Russia will nuke America, UK and France if Western troops go to Ukraine: State TV

Russia will nuke America, UK and France if Western troops go to Ukraine: State TV

если страны НАТО введут свои войска на Украину для того чтобы нанести России стратегическое поражение То тогда и наступит тот самый момент о котором Путин как-то сказал зачем нам мир если в нём не будет России Тогда уж от нас полетит всё и везде и сарматы и ярс и Авангард уже в прицелах американские центры принятия решений пусковые установки на суши и на [музыка] море Францию как ядерную державу придётся мгновенно разоружить Британские острова просто уйдут под воду технологии для этого имеются и мы о них как-то рассказывали но до такого не доводить И это не Пропаганда

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered troops based near Ukraine to practice nuclear weapons scenarios in a bid to ‘deter’ adversaries following perceived threats of escalation from Western leaders. Military drills in the undisclosed ‘near future’ will include practice for the preparation and deployment of non-strategic nuclear weapons, Russia’s defence ministry claimed. The ministry said today the exercises would be carried out ‘in response to provocative statements and threats by certain Western officials against the Russian Federation’, the Kremlin citing threats to deploy troops in Ukraine. #russia #ukraine #war

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  1. Господин Киселев
    Мы ждём ваших ракет. Попкорн готов и мы смотрим. Не вынуждайте нас долго ждать. Вперёд!!!

  2. Few of these comments show any indication of awareness of the root causes of this whole bloody situation. 'Ukraine on Fire' starring Victoria Numan.

  3. To be fair he didn’t say that. However the Banking Class are pulling the strings and manipulating America into their continued provocation through NATO. Just stop pushing him.

  4. Here’s the thing. Putin may well order a nuclear strike but his Generals would be the ones to actually do it. Unlike here in the West the ability to launch is decided by ALL Russian high command, not just one man, even Putin. The worry is that Putin has been ‘dismissing’ generals a lot since Ukraine and there is a strong possibility he is placing ‘yes men’ in place to justify use of nuclear weapons if the conflict continues this badly for him. The hope is that there will be some semblance of sanity in the high command.

  5. Russia ain’t doing that to anyone they’d be insane to even try it. You really think Russia can out do all them at the same time on there own? Hell no lol. Do Russia think only they have nukes? Nobody wins this, not even Russian people.

  6. If Russian Nuclear Weapons have been as well maintained as the rest of their equipment then the biggest danger is to Russia itself. We must not be bullied by a War Criminal even if he does have a death wish.

  7. Okay, this guy's just a useful fear mongering idiot at best! Saying France is a nuclear power that can be disarmed in an instant, lol. So say Russia does manage to nuke France first, then what? How will Russia prevent France from a retaliatory strike from their subs at sea? America already has enough nuclear fire-power at sea to destroy all of Russia several times over. This dude's a joke!

  8. This was made clear in 2022 days after the military operations in Ukraine. The likes of Macron and Cameron have since kept pushing forward. Well this is where all that posturing gets us…

  9. "Over the course of centuries, the area that is today Ukraine has been alternatingly swallowed up, controlled, or taken over by the Mongol Empire, later the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Russian Empire, while Crimea was at one point a client state of the Ottoman Empire. Between the World Wars, portions of western Ukraine were ruled by Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia." – University of Rochester Sandra Knispel

    So folks, the way it works in the past is that whoever was the stronger tribe stole and took the land. In the pure sense of ownership nobody really owns the land.
    However, this is the 21st century and borders have been established and need to be maintained. We have to have borders and everybody needs to respect borders.
    The Europeans stole America's land from the natives. I have upmost respect for the native American people. We live ni peace now. I can't change what my ancestors did to native Americans but I can live in peace with them and understand and respect their incredible history and love for the spirit of life. We share the land with them and I consider them brothers. When I drive through their tribal nations I am humbled

    Anyway, getting back to Russia. They don't own Ukraine and they had no right to do what they have done. Putin is a criminal, not a leader and criminals should not be allowed to take over countries. This is the 21st century and the barbarian past should not be repeated. Unfortunately Russia is still a bunch of iron age minded fools.
    We all need to get along and we need adults for leaders, not childish ,greedy, power hungry little puke bags like Putin who don't care about what is righteous and prudent.
    Putin needs to take a long walk of a short pier.

  10. That’s their only threat like North Korea because they know they have nothing without crazy threats , without nukes would be no contest and Putin and they rocket man know that 1:16

  11. i'd say that as soon as Russia activates these weapons and preps them for launch, there will be a USA submarine just off the coast of Russia preparing to take out the silo.. It takes 20-30 minutes for Russia to prep and launch from a silo and the USA subs can have a missile on target in 15 minutes.. Do the maths..

  12. LMAO 😂 ..yeah if Russia’s nuclear weapons actually still function. They aren’t known for quality engineering and rigorous maintenance. Anyone ever owned or driven a Lada?

  13. Russia "threatened" if UK, USA troops attacks them… Hm…. for all the brain dead globalist idiots here, doesn't it sound like SELF-DEFENCE????????

  14. All they can do is threaten with nukes because Russia has absolutely 0 conventional capabilities 😂😂😂

  15. A drill near Ukraine resulted in the special operation into Ukraine. A drill maybe a way of getting ready for Russia so don't bluff because you people said Russia would not invade Ukraine but he did as a drill.

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