BREAKING NEWS! Ukraine’s famous battalion has hit Russian bridge with a magnificent ambush!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global the conflict between Ukraine and Russia has flared up as the weather warms up Ukrainian forces are in the Forefront of a major offensive against Russian troops after a very strong regeneration process at the moment the donet and luhansk front lines are the most intense areas of the war in particular the front lines in the directions of Lyman Aviva and andrika are hosting the fiercest battles the 65 clashes in the last 24 hours have once again proven how intense and fierce the war is on Ukraine’s front Lans in the midst of these clashes Ukraine’s Elite troops have made remarkable breakthroughs particularly noteworthy was the activity in the Lyman Direction this area is notable both for its strategic importance and for being the center of intense fighting Russian forces are constantly attacking Ukrainian positions with the aim of reaching Ukrainian settlements on the banks of the gerbitz river and gaining the upper hand at these strategic points the main intention of the Russian army is to take control of the strategically located city of liman an important Logistics Center this increases the intensity and importance of the conflict in the region Lyman stands out as a critical point in terms of military mobility and logistical support control of the city could provide a major advantage in the overall war strategy therefore the offensive of Russian forces against this region becomes a decisive factor in the course of the war in response the Ukrainian Army has made a significant breakthrough to Halt the advance of Russian forces and maintain control over Lyman this breakthrough could change the Dynamics of the war Ukraine’s move includes a series of tactics and operations that reinforce their defensive strategy consolidate existing positions and effectively counter Russian aggression in this video we will analyze in detail all aspects of Ukraine’s strategic breakthrough on the Eastern Front particularly in the Lyman region today border guards of Ukraine’s pomsta Brigade of assault guards targeted a crossing point on the gerbet river with a specially designed drone strike the vehicle used was a rattel S Type kamakazi drone which successfully hit the bridge the main purpose of Ukraine’s action was to complicate the logistical moov m m of the Russian army in the region remarkable footage of this attack was made public by the Ukrainian military the video shows a remote controlled vehicle loaded with explosives driving towards its Target and destroying the bridge with a huge explosion this is not only an immediate tactical success but also has long-term strategic implications this can have a detrimental effect on the morale of Russian soldiers and commanders especially if they are successful in Striking their targets the idea that there is no no safe location on the battlefield is strengthened as a result which results in Russian troops maintaining a state of Perpetual awareness Around the Clock in the event that logistical supply lines are severed defensive positions may become more vulnerable in the event that Ukrainian forces are attacked this could result in significant vulnerabilities in the defense in the event that these activities are successful Ukraine is likely to utilize them as propaganda tools on the other hand following the gunfire that took place at the bridge Crossing Ukrainian troops upped their pressure in the Lyman region and continued to burn equipment belonging to the Russian army during a single operation the 45th Artillery Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was able to successfully destroy a Russian heavy mortar known as the Tulip as well as two D20 howitzers and two D30 howitzers in addition the Ukrainian 45th Artillery Brigade collaborated with drone operators from the 63rd mechanized Brigade the day before to eliminate an additional Russian heavy mortar tulip an artillery ammunition storage a D20 Howitzer and three further D20 howitzers by utilizing a first-person view kamakazi drone the 63rd Brigade of the Ukraine was also able to destroy the heavy mortar tulip on its own two successful strikes against Russian Artillery were carried out by the Ukrainian predator drone Detachment of the Border Police these strikes involved the destruction of a heavy mortar known as the the Tulip and a multiple launch rocket system known as the grad using firstperson view kamakazi drones during the time when artillery teams were busy destroying any Russian Artillery that had the audacity to start fire in the region Ukrainian drone operators were working toward the goal of destroying any Russian vehicles that were attempting to cross the fields that separated crina and the riverfront communities Ukrainian drone operators from the 23rd rifle Battalion are seen in geolocated film using firstperson view kamakazi drones to kill an offensive group consisting of two tanks and two infantry combat Vehicles the 61st mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian military was also responsible for the destruction of two Russian armored personnel carriers while using mines three fpv drones and one t72 tank while using an fpv kamakazi drone in addition drone operators from the 63rd mechanized Brigade were active in the region and they used kamakazi drones to destroy two armored personnel carriers and an infantry Fighting Vehicle along the way Ukrainian drone operators from the 100th territorial defense Brigade and the 12th special purpose Brigade were also operating in the forest they were responsible for the destruction of two Russian delivery trucks a tiger armored vehicle the Russian version of the Humvee and an infantry Fighting Vehicle the offensive capabilities of the Russian strike groups were entirely spent as a result of intense counter battery fire from from the Ukrainian side which was supplemented with combined drone operations and strong positioning battles this prevented the Russians from moving near Villages additionally there were significant advancements made in the direction of detet specifically members of the National Guard Special unit Omega 1 were responsible for the destruction of a convoy of armored vehicles belonging to the Russian occupation troops that was traveling in the direction of the East according to the confirmation provided by the Ukraine Ian minister of the Interior ehor clco the Omega 1 unit was able to successfully carry out this operation by utilizing artillery in addition to fpv drones the Omega 1 artillery initially used artillery fire to stop the Convoy of Russian armored vehicles and then they used first-person view drones to Target the vehicles because of this concerted Onslaught every single vehicle belonging to the Russian forces was rendered ineffective with the exception of the armored vehicle known know as the bmp3 during the second assault that was prepared by the Omega team the bmp3 was also effectively destroyed with the use of strong cumulative ammo The firstperson View drone that was utilized in the assault that was coordinated by the Omega unit was able to destroy the BMP 3 which was a Russian infantry combat vehicle that measured around $2 million in value in the video of the attack that was made public it was seen that the bullets that struck the Russian armored Convoy converted into bright Flames which caused clouds of smoke to rise into the middle of the sky this offensive resulted in the loss of a significant number of Russian soldiers in addition to the loss of costly military equipment belonging to the Russian military to put it another way the Russian military suffered a major loss in terms of both the soldiers and the equipment that serves in the military additionally the second event of the day occurred close to andrika which is located in the donet city region this was a strategic action on the part of Ukrainian artillery which targeted a Russian armored group a nighttime operation was carried out against Russian forces that were attempting to disguise their position by utilizing the darkness of the night using thermal imagers drones belonging to the 92nd assault Brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces were able to successfully discover the Russian tank Convoy as a result of this discovery Ukrainian drones were able to positively identify the armor Vehicles belonging to the Russian forces and provide the artillery units with the locations of the targets cluster Munitions of 155 mm caliber were manufactured in the United States and were used by Ukrainian artillery to fire a heavy artillery bombardment against the Convoy it was a Ukrainian volunteer named Teo yomiu who was the one who videotaped the attack and the footage captured some of the most memorable moments of the conflict the utilization of drones equipped with thermal imaging technology was a significant factor that contributed to the success of the attack despite the fact that it was nighttime these drones were able to determine the locations of Russian troops which was a very important operation the ammo of a Russian armored vehicle was the target of one of the cluster Munitions that were employed in the operation this weapon delivered a direct hit and caused a large explosion within the vehicle the force of the explosion caused Russian tanks to catch fire and a significant number of tank Crews were killed or injured as a result the numbers of casualties sustained by the Russian army were revised once more the most recent reports from the general staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine indicate that a total of 670 Russian servicemen were eliminated during the course of the daytime period also significant was the blow that was dealt to Russian military hardware nine tanks 18 armored personnel carriers 29 artillery systems one anti-aircraft combat system 21 unmanned aerial Vehicles 48 vehicles and fuel tankers and seven pieces of special equipment belonging to the Russian army were successfully destroyed as a result of the operations that were carried out throughout the day Russia has not only experienced losses on a daily basis but its overall monthly losses have also reached a level that is quite remarkable during the month of March KV made an announcement that it had destroyed a record number of Russian Artillery systems this announcement came in the midst of major concerns regarding the stockpiles of ammunition that were required to keep Ukraine’s important artillery systems operating the Russian Federation suffered the loss of 976 artillery systems in the past month as said in a statement that was distributed via social media by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense the city of Kiev noted that the Ukrainian military has performed exceptionally well since the beginning of February 2022 Russian forces have suffered a total loss of 11,142 artillery systems as indicated by the most recent data that was supplied by the Ukrainian military it was stated in a statement that was issued by the Russian Ministry of defense that Ukraine suffered a loss of 8,629 artillery and mortars over the course of the conflict that lasted for more than 2 years in addition to illustrating the ferocity of the battle on the front lines these data demonstrate how significant the loss of weapons has been for both sides when seen against this backdrop the Russian army has only achieved modest progress on the front lines several reports that were recently published by The Institute for the study of War indicate that the gains that were made by Russian forces in the year 2024 were rather insignificant following the Russian takeover of Aviva the region that is currently under Russian control has shrunk to less than 25 square miles as stated in the article aiva was taken by Russian forces which provided them with the opportunity to push Ukraine’s defensive lines even further back by capturing the city on the other hand it would appear that the Ukrainian Army has for the most part foiled the Russian advance in the countryside to the west of the damaged settlement even nevertheless fighting is still going on despite the fact that Russian forces are making modest gains isw reports indicate that the combat that has been happening on around is still going on and further significant fight zone is the line that separates Ken and zapar now that they have returned to the front lines Russian troops are attempting to recapture The Limited territorial gains that were made during the summer of last year as a result of strikes on Ukrainian forces however in spite of these relatively minor Russian advances the situation has remained basically unaltered up until this point the results of this analysis demonstrate that Ukraine’s resistance and defensive methods have been successful whereas Russia has not been able to achieve the large scale victories that it had anticipated following the failure of the Russian army to achieve the anticipated level of Victory on the front lines it has been observed that the Russian army has increased the intensity of its strikes on civilian areas specifically it was stated that Russian forces had arranged a large-scale strike on KV utilizing drones that were equipped with the shahad designation according to O shubov who is the chief of the carv Regional military Administration the Russians launched at least 15 drones above the city as of midnight some of these drones were destroyed by air defense systems as part of their announcement the Ukrainian Air Force also stated that the Russians had launched an attack on the region using 20 sha head drones 11 of which were successfully destroyed however the attacks did result in a few hits being delivered to begin a drone involved in a collision with a three-story building in the Nova bavari neighborhood caused damage to the structure there was a second assault that took place just as search and rescue crews were arriving at the scene to clear the debris from the building the civilian infrastructure in the region sustained significant damage as a direct consequence of this series of attacks several buildings including residential structures shops pharmacies Automobiles and a hospital were among the many facilities that sustained damage furthermore Apartments located between the 8th and 12th floors of a building that was 14 stories tall were damaged in another attack sadly in addition to the destruction that these strikes inflicted there were also casualties among the civilian population affected by them therefore why wasn’t each and every drone brought down a significant remark was made by Ilia Yash who serves as the spokesman for the air force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about the Drone assaults that were carried out on KV according to yev lash the proximity of cariv to the frontiers of the Russian Federation made it difficult for anti-aircraft defense systems to completely destroy the first group of drones that were attacked this was the reason why the attempts to destroy the drones were not wholly successful because of their close proximity to Ukraine Russian unmanned aerial vehicles uavs are able to move fast which makes it difficult for Ukraine’s air defense systems to respond effectively at the same time as Ukraine is continuing to put up a fight against Russian forces on the front line it is simultaneously carrying out significant infiltration operations behind the scenes on the battlefield Russia has made some minor successes but these gains are overwhelmed by the significant losses of troops and staff this is a significant blow to Vladimir Putin’s reputation as well as his policy about war in response to the shame that this circumstance has brought upon Him Vladimir Putin has increased his actions in the field of Espionage particular l through the Federal Security Service this attention has been drawn to the efforts that the FSB is doing to transform the unfavorable circumstances in the combat theater to its advantage through a variety of measures that are taking place within Ukraine the security forces of Ukraine were well prepared for this threat and they made a concerted effort to locate and detain Russian spies the results of these efforts have been found to be favorable agents of the Federal Security Service FSB were successfully apprehended by officers of the Ukrainian Security Service these agents were planning to launch missile assaults against the television Tower in Kiev as well as units of the General headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine another Target of the asants was the thermal power plant that was located in the capol building in this article we will examine the most recent developments in the conflict in Ukraine which has captivated the attention of the entire world and we will also investigate the specifics of how the Russian espion network was eradicated experts in cyber security who work for the Ukrainian Security Agency have discovered new attempts by attackers to do damage to Ukraine’s key infrastructure through the use of electricity there were two FSB agents who were preparing missile assaults when they were captured as a consequence of a special operation that took place in Kiev and Odesa a number of military formations belonging to the Defense Forces as well as energy and Telecommunications facilities located in three different locations were among the targets of the asants the Russian Spies made an effort to ascertain the locations of the Ukrainian troops and then communicated those coordinates to the Russian forces in order to coordinate the air strikes there was one of the agents who worked for a company in Odessa that provided Food Supplies to units of the Defense Forces for the purpose of intelligence collecting the other agent was gathering information about the technical condition of the TV tower in Kiev as well as the facade of a thermal power plant in the capital city whether it was for fresh attacks or recurring ones this information was required the Russian spies were seized by SSU officials who documented their intelligence activities step by step and caught them in the ACT they were caught red-handed according to the findings of the investigation one of the individuals who supported Russia was employed at a food industry firm in Odessa while the other individual was a citizen who resided in Kiev and was 24 years years old treason charges have been brought against the individuals and they might be sentenced to life in jail the results of these operations demonstrate that Ukraine is taking strong measures to resist threats to its internal security and is demonstrating a significant level of resilience in the face of Russian sponsored Espionage activities while this is going on these initiatives are providing effective solutions to the dangers that Ukraine is facing on various fronts of the fight on the other hand the difficulties brought about by the war are not confined to the Realms of the military and security rather they also have social and societal components included attacks launched by Russia against Ukrainian land in particular have a detrimental effect on the social life of the country further evidence of the profound effects of the war is shown by the challenges that the people who live in the occupied parts of Ukraine are experiencing and the responses that they have to this predicament for instance moscow’s efforts to give Russian passports to people residing in Ukraine which is currently under temporary occupation until 2026 have been met with opposition from the local population a report published by the national Center for resistance indicates that residents of the region are refusing to recognize Russian documents which is exerting pressure on the local authorities that are under the control of the Kremlin in accordance with the allegation the Russian authorities are allegedly establishing conditions that make life in the occupied regions even more challenging for individuals who do not possess a Russian passport in spite of this the percentage of people in the territories that are temporarily occupied who have obtained passports does not even approach 50% in 2 years it was in March when Moscow made the decision to enable formal voting in the region without the need for passports this was done as a solution to the Dilemma as another point of Interest the research highlights the fact that ukrainians who do not possess Russian documents are unable to access fundamental services including Medical Care payments education and property registration on the other hand the local populist does not pay attention to the Russian Administration and fights against such coercion it should be stressed that coercive tactics such as stopping ukrainians who do not have passports at checkpoints and raiding Villages are not sufficient to break the will of the local populace the current scenario is a clear demonstration of the spirit of Independence and resistance that the people who live in the occupied lands of Ukraine have against the Russian control and the conditions that it imposes on them while everything is going on the leader of Kiev Vladimir zalinski is continuing to look for support in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia in light of this zalinski made a request to the United States government to boost the amount of military assistance it provides to Ukraine now during a phone discussion with the leader of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson in order to press for the ratification of the roughly $60 billion military aid package that was authorized by the Senate he emphasized the significance of severing Russia’s access to its War finances and making use of Russian assets that have been frozen in favor of Ukraine as a consequence of this Russia’s victories on the battlefield have been eclipsed by Ukraine’s resistance and strategic defensive measures at the same time Kiev Commander Vladimir zelinsky’s pleas for International Help continue to have a significant impact on the way the war is unfolding in addition to strengthening the country’s resilience the problems that Ukraine is facing both on the battlefield and in the international Arena are also strengthening the people’s desire for freedom and Independence because of the fight of the Ukrainian people against the oppressive policies and occupation of Russia the assistance of the world Community is of even greater significance when it comes to the difficult war that Ukraine is currently engaged in any assistance that is provided to increase its defense capability should be seen not only as Military Support but also as a contribution to the struggle for freedom and Independence in the coming time period the expectations of the Ukrainian people to continue their resistance and Achieve triumph over the Russian occupation will be bolstered by the solidarity and support of the International Community as we can see the war poses a number of challenges for both armies we will have to wait and see how the parties will find solutions to these challenges thank you for following us

BREAKING NEWS! Ukraine’s famous battalion has hit Russian bridge with a magnificent ambush!

  1. You are just spewing more propaganda, who cares about the bridge it’s going to hurt ukrain not Russia 🇷🇺. Why don’t you talk about ukrain losing over 600 hundred thousand dead ukrain troops and over half a million ukrain troops that will never walk again. Why don’t you talk about all those Ukrainian troops surrendering to Russia 🇷🇺. Furthermore the ukrain kracken troops shooting their own troops in the back of their heads when they try to surrender, I never hear any of this on this channel just western spin and propaganda. Ukrain is committing war crimes by executing their own men when they want to surrender and in the end they will be caught and tried as such

  2. How should u.s and allies could.protect philippines with out devastation and how many days week or monht could be protected with no destruction if philippine battle ground between u.s and allies in the end they well just abandon us u.s safe philippine pawn only for defencive front line to any invation against u.s

  3. American human rights activist Ajamu Baraka: Ukrainians finally realized that they were being prepared for destruction for the sake of the geostrategic interests of the United States, which have nothing to do with them. The result is massive capitulations on the front line and people avoiding conscription.

  4. Brilliant Tactics, Progress and Strategy as always by the Ukrainian Soldiers and President Zelensky. The world can see that putin is a Sinking Ship, the only one who hasn't realised this yet is putin the Unhinged Dictator……..God Bless Ukraine from the UK.xx

  5. Pootin empire cannot even win a tactical war with a smaller country like Ukraine how much more a EU country? He tried to show his manhood threatening to use nuclear weapon, but basically he use his nukes as crying game.
    He attack Ukraine indiscriminately while he cries if Ukraine fight back?🎉

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