Meghan & Harry ‘RUINED Charles’ first year as king with attacks & attempts to cash in on royal name’

Meghan & Harry ‘RUINED Charles’ first year as king with attacks & attempts to cash in on royal name’

firstly uh he had to add to the councilors of state that was very important because uh at the end of the late Queen’s Reign I mean it was only himself and Prince William who could effectively deputize and you need to and so he’s added several Royals incl Princess Anne uh Prince Edward the facts simply are with Harry and Megan that after spare enough was enough so he had them evicted from Frogmore Cottage and I don’t think they expected it and they certainly didn’t like it but the revelations in spare and not only the attacks on the royal family in that book and in the interviews surrounding it which a large number of people watched of course that Harry gay was responsible for and it was his Memoir you should have known better than to include aspects of his life that would have made him seem ridiculous but he should also also not have revealed the number of Taliban that he took out in his second Tour of Duty in Afghanistan it was so badly planned you felt that he’d not had advice but to attack Queen Camila was clearly a red line as was pointed out by the press that he’s so hostile to and therefore it was important that the king acted as he did but he’s always kept the door open equally it’s perfectly obvious that as Harry flew over as we all know when a moment he heard that the king had been diagnosed with cancer we also know that he spent only about half an hour or thereabouts with him and we don’t know what the situation is when he comes over to speak at St Paul’s he made it clear he’d be seeing his father again and I’m sure they will meet the whole point is what contact they will have had which we don’t know about regarding ending the rift with the royal family which of course is most fierce with William and that is a totally different issue but again we are dealing with rumor there’s no doubt that evicting the sussexes from the domicile in the in the UK was something that showed immense Royal displeasure and I think it was absolutely right to have done it equally there’s also no doubt that the r with him with scobby later in the year and all of that was was also very helpful but what one’s not going to get now and the Sussex is they monetize their connections with the royal family they also have enormous audiences when they attack it as we’ve seen in the past you won’t get that now for obvious reasons Le I’m pretty certain not but equally their behavior when uh when Harry is here when he and Megan are in Nigeria when they’re back at home will be scre scrutinized and they will forever it seems be in the news and precisely how they behave and what they decide to do a matter for them obviously but again it there is the background to it and the background to it is the Oprah interview and what followed it and that was very detrimental to the royal family and it showed well the only group that like the Sussex are 18 to 24 year olds and it just so happens that they’re the one group who are not favorably disposed to the royal family and I think that obviously there’s a link between the two potential there was terrifying because what you had firstly was Harry saying that he’d cut several 100 Pages out of um his Memoir spare uh because they were G to be too hurtful now that implied he might use them subsequently and then there was the early life that he could have written about and Megan in fact could written her autobiography you you had the possibility of this deal with random house that there were reports that it involved four books I can only say that it’s most unlikely now and it’s most unlikely Harry and Megan will rock the boat in any way that is significant given the sensitivity of serious illness and illness being and obviously it can be a Game Changer in Rifts in RS in families so you know that is what we must hope for the only way of handling it is to handle it privately so that well in fact we wouldn’t know what was going on and it will take time because they’ve been attacking the royal family for several years and they have done damage and they were well aware what they were doing I think that King thinking back to the coronation will think it was successful I should think that he and queen Camila are pleased that it’s over that they got through it there were moments of nerves and we could see that but uh no I I think the I think it was a successful ceremony it was very scaled down obviously and it was always intended to be but I think it was successful and I think they were regarded as a success looking back over the period then to now he will be specifically pleased to have had a coronation that was more diverse and that it included elements of his uh very very strong feeling that Britain’s multifaith society would be reflected which it was and I mean it was so different after all 8,000 guests cut to 2,000 but very very significant to show the pull of the monarchy some 160 or so countries actually represented now that that’s amazing and that that’s a very good example of the soft power that goes with monarchy I think what has happened uh now he is receiving treatment for cancer one of the changes in style that we’ve seen dur since he became king uh he has been able to speak out firstly about his prostrate to make or to raise awareness about it and me know there was so much interest in the NHS website after that and then subsequently to become patron of cancer research UK I mean again to raise awareness and nobody can do that like the Royals but equally of course I mean it’s the very last thing that he would wish to do in the circumstances but what it does illustrate is I think an insight into his style I would say that what he’s done is emphasize the humanitarian aspects um so far of his Reign because I mean obviously continuity has been a big part of it but what we’ve seen is the two issues we know he feels strongly about in the environment and interreligious understanding and the fact that he knows that Britain as a multifaith society is so much more diverse and a great deal stronger in many ways for that tripping the calor is one of the highlights of any Royal year with it balcony appearance afterwards on the M the perfect route for a magnificent procession which this is and also there’s Royal ascet so dear to his mother’s heart and a tradition that he wants to keep up and then there’s the week in Scotland will he be able to do all of these things or some of them I mean the answer is we’ll just simply wait and see and also hope because obviously the more he can do the better and the more encouraging it is for him and that will help him clearly to pick up more but obviously medical advice has to be pretty Central

PRINCE Harry is expected to have a second reunion with King Charles when the pair have events two miles apart in London next week.

The Duke of Sussex, 39, will be at St Paul’s Cathedral for an Invictus Games ceremony and is understood to be “very keen” to see his dad.

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  2. They will be getting their karma for their evil deeds! They should pray for a good defense before the dread judgement seat of Christ our God!

  3. When is this man-child Harry going to take responsibility for his actions and choices, he is a petty, jealous and entitled spoiled brat!

  4. Bitterness paired with vanity, is an empty vapid endless hole that can NEVER be filled, what a couple that are, and a powerful magnitizing force to each other. By definition black holes theoretically eventually evaporate. Perhaps this will be their destiny and our dream. One could only hope.

  5. Harry doesn't have the ability to see the BIG picture. He cannot see ahead. Write a tell all, and expect to be welcomed with open arms and lodging when he visits…??? All Harry has done, he has NOT thought once of consequences. They don't apply to him.

  6. Charles is a clown. He insisted that his side piece become Queen. We love Lady Di and won’t forget how evil he and side piece were. Stop blaming Harry! You sound silly.

  7. I wouldn’t say Charles’ reign has been ‘ruined’ by those two. The only thing they’ve really damaged is themselves. Charles is finally getting some recognition for all his good qualities and deeds, Camilla is respected at least in the UK if not in the US. The two who left are becoming more and more desperate and irrelevant. They could have been more damaging if they actually had a good work ethic and followed through on most of these hairbrained schemes, but they aren’t smart or diligent enough to finish anything they’ve started, and they lie too much and people have begun to see through it.

  8. The British Royal family are unpopular, not because of Harry and Meghan's book and Docu series. The British Royal family are unpopular because they no longer have Diana, tbe Queen, or Harry and Meghan. There is no star power in that family anymore. Not to mention, Charles married his mistress. The woman he was cheating on Diana with. So Charles and Camilla were never really liked, they are tolerated.

  9. I love seeing the joy that crowds display when in close proximity with members of the RF. As a native Californian, who was privileged to live and work in your country during the time of Charles’ and Diana’s wedding, I can say that we have nothing like that here in the states.

  10. Sorry but you have a very weak king and like our US president Biden both men protect their drug addicted sons. The print and TV media also protect both sons. I look at your king and all I see is an adulterer who cared more about chasing his bit on the side than what his sons were doing. At least one son became a responsible adult with a wife and children. The other son, his drug addictions and drunken escapades, were protected by the palace. My one question is what do Charles's siblings think about him and how he raised that excuse of a son who put their mother and father in an early grave. I would dislike my sibling if they had a child that did that to my parents.

  11. no one is talking about the fact that h went off the rails at the same time as his mum, late 30's, there was lots of evidence of conspiracy thinking taking over. Princess Diana chose to listen to a BBC journalist and not her own family, fell out with everyone and veered off with undesirables. Is there a disorder that meets those examples? Britney Spears paternal grandmother unlived herself in her 30's under the guise of post-partum depression, now we see BS acting in the same way only with lots more money. Maybe these are examples of brain disorders.

  12. "…we're a multi faith society and all the better for it. .." Really? I don't see that at all when it comes to the Jewish faith. It won't be long before 'multi' is replaced with 'Islamic'

  13. Harry and Meghan are disgusting the way they are treating King Charles,Queen Camilla,Prince William ,Princess Catherine and the Royal family. Harry should be ashamed of his self ,I will never forgive him and what he let Meghan get away with .I feel bad for King Charles no matter what he does he can’t win, Harry has stirred up so much trouble now everyone has something to say it opened the door to a lot of negativity. I don’t know how Harry can hold his head up he acts like a little brat he needs to grow up .I pray for King Charles and Princess Catherine for a complete recovery. Bless the Royal family 🙏

  14. Of course. But that’s Kings own fault for not putting foot down. He allowed his parents to to get hurt, it extended to his family , Princess Cate. And more media garbage on the Royals. Had King taken some drastic steps , it may not have got this far, or may be it would. But at least titles removed. Queen and Philip would not be pleased with his inaction. All he had to was strip titles, no one says he can’t see this couple. But they should not be allowed to use , making a mockery of of the crown z. No matter what anyone says, I mean no disrespect, but the King is to blame for all this. The minute he became King he should have removed titles. Andrew was accused never had a trial,,King treated him like crap. One thing ab😢 Royals iv noticed they sure don’t stick up for each other like a family should

  15. Those two horrendous people ruin everything and should never ever EVER be allowed to be near anyone within the royal family. They have both caused so much hurt and pain and for Gods sake Charles do NOT give them a way back in! The British people and your own family should never have to be around them and you can stop it by telling the idiot Harry to stay the hell away forever.

  16. Meghan and Harry not only ruined the Royal family but everything that Harry has. Invictus games are RUINED, Africa parks is ruined almost all of his charities are RUINED. Meghan RUINED Harry , his family, his life as prince Meghan ruined her own family her father and even those so called children. Let’s says those kids are real which for me they are not, they’re like are also ruined

  17. Charles should have put the hammer down with these two along time ago. His reign and Coronation is his responsibility, and his alone. If he had put a hard stop with them & their treasonous antics and behavior he wouldn't have to tend to this now. Nit only was it bad for his reign as King but put his health in peril. This is hus fault and his fault only for not having the balls to do what was needed but not doing what still needs to be done.

  18. Not only that but They RUINED the Queen’s final year! I am from the US and to me that is Unforgivable!!! They are both Narcissistic Brats!!🤯🤬🤯🤬

  19. They attempted to, but, honestly, I feel King Charles rose above it all and has emerged more popular than ever. Even his jam has sold out. I just wish the press would stop reporting on them.

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