NATO Defence Minister Gives A Grim Reality Check – HUGE Mistake – Ukraine War Map Analysis & News

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and a fantastic week so far now yesterday’s video was long apologies but thank you for the support on that and the good criticism as well because it makes me go over things rethink and re-evaluate where I am as I’m happy for my position and opinions on things to change as I learn and as I hope you guys are learning with me and we all have different experiences through life and that’s what makes open media like this for free fantastic now we have a lot to go we’re going to look at Maps both fighter aircraft in the air and that have been down we’re going to look at the croman bridge and another bloody Bridge we’re going to look at boats we’re going to talk about Italian officials talking about where there may be some diplomacy with Russia going forward and maybe negotiations and Russia summoning both the UK and French um diplomats in their countries as well now some has pointed out over the last couple of days that I am too focused on Manpower issues and I think it’s the opposite I think people aren’t focused enough on man parachutes for how long it takes to fix and the effect that it will have but what their argument was was you don’t need Manpower if you have autonomous systems like AI drones AI targeting AI weapon systems now this is something we hear more and more about and that is inevitably where we are going going the Event Horizon is going to be we’ve crossed it and we’re going towards AI on the battlefield what I will say is we’re still a long long way from this yes we know there is a degree of AI targeting but I think that is just matching images to images this is what we’ll still see decoys and I think the word AI is overused massively I think there’s AI a tar assisted targeting but this isn’t Terminator stuff when not going to see in this war or probably even for the next decade or more a replacement of Manpower by AI we may see less Manpower needed because it can back fill some of those positions but infantrymen sitting in a trench controlling something or on the back end of a rifle as much as I don’t want to see men doing that we are going to continue to see men doing it and it’s going to be incredibly important for many many years or more years to come and may become more important again as the offensive capability of ew build up and can jam everything we’re probably going to be back to guys in trenches again with rifles now something I corrected myself on then corrected myself on again because it’s both ways is what I’ve titled here this [ __ ] Bridge so we need to come down onto the map of course here’s Ukraine here’s the capital of ke let’s zoom in then on chassi Y and we know that there is a makeshift Bridge right here that connects chesava like its main area to this Eastern part where you know Russia is attempting to break in now there’s a bridge on fire here and we have footage of it I’ll show you that now originally I said Russia hit it but potentially Ukraine may have taken it out itself to stop or um slow down a Russian Advance now I couldn’t get this and I corrected myself saying no it was definitely a Russian strike CU we saw then the truck trying to repair it then burning but now no one can get this speaking to Espresso TV head of the Council of reservist of ground forces initially said the bridge over the here Canal had been destroyed indicating that it was done deliberately by Ukrainian forces this bloke the spokesman of the CIA group of forces said on National Television the bridge was still standing we know that’s not true but he said Ukrainian forces were actually repairing the bridge when it was hit by Russian fpv drones with that truck dumping the scoria down into there he also said Russian forces are unlike to capture the embattled town of shva where the major general skitzki has said that not today tomorrow of course but all depending on a resent out and Supply saying that it most likely will and even deep State here has then said regarding sh of Yar blown up Bridge St ahead of security reserves Grand forces announced the withdrawal of uh Defense Force of Ukraine across the channel and blowing up the bridge across the channel by our own soldiers so saying that they have moved across here they blew it up so they moved out from this sector one it was the enru the bridge two defense wers did not go beyond the canal oddly enough said denied this statement so I don’t know what has gone on down here but we know the bridge is down someone spreading misinformation it’s probably me spreading it because I don’t know what happened here but it looks like no one knows it happens here so the Phantom bridge now the footage that’s going everywhere it’ll be in the thumbnail of this and I’ve strung you along for 5 minutes but is Ukraine has launched more Seaborn sea drone attacks towards Crimea now we will look at this there was a successful hit and some intercepted as well so let’s look at the successful hit straight off the bat here now this is said to be a mura V5 um drone boat in Crimea now we can see it here looking for targets and we’ll speak about this targeting in a second so you can see the lights here this is very classic footage of what we’ve seen and sailing around looking for different targets attempting of Engagement here as well and then we can see that it has picked a target of a speedboat at the end of the footage here and then we see like a camet on top of here or just a a Sun Net and then hitting that presuming that that was destroyed we know the bang on these mura uh V5 drone boats is a hell of a lot and it would have taken out this now what did it hit it has hit one of these this is a Russian Mangus class Patrol boat so in my opinion that wasn’t the target I believe it was probably likely going for and we’ll talk about that and the targeting in a second so remember now well over a year ago we first started seeing these I spoke to someone in the Navy an officer in the Navy and said what would you guys do what would be the best defense against these now they say to me these are going to be a huge problem moving into the future for Navy as the range of course of these going to just get extended they’re going to get better and better but what they said to me was engagement from helicopter and this is exactly what we have then seen now all this footage will be on the telegram if you’d like to see it as I will skip through bits and pieces here but we do see a Russian car 27 or car 29 helicopters I can’t tell the difference between the two either way doesn’t really matter but engaging a drone boat here with machine gun fire now both these videos have music on them I wish they didn’t cuz you can hear the machine guns then firing as well both a like a minigun and a classically slower firing machine gun as well and then you can see near the end of the footage as it is hovering here it does successfully engage then the Drone boat here as it is burning up that said that was awful close to it at one point with how large of a bang we’ve seen those have before now there’s a more footage here the whole thing of course of this on board is going to be on the telegram as well as this car helicopter here is chasing this drone boat and having some difficulty actually engaging this this would be hard to engage because of course something in the water is doing this and your helicopter is going to be doing this at the same time it is going to be difficult to engage I’ve never done the helicopter like sniping course but I know guys that have had said it is very difficult and guys who have done it on boats as well so you’re adding a lot there together but of course just massive rounds in the air likely you’re going to start hitting it as well something that’s fiberglass like this can have rounds go straight through it and not make a difference unless it’s hitting in critical components but you then do see that they are having some closer hits and by the end it is then dead in the water I’ll speak about the missile system on top of this and then they do have then successful death hits and have killed it then from there again if you want to watch the full video of all those they’re all on the telegram now what we are seeing is on top of here this air classically airto a missile but being used in a surfac to a capacity now this is an R I’ve got this wrong I think it’s actually an r73 at a missile similar to like an American Sidewinder now what I said earlier was I said that you’d use helicopters to intercept these what it’s looking like is then Ukraine is putting heat seeking uh missiles on board these for either aircraft like fixed Wing or rotary Wing to try and engage those now these will go off and then the head can seek something from there of course you’re not going to have the amount of steering in it as far as um the platforms and um guidance systems you may have from a jet what’s coupled with a a missile like this and we’ll actually talk about that coupling of missiles and how this will be massively affected once f-16s come in with systems we’ll talk about that in a second from one of my guys but as well get it in the right direction fire it off and then it can steer itself they are highly maneuverable system so we see this Sam here and as I point out here there is a rail here this hard point with not one on it so it does look like one has been fired off we don’t know if there has been any damage there but it looks like both Russia have learned and we know they’re they’re doing drills uh Out of the Black Sea specifically to Target these drone boats and we know as well Ukraine has obviously seen helicopters and planes could be lethal to these therefore putting heat seeking um surface to air missiles aboard them so that is incredibly interesting to see as well but this attack was strategically much less successful than previous I don’t believe that this boat here was the primary target of an attack like this Russia says they took down five drone boats we saw one successful hit we know these boats work in groups so we don’t know exactly how many but what I’ve spoken about before with these drone boats and their targets is I believe that they relied a lot on a Target uh opportunity that it presents itself and then they then hit it so I think that a lot of the are going for a primary target but if that becomes unavailable then going for just an alternative if available that’s why we see some really high-end stuff hit and then some things like this and I think a lot of these are going out into the Black Sea towards croma probably for the Crimean bridge if that becomes an unviable Target due to smoke or defense or whatever then it will search for an alternative Target so that’s what I believe and I believe in this one that that alternative was most likely hit I can’t see the launch of multiple of these for that regardless it’s still a Target that has been hit but we need to talk about the Kurt straight Bridges we mentioned that Target in there and we have spoken previously the last couple of months it has the Strategic importance of this now gone and its only symbolic importance as that um connects Ukraine to Russia through occupied territory if you don’t know where I’m speaking what we’re speaking about is of course down here between Crimea and then Russia and this has been reiterated again today Russia stopped using the croman bridge to transport military equipments to front lines and instead using Overland routs in occupied parts of Ukraine independent investigating group M four on May the 6th saying um only one military freight train carrying about 55 fuel cars cross the bridge in a 3mon period now what we do know is Russia is now moving through the land here as well as is building new rail links between rosov Maria Ben berans melel and down into kmea as well of course negating the need and how strategically important the Crimean bridge will be and this isn’t anything new on March 25th vasil Malak the head of the sbu said Russia no longer uses the cran bridge to supply weapons um before the bridge came under attack we know there was the the bomb on it as World other attacks then it was 42 or 46 trains carrying weapons and ammunition pass there per day today there are four or five in a day of which for a passenger one is consumer goods now of course that has had an effect on Russia supplying stuff in there now they’ve gone we can’t use this we’ll use you know something else but we can see that it hasn’t had much effect then onto the front line and then an alternative route has then had to be built which is going to be much harder to take out and if taken out much much faster to repair a road or train line on the ground rather than a bridge and many are pointing towards the West going you had an opportunity to have a huge effect on the front line by supplying us weapons to take down this bridge and now that opportunity is gone I believe at some point this bridge will be targeted again regardless of strategic importance for those PR victories which we know are incredibly important for morale recruitment everything on the front line I haven’t yet had a response from my lawyer friend he is researching about the legality now of hitting this if Ukraine itself is saying this isn’t being used for military items they’ve said that is it then still classified as Jewel use Target he said this is a hard one because of Jewel use doesn’t really isn’t that specific you know a electrical station is dual use because guys in the Army are plugging drones in to charge the batteries so so you can hit an electrical plant julus isn’t as clearcut so he’s going to look into that and give us an answer on what act what what there now before we have a look at the maps I want to talk then fighter aircraft before we talk about a lot of ambassadors and this and that now fom has confirmed that a sue 34 has gone down and the crew aboard has died that zenya and V experienced trained flown and combat crew they died in battle they died as Warriors aircraft number 21 the same as the one of the photo drawings paintings and models many of the stars on the left side are mine these here Eternal flight Brothers M friends family and fellow soldiers now there is a b bit on what happened here some Russian sources are saying it had engine failure and went down others are saying Ukrainian uh sources are saying that it was engaged regardless we know the plane has then gone down uh with the crew being killed I’m more probably leaning towards it was engaged by Ukraine but that said I don’t know how many Su 34s do Russia have still a lot the tally of running of su 34s that have been shot down I would take with a the largest grain of salt ever because there’s at least a dozen which were unconfirmed by either fire bomber or photographic evidence as well now speaking of su 34s this is likely from a sue 34 as well that in the hariv region the first Fab 1500 has been dropped we know that these Fab uh Glide bombs can glide 30 or 40 km so they can glide a hell of a long way into these regions now this is the hariv oblas so I’m not meaning har itself although they have they could come in from belgrad oh sorry I haven’t got this one from belgrad oblast into here this is very close I’ve got an Uber from here to the border before but in this whole region is what we are talking but this bloke is the head of the investigative Department of the Regional Police he put this on Facebook everything around shook as if an earthquake had started Fab 1500s equipped special modules so the Bob could plan in the air after launching the plane so it can move side to side as well as glown ass Gods weapon of such power were used against us for the first time the only thing they managed to demolish was villager’s house and kill an 88-year-old woman so that said we are seeing then those weapons used up in here as well as successfully on the front line of those Fab 250s 1500s and sorry 500s and 1500s as well now I spoke about surface to a missiles and here we’ll speak about harms as well now the other day F bomb was Big B f16s and he mentioned well these hares are basically duct taped onto Ukrainian planes currently the reason Fon said harms are attached to Mig 29’s with duct tape is likely that this missile can operate in three different modes now what a harm is is a harm seeks radar so it’s going after anti uh so air defense equipment number one self- protection the aircraft uses all of its sensors to watch for radar signal if it f signals if it finds something it can point the missile to it the missile will therefore head in that direction and ultimately home on the signal once it can detect it on its own for terminal guidance so using all these systems in conjunction number two target opportunity the missile itself uses sensors to watch for radar signals it communicates this to the aircraft’s man machine interface allowing the pilot to decide whether to shoot the missile at the detected signal if the aircraft doesn’t have good sensors this can be handy so more of like this at the moment number three pre-bed whilst on the ground you use prior intelligence about the known suspected location of a radar and program the missile to hit it once the aircraft is in range you just launch the missile and it will use GPS guns to head for the radar if the radar happens to be turned on then the missile will use that signal for guidance so it will be better able to find and hit it precisely otherwise it just behaves like a normal GPS gued missile and hits the program location this also means that if the radar moved at any point between the intell collection and the missile impact it will likely be safe from harm so to speak so from the radiation that that is then putting out for Radars This Is How We Believe potentially the A50 had been shot down was the missiles fired in that general direction and then once it had picked up something then it had gone to hit that aircraft now mode one requires good aircraft sensors and tight systems integration between the aircraft and the missile so it’s almost cly not possible on a mig29 using Soviet platform with then a western missile that this is what we might be seeing as well the iPads up uh in the cockpit as well mode 2 also requires good integration at least in principle so it’s probably not available either so let’s bring up mode two so Target of opportunity um it doesn’t actually require much input from the aircraft it’s possible Ron figured out a way to operate the missile in this mode from a tablet computer that Pilots could just carry with them in the cockpit which we are seeing without interacting with aircraft in any meaningful way we don’t know but similar things have been done to operate comparable weapons with old aircraft so at least it’s so it’s at least possible whether anyone actually bothered to do the engineering work required I have no idea mode 3 is bound to be available on Mig 29’s as it’s easiest to operate and doesn’t really require the aircraft to do much more than just launch the missile since that all the program is done on the ground before flight it’s also much less flexible thus on average less effective now here we go f-16s can do all three modes and it is likely Wi-Fi suggesting that they could make a difference there so of course is just full integration of systems you’re not using two systems and as F bom users duct taping them together so the existing weapons Ukraine has are going to be more effective on the F-16 than that same system aboard a mig29 or another Soviet era platform or maybe on a drone boat of what we are seeing so let’s have a look at the maps and see what is going on so said the areas of course the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 14 the green is where Russia has been at some point either pushed back or has withdrawn so at Diva front and the only difference the only difference we see on this map all today is a push out from the west of bchi heading towards Nova poovi down here now what we did see yesterday was in the same general area we do see an advancement down here as well as a gry Zone shift out of semif and what we do what at least I believe in here and from some Intel from the ground that I’ve shared previously is there’s not going to be a push through here it’s too flat too open that is going to try and engulf down these areas through umans and here to try and then cut off this and withdraw the front line back somewhere so the change we see on the map today does line up with that possible then idea that said this map shows no differences well the Surak shows a lot of changes here so we have two maps here the first one the North Africa Russian army made some advances out towards then this Novo Lex apologies I know a lot of people laugh at me doing this but a small advancement out to here from what we’ve seen previously as well as we do see this between Ark and hsky here is a lot more northwards than what we are seeing uh on the Sur compared to what we see on the deep state map if we take this road for instance that it’s saying right down along here I think that will likely be where the front line is sitting and I think Ukraine will drop down behind this canal here as well using that as a natural barrier I believe most of the defensive works and troops would actually be behind there currently now on the second map of our Diva today we see showing very very similar to a degree at least similar area that then the Deep state is showing down this is Sol here so movement out from here that said a lot larger movement on the suak sh then on the Deep State Russ Army made new advances toward Here and Now troops are less than 1 km from the first houses of the locality I believe would try to Leap Frog down and capture that area as explained previously now one of the areas we’ve been really keeping our eye on is up in kiska so this is up in the north we have V Shana we’ve spoken about where Russia tried and tried to get into siniva had a lot of problems but K livka down here is where we have seen over the past couple of days Russia make large advancements out here no change on the map today the only one with that one down in ABA but we do see then if we zoom in a little bit more this then on Surak now what we did say yesterday with Surak was he didn’t show the rest of kislia under control like mod did so again this is showing very very similar except for the South area here which even Noel reports is showing more in the South than mod regardless is showing that movement Northeast and front Russian army to control over the rest of kka crash with the Ukrainian Army are taking place now at the adjacent Hills so trying to stop that advancement there now what we need to move is back down to the South just a little bit there’s no update around Buck moot as we spoke about that Bloody Bridge let’s have a look at this per Meers G Nal L front this is important just due to down in this area the L links out of dones as well down into the South trying to close up this Gap here so let’s have a quick look here situation Northwest of D City Russian army entered the center of net and continued clearing the pocket south of perisi so this pocket in here trying to clear out from here this is showing fairly similar as well as this move into Neto which is close enough on these maps not to nitpick too hard now come down to Oran we did see some confirmed movement on this map over the past week at past seven days but not showing anything today of course Russia is trying to push back the ground Ukraine made in here on their 2023 counter offensive situation here um Russian army made new advances Southwest of urani so just in this area this pocket out from here we see where this road turns out then to the Northwest that pocket in here which I believe this map is showing pretty much under the same control anyway now botony this is the area which I have the least amount of faith in anywhere uh except for um probably CR hika as we know this map has just ignored that but this you can see shows just so different let me bring up then the fortification so you get a better idea so these fortifications here are said to be fully within Russian lines on this map out from vov this map is then not showing this as well as robotany itself and then see where this road turns out this is this road so it’s saying well past here that all of this basically is under Russian control that the front line is somewhere out where my cursor is not showing during the last 5 days Russ Army improved positions yeah at the center of roboty ukra army withdrew to the urban area the adjacent Tren systems located to the northern and Eastern outskirts it won’t be possible for Russia to end the battle for this locality until these defense positions are taken again no bloody clue what is happening there now Noel no Noel report Maps today uh he didn’t have any up now the Russian foreign Ministry has summoned both the British and French ambassadors now the British Secretary of State he stated that British weapons could be used inside Russia of course David Cameron saying Ukraine has the right just as Russia is striking inside Ukraine you can quite understand why Ukraine feels a need to make sure it’s defending itself as well as the French President macron a again pres uh was presenting more talk about French soldiers inside Ukraine fighting Russia over the past week but as well that’s been going on for a couple of months so let’s look at what has been said here what the statements have said as well now let’s talk then about the UK and what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has said May 6th uh UK ambassador to Russia Nigel Casey was summoned to the foreign Ministry to be delivered a strong protest against the recent statements by the British foreign secretary David Cameron which we just spoke about um Reuters regarding Ukraine’s right to strike Russian territory using British weapons Ministry firmly pointed out to Ambassador KY that Cameron’s hostile Outburst towards H sorry hostile Outburst directly contradicts the British Sid’s earlier assurances during the transfer of long long range cruise missiles to the KF regime that they would be under no circumstances be used to strike Russian territory by doing so the head of the foreign officers disavowed the position and admitted his country was a de facto party to the conflict so saying if you are delivering weapons in to be used in our territory you are then deao party within the conflict this is where it gets I think very serious the Ambassador was told the Russian side considered Cameron’s words as evidence of a serious escalation and confirmation of London’s growing involvement in Combat Action on K’s side Nigel Casey was warned that any UK military facilities and equipment on Ukrainian terit and Beyond could be hit as a response to Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory with British weapons the Ambassador was urged to consider the inevitable disastrous repercussions of such hostile steps by London to urgently refute the strongest and unequivocal matter to Bell CO’s Prov provocative statement so Russia is not a fan of that knowing those weapons will have some success if they’re go in as we have seen with Storm Shadow and French scalp as well so not happy about that with targets going in so far UK America France Germany have not allowed their weapons to be used inside Russia at least on mass we see the Ukrainian um groups that have crossed into Russia yes we’ve seen them with weapons supplied but it’s not things youve your high-end weapon systems as well Russia they’re saying they’re going to strike but there’s a strike within other areas but again a lot of this is just flexing but regardless that this war and we’ll speak about what the Italian defense minister says there is a lot of room for further escalation here and where that ends I think people are getting more and more nervous about this uh press release summoning French Ambassador Pierre Levy due to the French leadership’s increasingly Bell Co statements and incoming information about France’s growing involvement in conflict and around Ukraine something I want to point out just before we get into this was there’s footage going around of a soldier Kia with a French flag on and people are going on the pro-russian side oh this is French soldiers lots and lots of soldiers around the world wear flags on their plate carriers or wherever from countries they’re not part of we know that there is a lot of training of Ukrainian soldiers outside of Ukraine by Australia by the UK by many countries and a lot of these soldiers will be wearing Flags or patches of which they have swapped so that isn’t evidence there if they had a bloody croissant and a baguette and were I don’t know whatever maybe but it’s the flag on body armor is just not I’ve had plenty of Random flags of countries on my PL carrier before the Russian side gave its fundamental assessments of paris’s destructive and provocative line leading to further escalation of the conflict it was emphasized that the attempts by the French authorities to create some strategic uncertainty for Russia with their irresponsible statements about a possible dispatch of Western military contingents to Ukraine are doomed to failure the goals and the objectives of the Smo will be achieved so of course speaking about soldiers going in failure and with UK weapons and Russia of course is not happy about that they don’t want further escalation of what’s Happening Here as it will affect their goals and how that war is moving but I think as well there needs to be realistic assessment of how involved are we here do we are we happy with that going in and the war potentially changing are we happy with soldiers going in I guess we’ll see once more polls and stuff go we know macron’s uh popularity is decreasing and I think his whole thing about wanting to deploy soldiers is more of a grasp at that rather than actually wanting to deploy guys in said we know there’s Manpower issues and that could help alleviate a lot of that but of course that expands the war from the West saying that we are not involved in the war which I believe is [ __ ] of course we’re involved if if you would say Iran and North Korea involved in the war with weapons going in then it’s backhand to say we’re not involved in the war but regardless I think this war has a lot of paths a lot of paths it can take some of which are disastrous some of which have escalation and some have better and worse consequences coming out but I’m not sure which path we are currently on so the deputy chair of the security Council of course medev who always gives us something good to speak about because he’s unhinged on Twitter talks about this the choir of irresponsible bastards from among Western Elites calling for sending their troops to the non-existing country is expanding now it includes members of US Congress French and British Administration and some Madmen of the Baltic states in Poland we know Italy has said specifically two days ago no they’re also calling for active use of their missile weapons previously div to Ukraine against all of Russia’s territory so not happy because of course this is going to give Ukraine more of a boost up and is not the spring exacerbation but cynical calculation of political dividend um some kind of total degradation of the western ruling classes happening in the class really doesn’t want to make Global Connections between Elementary points sending their troops to the Ukraine’s territory will mean direct engagement of countries in war and we will have to respond to it not Al last not within Ukraine’s borders in that case none of them will be able to hide either on Capitol Hill or here Downing Street and will be a global catastrophe so of course leading to nuclear weapons and that threat there this is something Kennedy and Kusha managed to understand over 60 years ago that’s my phone ringing uh and something the present day uh infantile morons in the power of the West don’t want to comprehend and if you want to listen to something really interesting about nuclear weapons and potential use here go listen to um Lex Freedman and John mimer about the potential of nuclear weapons being used here and what the response to that would actually be and we have spoken about a lot of points of this before if there was a nuclear uh nuclear weapons have no real tactical use in the battlefield but a hell of a lot of strategic diplomatic use but what would be the response if Russia in a rural area launched a nuclear weapon what would the West response be and a lot of people would jump will jump to the conclusion and say oh well then would flatten Moscow but that doesn’t end well for anyone what would the response then be could you be banking on then everyone goes we don’t want part of this let’s form a deal or vice versa we don’t know but John Mah of course much more experienced in foreign policies than someone like I uh and politics of course much much older and has seen many cases of this throughout the Cold War I would applaud you to go and have a watch that and just listen to exactly what he says about five or six months ago in The Lex fredman podcast now let’s talk about Italy and we’ll go over what was exactly said as well but Italy’s defense minister said on Monday economic sanctions against Russia had failed and called the West to try hard to negotiate diplomatic this guyodo C told daily this this an Italian paper the West had um wrongly believed that sanctions could stop Russian aggression now we’re going to go through these quotes but we’ll go through what was actually said as I’ve gone to the article itself so uh he also talk about inevitably lead to clash with other nations as as well as the counter offensive had then failed so we’ll go through this so uh this isn’t this is the article but I’ve had to put it into Google doc and then translate it across but what could happen instead because we Europeans are fearful in supporting zelinsky’s resistance for a year I’ve been saying that the result of the war is the sum of whoever has the most men and the most means we spoke about this yesterday what the outcome will be he who has the truth or Justice on his side does not win even in solitude so just because you might be right doesn’t mean that then you’re guaranteed to win I argued in international fora and when speaking with zinski when he came to Rome that the Ukrainian counter offensive would not be successful due to the Russian military superiority and could be detrimental to the outcome of the conflict but I wasn’t listened to this is very important we know that offensive yes it got 5 to 10 km in some directions but it was it wasn’t only not successful it was a failure and as he put here detrimental to maybe not the outcome of the conflict we don’t know there where where that ends yet but it’s been detrimental for at least a year after little ground was made many resources were thrown at it and it wasn’t ready and that has had a huge effect on launching F like the a offensive this year probably is not going to happen because of the one last year with less equipment and of course Russia has dug in and learned what will happen there so it wasn’t only unsuccessful it was failure and he was onto um pragmatism and pragmatism sake now what does the Maloney government’s ninth weapon decree for Ukraine have to do with it so more weapons going in from Italy we only have the possibility of helping ukrainians to resist with every help within the limits of what is possible this plug was the same one who said that Italian soldiers would not be going to Ukraine to have the time the conditions for building truce and peace so giving time for something there without a run over over the top how to increase Aid of course as you can tell these are question from the interview I won’t say anything about the concerns of the decree because like all the previous months it is classified and I’ll only talk about it in topar um what must be made clear to public opinion is that in the military field Italian and Western production capacity is as is clear much lower than that of the dark side of force that is Russia Iran North Korea theyve transferred into war economies fortunately our economies do something else so this is what we know is the production capacity of just shells Fabs whatever other random bullets bombs dumb equipment is significantly higher than the West’s capacity now there’s lots of reasons for this cost Manpower all of this but that the capacity is limiting this is why on the front line currently Russia have a 10 to1 artillery advantage of course like he said in one of these other ones here we’ll go over that there’s a lot of Reliance on uh where was it sanctions could not stop Russia wrongly believed sanctions could stop Russian aggression that these sanctions would affect the economy so much that then it would be have to have a pullback and then Russia would have to seek a piece or pull back from there so meanwhile nothing St what sanctions of Russia have had no effect and gazprom of course Russia’s oil gas giant does more business than ever saying but if we can’t tax the Giants of the web what they belong to the West as we think we can stop economically those states such as Russia which moreover they trade with the entire Globe which the West is now a small part and this is something that I think the West in the future is going to have to come to terms with that we are not the west and the globe is rising around globally which is great because it’s bringing a lot of people out of desperate situations and poverty it’s a fantastic thing that that everyone is living better but the global dominance of the West is becoming less and less especially economically as well so this is what we are seeing so are we deluded about the sanctions many times we behave as if the world didn’t exist changed so of course there’s been changes throughout history we like those French Nobles who did not realize that their palaces would not defend them from a new class of hungry people that was about to arrive we always thought that was enough uh the West to stop Russia and the sanctions are the result of the fact that we are still stuck in the idea that the world is our world so these sanctions would have such an effect on Russia could nowhere to sell the oil that have no money can’t launch a war and it would all collapse with the sanctions have had nowhere near the effect that we thought they would have now I’m going to say something controversial and some dis agree some may agree I think the West uh now has its hand tied I think the West knew militarily that funding Ukraine would never win in a military strategic tactical sense but where I thought that where I think they thought they would win is we can’t push Russia back but we can make Russia withdraw we choke them with sanctions we give good weapons in and they will have to withdraw withdraw out rather than a Frontline push back if that makes sense we relied more on Russia collapsing than a Ukrainian push over the top if that makes sense Maybe I’m Wrong there maybe he’ll disagree again this is a safe space to disagree although I hate bloody term safe space but that’s what I think was more relied on as we have seen over the past Century we have seen two large revolutions and massive changes in Russia trying to push something like that again but it doesn’t seem to be working and now west stuck in a war of attrition where nothing is bloody moving anyway um instead the world is much bigger and we can only solve this crisis to involving everyone first with a truce and then with peace look Putin has never given any signs of wanting to negotiate I will disagree with the interviewer here Putin in many interviews and whatever has spoken about the willingness to negotiate we saw that in turkey with the old Israeli PM as well but again we don’t know how official negotiations we don’t know anyway but we do know willing to come to table and says in many things that he still is saying uh it is a good reason to work harder we must not give up so I’ve got the next one here sorry it just cut off it’s good reason to work harder so he meaning diplomatic relations we must not give up on every possible path and opening even narrow ones of diplomacy so I think very interesting there I think points out some big things that he speaks about opening up diplomacy seeing War here speaking about truthfully about the offensive and it’s very interesting some of this stature this influence speaking specifically about this and the failure of the sanctions as well and yes they’re having effect but no near the effect of it and like I spoke about I think there was more Reliance on having a Russian collapse of the front rather than a Ukrainian victory at the front and the further and further we get down the line I actually think the less and less likely that is becoming like I said yesterday in this War I think think wherever this war ends we will go we could have had that outcome half a million or a million men ago anyway Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day sorry this one was long if you’ve got to this point bloody hell you’re a legend anyway look after yourselves I’ll speak to you very very soon thank you byebye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. The Brits came close to learning the meaning of FAFO. The French are flirting with it. The West has become unhealthy and delusional. They bet the house and lost it, now they wanna double down. Crazy.

  2. Man you talk a lot and fast. I think it would of saved a great deal of many lives if the United States would have withheld horrible amendment are Bill to give all this money and weapons to a corrupt little Ukraine that has turned autocratic . And is ran just as any good dictator could . This little Zelensky is a tyrant and a monster. And many people are hoping some of his own people take him out. And I think that's going to happen in the next two to three weeks. As the military is collapsing. And he could save lives now by packing up his duffel bags full of American taxpayer cash and head out to his secret Palace on the beach somewhere probably down the beach from Joe Biden LOL. He can run but he can't hide LOL

  3. YES, really fantastic.
    Translensky 👠 is now a wanted terrorist.
    Russia is plowing those pitiful ukie defense lines.
    The delusional British and frogs have been put on notice and the President got inaugurated again.

  4. After May 21st Zelensky is a squatter President who does not have the support of the Ukrainian people. This is why he won’t hold an election.

    So Ukraine is not a democracy, but like South Vietnam a corrupt puppet regime used by the US to stamp its attempt on the world to maintain its global domination and colonial rule.
    They lost in Vietnam fighting directly.
    Against Russia they have no chance.

  5. What are you talking about. The Russian economy is booming in a phenomenon not seen since the US in the 1940s. Shall i say Keynesian military economics.

  6. Willy, you're spreading Russian propaganda…Gazprom is not making more profits than ever before. They're in the toilet mate…try reading their latest investor reports.
    If things go the way they're going they're heading for bankruptcy…there's no question that sanctions are working!
    It's just taking a little longer due to the 300 billion sovereign wealth fund that russia has now burnt through 90% of.

  7. Willy, just want to say that I always appreciate your in-depth analysis of the conflict … Hard to get from other channels. Keep up the good work. Wish you the best of success, health and Godspeed.

  8. Just watched the Russian news, Putin requires a total surrender of the ukraine and told the UK if their weapons hit Russia all of the UK military will be targeted outside of the Ukraine

  9. These sea drone attacks on the liberated region of Crimea are similar to the blitz during WWII on London. But the nazis were defeated eventually, as here will be in the end.

  10. I doubt that boat was the initial target. It is parked and sitting idle but most importantly you can that the drone boat changes course as the first intended target starts to engage it.

  11. Not just a little misleading to say that ”the west” hasn’t the capacity to keep up with Russia , north Korea and Iran. Western Industrial capacity is much larger. Only a fraction is used for military production unlike in Russia, NK and Iran. Apples to oranges.

  12. Is this a chanel where Zelensky fanboys convene to regale each other with fabulous tales of how the Russians are perpertually retreating foward in a cowardly fashion? 😢

  13. It's the US economy that is going to tank.
    High inflation that refuses to come down.
    High interest rates.
    Massive debt that is growing out of control.
    Printing money is all that is keeping their economy afloat and that would be ok if it was being spent in productive ways…not making bombs. When it happens god help you all

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