We CAN’T Keep Ignoring This – Why RU Is Gaining Ground FAST – HARD TRUTHS – Ukraine War Map Analysis

get out Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day a fantastic hump day and that your week is going really well and look I’m not going to lie I’m I’m very disappointed and actually a little bit Furious of just a complete failure of systems that we put in place and that we fund and I feel like I’m one of the only commentators who actually is calling out and caring for guys who are on the front line and the war they have to fight and the reason I care about this is I was in the military at some point and I’m a 28-year-old man and a lot of my audience uh young males and the way the world’s going we’re probably going to be fighting against each other at some point and I don’t want these systems put in place to protect you our civilians to just completely fall over as they are and today this morning as I’ve looked at this it’s it just has so what I’m talking about is the opcw the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons and they have one job prohibit chemical weapons used in Warfare funding of a hell of a lot of money I’ll put it up here and well yeah let’s let’s look over what then they have said and I provided evidence on this before as clear I feel as clear as day now if you want to see everything see me break it down with an international lawyer and a military engineer who worked in the space of cbrn so threats when there is chemical biological weapons go and watch this video the many I’ve done on this of these banned weapons and also I’ll show you some bit of footage that for me just go against this whole statement so statement on Ukraine from the opcw spokesperson now statement of a trable to the spokesperson for the organization of pre chemical weapons both the Russian Federation and Ukraine have accused one another and reported allegations of use of chemical weapons to the organization the information provided to the organization so far by both sides together with the information available to the Secretariat is insufficiently substantiated what means not enough evidence to support to adequately prove or Justify a claim argument or conclusion now I disagree with that vly this top footage here posted by a Russian page saying the use of a k51 this is a k51 riot control grenade this footage here posted by Ukraine’s 10 Mountain Brigade dropping a k51 riot control agent on the soldiers here this is clear as day now of course the CWC the chemical weapons convention what is to be enforced by these people was signed by both Nations who are in the war in 93 ratified by Russia in 97 ratified by Ukraine in 98 now some people think I blow this out of the water I don’t care I think the laws of war and the chemical weapons is something that we need to hold absolutely to account regardless of its bloody if it’s a nation doing it or me squatting on a k51 doesn’t matter now I’ve put in here if it was just Russia I bet there would be enough evidence I am not I I just am not convinced that these organizations funded through countries in the UN don’t have arms in things and are seeing and being uh pulled around by the way that politics is going and push back as well and look at the ICC that’s a perfect example of this but this includes the diversion of dual use toxic chemicals produced worldwide by the chemical industry additionally under convention State parties hold the have the obligation to declare all toxic chemical agents they hold for riot control purposes it is against the convention to use riot control agents at War on the battlefield now those will say to me you’re over doing it’s just right control I do not trust what is in that grenade I don’t trust what is in a k51 is a riot agent I’m not saying it is not but we cannot prove what is or is not within that maybe it’s riot control maybe it’s something far far more Sinister either way doesn’t matter if used as a method of warfare these agents are considered chemical weapons and hence are prohibited under the conviction these are being used we know they’re being dropped into areas it goes out the guys run out then you hit them with something lethal typically this sort of gas is not lethal now this continues on here Article 2 paragraph 7 the convention Rock control agent is defined as any chemical not listed in the schedule on May the 1st United States of America announced that it had imposed new measures on the Russian Federation for its fullscale war and use of chemical weapons against Ukraine including for use of chloropicrin which is the active ingredient in R control agents therefore k51 so the us obviously is saying that it meets then this definition here so why isn’t this anyway in the meantime the opcw will continue to provide support to Ukraine should be supplying support regardless of who asks for it I don’t care if the Taliban ask for support of use of chemical weapons it should be there opponent’s request the field of assistance and protection against chemical weapons under article X of the convention in 193 opcw member states thus including Russian Federation and Ukraine have committed to never develop produce acquire stockpile transfer use of chemical weapons now you can have these agents because it is primarily used in policing State parties to the CWC have declared that any use of chemical weapons is totally unacceptable and would violate the legal norms and standards of the International Community well I’m sorry opcw but the 70 plus million dollar a year you get where what are you doing with that if you’re not looking at the largest operation War we are having at the moment and calling this out I’ve been doing it and no one bloody funds me this is that regardless of I guess the bias of people that sit within your board or the funding from the UN doesn’t matter you need to call a spade Spade I’m sorry I’m just it makes me Furious that we don’t hold ourselves to account or anyone else to account and we have no way actually implementing any of this and this is a slippery slope and this will lead to just complete why would other countries then follow this if we’re not willing to do it or put it on anyway if we don’t have the jurisdiction then we it’s just not going to be useless so what we’re going to talk about today we’re going to look at the maps we’re going to look at statement from Special Forces as well we’re going to talk about drones we’re going to talk about an attempted uh assassination on zalinsky we need to look at what Putin has said in his inauguration as well so let’s talk about what the sbu has released about this claimed assassination on zalinsky so I have this translated into English here now this was done by AI it’s only 30 seconds long but the whole video is about 12 minutes so excuse the maybe weird sounding um buddy speaker as well as the really bad quality video that’s my bad the sbu exposed a network of fsp agents who were preparing the assassination of the president of Ukraine two udio Colonels were detained Counter Intelligence and sbu investigators thwarted the fsp’s plans to eliminate the president of Ukraine and other representatives of the country’s top military and political leadership the plans had to be implemented by an agent Network which was abducted in advance by the security service of Ukraine with the assistance of the leadership of the State security department so one thing we do know is there is foreign agents working across the country and counter Espionage as well now let’s have a read of this and I’ll talk about what I see in this assassination zinsky and other high ranking officials two Colonels of Ukraine State administ admission the Udo accused of leaking classified information to Russia were reportedly detained these are incredibly high rank I know on Call of Duty you might you know get a kill streak and become a colonel Colonels are very very high this is very concerning FSB Network um aimed to aimed to find perpetrators among the military close Linsky who could take the lead of State hostage and then kill him so take take zinsky and then kill him the terrorist attack which is supposed to be a gift to Putin for his inauguration was actually a failure of the Russian Secret Service so you can classify then that as a win for Ukraine if you see him going about the whole uh operation psychology here but other Russian targets reportedly include Muk and thei head cillo buinov now this is my opinion on killing zalinski makes no sense it would backfire horribly for Russia and I believe if Russia actually wanted to take out zinski then they have had the opportunities they have published this footage in Odessa of zelinsky’s Convoy here and we do know when zalinsky went to a naval Special Forces base in Odessa to give Awards to those um Sailors who took down a Russian ship within a minute or two of him leaving then there was an isander strike there killing some of those special forces Sailors as well so I think the opportunities are there why does this make no sense well zalinski regardless of his popularity within Ukraine he is incredibly popular with the leaders in the western world and with many people in the western world he would be martyred and even those that don’t like him would rally support for the Ukrainian cause instantly I think it would be the worst move that Russia could make that’s why I just don’t see this being legitimate but maybe I don’t know I’m just saying this but what Russia doesn’t want to do in this war is they don’t want to make any moves that increases support for zalinski who of course we know has much support from every Western leader and then therefore they don’t want to increase support to Ukraine so if I can’t see it being Bene I can see it being not beneficial taking out zinsky at all just like I would believe that assassinating Putin would be a horrible move for Ukraine and the West we don’t know who would come in and we don’t know their policies and support then rallying all around that as well as this war continues it is inevitably going to get worse and worse for one side we know at the moment there’s not going to be a negotiation peace deal signed so the war has to continue and at some point some side is going to start losing more and more and of course that’s the slippy slope and it will speed up ex exponentially worse as it goes now what I believe this will lead to and this is a fear of mine is it will lead to a number of false flag events we’ve seen multiple false flag events carried out already some gaining more success and rallying support than others but I do believe the ferocity and Fallout from future events will be far more than what we have seen so far and I believe either way the Border moves either way the war goes in the future we’re going to see that and I do get concerned about how that then looks now I want to talk about Shas ofar and some information that I was sent across as well so K independent were did a piece on this but this was post to the Krakens uh YouTube video if you’d like to go and watch it but Ukraine’s Kraken Special Forces Unit released a video from the embattled shasa so just out of Bak moot on May 7th Shan ongoing fighting devastated landscape but claiming there is currently not a single Russian soldier in the town itself in a post accompanying the video of Kraken the a unit of Ukraine Military Intelligence D are writes Fighters heroically hold defense daily destroy numerous enemies and set fire to enemy armored vehicles and take Prisoners the enemy is trying to advance from different directions but thanks to the coordinated work of the unit there is currently not a single occupier in the city now why I’ve put Special Forces here is what one of my dear friends has told me incredibly knowledge also yeah very very good guy but talking about this and this was from a few weeks ago about the same exact area and you probably have seen this video if you watch a lot of mine but it’s the same thing time and time again Ukrainian command when up against the wall will use their country senior special force to conduct the role of lion infantry in the hopes it’ll make a change it never does as it’s not their role from s dones to l a chance and B moot what should only be used at the Strategic level stuck in a trench they top snipers are wrongly utilized and unable to act as snipers at times with the 50 m field of view utterly wasted time after time they aren’t learning from their mistakes but making the same ones over and over it’s unforgivable and the boys are completely aware of this and it’s shameful not to forget the fact that over a year of training to be in gu sbu Alpha these people can’t be replaced at the drop of a hat so this was talking about ches ofar as you can see my message here and there was a continuation of this but talking then about these small teams but this is on the Russian side of what he experiences vdv so paratroopers are led by SPN Special Forces they’re in small teams us utilizing hit- and run tactics along their joint fires capability and it’s working well and they’re gaining ground fast small hard fast teams in and out something that ukrainians should be doing and that’s what I would do the Russians are constantly learning and amending their tactics the Ukrainian command needs a punch in the head for years of lazy incompetence and this is what I drew to here of the Special Forces as my friend said a few weeks ago conducting the role of line infantry in those areas so that take that with your will but that’s what I put two and two together now someone made a very important comment on my video and I’m sorry I can’t remember who made it and I can’t find it again but to the words it said to the words of the effect of willly you fail to explain that once you start losing an attritional War it is incredibly difficult then to turn the tide and I didn’t touch on this on that video but I’ve touched on similar with Manpower problems now the analogy that I would give is if you’ve got a bucket with a hole in the bottom of it of course leaking water and the bucket is full and you have a cup to fill that bucket to keep it full may be easy but if you go away for an amount of time and the bucket comes down to the bottom and you’re trying to fill it back up then you have to work twice as hard to get it back up to maintain is much harder then to then increase and we saw Russia have this exact problem Russia had to fall back on Vagner PMC and of course the use of conscript soldiers from prisoners in here and take basically a year or more of any offensive actions to recover from the Manpower losses they had in the beginning of the 2022 war on Ukraine now with Manpower issues does Ukraine have a fall back like that that they can actually then use to try and correct and fill this and if we’re stepping into an nutritional War Manpower issues aren’t going to be fixed for months or years some would say year and a half two years that it takes things are not going to escalate incredibly well and we need to talk a bit about this I promise we’ll have a look at the maps after this so Ukraine’s defense minister um rustem wov put up this but not actually interested in this I’m more interested about what the Ukrainian people beneath this are seeing to today the cabinet ministers supported the draft decree of the president of Ukraine drafted by the ministry of Defense together with general staff on the creation of a separate kind of troops in the armed forces the forces of unmanned systems so you know you’ve got the Army Navy Air Force unmanned systems now I’m not sure exactly how this breakup will work whether it will be a separate service or a core regardless this is something we’ll see we see America with like space force Australia with uh cyber so just growing of what Warfare will become strategic step um for our country in terms of growing threat from Russia unmaned systems modern and necessary solution so we’re talking about drones drone boats all of this but this is what I’ve hidden some names here um this is what some people saying and I’ve gone through all these accounts looked back through tagged photos whatever to make sure they’re not Bots as best that I can but you can see there all translated across as well so some things may be wrong but to more if you take and these are the like the top comments on these this was a pretty recent post not too much action but anyway if you take such a long time to pass the necessary laws and resolutions of the defensive forces there is no one to fight when will you set up service lines when will you fulfill the promises to The Defenders and deal the enforcement of social guarantees for the military and their families so this demobilization rotation when will you finally create the conditions to effectively start the recruiting system of a set of this which means motivated people to the Defense Forces this is the problem Ukraine’s going to have their voluntary force is struggling so it means the motivated people here have already volunteered and either on the front line or have been 200 or 300 killed or wounded so then you’re going to be getting conscripts what is going to take a long time are not going to have the level of experience and may not be motivated now they are the same exhausted this word which means dismayed will not keep the front when will it get to your corrupt mind stealing will not have anyone because the country will not stay do you understand this now people say why is it taking so long long these are all different people the decision to create was back in February um something takes a very long reaction time so this was made back then and now and I cannot believe that Ukraine still hasn’t released exactly how many people it’s actually going to mobilize from what was signed by the president now weeks ago I can’t believe there’s a delay on this this other one says it’s been two months since the decision was made and what the is a separate law about this for what anyway we’ll continue on with some other bits and pieces here are you hoping this will improve the mobilization situation I doubt that anyone will decide to go for the Army for a lifetime need clear terms of services what you’re going to hear a lot one days two days zero on the Zero line one day equals 3 days so time off if you’re on the Zero line for an amount of days um either Whip or gingerbread will drag anyone to the Army if it’s a one-way ticket this is what people are saying if there’s no rotation guaranteed no demobilization your only ways to come off is to be killed and or wounded therefore people don’t want to volunteer to go and fight and we know that many many men are trying to either escape the country or hiding or refusing to go back if they’ve managed to get out did you make the terms of service for people to go there nobody wants to go and serve until they can go heavy or 300er on the shield so meaning they can only go home if you killed or wounded 200 300 clear and realistic term servic are are needed not only by active military but also those who join the military again appropriate um service terms uh everyone needs clear Serv this is what people are demanding now as well I found many many ukrainians on the president’s website then signing this petition now they’ve got 22,000 of the 25,000 votes required establishing the term of service for military personnel during martial law and the right to release by recalculating this term according to the proposed coefficient taking into account the place of service now there’s a lot of people on my channel same 2,200 off to look after these guys in the front line Mr President we’re contacted you in order to resolve an urgent issue ified final terms of service and lack of reason for dismissal under established terms of service is a violation of act 20 sorry article 24 part two of article 64 of the Constitution of Ukraine as well as general principle of justice and equality of all before the law a lot of people have been pointing out the Constitution and what’s happening here even under martial law citizens are equal in rights and their accordance with paragraph 2 article 64 have the right to know for what period of their rights may be limited we ask you to take into account the uncertainty of terms of services already the cause of insufficient amount of human capital in military formations Manpower shortage Mass absentium from the territory of recruitment so notg going and social support centers and is also a consequence of the voluntary abandonment part of military personnel as a result delay in making decisions on the establishment of terms of service most military personnel feel Injustice of authorities towards them and this demotivates conscripted men to come to the TCC and SP to register so these recruitment officers up here so what they’re looking for is gradual release of military personnel uh to integrate and adapt to positions in the rear so you move back and forward that there is rotation therefore they saying this will reduce corruption risk of occupying such back offices due to regular rotation so you don’t have someone sitting in one spot forever then you could have corruption in this the proposal for calculating the term of service taken into account Place military service and Military servic receives the right to discharge after 36 months of continuous service and this is what everyone is talking about Contin service 36 months 3 years that then you can be released off that we know that was specifically left out of the mobilization bills and this is some of the demands for day for day one day for one day being on the contact line and rotation and treatment there as well as rights for injuries now this continues on a little bit is uh the president of Ukraine is the guarantor of compliance with the constitution of Ukraine the rights of freedom for man and citizen you the president underhook in your numerous public appeals to ensure fair treatment of your Defenders therefore we demand to keep the correspondent promises and obligations our servicemen who without hesitation and without waiting for summons were the first to defend the country took care of every person every citizen who now live a full civilian life thanks to them the people and authorities of Ukraine had the time and opportunity to prepare for a long struggle of Independence because for these PE because of these people signing up to fight without waiting for summons Ukraine was able to fend off that initial wave of Russian attack tax they gave their health their time and their lives for this country again establishing terms for 36 months that they’re saying this will reduce the demoralization of our servicemen who feel Injustice uncertainty and chronic fatigue and will contribute to the mobilization of the population why would you volunteer if you know the only way to come off is be badly wounded or then killed this is what they are saying anyway we have this coming out and this is if you’ve seen any of the videos of young men being mobilized or not even young just men being mobilized you can see that can be a horrible Affair anyway a man of draft age died on the territory of the military enlistment officers of the CRI re on May 5th due to Rapid deterioration of Health saying this is from ke independent there have been multiple cases of suspected abuses committed by enlistment officials towards civilians and conscripts since Ukraine started a large scar mobilization after the Russian invasion 49-year-old man reportedly died at a military enlistment Center in toopal in February after staying at the center for multiple days he was reported to be found epileptic but had bruises all over his body now epileptic here we see then in the police that released this then today recruitment office of the May 5th one that he was from a deterioration of Health signs of epileptic attack we’ll talk about more of that in a second but commander of the security department tal was charged with torture last October and another staff member of the same Department was charged with illegal imprisonment of a civilian now under the comments in this many many people again looking through where they’re from making sure the not Bots are saying this was very very similar as well sharp deterioration of health of servic was accompanied by scenes of signs of epileptic attack emergency medical care was was immediately called before the arrival of which military service was provided with doedic care police officers who arrived at the call found a biological death with no signs of physical impact now what most people are pointing at beneath this is one what some of the family saying but secondly why are police officers doing the pathology death reports on this again all of this has horrible horrible effects down the line for the morale mobilization Manpower issues and like my follower friend said to me on here on the comment once you’ve got these issues to correct that is incredibly incredibly difficult why do I care why do I get worked up this because I feel like I’m the only one who gives a about these young guys going into a bloody war sorry we’ll look at the maps in a second now of course yesterday Putin had his inauguration because he went through the election and he president again now this is some of what he said we’ll put at a we’ll look at a few things in here where have been and will continue to be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that view Russia as a reliable and honest partner indeed those constitute the global majority if you’re talking population figures he correct now we are not rejecting dialogue with western states the choice is theirs whether they intend to continue trying to contain Russia’s development continue the policy of aggression the Relentless pressure they have been exerting on our country for years or seek a path to cooperation and peace to reiterate we are open to talks including on security and strategic ability but not to negotiations from a position of strength we are open to a conversation without arrogance conceit or exceptionalism a dialogue on an equal footing and with respect for each other’s interests this right here negotiation from position of strength this is why the 10-point peace plan will not work because the opening Point number five and six I believe of the Ukraine zelinsky’s peace plan is territorial Integrity return of that russer off the land to have that you you need to win the war and push Russia back or have some sort of event where Russia then has to withdraw which I think that was what the West Was was relying on I think the West Was more reliant on a Russian collapse withdrawal more so than a tactical military Ukrainian Victory and as we have seen the the sanctions and this and that and the ability for the Russian military to learn has far exceeded what the West thought therefore stuck in that problem but if you’re coming at this is the Baseline for negotiations is a full withdrawal and return of the land well that can’t start anywhere now I’m not saying that that is right or wrong but I’m saying there’s no point in peace deals if what each other are looking for is so far away and so unrealistic at the moment why would Russia agree to that with the changing situation on the ground while they hold multiple areas including CA dones with you know not much um threat at the moment of that being recaptured you it needs to be realistic if there’s going to be peace talks now a dialogue on equal footing with respect to each other’s interests Russia does have legitimate security concerns now it doesn’t mean that there’s going to be Invasion but if a country whether you agree with that concern or not has a security concern you still need to take that into account of okay what is being said here just like many people have said if Russia was to take Ukraine say the whole thing NATO then would be incredibly unhappy with Russia then on their Border in Poland and Hungary do you get what I’m meaning so you have to still take into account how the other side have in a war whether you think say it’s legitimate or not you can’t just throw it in the B ah it doesn’t matter because we know we’re the good guys but both ways both ways together with our partners in Eurasian integration and The Sovereign development of um Development Centers we will continue to build a multipolar world and equal and indivisible security system in this complex rapidly changing world we must strive to be self-sufficient and competitive opening up New Horizons for Russia as wellers have done many times throughout history but we must also remember that it’s lessons and never forget about the enormous price we paid for internal unrest and Troubles of price paid through the 20th century No Country suffered as much as the people within the Soviet Union and Russia the price paid was unbelievable the price that second world war cost as well as communism internal dispute cost as well unbelievable uh then we can’t just forget that because people want to and don’t agree with seeing it anyway let’s have a look at the maps now one thing I will say and I’ve spoiled you day is then the Deep state map has not updated we don’t have any update on this I’ll look at it again before this goes public and I’ll chop in here if not but we’ll still talk about some areas as suriak does here we have Ukraine the center of the capital of ke red areas occupies since 22 the purple since 2014 now let’s come down in zap o blast south of OT the area which I have no idea where the front line is actually sitting in here but in this roboty front now Surak here is saying Russian army made new advances inside boty 6% of locality was retaken by Russian forces now what we can line up is let’s have a look see where this road curves out so here so it’s saying that Russian forces are pretty much out to the gray Zone here in this front again a lot of difference here depending on what it actually is but the map’s just not then lining up now let’s have a look up a little bit further we’ll have this billka front now we haven’t seen really any sh in here but it does have a map correction by Surak so map Corrections were made oh sorry wrong one right here so just up in here we look at where then this Waterway curves around so just on this front here which is shown as Gray Zone then on this map then we’ll come up into the north we’ll look for tayva kka and then in this front here near K mfka we have this update here map Corrections were made due to then uh geoc footage here so where we’re looking is just down here what is shown as Gray Zone on this map but suak is actually saying this should be green due to the footage of artillery striking infantry soldiers there I went and had a look uh through the footage now why have we seen not that much movement well I think this could be actually due to the celebration of Victory Day tomorrow for Russia on the 9th of May so they don’t want to wage anything new that could then fail as well as over Easter we didn’t see much movement from Ukraine or Russia as well but after we may see a large increase if we see an increase because one thing I will say with this massive offensive that everyone’s building up for Russia the people building up this offensive the most is Ukrainian bloggers Ukrainian officials and Western Intel like the isw could it be that there is no massive offensive coming they just Russia just want to chip away Chip Away chip away which the strategy of attritional warfare would say to do but then if there isn’t by June July a massive offensive then there can be a political VR a PR win saying we managed to defeat the Russian massive offensive that never then came could that then happen you need to look I guess way outside the box on all of this Legends you can probably see them a little bit pissed about some things because I just I hate when our own systems which which we put Faith in just don’t up whole and yeah don’t a up anyway Legends I hope that you have a fantastic day look after yourselves and I really appreciate you guys being here I’ll speak to you soon thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Russia has put Zelensky and his entire gang of criminals on the wanted list. therefore, Zelensky's PR group decided to take advantage of this and came up with a show about an attempted murder. in fact, from the first day of the war, Zelinsky was guarded by British special forces, and this is not hidden from the public

  2. A year ago, Ukraine began using nerve agent chemical weapons, not some kind of police means. Russia responded in the same way as to the use of cluster munitions supplied by the United States. Russians have never been the first to use all this, unlike the "bright-faced democratic" community. But apparently Russia will use nuclear weapons first. The jokes are over.

  3. I read it was Ukrainian guys who attempted assasination of a handful of men. Russia is better off with zelensky there. Zaluzny might take over who would be moe competent. Ukraine havconsitution which now forbids negotiation, and Russia put out an arrest warrant for Zelansky as a criminal which means no negotiation.

  4. At 29:10 what's most disgusting is that the nation that suffered the most deaths from wwii is now the current day Nazi regime that they fought so hard against almost a century so

  5. I a time long ago far far away I have heard of a situation where a large group of Taliban where cornered in a cave with both exits under control. The Afghan police unit arriving wanted to use tear gas to flush the Taliban out of the cave and to give them an opportunity to surrender. Our colonel (on the Radio) forbade the use of the “Banned” chemical agent. A fire was lit at one side of the entrance to find out what diction the Draft through the cave flows. At the lower entrance a trailer was loaded with tiers timber wet grass diesel fuel used engine oil and then pushed into the cave and lit with a flare. The fire was keep alight for 24 h we left because no one wanted to go inside that hell hole. Sometimes Riot control Gas is the better option trust me.

  6. Willy OAM just a lil recommendation to you mate, your videos are waaay too long with one paper clipped in our foreheads for 10-15 mins long almost in each video. Make it more interactive and interesting show us the maps and battles. Make it short and sweet. Your vids are full of you talking way too much and it’s BORING!

  7. A riot control agent? Does that mean tear gas or a variant of it? This is the stuff used on civilians in the west, is it not? This is not suitable for use in a war? It is a war crime?

    Something has gone seriously wrong in the west. It is not a crime for western government to use 'riot control agents' on civilians be they chemical, electromagnetic, or sound. And they have used it many many times recently, including this year against civilians. Willy should start commenting on the western war crimes committed by western governments against their own citizens. I am concerned about Riot Control agents being used by western governments against their own citizens then I am about the use of those agents in war. One I see used every day, that is western governments using it against their own citizens, and the other is only when western governments start a war, like in the Ukraine. Since I live in the west, I am much more concerned about western governments use on their citizens.

  8. I'm sorry … chemical agents that are legal to use against civilians are somehow bad if used against soldiers ?

    There is no point in discussing the absurdity of that type of Byzantine logic …

  9. Why did nato (America) feel the need to expand into the Ukraine and put missiles of all kinds, as well as thousands of troops and other military hardware, why?

    I thought this channel had a largely unbiased view of the war, but to say that nato are the good guys is ridiculous.

  10. You upset because you are fool.
    1st you got fooled that Russia is aggressor Here
    2nd you got fooled that we really want Ukraine to actually beat Russia
    3rd you got fooled that Russia is super weak and bunch of drunk cowards
    4th you got totaly fooled on everything 😂😂😂
    No wonder you gotta admit that you upset

  11. It's literally the same as with psy ops: We try hard to make our side just another flavor of bad guys. No moral high ground means no real support from our own population. Who cares whom we pay our taxes to…

  12. LET'S BE REAL. Advancing 100m per day means that Russia will take Donbass by 2050 at best. And at this speed there's not going to be any collapse of the Ukrainian front, they can simply retreat slowly and undermine the Russian advance…

  13. Can someone explain to me why police tear gassing civilians is legal, but men at war k1lling each other using the very same gas is a war crime? Can someone explain t me

  14. Who is this president Zelensky? Ukraine doesn’t have a president anymore. Zelensky is just another civilian. If Russia determines this civilian is a military target then that’s what he is. If Zelensky wants to run for president he’ll have to have an election. Otherwise there’s no reason why anyone needs to listen or do business with him. He’s got no legal authority to do anything.

  15. You are the only guy talking about it brother. Every other channel puts very little context to shorts that Garner triple the views and all kinds of fake sympathy comments

  16. Holy simplicity!
    Willie, what don't you understand?
    Imagine that Zelensky first of all defends the interests of his puppeteers. Imagine that he bought a castle in Britain and is ready to run away there as soon as he is allowed to do so.
    Now you can think about the meaning of what is happening at the front.

    Only a stupid person can think that billions are being spent there for the happiness of Ukrainians.

  17. I would bet a lot to the point that this attitude by Ukranian top comanders is because of pressure for "fast Results" from american interests. This sounds wrong and just in line with the "hit rusia until the last ukranian thing, which is the ultimate intest of americans, not Ukraine or ukranians.

  18. US has been using depleted uranium ammunitions for a long time now. Pretty poor form of the West to cry "banned weapons" when they have been doing the same.

  19. CS gas is tear gas, similar to pepper gas used by the police in riots and women being assaulted, we were trained with it in the US Army. As a soldier I think you're being a little silly Willy claiming CS should be in the same category as nerve or mustard gas.

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