one of the other videos that we’ve got shortly after now this is from October of 2022 this is a telegram Channel um where you see an American speaking um foreign Fighter fighting on the side of the Ukraine and as he pans around his room you can clearly see what looks like K 51 yeah 100% um grenade sitting on his filters yeah 51 grenades in December of 22 the Ukrainian Navy asserted that a lot of um these chloropicrin grenades were being dropped from drones by the Russians onto Ukrainian positions and that they had to carry out protective um actions including putting on gas masks as a result you’ve got one from the other side now so this is January of last year 2023 and I remember you said you saw this one when this came out I I I did a lot of research and I asked a lot of people never really got an answer what what this is so they appear to be kikazi style fpvs and they’ve got these tubes now these tubes could be anything they could be explosive they could be um you know survey beacons they could be a raft of things but when he gets into into the freezer in a sec uh it looks like there’s some kind of chemical agent and he does talk about the the guy talking at the telegram video the Russ uh the Ukrainian he does talk about chemicals so what this is I’m not sure you can see a couple of um explosive style payloads there I think but what these tubes are what they’re designed to do I don’t know this top video which I’ll play now is not that post but it’s something very similar to show again that this grenade that’s being dropped is not pyate Technic it’s not explosive um it’s not stun grenade it’s there specifically to release um a RI control agent so you’ll see as the as the gas is built up uh guys that are in that protected area can’t handle that obviously don’t have gas masks and like um person Dave that you just alluded to they’ve got to just Escape that gas and the idea would be you flush guys out of protected areas where they can be targeted by other vectors so there they go there you can call in artillery you can call in uh other drone um attack platforms now in April of last year again um the Russian side this time started reporting that the ukrainians had used a uh internally produced Ukrainian right control agent tear gas on their drones to attack the Russians October of last year the Russians put out a big report claiming they made all these claims about Ukraine’s use of toxic chemicals uh and in December the ukrainians put out their um their version right basically saying hey we’ve seen a huge ramp up of um Russian attacks using these these grenades and other chemicals 4th of December there’s an example where they’ve recovered so the ukrainians are showing hey here’s another example the Russians are massively ramping up their use of these right control agents

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well, Today we talk about the Russia’s winter offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. G'day Legends, Yep I was right.. As expected this video was restricted and also Age-Restricted (only 18+ who have logged in) as soon as it finished uploading! If you want to support my work, my Patreon, Paypal and merch links are below.
    With the way the world is going the odds that me/you and our mates will be heading into a war one day is increasing, I don't want either side confronted with the hell on earth chemical/gas can do. Our forefathers who were much harder men than I saw this hell in WW1 and this in 1925 led to the Geneva Protocol, which prohibited the use of chemical weapons in warfare. Weapons & Delivery systems are 1000x better now than in the early 20th century.

    On another point:
    The Inability or refusal of the ICC (International Criminal Courts) in being able to have jurisdiction or maintain legitimacy I believe is a VERY slippery slope that leads to 'winning' parties effectively getting away with crimes of which laws they helped write, and expect their adversaries and allies to abide by.

    As an independent reporter you make this possible, To support the channel directly.

  2. The two big things I'm very worried about are Ukraine getting desperate enough to use deadly chemical agents (Russia would not do that as they know it would enable NATO to intervene) or attack ZNPP. I'm not happy about Russia using tear gas, but my take on it is at least it's not lethal – and in fact with proper gear (masks) is entirely able to be dealt with – I would strongly suspect Russian troops are equipped with masks – it would be stupid to use that gas without expecting to receive it in return. As far as slippery slope goes, realistically the use of that non lethal type of agent should probably be made legal to eliminate the grey line / slippery slope…

  3. About a year ago i saw a video of a drone dropping a granade with some kind of gass on 2 people with red armbands in a river. Before the granade dropped the video showed one of the dudes trying to help his friend that looked like was hurt. When the granade dropped on the target it just left a gass cloud, and the dude helping his friend paniced and started "running" in deep water until he just fell over face down into the river. So im guessing they are using deadly gass in those granades….

  4. 14:45 This is a blatant lie. He refers to the talks with the DPR and LPR what were not Russia. We all can check that by reading the protocolls of those talks of the bilateral format of the Minsk agreements what took place between 2014 and 2022. Also its worth to mention that the Kiev side in those talks was horrible, close to sabotage of the talks in every occasion. Make a picture of yourself and start reading those protocolls and you will see.

  5. The are trying to bribe China with the South China sea SE Asian nations contest. China has far too much intelligence and power to be swayed by that.

  6. China is the winner?? by getting sanctioned for selling screws or whatever to russia? (dual use bs). My local currency is toilet paper compared to dollars now.

  7. Talking about China giving support to Russia, they're just trading normally.
    No military supplies are going from China to Russia ATM.
    China knows its next on the list after Russia, so they're watching.
    If US introduced sanctions that they said they will against China, then we could probably see the real shipment of shells, millions of them to Russia and many other war materials that West have no chance of even closely matching.

  8. Ukraine has been caught using chemical weapons, hardcore ones, dropped from drones. Even if this story has an element of truth, what's to say it isn't in response to Ukrainian use of chemical weapons?

  9. I still don't get the "move to berlin" crap…

    Just thinking about it, I can't even see somebody crazy even considering doing that.
    There is absolutely no value in doing so for anybody, Ukraine actually has plausibility behind the claims.

    I feel like it's a mixture of posturing for the French, but for Macron I reckon it's legitimate and he would do it. Whether other countries follow is different, which I feel he would hope they would. He's definitely salty over the idea of losing some of the French last colonies to Russian support and there isn't anything they can do about it. But having troops in Ukraine could make Russia get more serious and lessen their forces down in Africa which then the French can start moving more there (because they can use the Ukraines for manpower in the end)

  10. It's unrealistic and inflamatory to suggest Russia has intentions to invade any other European country. Even Ukraine supporters, though they may not approve, understand the reasons why Russia invaded.

  11. Its not a "Peace Summit" if representatives from the aggressor side arent even invited. Its just Platform #564 for Kuleba to ask for my stuff lmao the initiative has nothing to do with ending the conflict ASAP if one side isnt even there. Its a smokescreen.

  12. China doesn't supply weapons because its against its constitution to provide weapons to countries at war. If China wanted to support Russia with weapons this war would be over long ago unless the US and Nato wanted to go all in for a world war. Just look at during covid, China was supplying almost the entire supply of masks, PPE, needles, gloves, masks and everything else and they were produced in the 100s of millions. Don't think they cant do the same with ammunition, artillery, drones, missiles etc etc. China has called for peace and negotiations from day one, prior to the war it had good relations with both countries and its the only country that can really stop the US's manipulation and personally they should be doing more (but China has had a long held policy of non interventionism, unlike the US). As for Taiwan, China could easily take Taiwan using economic pressure and blockades whenever it wanted, it doesn't because Taiwanese people are Chinese and they want peaceful reconciliation, when the US collapses and is unable to keep pushing all its propaganda on the Taiwanese they will reunify. China has the time and while other governments are looking to the next election, the Chinese government is planning for the next decade.

  13. They said the RF won't act in good faith? Like Merkel and Macron admitted that the west did not act in good faith at Minsk? At this point the RF is more trustworthy than the west.

  14. Willy, thus far, I've been of the opinion that it is ridiculous to think that Russia, if they defeat Ukraine, would go further to the rest of Europe. I still don't really disagree with that. However, if it is as you speculate and the goal is to get tactics honed in, military industrial complexes started, and plans made in not only russia but China as well; then what if China switched stances and actually helped Russia to fight NATO? Then, that would be a completely different story.

  15. Russia is not a threat to Europe; the US is the threat to Europe
    Rapacious is the US that it eyes the resources and borders of Ukraine to take
    Has the EU cared much about Armenia; dilly-squat and that exactly how much they care about Ukranians

  16. According to British Intelligence Russia are using banned sharpened hypersonic shovels delivered by the Russian washing machine air squadron. Oh and Ukraine is still winning.

  17. whe you're aggressor when you invade and it goes so poorly you have acoup, you empty prisons for troops, you threate anyone with debt to elist or prison, you search for merceranries from foreign countries they do everything firstnd then accuse ukt=raine of those activities as classic diversions and cofusi0on. Getting cute on gas man its joke whe yo have man advantage you use all these tactics you're reaching well beyond your range to try to mitigate and litigate. This is war you face man to man especially whem you have ma power and artillery its the leats honorable assault possible its athetic, HIs war is so shit he has had to empty risons, emlist from outside russia instead of just conscript coutries he occupied before ukraine like Chechen becaus ethey actually can fith. Have you seen chehcen whipping nd disciplining russian units. If only they knew they have been warrig since 1800s and even first invasion when yeltsin fot ass kiked. Youtube cheche speaks to russian soldier its two comarades that fought in afhaistan with chehen pleading with russian who was friennd to tur around its heartbreaking. They both died as callwarns he asks him to let their mothers have their sons return. Its like initial invasion into Ukraine. Second chechin en Putin had to pay off H=Khadyrov to divide triba elders in order ro take grozny. They have nevr had high level forces but firces in mass willing to play mass ifatry roll like no other country. Tells you morale in military ad society. Poor russia wont protesta but wont procreate either hence occupy new coutries and enlist/conscript their youth ie chehcnya, georgia, had uti been succesfful and Uktaie sceded and that Ukraine military joind Russia they would have gone to france ….Macron is a bitch. say what you will about US w e dont threaten nukes we just dropped them ,…..dont posture "show me dont tell me" russia would be like US delaing with MOB on states dnagerous grou but more brutal than organized. US would wipe them from map and Chaina would take 50% and the resources as they would actually not need to outsource labor. Russia is too deep because Putin is worried about history his twisted view and revisionist view ont success of russia whe war stops they collapse they have onthing left they create nothing on schools anymore whole youth in military. Had bets athours, artists, scientists, chess players just culture. Now to legitimize little thin skin man they have had to dumb down and embrace stupid like trump in US manageed to make "elite" enemy not elite monetarily those us and russia oligarchs arent elite they mean mental elite and intellectuals. Its devolving instead of evolution. You are right china has free oil coming…India stopped isolated russia by supplying Taiwa, Israel to egage chia ad ira with ow regioal issues. Its smart russia will hae less rousources. Youre absolutley right all about chia they create ad pruduce ad will have dyami ecooy i wartime ulike russia who are dying from within. Russia underestimated finland, japan, afghanistan, chechnya, ukraine, een georgia to degree…Putin trying to be legedary CZAR is pushed to point of on retur as soon as seen as stalled China ad even turkey help themselves. Gary kasparov greatest chess player of all time with magnus carlson is US citie now ad just cat bgein to say the virus of violence and idocy and thievery they normalied in russia to allow such autocrat laws. Those citizes are pathetic claimig pride inn war but o volunteers all covicts fro jail ad cotract from nepal,cuba,india, without chechen they dont take Maiupol so quick. If Khadyrov dies his youg son is bizarre russia fall apart from withi as all wars end. ot with a bomb but fro critical mass withi ad iternal threat overwhemlig ecterior threat. 10 to 1 munition advantage, more than 10-1 soldier adbantage….using criminals ad cotract soldiers and need tro use gas becaue you cant wintranch warfare against outnumbered exhausted ennemy …ths has always been russia. All about mass neer about skill and commhication.
    wait till units like other day training for kharkiv start gettig wiped out with missiles. Contract all already deserting a cuban group killed commander. Video of chechen wiping russian while calling hi atheti soldier and alcoholic is hilarious. Point is its not defenders using gas thats a joke Russia doctrine is war crimes they font care anymore Mob with military

  18. 13:09 They have no desire to.

    But they clearly outmatch NATO and if they wanted to they could.

    Nato has strategically lost this conflict. They are not equipt to fight a modern war. All the hubris gained from fighting third world countries with zero air defence has addled their brains.
    They will never be able to carpet bomb as they will never have air dominance. They are a one trick pony who's main trick has been neutered. They have no clue about fighting a conventional war against a peer because they have never had to. They don't have the MIC to sustain any length of conflict. The cupboards are bare.

    Total defeat looms large.

  19. France should have lots of Muslim migrants to spare for the Ukraine cause. They should be motivated knowing they are fighting for WEF and global elites that sponsored their migration to Europe.

  20. I think Macron is desperate. He was possibly serious but then got no support. Some chance this is a very clever play to invoke fear in the EU that if they can't get Ukraine doing better their leaders will send them to war. And I guess if that's the case, replace leaders with rulers.

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