Russia practices nuclear scenarios, threatens Western military facilities | LiveNOW from FOX

Russia practices nuclear scenarios, threatens Western military facilities | LiveNOW from FOX

Moscow warned that Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory with UK supplied weapons could bring retaliatory strikes on British military facilities it’s the first time that Russia has publicly announced drills involving tactical nuclear weapons also out of Russia an American Soldier has been arrested there accused of stealing us officials telling the Associated Press that staff sergeant Gordon black was stationed in South Korea and was in the process of returning home to Texas but had traveled to Russia little other details known about the 34 year-old’s detainment want to talk about all of this here so let’s bring in Rebecca Grant a national security analyst and vice president of the Lexington Institute thank you so much for taking the time to be here with us today a lot to talk about oh glad to speak with you especially about Vladimir Putin all right so first off I do want to talk about these drills that he has announced kind of break down for the significance of the drills themselves but also the announcement well you see Putin strutting his stuff and the announcement of these nuclear drills is Russia trying to ramp up the nuclear rhetoric Putin is reacting to a couple of things first NATO has been running the biggest exercise in 30 years for about three months now we have US tanks in Lithuania we have ships all over the place he’s reacting to that most recently the US has sent some longer range attack on missiles to Ukraine as have some other allies again Putin is reacting with this nuclear threat and finally May 9th is the big Russian celebration of Victory in Europe from 1945 so Putin’s stirring everybody up into that war mentality he’s trying to use the rare unusual announcement of these tactical nuclear weapons drills to mess with our mines in the west and to erode support for Ukraine but hey it is not going to work and I do want to talk about the US and the whole uh basically situation here should us and its allies be concerned about any of this no because a couple of facts using a tactical nuclear weapon will get Russia absolutely no place couple reasons the radi blows back towards Russia also China A couple of years ago made it very clear that they wanted Russia to cool down the nuclear threats remember China’s backing for Russia and purchases of energy is absolutely essential they can’t keep fighting in Ukraine without Russia and without China and they don’t want to see these nuclear threats so he likes to threaten and even do things like Drop missiles into Ukraine that are possibly dual use but this really has to be seen as a threat and hey Russia is a serious military threat that’s why we see our NATO allies arming up but these nuclear threats I’d say zero chance of it happening and kind of on that same note the threats by Russia against those British military facilities if anything related to the UK does drop in Russia so my question for you is that an empty threat yes I think it is and remember Ukraine has actually attacked some very specific targets inside Russia so I think part of Putin’s elevation of the nuclear threat is a little bit of him being uncomfortable about the fact that Russia is vulnerable and reacting to that you know the Russians really do hate the British the British have been so strong and Leading Edge in their support for Ukraine so that’s very targeted diplomatically he’s always trying to mess with the minds of the NATO allies and that specific threat against Britain I think militarily it’s a hollow threat it’s meant to score diplomatic points and again it’s going to fail the British know better the detainment of an American Soldier there in Russia no question it’s not the first time by any means that someone from America has been detained in Russia but is this different considering we’re talking about a soldier oh I was so sorry to read about this and of course there are other Americans detained such as Evan gerkovich but this just seems like such a tragedy because this uh staff sergeant had gone into Vlad of Oak to visit a woman and the Russians alleged that there was some household domestic dispute and have arrested him and it leavs me to wonder it’s just speculation but wow is this Russian woman trying to entrap him how does this soldier end up going all the way to vlat vasto um but really really a mistake on his part because now he’s there I think very likely to be detained for a while possibly because he is a an Army soldier would this put him in a different category and get the Russians to give him back sooner I don’t know you know this is why the state department says do not go to Russia and unfortunately a a real mistake here by this Army step sergeant and you know we need to work this hard and get him back if you’re arrested in Russia it’s almost from my understanding uh guaranteed conviction right oh of course it is they just make up or amplify the crime and of course just like with the tactical nuclear weapons Putin likes to use this for propaganda purposes both externally and then internally Putin is pushing a narrative that the West is terrible and Americans are terrible and when they can you know quote unquote arrest an American for a quote unquote crime in Russia that just feeds into Putin’s story you know Russia’s at War they’ve lost 300,000 killed or wounded in Ukraine and Putin has to keep his people on a war footing and sadly arresting an American Staff Sergeant is part of playing into his hands is Russia likely to use Sergeant black as let’s say a bargaining chip in some sort of negotiation we know that they essentially did that with Britney Griner yes they did and the Arms Dealer Victor boot was released in order to get Britney Griner back I’d say yes Sergeant black sadly is going to be a bargaining chip for Putin all right Rebecca Grant there National Security analyst and vice president of Lexington Institute anything else you want to add Before I Let You Go hey these nuclear threats that just tells you one that it was right to pass Aid to Ukraine and second that NATO 32 members Now is really really standing strong against Russia and I’m glad to see NATO doing that Rebecca as always thank you so much for being here with us we appreciate it thank you

Russia has threatened to strike British military facilities and said it will hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid rising tensions over comments by senior Western officials about getting more involved in the war in Ukraine.

Moscow warned that Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory with UK-supplied weapons could bring retaliatory strikes on British military facilities.

This marks the first time that Russia has publicly announced drills involving tactical nuclear weapons.

An American soldier has been arrested there on allegations of stealing. US officials told the Associated Press that Staff Sgt. Gordon Black was stationed in South Korea and was in the process of returning home to Texas but had traveled to Russia.

Rebecca Grant, a national security analyst joined LiveNOW from FOX’s Josh Breslow to discuss the developments amid the Russia-Ukraine war.

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  1. Lamoo Dont esclate with Russia or get spanked in Donbass just ask the French , Us , uk hahaha 😆 ❤ Slava Russia 🇷🇺❤ love from USA 🙂

  2. All the nuclear threats are sll planned and every other nation is in on it! Because if not they would be doing somt about it. But they dont even care at all.. because its all bs

  3. Americans and its allies should be concerned how their governments are treating the eastern world. When you sanction wealthy investors and an entire country you are targeting all of its inhabitants as well. How would the US feel if Europe pulled aways from american interests. America is not the one who lives on the same continent. Russia invaded Ukraine for a purpose and the truth is being covered up by misinformation and western geopolitics. The people are in the dark of what is really going on. All they know is aid is going to the war zones just like in Israel. You see the destruction and loss of lives but do you actually know the truth behind the actions that started it. Most wars happen from misinformation that gets lost in hearsay and political opinions. The world is facing a harsh reality with global climate change, global debt and oppression.

  4. Hypocrisy!! The US is only concerned with keeping the slave market running for money while discriminating on world geopolitical demands.
    Total economic collapse… Automation Tech and AI will save humanity if we do it responsibly. The technology is being abused for war and market profiteering. Money created the chaos in the world. Money corrupted humanity. Money is the problem with the world. Removing money from the world takes away power from all the corrupt wealthy people. The slavery for money is corrupting our governments and the oppression from the governments is corrupting humanity into submission. This created the crisis the world is facing. When people finally wake up to reality the world is living in it may be too late to change. I am so sorry. Wasted 30 years of my life to help bring awareness and to prepare the world for climate change. I feel like a failure to our world. I honestly don't understand why people don't listen or understand the serious impacts of the daily lives around the world. The solution to climate change is so simple. You can't stop climate change if your trying to capitalize on climate change solutions. The cause and effect of climate change and capitalism is cancelling out and actually making things worse. Now are you seeing the big picture on what researcher solutions actual are. They want to make more money off the problem money created. Inflation hasn't stopped for centuries. Carbon Capture is a scam to capitalize of carbon tax and who pays the tax? Everyone and that will cause more demand for money causing more inflation. Common sense. The researchers are not using common sense or the governments are manipulating the people. The melting of the ice around the world is causing an error in the data people are using. You see all the flooding around the world right. That is rapid condensation like putting a pot on the stove with water and putting a lid on top. When the heat gets intense against that temporary cooling effect natural disasters-global climate crisis will exponentially get worse. Remember the severe droughts and then all of a sudden global flooding in every country. That is the cause and effect of climate change. Throw in rapid escalation of climate change and natural disasters become more frequent. Global Climate Change isn't slowing down it is speeding up. The slavery to money that humanity created is causing global climate change. Concrete produces more heat than grass. Metal produces more heat than wood. Wood dries up and catches fire. Ocean pressure and vibrational activity from human activity along with climate change causes earthquakes and volcanoes to be more active. Inflation causes humans to demand more money so more activity around the world with non essential jobs are created increasing capitalism demands for money. The problem is the demand for money is the cause. Remove money from society and the world will calm down. 90% of the world is working for money in non essential jobs. That means 90% of the world is working for no reason and the only reason they work is from the need of money. Wake up humanity

  5. Another bluff from Putin haha. We already heard that from him when the war just started..LOL…Now, NATO members were sending tanks, fighter plane, missiles and ammunition but Putin still has not do his threat.

  6. Putin is very dangerous . Entertain him at your own risk.
    like a crazy airline pilot locking copilot out of cockpit and deliberately crashing to kill self and all passengers aboard. If you know in advance you do not let that pilot into the cockpit.

  7. You guys always have very thoughtful and honest guests…but this lady reeks of disingenuousness and propaganda rhetoric. I call bad guest

  8. She talks so nonchalant about US. NATO. EU. Tanks, Missiles, being provided for the sustaining of the 2014 "Regime Change Operation" that has caused this War and that may precipitate Nuclear Armageddon and Wipe out Life on this Planet. She's a War Pig.

  9. Where do you get these so called experts, France president has just threatened to send troops to Ukraine, Ukraine has lost this war,
    Lewinsky has suspended voting in Ukraine and has drafted 60yr Olds to fight, I hope this woman is not in charge of anything!

  10. If the West were wise it would offer China some reconciliatory advances for NATO having accidentally bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, Serbia during the Kosovo War. China is still greatly offended by this mishap and, if the West can recompense the Chinese, the Chinese will be more willing to consider working with the West in confronting Russia on its war in Ukraine.

  11. She did not tell us why Russia decided to hold a tactical nuclear drill. All these Neocons are just warmongers. They wonder why our armed forces are not meeting their recruitment numbers. Those she even look like someone who can jump in and out of a foxhole in the frontline,

  12. You know if basketball players. Military personal or any other American travels to Russia and gets arrested then that's on them. No more trades. Why would u go to Russia makes no sense same with North Korea or Iran. People need to stop being dtupid
    Also we really need to stop talking about Putin and nuclear threats. He does it every time something doesn't go his way.
    If he's gonna do it then fucjing do it. Who cares. Quit acting like he's scaring anyone cause he's not. And even if he was serious. Would rather the whole world die than live under the boot of a stupid dictator.
    Personally I say nato should just invade and call it a day. With all the Russian corruption we have seen with their military and their weapons I would be pretty secure in speculating that they probably don't have very many nukes that actually work Or would hit the actual target they are aiming for. More then likely it would fly up about 1000 feet and explode over Russia Lolol

  13. Haha putin cant aim down the toilet let alone hit British military units. He cant even take the country next door what does he think he can do to half the world

  14. Just because western zombies always think that they are right and everyone else is always wrong , we will have nuclear appokalipse , FOR SURE

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