‘You’ve POKED the Russian bear!’ Farage SCOLDS ‘mad’ Cameron for stirring Ukraine to ATTACK Russia

‘You’ve POKED the Russian bear!’ Farage SCOLDS ‘mad’ Cameron for stirring Ukraine to ATTACK Russia

as is so often the case I see stories that I think are fantastically good for us stories I think could be very bad for us and I always Marvel that they somehow aren’t on Diary with the rest of the media and whilst this story has been reported I don’t think there’s been enough emphasis on it our revered foreign secretary Lord David Cameron said this yesterday we will give 3 billion every year for as long as is necessary this is to Ukraine we’ve just emptied all we can in terms of giving equipment so what he’s saying is we’ve really got rid of everything we have virtually no stars of artillery shells or much other kit and ammunition and then he says Ukraine absolutely has the right to strike back at Russia so what he’s saying is he’s very happy for British made missiles to go to Ukraine and to be used to attack Targets on Russian soil I thought the object of the exercise was for us to give defensive help to Ukraine not offensive help to Ukraine he has poked the Russian bear with a stick and perhaps unsurprisingly the Russian foreign Ministry have said in response to Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory with British weapons any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine and abroad will be targets what is Cameron up to I think this is complete and utter Madness I’m joined by James gaser former NATO spokesman and friend of this program James what do we know about Russia is that if you do poke it with a stick it will always respond I was fascinated to see George Robertson the former Secretary General of NATO the other day very much taking my line that the expansion of European Union I believe NATO too has directly led to the Ukraine war what is our mission in Ukraine are we there to help them defend themselves or are we happy for this kit to be used to fire off at Power stations or other military facilities perhaps in Russia what’s the brief well Nigel very good to see you again um the I see it with all great respect to George this is not a binary Choice uh as I see it I’d much rather our storm Shadows were strapped to the underside of a Ukrainian fighter jet than languishing in a in a bunker somewhere in Wiltshire under the care of the RAF but fine that’s your personal position we differ on this I think well we do differ on this but isn’t the point I’m making the fundamental one that we have been told our taxpayers have been told and American taxpayers too have been told that we’re doing this to help Ukraine defend itself this turns defense into offense now I refute that position entirely um if you’ll forgive me um do we love Free Speech here no ultimately the point is that arming uh your uh your allies enemy is is a form of Defense so first of all it is defense of our selves uh because it’s a lot less expensive a lot less costly in all sorts of metrics by comparison to the alternative and and secondly uh you know the fact that we are supplying to Ukraine it is up to the ukrainians to decide how they wish to use what is what is by definition therefore a sovereign capability just because we manufactured these these armaments this material doesn’t give us a right to specify how it is used is pretty much he said no no the foreign secretary is delighted for it to be used in that way he made it very clear in his statement well he actually said that it was up to the ukrainians to decide that they have been attacked it is up to them to be defending themselves are we are we not in danger of getting ourselves a little bit closer to a potential conflict between us and Russia I I don’t agree with this point of view this is in fact as Lord Cameron said you know a seinor moment in geopolitics um we we must spend more on our defense uh we do not I agree with that absolutely and I wonder why the pledge for 2.5% is until 2030 well well it’s because the government are going to be in power for the next 5 minutes so it’s really irrelevant how long they uh oppose that’s a fair point another seminal moment in geopolitics was Cameron’s Maniac decision with the support of the French with the Americans kind of backing up uh to take out Gaddafi in Libya we took out Gaddafi Isis didn’t even exist but it grew into that vacuum that was the moment with the millions started crossing the Mediterranean and causing all the political problems that we’re now seeing I mean is this man fit given his track record to be our foreign secretary I think we can look forward to a change of government very shortly I I know I don’t that this problem will go away what yeah but between now the next six months goodness knows what damage he might do well I mean let’s uh the situation in Libya isn’t the sole cause of migration and it’s not the sole cause of IM migration to UK I tell you what when Gaddafi was still alive he did say take me out and 5 million will come to Europe he did but he was also a tyrant that led to a great number of deaths in his own Nation I’m not saying he was a good guy or anything like that I’m not even I’m not going to argue for a moment Saddam Hussein was a good guy I just worry that we’ve been getting oursel involved in a series of Wars uh that have ended up with very negative consequences and huge numbers of Civilian deaths especially in Iraq and I just wonder whether having sort of the the neocon hawk like Cameron makes sense and I just wonder whether we’re not whether that statement he made wasn’t wholly unnecessary that we have to understand the paranoia of Russia given its history well I’d rather a neocon hawk than a Neo tar to be perfectly Frank just about to do another few years after his rubber stamp Parliament lets him go forth and Conquer uh I uh you know the the you’ve conflated a number of issues there if you’ll forgive me um well I I’m I’m talking about the breadth of our foreign policy our use of the military over the last 20 years and that Cameron has been very much a part of all of that and I just worry that he’s the wrong man uh I my personal view is that uh his actions in Libya were half-hearted and without um without a plan for the future which which is not the first time this nation has done such a thing in in my lifetime but quite apart from that the situation in Ukraine is um is a it is quite literally a seminal moment for Europe uh back down now or uh or perhaps even we talked about Trump a moment ago uh perhaps even see less support from the US or indeed a cessation of support and we will see the shape of Europe change I tell you what I suspect if Trump have been in the White House they wouldn’t have invaded in the first place and I do believe that very strongly uh and Trump wants to negotiate is settlement yes but a negotiated settlement means defeat for the ukrainians do you actually think do you actually do you really honestly and truthfully think that Crimea is going back to Ukraine I believe they have a right to bring back their own country and I believe a negotiated settlement and the imposition of a peace I mean I served in Bosnia an imposition of peace that is cracking at the seams I’ve served in Iraq an imposition of Peace that’s cracking at the seams I’ve served in Afghanistan I wouldn’t go so far as say an imposition of Peace but an imposition of something that has failed absolutely because of Donald Trump’s decision carried out by Biden no no no no no that’s absolute nonsense Biden made that decision unilaterally without even telling us he was going to do it well that might be the case because he was in power at that point in time but it was a decision that had been already made as I understand that they were down to three we could argue that forever James I think you and I take I I I I agree with you on many things I think on this I think the language that was used was irresponsible good to see it

Nigel Farage has hit out at David Cameron after he greenlit the Ukrainians to use British-supplied weapons to attack Russia.

#politics #dfavidcameron #nigelfarage #putin #vladimirputin #russia #ukraine #war

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  1. Farage is a hypocrite and a coward. He"s complaining about the Ukrainian attacks on Russia. I mean against a country that"s literally bombing the hell out of Ukrainian cities and massacaring Ukrainina population, while condemning the fact that US and allies "only" protected Israel after Iranian missile and drone barrage. Wasn"t happy with Bidens answer to Netanyahu ("Take the win") and was actually asking for serious retaliation. What a CHARACTER…

  2. Camoron is a stain on British politics.
    The chipping Norton Dolt and Liberals like him are an existential threat to Britain.
    Last I heard Camoron sided with the Islamists to overthrow Gaddafi, and seeded Europe and Britain with Islamists as a result.
    I despise him and his ilk.

  3. Britain and most of Europe has become Libyan and Palestinian I'm waiting for a ward to be fought between the two on European LOL. Autocratic ukrainians who don't hold elections who have hundreds of journalists as I've even killed a few who disagree with King Zelensky!!!! This is all absurd. The Russians are only doing what is known as protecting its citizens. From having a globalist controlled rogue consortium known as NATO infiltrate and take away all the resources that Ukraine has which are dwindling. Russia will not allow a NATO military base on its border. Just like the United States would not like are put up with are allowed a Russian base built in Mexico across from Texas.. the Russia is only exercising and doing what they think is the safety of their people. Just like any country would do. They have absolutely not demonstrated that they want to go Hitler on the world !!!! The David Cameron's of the world I already frustrated little group of neocons that is disappearing and becoming extinct every day. People want peace not war,!!!!!

  4. 3 billion when we're closing services for disabled adults and slashing benefits for some of the most vulnerable people in society while many are waiting years for urgent NHS appointments?? The lunatics are in charge…

  5. “He’s Hitler” is the dying cry of a moribund West.
    What these hyperbolic fools are actually saying is there is no one worse than Putin. But this is false.
    There is Nicolai Patrushev for example.
    Some people (there are a few on here) have an insatiable appetite for British establishment propaganda.
    And they keep sucking it up. They never learn!
    Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya…
    Trillions spent…for what?

  6. How can Michel Fridge comment on British politics when hes heading to America for the presidential elections? When the British are holding there General Elections.. thought he cared for the Brits….. Hahaha

    Also.. is Fridge going to allow his Children to join or alow to be conscripted to the Front Line or will he run…..

    Think i know this Answer 🤣

    What a twt…..

  7. Can someone first explain to me how Cameron can be Foreign minister when I am sure he is not an MP in the House of commons. And second how do you think the Conservative MPs feel when the PM is thinking I don't have any MPs in my team that is capable of doing the job. I know the government is in a mess but how can this happen?

  8. This guy is a warmongering clown. You only need half a brain to understand that Ukraine could never win a war against Russia from the get go. These reckless politicians are driving the world to war for a country we have no military alliance with. NATO would struggle to defeat the industrial and military might of Russia never mind Ukraine. Its about time these little toss pots in our government got real and stopped this garbage.

  9. We had a previous Lord Balfour create the Palestinian's
    Loss of land, and now Lord Cameron in international affairs, "what can possibly go wrong" and as for this imbecile farage is inter viewing he's so far removed from public opinion.

  10. Comments always seem to support I guess we all watch what we agree with, preaching to the converted . Let’s always see both sides of every story. We need to be strong or die

  11. Don’t p*ss of the Russians. They’re so much more powerful than we’re led to believe. According to the msm Russia were going to run out of ammo in the summer of 2022? And wasn’t Putin supposed to be dying the same year? Don’t pisx them off, they are only defending the Donbas etc which was the deal in the Minsk Agreement of 2014. It’s the US and NATO always wanting to increase their footprint!

  12. Gadaffi tried to introduce a gold standard currency but the American dollar had other plans to derail the Africa currency gold standard. The refugees are a result of his assassination or public murder ISIS is an American invention curiously the Saudi family are on a British pension plan for Oil and balony .

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