Florida prohibits abortion after 6 weeks | DW News

Florida prohibits abortion after 6 weeks | DW News

unfortunately these laws are being written by people who don’t really understand Medical Care and so they’re affecting a larger swath of the population than what they’re meant to be um affecting so we’re seeing patients who have highly desired pregnancies that are incompatible with life that are unable to access the care they need this is really going to disproportionately affect people of color people of low socioeconomic status that was a woman’s uh reproductive health specialist in Florida speaking ahead of a strict new abortion law championed by conservative Governor Ronda santz which came into effect today the third most populous state in the US is now prohibiting abortion after just 6 weeks a time when most women wouldn’t even know they were pregnant it replaces Florida’s previous 15we ban which had made it one of the last states in the southern us to still allow a procedure at such a late stage let’s talk through this with DW’s Washington bureau chief enus pole welcome enus and tell us more about what today’s changes uh will mean and why they’ll be felt well be well beyond Florida so this will have a significant impact uh on women seeking abortions as many may not even have realized that they are pregnant at this uh early stage uh you know ever since the Nationwide protection of abortion rights was overturned in 2022 from the US Supreme Court Florida also has been a key access point uh for abortions in the whole region with one in three Southern abortions and one in 12 Nationwide happening in the states as women from other Southern States traveled there for uh the procedure so this law will not only affect residents of Lor but that but also uh women throughout the whole south of course a hugely contentious political issue in Republican presidential candidate and former president of course Donald Trump laid out his position on abortion last month essentially saying the issue should be left to the states he was asked more recently whether he was comfortable with the idea of States tracking and punishing women who seek abortions and and speaking to Time Magazine he said it’s irrelevant whether I’m comfortable or not it’s totally irrelevant because the states are going to make those decisions so in as Paul how does Mr Trump’s position square with American public opinion that’s a difficult question uh uh to answer because public opinion is really uh divided on this issue well there is indeed a widespread opposition to the Supreme Court uh ruling that limited uh Nationwide protection uh of abortion rights opinions on federal action to protect abortion excess really wary throughout this huge country with these many very diverse uh States so roughly half of us adults believe Federal politicians should work to enshrine abortion access nationally uh uh 37 or so percent think it should be left to States just exactly uh what Donald Trump was saying there well meanwhile President Biden and his Democrats are hoping this issue the abortion issue will boost turnout in what’s expected to be a close election come November how important is this for them you know a big problem for both uh the current president and the former president uh is to really motivate enough voters to participate in the elections uh in November as neither of them has been able to energize uh the voter base at least as for now so that is one reason why the abortion issue is so important for President Biden and why he and also his vice president camela Harris are comp paining uh so much on that they hope uh that it will drive voter turnout in the upcoming election and they also believe that the Reproductive Rights issue along with the Constitutional Amendment on the ballot to codify abortion Protections in Florida will make the state more competitive especially since it was won by Trump in both 2016 and uh 2020 so the Sunshine State Florida could actually want again play a crucial role in deciding the outcome of the next presidential election and it is actually really possible that this abortion ban we are talking about here tonight might ultimately help secure the White House for Joe Biden okay thanks for that in DW’s Washington bureau chief inis Paul

A strict new abortion law championed by Florida’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis came into effect yesterday.

The third most populous state in the US is now prohibiting abortion after just six weeks – a time when most women wouldn’t even know they were pregnant. It replaces Florida’s previous 15-week ban, which had made it one of the last states in the southern US to still allow the procedure at such a late stage.

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#florida #abortionrights #womensrights

  1. I don’t understand why regular people don’t recognize that the politicians they elect are wiser than them.
    Do not walk to the polls, run Forest, run!

  2. 22 million people live in Florida. Get ready for a lot of unwanted children that the state will have NO interest in helping. I'm sure it will all work out…..

  3. Beware of medical providers that speak with affectation and up talk they’re more political activities than they are healthcare providers, I’ve never met a baby who said they’d prefer to be aborted.

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