Moment kamikaze drone blows up Putin speedboat – hours after Zelensky confirmed hit on Russian jet

Moment kamikaze drone blows up Putin speedboat – hours after Zelensky confirmed hit on Russian jet

e e reports uh coming out of zelinsky’s camp overnight that Ukrainian forces shot down a Russian uh su2 fighted bomber jet over the detet region these small victories are are quite good good in terms of morale and propaganda for the Ukraine side well they certainly are enforcement in terms of the morale and morale for the Ukrainian soldiers it’s been a difficult few months for Ukraine you know you do see that they had to reduce the mobilization age to 25 there is of course talk of or certainly videos of soldiers who are mobilizing others using violence and that’s reprehensible but unfortunately the morale has been affected and I think the deputy minister of the ministry of Defense said as well that the defense Ministry is now one of the most hated institutions in Ukraine so it is certainly important Ukraine is holding the line Russia has yes it’s made incremental gains but it has been very slow it is Ukraine is holding the line as much as it is has the capacity to do so hopefully the American and European Aid will come through in the near future that will start filter in round about now possibly the coming into the uh end of May beginning of June and so the G the game will change again but Ukraine by having incre by having small victories is able eventually to bleed Russia dry and we’ve seen that in regards to the Black Sea as well Ukraine has done very well effectively without a Navy in terms of pushing the Russians back to nov RIS uh away from Crimea and in terms of Sho down planes and in terms of holding the line these are small victories but they’re very useful for the morale of the Ukrainian Army and for propaganda as well in terms of bring getting the morale up for ukrainians in general well certainly David Cameron has talked about it when he visited Kiev I think it was a couple of days ago now and gave the green light for Britain to be able sorry Ukraine to be able to use British made missiles in terms of taking you know attacking Russia the Americans still are are um not prepared to allow that to happen wrongly in my opinion and I think it’s good that the British government has said finally that Ukraine has the green light as you said to move to push Al Sor fire weap fire missiles into Russia and to start to degrade Russia’s military capability within Russia which was always a problem in terms of Ukraine never was allowed at least officially to hit Russia military infrastructure and oil refineries inside Russia It could only do so in Russian occupied parts of Ukraine which of course meant that Russia was keeping most of its forces with inside Russia proper now Britain has allowed it and there have been other instances as well I think this is beneficial in terms of having to push the Russians even further back into Russia at least in terms of putting their in military infrastructure away from the even further away from the front lines we knew we know as well that Ukraine has the capacity at least in a very few instances has shown it that it has a Dr drones that can reach a thousand kilometers inside Russia and potentially could go even further that is is great in terms of being able to push Russia’s military infrastructure that much further behind and also making the lines of logistical lines even harder for the Russian military which so far hasn’t proved particularly Adept yes it of course it is learning but the Russian military has had many issues and making it harder in terms of logistics especially when the Russian soldiers morale seems to be quite low if we read The Zed Patriots then it certainly is a problem in terms of how the ministry Russian Ministry of Defense has been able to supply its soldiers it hasn’t been great so if Ukraine is able to push Logistics even further back into Russia then it becomes that much harder for Russia as well it’s the traditional thing this is the most important day in the Russian calendar it’s something that the Russian government really uh promotes promotes as the successor of the Soviet Union it’s also the because it’s the successor of the Soviet Union it’s also the country that won the second world war by itself and so this is very important for the regime and certainly we’re talking about in regards to Ukraine they’re refighting the second world war the den nification of Ukraine it’s uh Putin’s own little uh Victory as it were although that hasn’t worked out particularly well for him over the last couple of years so in terms of what he’s trying to do I think it is a show of force um and you know it is certainly annoying for Putin that a lot this won’t occur across Russian cities it will only really be in Moscow so I think he’s trying to show a you know show show of force also there won’t be as many forces on the ground in Moscow because a lot of them are in Ukraine and elsewhere so I think he’s trying to show as much capacity as he possibly can in regards to this and it’s also important because two days before the 9th of May he’s inaugurated for his fifth term on the 7th of May so it’s also very important in terms of again highlighting his legitimacy his right to rule and showing a big show of force in regards to the May May 9th parades e e

Ukraine’s intelligence service said it used a marine drone to destroy a Russian speedboat in Crimea, footage released on Monday, May 6, showed.

Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate said the Magura V5 attack drone targeted the speedboat as it said recent attacks had forced Russia to “hide” the larger ships of its Black Sea fleet away from the peninsula.

Ukraine has targeted several Russian ships with marine drones, destroying vessels including the Cesar Kunikov, the Ivanovets, and the Sergei Kotov, as well as damaging the Ivan Khurs.

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Russian and Post-Soviet Politics at the University of Bath Stephen Hall reflects on the overall impact of Ukraine’s most recent victories over Russia and how they can lead to a significant morale boost for the country.

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  1. Did he say "Russia won the second world war by itself!?" If so he forgetting Lend-Lease and the second fronts in Italy and France.
    Take away anyone of those things and the Russians would be speaking German!

  2. Zalensky is loving this war, making loads of $$$ and flying all over the world playing the celebrity, the last thing he wants is peace and an end to it.

  3. Funny how there's been hardly any videos of Ukraine but as soon as they get the aide package it's all over YouTube again funny how that works it's all propaganda to make whateveg side look like there winning at this point

  4. The French ambassador was summoned in connection with belligerent statements from Paris and information about the country's increasing involvement in the conflict around Ukraine.

    The British Ambassador has been warned that the response to Ukrainian strikes using British weapons on Russian territory could be any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine and beyond.

    The Russian Federation will perceive the appearance of F-16 aircraft in Ukraine as carriers of nuclear weapons, regardless of their modification.

    Russian Foreign Ministry

  5. Choir of the irresponsible The number of scoundrels among the Western political elite calling for sending their troops to a non-existent country is expanding. Now it includes representatives of the US Congress, French and British leadership, and individual madmen from the Baltic states and Poland. They also call for the active use of their missile weapons, which they supplied to Bandera’s supporters, throughout Russia. And this is not a spring aggravation, but a cynical calculation for political dividends. There is some kind of total degradation of the ruling class in the West. This class really does not want to logically connect elementary things. Sending your troops to the territory of b. Ukraine will entail the direct entry of their countries into the war, to which we will have to respond. And, alas, not in the territory of b. Ukraine. In this case, none of them will be able to hide either on Capitol Hill, or in the Elysee Palace, or on Downing Street 10. A world catastrophe will come. By the way, Kennedy and Khrushchev were able to understand this more than 60 years ago. But the current infantile fools who have seized power in the West do not want to realize this. And that is why today the General Staff began preparations for the exercises, including activities for practical testing of the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. Dmitry Medvedev.

  6. Adolf Hitler in 1944 expected a split between the Anglo-Americans and the Soviet Union in order to come to an agreement with the USA and Britain and jointly fight against the USSR. Hitler's adjutant Otto Günsche wrote about this to the USSR government in 1948.

  7. Speedboat agains speedboat…. National grid agains missile…. That is a win not a speed boat more than 200km2 in a week, that is win not a speedboat.

  8. Russia won WW2 by itsef? This Stephen Hall needs to have his PhD recsinded as he doesnt know that the US helped Stalin beat "Blood Thirsty Hitlerism" throught the Lend-Lease Act of the United States which supplied $180 billion in needed goods to the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945!

  9. Isn't it true that russia organized a campaign of disinformation for the purpose of impacting the 2016 election? Isn't true that russian operatives have sought to influence via social media to influence the elections since 2016? Isn't it true that russian operatives have hacked important computers systems? I think it is true. Listen to the experts and they would be far more convincing than I am. Some say russia has crossed the line as to hacking into America. Some have said the U.S. is at War because their russians have hacked U.S. computer systems which crossed the line and they say the American politicians have failed to realize this (because I think they are not savvy to know any better. Why won't the U.S. say go ahead, use the weapons we have provided to you to strike inside russian. This war would come to a quicker end if the U.S. would allow Ukraine to attack inside russia. Of course, these targets inside russia should be military targets or reprisal targets that are legitimate under the principle of tu quoque. The russians have struck too many kindergartens, hospitals, infrastructure, and civilian homes and apartment building. There is something wrong with America, (sounds like something trump would say without any basis or legitimate remedy to fix the problem) because all that is needed to to say go ahead as Britain has said. France is threatening to send its troops inside Ukraine. The U.S., and I won't name names, is blundering this once in a century chance to do the right thing that can change history for decades to come. Russia in the end would be better for it. Russia needs to lose. What has the United States promised putin and russia that would result in such a gross failure to do the right thing? I am not a conspiracy provoking gentleman, but I wonder what is going on???

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