Xi Jinping warns against ‘smearing’ China over Ukraine • FRANCE 24 English

Emanuel macron has welcomed China’s commitment not to sell arms to Russia for deployment in Ukraine the French President is hosting his Chinese counterpart C Jinping for a crucial visit Ukraine foremost of all the subjects discussed president macron has said what happens there is of almost existential importance of the rest of Europe but there are other key subjects the visit will address such as the trade imbalance and the tech gap between China and Europe president C praised the longstanding French Chinese relationship the visit marks 60 years since times were normalized under the shal and maong well let’s bring in to discuss all matters related to this visit by cjin ping our special guest he’s Philip Lor senior fellow at the center for China analysis at the Asia Society policy Institute Philipe thank you very much for being with us here in France 24 we appreciate your time um how important give us a sense how important do you think this visit is from cin ping well it’s important first of all because uh the Chinese leader has not traveled to Europe for five years and he has not met many Western leaders for many years uh as you know China went through three years of covid-19 there’s a war in Ukraine going on and uh and the Chinese regime has become more assertive and more uh isolated in many ways um so this visit is important it’s a return visit from president macron’s trip last year is the 60th anniversary of the diplomatic relations as you pointed out and finally uh there’s still a war going on in in Ukraine and the European leadership is very much trying to get China to agree to talk to um to Vladimir Putin to to at least uh and to not encourage it at the very least indeed you mentioned cuning hasn’t been to Europe for 5 years but of course he was with uh Ola Schultz last month visited uh macron now this evening at a state dinner taking place uh in Paris which is bound to be a Sumptuous event then of course his next appointment will be with Putin in around about a month’s time so it’s very clear that cjin ping is very much a major player on the on the world stage there was no never any doubt about that at all what I’m wondering is when he says there’s a commitment not to sell arms to Putin for using Ukraine should we believe him well what what is clear is that Xi Jinping is not going to change his policy Visa V Russia it is too important for his own redefinition of the international order so that that he keeps a close relationship with Russia uh and as you said he will be welcoming the Russian leader uh at the end of May in Beijing uh uh whether he will attend uh whether China will take part uh in the The Swiss uh meeting uh on Ukraine that is rumored to be taking place uh in in June is still an open question what I have noticed though is the fact you know both maon and she agreed that there should be an Olympic truce uh whether it means no more fighting for a few weeks in the summer during the Olympic games that will be taking place in Paris or or whether this is a more of a long-term scenario is not very clear uh I don’t believe you know China will suddenly change course is being polite also to his guests in Paris and to the president of the European commission YULA feran who was also in attendance this morning in Paris sjun ping you mentioned his politeness his um uh piece that was published in L Figaro here in France spoke about uh many of the reasons why there’s an important relationship between France and and and China he talked about the the fact that it was the go who normalized relations uh when when he speaks like this do you think this is genuine or something that just comes from a sense of what it’s called in the west lip service a sense of saying one thing but really not actually meaning what you’re saying well the Chinese leader is sending a message to his people saying that you know China has France China is being respected Ed by uh important countries such as France Germany I mean not many more really uh and and he has not mentioned the United States but as you know uh the Chinese leadership has praised the concept of European strategic autonomy which President mcon has advocated many times including recently in an interview with the economist and this is something that the Chinese leadership likes but at the same time uh keep in mind that um you know the second part of the week he will be spending in countries such as Hungary and Serbia whose leaders attended the belon road Forum in Beijing last October and neither of them actually uh are considered mainstream in Europe uh nor are they considered followers of the us-led international order at least not uh by Western standards and those two countries you mentioned of course um if if they were seeking any kind of help financially I’m thinking specifically of Serbia they would get that help financially far quicker from China because if they went to the EU they’d have to look at say proving there’s no corruption or should know exactly where it goes and being completely transparent where China would just say well okay this is a deal here’s the money let’s go with it and then China would look for a kind of payback later down the line China really finding footholds in Europe in various places is this something Europe needs to fous is this part of what Emanuel maon was talking about the threat that China poses to Europe well it’s already the case you know China has been very good at dividing and ruling and in the case of Europe you do have uh the EU and you do have peripheral countries by the way also the 25th anniversary of the the the Belgrade bombing of the the Chinese Embassy by by by NATO ples so you know president sh would be there that very weak uh all this is sending signals that there are two eurs there’s the Europe the Western Europe uh represented by France and and the the Europe with likeminded countries countries with whom China can do business with and can can can invest can can can send uh Chinese citizens and and can possibly discuss uh international issues as well is the fact of the matter uh very briefly Philip that Europe is right now too far behind to catch up with China China too much ahead too far ahead and this imbalance in trade and Technology it’s actually just basically the way it is and Europe has to accept that well I wouldn’t say that I mean the the European commission has put together a strategy which is called Dr risking uh now of course that that may not sound very uh U uh positive it’s more like defensive but at least uh you know Europe has to reinvest in in innovation in this own industry and certainly if we don’t want to be completely overflowed with electric vehicles from China we do have to spend you know uh some Millions to to uh balance the situation but is is is it right to say China is in such a strong position though you mention electric vehicles sort of leading leading in the way in some ways coming from almost from a zero start to being one of the leading suppliers of electric vehicles that kind of efficiency is something Europe surely in its disjointed approach can’t compete with right right that’s exactly why we should be demanding reciprocity and access to the China market and and uh one point that president mrcon has been making is let’s let’s have some Chinese Investments possibly in Europe um and let’s not make you know make it easy for uh you know the the Chinese exports to to be coming to Europe it has to be two ways and it has to be also uh made in terms of you know investment indeed I’m thinking of his phrase we’re not just innocent free Traders Philip Lor thank you sir for your analysis we appreciate your time Philip Lor senior fellow at the center for China analysis at the Asia Society policy Institute Jin his life in Paris Philip thanks for being with us sir that’s uh

Xi Jinping on Monday warned against smearing China over the Ukraine conflict, insisting that Beijing was playing a “positive role” trying to find a peaceful solution to Russia’s invasion. “We oppose using the Ukraine crisis to cast blame, smear a third country and incite a new Cold War,” Xi told reporters during a joint news conference alongside Emmanuel Macron. Mark Owen speaks to Philippe Le Corre, Senior Fellow at the Asia Society Policy Institute’s Center for China Analysis.
#China #France #Ukraine

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  1. What are you talking about during?these past 2 years Xi has met Biden, Macron, Baby Trudeau, Albanese (Aussie), Olaz Shloz (Germany), Meloni (Italy) and many more in CHINA.
    China isolated? China is now the no.1 trading partners with >120 countries, no,2 with > 60 countries, the no. of countries joining China's BRI has increased to 151 members, China brokered a peace deal between Saudi (Sunnis) and Iran (Shites). Never done before. China is also successfully selling EVs to every corner of the world.
    You say Hungary and Serbia are not followers of US led international order so you admitting that the EU countries are led by the nose by the Americans.
    This guy is an anti China parrot. Get someone who knows what he's talking about.

  2. People of all races and nationalities in the world know very well that they cant trust the white western people at all. Cheat, stealing and lying are always in their DNA. The native Indians of America know best. They always said the white Americans speak with forked tongues. The Chinese also know this. When China was poor and weak, the west including US, UK, Germany, France, Japan, etc allied themselves to undermine, invade and loot China. Now the west is in disarray, it wants China's help.

  3. We know where the UK stands, UK is willing to Poke the Russian bear after receiving orders from the US. But France's position is confusing, strategic independence AND sending NATO troops to Ukraine. Derisking is the same as decoupling. Inviting China to invest in France would get the US mad, not to mention Ursula. German industry wants good relations with China, much of German government would like to follow the US and decouple.

  4. Keeping Expanding Military NATO to Russian doorstep 12 to 30 states now even Warsaw Pact finished 1:04 is Dangerous + Expensive+Creating+Prolonging war,,, Poor European taxpayers,, Macron + Olaf Scholz should resign for Humankind peaceful

  5. Elon Musk postponed the unimportant and announced meeting (India) scheduled on 21-22 April 2024 and attended the important and unannounced meeting (China) on 28 April 2024 instead? 🤔😏🤭😅How will the Indian ego ever recover from this?

  6. It’s very simple, the collective West wants to find an excuse to impose sanctions against China. So it was found, as always, the fight for “democracy”😂😂😂😂😂

  7. Le Corre is indeed an expert. He said china is isolated.. What he didn't said was, Which China??
    PRC or RoC ( Taiwan) ???
    Some expert ..

  8. What's ironic is that the "west" is essentially accusing China of doing Capitalism better than the west. And if China doesn't stop excelling, then war. Hypocrites.

  9. It goes to show how slavish and stupid most people from the West are especially the host of this news!! The Americans and NOT the Chinese have destroyed the EU economy and yet they never acknowledge this obvious fact and instead doubting China's effort in helping EU. The Americans bombed the North Steam pipeline and yet the Germans who owns it and EU applauded the act. How can anyone be so stupid as to not know who the actual enemy of EU is? Well, countries like Hungary, Serbia and Belarus are definitely smarter as they can see who the devil is which is the US

  10. How can the fire has nothing to do with the one fanning the fire ? How can the fuel supplier to the arsonist calling for the fire to be extinguished. The world has learnt to distrust the CCP first, then verify its actions, not just rhetoric.

  11. Europe still dominated by the US, also because Europe is in NATO, thats not in the adventage of Europe. Also Europe fighting Russia, on demand of USA, is a stupid choise. It's time Europe leaves the "support" of USA/NATO and start stearing it's own course and put Europe interests in the first place instead of putting US interests in first place.

  12. Xi is a greater person to trust than both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. In recent years, the hypocrisy of the West has become quite evident. Europe should choose America over China if they intend to destroy itself, as China does not compel people to take side, in contrast to America. Once Donald Trump is elected president, there won't be any going back if pro-American nations intend to break away from China. Countries in South East Asia are thriving, but the EU is left behind to deal with its own hypocritical wars and imaginary enemy.

  13. @4.37 "…China is respected by France and Germany….and NOT many more…"

    In one short sentence, this guy wiped the entire Global South, Asia, Africa and Latin America, off the map. Obviously, people like him is still very Euro/US centric, believing that outside of the global North, countries are inconsequential. Fair enough. Keep living in your dream.

    De-risking is but a slogan. You can easily proclaim that you want to be independent, but you do need means and measures to actually do it.

  14. Applauds to Mr Xi . The US leadership has no moral compass or ethics any longer. Smearing is an understatement of the botched American regime’s wars by proxy.

  15. First rule: Never include Ukraine as NATO member except NATO willing to accept Cuba, Venezuela, etc have Rusia and China military base include the possibility to place Nuclear weapons there.

  16. The combined economies of Europe and Americas can manufacture anything China does and more. China needs europe a lot more than europe. needs china. China has a $300 billion surplus with Europe. If all trade with China was blocked what could the eu accomplish with an additional $300 billion to invest in research and development?

  17. China produces more carbon than all of Europe and the Americas combined. Thanks to 3000 coal fired plants. Block all imports of Chinese manufactured electric vehicles batteries solar panels and wind turbines until china reduces its carbon emissions to less than 10 trillion tonnes.
    Better yet delay targets for ev cars by at least a decade to give European manufacturers time to create alternate technology.
    The reality is that china produces 13 trillion tonnes of carbon which is increasing exponentially. Nothing europe does will have an impact on climate change while china is producing this much carbon. Ask yourself why is China funding European and American climate activists? Because China is the only country benefiting from our insane climate change policies. Insane because in another decade the population of the developed world including China will be in free fall and carbon emissions will drop proportionally.
    Delay ev targets by at least 10 years
    Derisk and the disconnect from china to Zeto the trade deficit
    Spend the windfall on making our infrastructure more climate resilient and invest in technology research to leap ahead of China.
    Protect europe not china

  18. The world is waking up to the fact war bring inflation, poverty, debts and ruins.
    It's time to discuss trade dispute, investments and peace to the bargaining table, not the US act of wars.

  19. Holding peace conferences about Ukraine at which Russia is not invited is like trying to give birth when you're not pregnant. So why should China be present at such a non event?


  21. Le Corre is some kind of expert: “China is more isolated”…comment ça va en Afrique pour Macron?

    A poor video — previously France 24 had more balanced reporting. I’ll await to see if you can manage better coverage.

  22. this guest is a jerk 😅. He is insulting his viewers. But some may not even realize 😂😂😂
    This guy may have just look at himself in the mirror and feels great everyday.

  23. When they refer to Chinese government, it's regime and they have to mention the term "communist China" not just China. Constantly casting an intended negative connotation on China's image. China is very gracious in trying to improve ties despite the great historical injustice that were inflicted on them thru the invasion by the alliance of 8 nations.

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