Why Brazil is hit so badly by torrential rain | DW News

Why Brazil is hit so badly by torrential rain | DW News

more than 80 people have been killed and dozens more are missing in floods in southern Brazil president Lula D Silva has visited the region and pledged funding for reconstruction Lula also promised a plan to help prevent disasters linked to climate change Brazil’s president flies low over the city of Porto allegri the capital of Rio gr do su state is home to almost 1.5 million people but its streets are silent as they fill with brown flood water Louise Ino Lula D Silva brought most of his cabinet on a trip to the affected region on Sunday to discuss rescue efforts and reconstruction Lula also said the government is working on a plan to prevent what he called climate accidents we need to stop chasing Misfortune we need to anticipate what could happen the floods have been raging for a week triggered by torrential rain more than 100,000 people have been displaced emergency crews are still struggling to rescue trapped residents with the floods reaching meters high there’s a lot of water on the lower side of the city the boats are already at the level of the electricity pulse we have to cut the power grid to be able to CR cross in these places Rio gr’s Governor says this is the worst natural disaster in the state’s history but it follows several other major floods in the last year alone and a growing trend of extreme weather events across Brazil well for more details let’s go straight to journalist Gustavo baso who joins us now from Porto algra in the south of Brazil now what more can you tell us about the situation uh in RI Grand D where you are right now well the disaster is absolutely unbelievable when we get here we get the dimension of how big and how powerful the the water flow is uh right now we are here in downtown pgri everything is empty behind me it’s it looks like a lake but used to be streets and the Avenues and there’s so many people being affected there are so many people in their houses without the the possibility of leaving them or not wanting to leave them fearing that they got robbed or something like that um is it’s terrible it’s impressive you think the worst is over now or is more rain expected I would say the the wor is not over yet because we are expecting more rain not only in P but also in the Countryside by Wednesday and the problem is PTO is a region where very many rivers flow so if in the the head of these Rivers there is too much rain all this water comes to the city and it’s going to rise again so the forecast is that by Wednesday starting raining again and the the worst is not over at all so do you think the government has appropriate plans to to help the people mostly the help is coming from volunteer volunteer that are rescuing people they got people from all over the country with boats jet skis uh whatever help they can get and many volunteers are also helping on the refugees in schools churches universities that but the demand is so big that the government alone cannot do much um and they look kind of a little lost with so many demands that they don’t know which one to treat first so is a little overwhelming that’s the the the the impression now the president Luda Silva has apparently said that he wants to uh uh prevent disasters uh like this uh are people taking that seriously people are very critic right now because of the nothing really really was done after the last floods that happened 8 eight months ago um there was a lot of money and budget to do something to prevent situations like that but nothing really was made perhaps the government was expecting not to happen so fast and so sudden again but there the many ministers was were in PTO yesterday also talking about how they are going destinate a lot of the budget a lot of money to prevent these situations but the situation that they don’t have actually a real project for this kind of thing the journalist Gustavo basa there reporting from Porto ALG for us thank you very much Gustavo

More than 80 people have been killed and dozens more are missing in floods in southern Brazil. The damage to the infrastructure is of unprecedented dimensions. President Lula da Silva has visited the region around Porto Alegre and pledged funding for reconstruction. He also promised a plan to help prevent disasters linked to climate change.
0:00 Intro
1:53 DW correspondent Gustavo Basso, Porto Alegre

#brazil #flooding #portoalegre #luladasilva
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  1. I would like to suggest that, next time, DW News choose a more articulate and well-informed journalist to cover this tragedy of catastrophic dimensions in Brazil.

  2. The dictator Lula promised 500 million last September we had flooding, we are still waiting for the money, at the same time he spent 1 billion travelling around the world on vacations

  3. State and municipal authorities did not use the budget available to tackle floods. Your reporter ignores this while answering the questions.

  4. It's difficult to Gustavo Basso to admit that the responsability of non-operative public forces is of the Rio Grande do Sul State, his governor and many climate deniers mayors. There are about 336 cities severely inflicted and no coordination, no prevent, nothing to try to minimize the effects of the flood, which was predicted months ago

  5. God is responding to people because His messages and His Mother messages are been ignored. You have a piece of Heaven in Jacarei. Go and kneel down, ask for forgiveness. The Carnival and many Abortions contaminated the Earth and We are under Divine Purification. Pray, Pray,Pray. 😢😢😢

  6. I'm ashamed to have Lula as president. And what's worse, the truth is being suppressed by the government as we will soon have an election period, they don't want us to know the truth and thus damage their image. Brazil is in decline thanks to its government. In a place in Porto Alegre, a bridge made by the government fell in the previous storms, the government did not rebuild it, so the population got together and they built it themselves with private resources, it was 4x cheaper than the one the government would build and it withstood the strength rains and it's standing, The state said the bridge would fall, it didn't!!!

  7. The state of Rio Grande do Sul did absolutely nothing, even with clear warnings since last year. Right now there is nothing to do to prevent, the only possibility is to wait untill rains stop and make sure to pay the population for their losses (most of them lost everything, and there are whole families still not found). It's really sad, I can't even watch the rescue videos or any video showing the amount of water anymore. Many farm animals were found dead when the level of water came down those last 2 days. Today the rain comes back and it's still unkown when it's gonna stop.

  8. Don't mention the fact that most brazilian authorities didn't do ANYTHING while Madonna was in Brazil. They waited SEVEN DAYS to do "something" while 90 people died and many morr are missing.

    Those helping RS are the same people going through hardships. They lost everything but their lives, still they're trying to rescue others.

  9. It is no only in the city of Porto alegre, is the half of the state of Rio grande do Sul, our state has the size of uk, more than 10 milion. It is the size of the problem. Now it will go to the south of the state so more cities will be affected.

  10. Just to add to the reporter in Porto Alegre, Brasil is a Federation, there are three spheres of government involved in the rescue and planning, federal, state and counties. The federal government did send resources and budget to the state of Rio Grande do Sul to prepare and mitigate further disasters after the last two floodings in the last 8 months alone. But the state's governor, who is from the opposition did nothing with that aid. He also dismantled several state environmental laws since he came into office, so he's deep into this mud himself. I can only hope we finally learn something after the catastrophe. 🙏🏻

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