Hainault: 14-year-old dead after east London ‘sword’ attack

Hainault: 14-year-old dead after east London ‘sword’ attack

Matt just over 12 hours ago as the day began as tables were being laid for breakfast horrific scenes began to play out in the front Gardens here a commotion because a man wielding a sword was running a mock and as you mentioned a school boy just 14 years old on his way to school was fatally stabbed police were on the scene within minutes they pursued the alleged as salent through Alleyways and back Gardens for tasering him and arresting him on suspicion of murder as you said police do not believe the incident is Terror related but tonight at least one family and this community is in mourning a school boy being dragged across an East London Street here’s attacker walking off sword still in hand he just killed that boy he just killed him outside my house it is the stuff of nightmares the man hiding in bushes then seemingly attacked people at random the boy dead four more injured before he was tasered by police two of those hurt officers Witnesses described seeing the man crash his van through a front garden before going on the Rampage who why and how could this have happened he had a sword in his hand and he stepped on the resident’s foot The Neighbors his foot to stop her from moving okay and she noticed the sword behind his back and then she managed to get off of his footing and she moved away and then she uh saw a young boy he’s about 16 years old he was coming out of his house he was putting his earphones in as he was putting his earphones in about 10 m away from the door she screamed to tell him to warn him that the man has a sword and he um as he’s turned around he’s cut uh waved the waved The Sword and it’s struck him in the side of the head the families this community want answers the 36-year-old man arrested at the scene is currently in hospital having suffered injuries when his van collided with the building he has been arrested on suspicion of murder at this time given his injuries we have been unable to interview him why did this happen and could it have been prevented a typical East suburb that in an instant this morning became an awful murder scene people who were just trying to get to work children who were about to go to school one of whom will now never make it really shocking and really worrying to hear that a man of a machete has been like you know just couple of yards away from our house it was afraid in this morning because I I see this man I was in my home but I was AF Frid I see something but not uh good but was quickly very them this man was very very quickly as forensic officers scour the area the King was today one of many people to offer his thoughts and condolences to this community and to the victim’s families well earli I spoke to the leader of the local Council Jaz awell and began by asking ask him how he heard about the attack and what his immediate reaction was um I got the call around about 8:00 and um when somebody Rings you that early uh especially the chief executive you know it’s something serious and it was and and sadly as the day gone on and the events of the this morning have become clearer we now know that one young lad has sadly lost his life and there are four people in hospital at the moment and two of them heroic police offic and to of them members of the public the image of this of of the the perpetrator the suspect you know carrying what looks like a sword or machete on the Streets of London is deeply shocking to so many people I mean how can you keep your community how can anyone keep their Community safe from such weapons I I think um we don’t know the uh circumstances behind this and I know that the the police who acted bravely at the at the time and responded very very quickly uh within the the response times was great the ambulance service was here the fire brigade were here the police were here and they apprehended the the as salant very very quickly and certainly saved further lives and um and we’re very thankful for their Swift action and yet if someone wanted to purchase such a Brazen weapon online there’s really nothing that anyone can do to stop them from doing so no absolutely and I think the questions have to be asked um why there isn’t legislation already in place to stop this the sale of such weapons and we’ve got to really raise that and um and I know I’ll be raising that with our uh parliamentarians um going forward because shouldn’t be allowed um how somebody can just literally purchase this either on the street or uh online um should not be allowed we need to legislate against things like this and we certainly have to look at this very very carefully and yet inevitably today especially on social media is also about rumors and conjecture about what might have motivated the asent is there anything that you know that you can tell us no because I think u i I’ve concentrated on concentrating on on the family working with the police the the council getting all its services together I think we’ve got to get that right because our community needs us now and we’ve got to be there for our community like I said there will be another time when we have a reflection on why it happened but today it’s on those that are affected by it most and I think they need us and we we need a we need a wider Community to come together and really um show the strength and the unity and the closeness of heel you know I’ve lived in this area for around 54 years of my life and uh and I I will continue to live here um and certainly this is not going to put fear into us what we will do is we will come back stronger as a community Jazz aell thank you very much indeed

It began with early morning reports of a van being driven into a house.

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It ended with a community in shock after a 14-year-old boy was killed in a ‘sword’ attack.

Five others are in hospital – one of them the 36-year-old suspect, who was arrested after being tasered.

The attack began in a street next to Hainault underground station in east London.

You may find some images and the detail of the incident in his report upsetting

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  1. The mass migration of all sorts is the cause of the increasing crimes of all sorts. Same happening in western Europe.
    It is now unbelievably terrible and scary place to be in

    Western Europe is changing fast in a bad way and in many ways…..

    There are organisations encouraging mass migration of all sorts.they profit hugely from it and also they want western Europe native population to be a minority by 2050.
    Part if the great rest. The old western European population are targeted…by some organisations which control the world…Many politicians are serving them…

  2. Made me feel sick i can't believe that happend he killed that Child what a fu*king evil bast*rd i pray for the child and the family so sorry for your loss.♥🙏🙏

  3. If Britain had remained an English country and OUR Govt had not opened the floodgates to the Dross of the world, this would have been avoided.

  4. What's he going on about when he says this weapon was purchased online? Many of these weapons are kept in the homes of some of these people. An Asian boy at my Daughter's school had a knife tucked into his belt & he claimed it was a ceremonial sword that he was allowed to carry. As my Daughter was leaving the school imminently, I didn't bother taking it further with the Head. We cannot be making special rules for other cultures.

  5. I am 56 and grew up in Hainault,it wasn't full of foreigners when i was young and stabbings were not heard of at all. Thanks Tony Blair and the Tories!

  6. As an Australian who has seen the horrible devastation of the recent Bondi knife attack here in Australia, my heart breaks for the family of the young boy who had his life taken. 💙


    THIS "PRETENDED" DUAL s panis national could have comitted his crime in spain…..

    It would be better for all and the "british gov" that UK GOES WITH EUROPE..LIKE THAT THEY WILL BE


  8. Mind control, because of what our governments have done from covid to post office to bankrupt Birmingham etc people are realizing we have a common enemy and now they fear for their lives and are trying to confuse people and turn people against each other
    I still have faith in humanity, this guy was either on the payroll or its some kind of mind control

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