Russia unleashes North Korean missiles to strike at Western weapons in Ukraine | World At War

[Music] hello and welcome to this edition of World at War my name is Muhammad s the first time Russia used a North Korean manufactured ballistic missile on Ukraine was in the 30th of December 2023 when Russia had struck the zapia region and since since then Moscow has repeatedly deployed North Korean missiles especially the Von 11 series to carry out strikes deep inside the Ukrainian territory while the flow of Western weapons into Ukraine to fight against the Russian Onslaught has been patchy in the last 6 months Russia has managed to dramatically increase its own weapons production capacity Moscow has also been aided well by Iran and North Korea even though both Iran and North Korea are under International sanctions or their missile programs but what will come as a surprise to many is that the North Korean missiles use at least about 290 non-domestic electronic components that are predominantly manufactured in the United States of America and these North Korean missiles that are powered by American components have been used in the Ukraine war theater on export gets more details this CCTV footage captured on the 29th of April in the Ukrainian port city of Odessa we’ll give you a glimpse of the kind of fire power that Russia has deployed in this war the series of explosions resulted in the deaths of five people while 32 others sustained some serious injuries one of the structures that was struck in this attack is the beautiful building of the Essa Law Academy that is also known as the Harry Potter’s castle due to its onate design according to the Ukrainian Navy this attack was carried out by Russia using the escanda M ballistic missile with a cluster [Music] Warhead a prominent former Ukrainian member of the parliament SV kivalo is said to be one among those who’ve been injured and then in the second of a Russian missile struck the postal Depot at the Port of adessa sparking off a massive fire at least 14 people are set to been injured in this incident besides the port of vessa another region where Russia has been turning on the pressure on the ukrainians is in the north where KV has Comm repeated attacks on the 30th of April guarded bombs were used to strike a village in the K region resulting in one individual getting killed at 10:05 a.m. today the enemy once again struck a civil site a guided aial bomb preliminary om pb30 a man died that worked here his name was Alexander and on May 5 he would have turned 26 years unfortunately four more civilians were wounded there’s no military object or equipment here this week the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Alexander syi admitted that the position on the front line has deteriorated and that Russia has made a number of Battlefield gains the promised American weapons though impressive in paper are yet to reach the front lines and this has dampened the morale of the soldiers holding the Ukrainian positions of course we don’t have enough shells if we compare with the beginning of the fullscale invasion when we have fired up to 100 shells a day then now when we fire 30 shells it’s a luxury we may be given five or six shells but more often we’re not allowed to fire we used to Target military vehicles a lot and we saw over streams where and what we hit but now we’re often not allowed to fire sometimes we fire in response to the Russian attacks on our Personnel so that they seize fire so while the ukrainians struggle to find enough ammunition to farther Russian positions the Russians have been firing a strady barrage of North Korean missiles on different Ukrainian strongholds and what is especially goaling for the leadership in Kiev is that the North Korean Hong 11 missiles Landing up in Ukraine are all manufactured using American Electronics since September 2023 North Korea sent a staggering 6,700 containers carrying millions of ammunition to Russia in exchange for food and other raw materials that are required for manufacturing weapons pongyang has sent at least 3 million 152 mm artillery shells that have made a huge difference on the battlefield the West two is now upping the ante besides the longrange attacks that have been sent by the United States what is extremely concerning is the rhetoric that the Western leaders are now resorting to Britain’s foreign secretary David Cameroon has now gone as far as to say that Western weapons can now be used by Ukraine to strike a targets even inside of Russia in terms of what the ukrainians do in our view it is their decision about how to use these weapons they’re defending their country they were illegally invaded by Putin and they must take those steps we don’t discuss any um caveats that we put on on those things but let’s be absolutely clear Russia has has launched an attack into Ukraine and Ukraine absolutely has the right to strike back at Russia the Russians immediately hit back at this statement as a dangerous escalation saying that the proxy war by the West is now a Flatout military contest on May 2nd the former prime minister current foreign minister of Britain David Cameron during an interview to Reuters agency suddenly claims that Ukraine has the right to perform strikes as he said it against the Russian territory using British weapons there was a formidable fuss in the world’s media British included why so because it’s the first time that a western politician admitted something that is already an Open Secret to all the countries of the world’s majority the West is conducting a Flatout war against Russia with the hands of the ukrainians European leaders are increasingly realizing the stakes of the Ukraine war Ma has repeatedly insisted that he won’t rule out the possibil of French soldiers fighting in the Ukraine war theater and the question now is how many more steps will the two sides go up the escalatory ladder before this war becomes an allout confrontation between Russia and NATO for more than a fortnight some of the topmost universities in the United States of America have been gripped by protests and clashes on on campus the anti-war and proace students have been protesting against the Israeli Onslaught on Kaza have been demanding for an immediate ceasefire a key demand of the anti-war and proce students is that their institutions must financially divest from Israel and companies that profit from the war the campus protests have now spread to nearly 140 colleges in at least 45 States and also at least six other nations outside of the United States including France Australia the United Kingdom and Canada more than 2,000 anti-war and proce protesters have been arrested Nationwide by the police in the past fortnite in a very brutal police Crackdown at several campuses our next boort get more details free free Palestine to the sea from The River To The Sea pal will PAL us college campuses have been rocked by the most sweeping and prolonged unrest since the anti-vietnam war protests of the 1960s and70s from coast to coast a wave of anger and Defiance is sweeping across the campuses of top us colleges a movement that began on the 17th of April with only 70 students at Columbia University in New York City has gone from strength to strength despite fight arrests and threats of suspension students are Furious over the Israel Hamas War and the ensuing humanitarian crisis in the besieged Palestinian territory of Gaza more than 34,500 Palestinians mostly women and children have been killed in Gaza by Israeli forces since the beginning of the Israel Hamas war on the 7th of October last year Columbia univ University was which is at the heart of the movement was flooded by police in riot gear on the 30th of April in order to evict Hamilton Hall occupied by the 2 Hamilton Hall which has a long and illustrious history of student protests was renamed hin Hall by the occupying students early on Tuesday in honor of 6-year-old hind rajab who was killed alongside her family by Israeli forces in Gaza on January 29 this year helmeted police were seen climbing into Hamilton Hall via a second floor window they reached using a laddered truck before leading handcuffed students out of the building into police vans but much worse was in store for the students of the University of California in Los Angeles early on Wednesday morning a masked Pro Pro Israeli group arrived on campus tried to dismantle the camp on Dixon Plaza and then when the anti-war campers rallied to defend their makeshift space they were assaulted the counter demonstrators through fireworks tear gas water bottles and attacked the campers with bats making matters worse was the limited and delayed police Intervention which the office of California’s governor criticized and deemed unacceptable students on the front line of the protests narrated harrowing ordeal of being arrested and detained by the police early Thursday after yes after attack by zus and proud Boy by nationalists yesterday um we had 25 hospitalizations because our people had their heads split open by padlets and wooden um and stumps that were thrown at us and um not a single person who perpetrated of these attacks was arrested not a single one and the police response wasn’t until 2 hours later for us they they they’ve always been surrounding us they’ve always been spying on us from the building and they came with the dispersal orders and you know in the middle of the night the US President Joe Biden who had remained tight lipped till the UCLA gasa protest Camp was cleared broke virtual silence saying the United States was not authoritarian but in insisted that order must Prevail we’ve all seen images and they put to the test two fundamental American principles excuse me the first is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard the second is the rule of law both must be upheld we are not an authoritarian Nation where we silence people or squash descent the American people are heard in fact peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues extending array of Hope a handful of Institutions including Northwestern Brown the University of Minnesota and the University of Vermont have reached agreements with the protesting students over devest matters B arrests though have taken place in other universities including Yale darkmouth University of Texas Etc but will they deter the students who have felt the moral impetus to act against the violence being perpetrated in Gaza look at it any which way history is in the making and students are not merely witnessing it but being an active [Applause] participant now the caucuses ared Force Armenia and aeran have been locked in a bloody conflict ever since the break up of the Soviet Union more than three decades ago they fought two wars in the 1990s and then again in 2020 over the mountainous territory of nagaro kabak which Baku had recaptured in a lightning offensive last September peace however has remained elusive though and fears of a renewed conflict always lur just around the corner after the Armenian foreign Ministry announced on the 19th of April a grians between Yan and Baku on Border delimitation residents of several villages in Armenia have been protesting over the seeding of four abandoned B villages to aeran and our next report get you more [Music] details the decades long conflict between Armenia and azaran in the southern Caucasus region after a brief lull is once again threatening to escalate the latest flare up was ignited after the two countries began physical demarcation of a contested border section in a bit to move closer to a peace deal which has proven to be elusive up until now Armenian prime minister Nicole pashinyan’s decision to return for abandoned border Villages seized by yavan in the 1990s has not gone down well with the Armenians we will not give up even 1 cm we will not give up we will not give up we will shed blood but we will not give up at my age I will go on my knees but I will not give up though the settlements are deserted they are of strategic significance as they are close to landlock armenia’s Main Highway North towards the border with Georgia Additionally the region is near a Russian gas pipeline and has advantages military positions though the Armenian prime minister has defended his decision to return the four Frontier Villages he has faced accusations of acting unilaterally without any guarantees in return con the people’s demand first of all is to abandon this illegal process this process can be conducted under one condition when the people stand for it for this it must be put to a referendum the issue of changing borders must be put to a referendum and not one person decides what to do angry protesters block several roads across the country including in the capital yivan in response to the territorial concessions and have vowed to fight for the land they consider rightfully theirs in practice the Handover involves only 2 and a half Villages because aeran already partly controls the settlement involved the ex Soviet republics have had a tumultuous history and have called The Border delimitation an important milestone azeri president ilham alv last month had said that a peace deal between the countries was closer than ever before I think that we are close and maybe close as never before because we’ve never been close during the times of occupation we could not agree on basic principles at that time will this demarcation of the Border considered a significant event by both Baku and Yan lead to a much sought after peace or blow up into a full-blown crisis only time will tell the southern Caucasus nation of Georgia has been rocked by anti-government protest since the 9th of April the protest erupted after the ruling Georgian Dream party announced plans to reintroduce a legislation which critics say mirrors the authoritarian law that Kremlin uses to crush descend the Georgian government has rejected the comparison to the Russian legislation insisting that the law would boost Financial transparency of the NOS funded by Western institutions crucially on Mayday the Georgian Parliament voted to approve the second reading of the controversial Bill a third and a final vote in the parliament is expected on the 17th of May and it is now needed for the bill to become a law our next Port get you more details [Applause] that we should have a free country for almost a month now protesters in Georgia have been taking to the streets of the capital toy and several other cities after the government announced on the third April that it would reintroduce a foreign agents Bill renaming it a bill on the transparency of foreign influence the controversial Bill requires media and non-commercial organizations receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence protesters say that the bill resembles a repressive Russian law on foreign agents used to crack down on descent the bill cleared its second reading in the 150 member Georgian Parliament on May Day with a vote of 83 to 23 the leader of the main opposition party though not hopeful denounced the law and appealed for its withdrawal if you’re not interested in my injured eye if you’re not interested in how the leader of the main opposition party has been beaten up for the sake of those young people who were injured who were beaten in the head and bruised I want to ask you once more even though I do not have any hope maybe you will withdraw this rule there are only 5 months left before the elections maybe I could not manage to ever see from the eye but the country will see the truth the day before the Georgian police violently broke up a demonstration against the bill by firing gas rubber bullets and stun grenades water cannon was also deployed to disperse protesters reportedly in the brutal Crackdown the protesters were beaten up and at least 63 were arrested following the approval of the second reading on Wednesday thousands of protesters continued to protest late into the night shutting down Central to pissi uh with the second hearing the uh law has been passed which is absolutely ridiculous and stupid thing to do in this situation right now when you are seeing people this many here and uh uh we are going to stand till the end till the very end sorry uh because uh there is the third uh hearing on uh May 17th and we’re going to we’re not going to lose the sparkle we are not going to lose our power and lose our d we’re not going to do it last year as well the government’s attempt to introduce the foreign agents bill was thwarted in the face of massive Street protests a former Soviet Republic Georgia has sought for years to deepen relations with the West a 2023 poll found that more than 80% of 3.7 million Georgians supported joining the European Union the ruling Georgian Dream party though has been accused Bo of staring the nation towards closer ties with Russia reportedly Georgia’s Orthodox Church one of its most respected institutions has called for the government and the protesters to hold talks in order to peacefully resolve what it described as a political crisis will the crisis be peacefully resolved or is Georgia Heading For even more turbulent times we will fight till the end and without a stra on this edition of World at War and if you want to reach out to me with any comments feedback or suggestions please feel free to do so on the ID that you see on your screens I’m your host Mohammad s and I’ll see you again next week [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

Russia unleashes North Korean missiles to strike at Western weapons in Ukraine

Pro-peace & anti-war demonstrators arrested at US universities

Protests erupt in Armenia over the transfer of 4 villages to Azerbaijan

Mohammed Saleh gets you an in-depth analysis of the world’s biggest warzones of the week in World At War

#russiaukrainewar #northkorea #israelhamaswar

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  1. Just wait until the American high-tech weapons arrive. Russia can not compete with the much larger economies and with much more advanced weapons which the US and Europe can provide Ukraine.

  2. Rom 3:23
    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    Rom 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death;

    Psalms 9:17
    The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

    Acts 8:37
    And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Rom 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    Corinthians 15:3-4
    For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    . ….😮

  3. Hold on a minute. Between the US, EU and NATO countries over $450 billion dollars in weapons were sent to Ukraine since Jan. 2022. Ukraine since 2014 has attacked with 1000s of bombs the Donbass Republics killing 10s of 1000s of civilians. Now a town is hit by Russia killing one person and it becomes news. Almost a third of the eastern Republics are now under Russian control. You'll find a million fighting age Ukrainians hiding in the EU, Russia and Canada. In the last two years Canada has seen 2.1 million Ukrainians welcomed to stay at a great cost to Canadians.

  4. Europe doesn’t have the fighter to fight the Russians, especially the UK. The British lost miserably against Afghaans twice, now they are acting like they can fight. No British people can not fight, period.

  5. Ukraine is calling Russia the enemy while the really enemy is the one sponsoring the war against Russia not knowing that blindness is the worst enemy of the human body like the saying goes in The great Country of Nigeria 🇳🇬😁👋🏾

  6. This is dum as dum as it's just all about money period as Airbus / UK and Boeing / US fly to Russia and China which bottom line all needs one other period! If folks wanted to truly fight it would be on truly as why keep talking about it , Hello YouTube / anyone who reads this as humans are the folks that will be gone on this place called Earth! Earth isn't going anywhere so fighting is doing what as it's at a point pick a side and let's go , let's go : Talking has been over and no human is going backwards as it's , Freedom or Nothing as Type 3 civilization !!! Truly a Higher power needs to come on back as it 's just again dum at this point and what folks think folks are scared as nope that's gone to as bring it and bring it right now as again talking is being scared , Action is where it's at period and bottom line as I will defiantly call it out , Action , Action , Action or shhh talk make money but be quiet as the whole world want's to make that not just some folks!

  7. with these all wars, conflicts, rising tensions among nations around the world now, what are the catholic churches, religious leaders, specially vatican is doing to deescalate all these? .. oh sorry, people we just go to catholic cathedrals, and other religions churches and give offerings,,…….. we only see these religious leaders and religious institutions only during peace, but during suffering, conficts, wars amongs nations, we cant se them in media.

  8. this is so chilling. I've never seen a nation such as nk. NK from the beginning started with a dirt field and without the help of any western party but yet probably has the most effective deterrance measure at the end of the day judging from how others cant survive without the west. They created something called 'one people" which created this bubble where the whole nk even turn off electricity at night and is normalized and have become part of society. They made it impossible for anyone to infantrate because from birth if you are white you are an enemy and it's also a part of the culture of nk to police everyone next to them including family and if you catch any unusual activity you are awarded and even given a home, but for those who are judged as a traitor the punishment is not just that person but it goes back to punishing up to 4 generation within that family which is basically saying that if you go against us not only you but your history will be gone. When I seen the popping of that balistic war head it made me wonder just what else they might have the world have no idea about. You have to remember, they manufacture everything themselves, or do they? it really shocked me to know now that american parts are part of what makes their missle?? wtf is this all about now? we find out new things everyday now, but this was just shocking to me. it makes you question history itself.

  9. I praderp manghwami complaint against counyryclub and their people and GCC club and their people these people work as food tiffin service provider we take food tiffin from these people these food tiffin service providet do magic on food which is is insode food tiffin which we purchade from these food toffin setvice provider

  10. I really hope this is not an attempt at some weird flex on behalf of russia.. because "Russia using North Korean Missles on Ukraine" is NOT the flex you think it is

  11. North Korea has a lunatic president that killed his own family to be president.
    Now he is teaching his daughter a minor things.
    What kind of person that kills his own family would teach his own family from that.
    That is disgusting and so is North Korea.

  12. David Cameron telling Ukrainian army it is okay to fire directly into Russian soil. What do you think Russia will react? They will fire heavier artilleries into Ukraine. And worst has yet to come, Russia can react against David Cameron by sending hypersonic missiles into UK instead. What a stupid Englishman is this David Cameron. War mongering David Cameron and Rishi Sunak are in one boat AND that is a boat of destruction.

  13. At times, there are leaders and countries in the world, both in domestic and abroad, who do not follow the norms and laws set forth by society and act with contempt,
    There are leaders and nations, both national and international, that do not abide by the norms and laws of their societies and act according to standards and values that are valid only to themselves.
    These are usually referred to by the general public as "rogue elements" who should be excluded from a sensible society.

  14. Надо быстрее закончить войну везде а иначе эти Покемоны все сдохнут под водой будете воевать

  15. it's a shame of all the destruction & killing !
    NO ONE is gaining from a war, except the weapons industry !!
    the U.S. of A. & Europe should have respected the Minsk agreements !

  16. If comedian Zelensky cares about Ukrainian people even a tiny bit?He would never listen to them and dares to provoke Russia?knowing that ukraine is not just a country but also a red line and border between western countries and Russia?A red line that Mighty Russia will never allow to cross but for money and staying in power backed by NATO he sacrificed thousands Ukrainians and destroyed 90% of country's infrastructure?Thinking with the money and western made weapons he could defeat Russia?Well the result is even with 32 countries full support in every way even manpower Ukraine is f**k*d up.

  17. Please stop war,we poor country ,poor people suffering very unwell,stop all war in the world give us green world.we don't accept smoky world

  18. You're just creating stories.russia don't need other countries missile to strike ukraine.unlike sny western country that can't stand on their own.russia has all the resources needed by a country to defend itself

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